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FREE Digital Video Course: "Textual Criticism" and Audio: "Church History" @ Credo Courses


The textual Criticism course is also available on https://www.biblicaltraining.org/. However, some videos are shorter and you have the option to download them on Credo courses website.

Textual Criticism (digital video) by Dr. Daniel Wallace: https://www.credocourses.com/product/textual-criticism/?goal…

Church History Boot Camp (audio) by C. Michael Patton and Tim Kimberley (Th.M. Dallas Theological Seminary): https://www.credocourses.com/product/church-history-boot-cam…

Christian Apologetics 101 (digital video) by Dr. Douglas Groothuis: https://www.credocourses.com/product/christian-apologetics-1…


Textual Criticism:

A Scholarly Defense of the New Testament Manuscript Tradition

Christianity is based upon the Bible. Today, the Bible is under attack on all fronts. However, these attacks are usually surface level treatments of the topic put forth by those who don’t really have an understanding of the topic.

Dr. Daniel Wallace is arguably the foremost scholar today on the topic of New Testament Textual Criticism

For those who are tired of today’s church being so anti-intellectual and adrift at sea with no anchor, we ask you to get involved in reclaiming your mind for Christ. This study aims at turning the tides toward a new age of humble theological depth.

Church History Boot Camp:

This course takes you through 2000 years of church history. From the early church to medieval times to the Reformation and on up to the present you will learn how God has shaped His people and guided them as they developed a deeper understanding of His truth.

Christian Apologetics 101

This course consists of 30 sessions each around 25-30 minutes in length covering all major aspects of the field of Christian Apologetics. There are also 800+ on-screen slides throughout the course to make it easier to pause and take notes.

The length of these lectures makes them perfect for a wide range of application:

Seminary and university courses
Personal study
Small-group study
Homeschool classes
With hundreds-of-millions of followers across the globe, Christianity has, for centuries, stood at the forefront of intellectual thought. Recently, however, many have begun to question the Christian Worldview. The faith of many has been shaken by the perceived divide between faith and science.

Should Christians be worried that their beliefs don’t measure up in an age of modernity?

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Credo Courses

closed Comments

        • @gto21:

          Exodus 22:18.

        • -1

          @Dave Id: Read my response again. When I ask for a prescriptive verse. Prophet Google won't help you. Don't waste my time.

        • @gto21:
          Exodus 22:18 King James Version (KJV)

          18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

        • @Dave Id: If you don't understand the question, ask to clarify. You won't be able to answer the question if you don't understand the question. Anyway, explain to me how a covenant to Israel applies to the "church"?

        • @gto21:

          Witch church? :)

        • @Dave Id: so witch church kills witch :) . As you know by now, I stop replying at some point when its clear a claim cannot be proven. I don't mind honest question. But those who are here just to argue while its clear they don't know anything on the matter. I just ignore them.

      • I know, look what happened to the Chrestians, Marcionites, Ebionites, Arians, let alone the pagans, when Christianity started wielding it's stick. Then the destruction of the Alexandrian library, the oppression of women, and ingrained slavery and the dark ages for the next 1000 years.

        People claiming to know things, they can't know, is not good for the world.

        • +1

          For starters, destruction of the great library of Alexandria has nothing to do with any religion - it was an accidental fire, if I’m not mistaken.

          Ingrained slavery - at the time when slavery was the norm, New Testament speaks against it, encouraging owners to free slaves. Abolishion of slavery was largely due to Christian activists

          Oppression of women - at the time when women are viewed as property, New Testament speaks of loving your wife and equality of male and female before God.

          PS: most of those criticizing Christianity in this thread are basing their opinion on made up stories. Oh the irony

        • @Loki556: Name checks out.

  • With hundreds-of-millions of followers across the globe and going down fast.

  • +3

    You will get more out of this debate than this "course".
    Ehrman - Wallace debate, Is the original NT lost?

    • -1

      Since you gave a link to a debate of Bart Bart Erhman let see if you agree with what he has to say: Melinda Penner of Stand to Reason writes,

      Ehrman and Metzger state in that book that we can have a high degree of confidence that we can reconstruct the original text of the New Testament, the text that is in the Bibles we use, because of the abundance of textual evidence we have to compare. The variations are largely minor and don’t obscure our ability to construct an accurate text. The 4th edition of this work was published in 2005 – the same year Ehrman published Misquoting Jesus, which relies on the same body of information and offers no new or different evidence to state the opposite conclusion.

      • Answered above where you have the same question and text.

        • -1

          Do you ever answer a question or you can onky divert?

      • Er eat my shorts man :)

  • +4

    This is ozbargains, not ozProselytising

  • +3

    Neg as major problem with retailer as they're seeking to propagate a mass delusion that's a big enough problem as it is without creating any more adherents as there's not enough lions to sort it all out at the end oh come on this is perfectly ok mods.

  • +4

    Neg. No perceivable value. Not a bargain.

  • +4

    Me: Why is there so many negs

    opens page

    Me: Oh, it's religious propaganda.

    negs also

  • +1

    My comment on your previous post was removed because it hurt someone's feelings, so this time I'll simply leave it as the following: this is not what I come here for, and I'd prefer not to see these types of posts, but unfortunately separation of church and state exists in theory only, so flippity, floppity, floop to you!

    • -1

      It hurt someone's feeling that his comment was deleted.

      • +1

        Not sure if you're trying to be funny, or trying to be a smartarse, because either way that sentence doesn't make sense..

        You may want to read some books on grammar, rather than this crap.

        Btw, why is it that this material costs in the first place? Surely the (tax-exempt) church should cover the costs involved and this should be freely available to everyone.. Or did Jebus only die for those who can afford to learn about your religion?

        • -1

          This will answer your question. https://www.credocourses.com/product/soteriology/

        • +1

          @gto21: ??? A link to more costly books/courses/whatever? Please explain how this answers his question?

          I must say I'm actually enjoying seeing new gto21 posts every morning. It's amusing.

        • -1

          @Ramrunner: it seem it will be useful to you as well. Once you finish the course you will understand how it answer his question.

  • +2

    Negging as there is no bargain here, only ideological rhetoric that serves to indoctrinate the masses.
    Ideological rhetoric has, is and always will be free.

  • +2

    Religious propaganda.

  • -2

    Exodus 22:18 King James Version (KJV)

    18 Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live.

    • I'm more of a Kobe Bryant type of guy, personally.

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