How Do You Deal with Disease and Sickness?

So as we all no doubt know, disease can really suck. You pick up a cold from someone, then two days later your shivering and using up boxes of tissues like they're glasses of water. I'm currently nursing a nasty one myself, first one I've had in quite a while, and its got me thinking the best protocol for dealing with it. Not only ways of treating the symptoms, but also methods to stop it from spreading to others (especially pertinent if you live with other people).

Details I'm particularly looking for are

  • medications to minimise symptoms
  • tools like facemasks
  • Procedures like having a bag filled with single use water bottles and easy to make meals.

that kind of thing. Although honestly I'm just curious to see what other people do. In my family, its always been that if you got sick you retreated to your room to sleep it off. No meds, no special treatment, just lots of water and maybe a few crackers. Then if all was well you would arise 3 days later, like Jesus coming out of his cave. That's whats normal to me. But I see all these adverts on TV about taking amphetimine based cold and flu tablets to allow you to push through it. Given that even minimum wage every day you lose to sickness is $200+ dollars down the drain, imo its something that warrants thinking about.


Drinking water and consuming a source of electrolytes allows the body to keep up the offensive through mucus production. Especially important if your a big tissue user.
Aspirin helps with minor pains and inflammation
Small amounts of codeine (~6mg) removed fever. Instead of needing to be in a room heated to 24c to stop shivering, I could be at 18c and feel fine. See your doctor for advice/prescription
Pseudoephedrine (sold as the behind counter medication sudafed) stops running nose for a short time
Menthol containing items like Minties or Extra Mint chewing gum work great for suppressing coughs.
Lozenges, such as strepsils, or for a very sore throat, Difflam, which contains an anaethestic.
Throat gargles, with salt water or betadine

Then there's an assortment of herbal remedies, which may have varying effects.
Highanddry swears by large doses of Vitamin C
Clear suggests careful dose of Zinc may have positive effects
Cheapskatequeen recommends garlic and ginger, which do have some interesting properties
cosmogirlz shared some enlightening information on the pills high earning professionals take (Armaforce)
Ptenkae and morebunnings strongly support steam rooms, but according advice from a nurse the warm humid temperature makes public ones a germ breeder, so do a morebunnings and get your own.
And then there were also recommendations for Black seed oil, horseraddish, echanacea,

Generally though it seems the common sense approach is to avoid contact with other people, don't overstress yourself and get plenty of rest. For the stronger meds like codeine or pseudoephedrine, they are best taken in small doses infrequently, as they disrupt the bodies defense mechanisms and so will likely lengthen the duration of a cold. In my case I mainly took them when going to sleep or going outside.


  • +1

    Had the flu shot this year. Almost everyone in the office has been sick with the flu this year but I missed out.. it must be doing something.

    Sauna 3 times a week in a infrared sauna at home (used to sauna in a proper sauna at the gym before I got this), with eucalyptus oil.

    • Infrared.. I've heard there's something to that. Any good?

      • +1

        Its ok. The differences are that is its 60c vs ~80-100c in a normal sauna, but the carbon elements emit infrared light that goes deeper into your skin and heats you up internally a bit quicker. Something like that. A lot of the stuff you read about them is unsubstantiated, untested opinions of people trying to sell them, so I don't buy into most of it.

        Definitely notice the difference between the two. Takes a bit longer to start sweating in the infrared sauna, but once you start you sweat a lot and you can stay in there for longer because its not as hot.

        I prefer the infrared because its in my home, can play music or do meditation, turn the lights right down, and go for longer. This far out weighs any trade offs for me vs a normal sauna at the gym, as its a different experience, and leaves me feeling better than a gym sauna.

        I got mine as-new off gumtree for $1k and its the best thing I've bought all year. Just plugs into a normal wall socket (has 2000w of elements), and sits in the spare room. Wish I got one years ago.

  • +1

    Prevention is better than a cure

  • +1

    Prévention during winter:echanacea + Vitamin C + an executive stress multi vitamin. Feeling sick:up the Vitamin C, up the echanacea, take those vile Blackmore Garlic, horseradish tablets. Stay warm, lots of fluids, eat whatever I like (which is usually lots of veg, soup, and something sweet from time to time), early nights, maybe a night flu tablet if I'm blocking up or streaming. Gargle betadine, suck barley sugars. Keeps the pharmacists in business 😊

    So happy to have sick leave now! It's a real privilege, so I never abuse it, but do use it - no point in sharing the joy with your colleagues.

    Shorter version: seems to be the luck of the draw - some years I get sick and some I don't, with the same regime.

  • If I feel I'm getting sick I drink loads of water and take vitamin c tablets.
    Once I'm actually sick I just limit contact with people and stay at home. I also have an 11 month old so I dont get much chance to rest. Constantly wash hands and sanitize and rug up at night to sweat it out. Apart from that though I just wait for it to pass. Thankfully I dont get sick often.

  • Pray

  • I always take my medication as required. And drink loads of water. Problem is I just can't give up fitness or coffee so i hit the gym regardless of how sick I feel. The only problem that really gets me down to the point of almost feeling like death is food poisoning and gastro

  • My workplace has huge open floors and there are like 600 people on it… if one catches a cold and flu it makes rounds around the floor…

    How I usually battle cold and fever is usually with
    Strepsils (for runny nose / cough), lemsip or panadol flu max, or codral.
    Hot homemade soups for meals and good amount of sleep. I cannot stress how important the resting is to battle cold / flu.

  • As well as all the other suggestions (sleep, liquids, lozenges etc), one thing that has always worked for me when I felt a cold was coming on was to have a really hot curry, hotter than I would normally have and something that makes me sweat when I eat it. Not sure if it’s the combination of chilli, garlic or ginger (or possibly because I’m more conceded about the ring of fire the next day) but it always seems to do the trick

  • -2

    I've put a lot of hours into researching this topic in the past, and have tried a lot of things. Here are my findings:

    -> Wash your hands before you eat, or use cutlery
    -> Wash your hands when you get home, and when you get to work
    -> Skip the gym if you're sick below the throat (chest infection) or if you have a fever
    -> Use paracetamol, ibuprofen whenever you can to get through it
    -> Use warm salt-water gargles to clear phlegm from your throat before sleep
    -> Use antibiotics for bacterial infections
    -> Stay hydrated

    -> Buy multivitamins, probiotics, traditional medicines
    -> Use cough syrup or lozenges
    -> Skip any sleep.
    -> Do any endurance activities like cardio (and avoid walking outside for too long)
    -> Bother with "Hand Sanitizer" for prevention.
    -> Use antibiotics for viral infections

    And remember, get generic brands for paracetamol and ibuprofen.

    Edit: and obviously lay of the jalapenos when you have a sore throat

    • Don’t forget CashRewards.

    • Why wash hands, but don't use hand sanitiser?
      And skipping cardio, is that while you have a cold or general advice for living?

      • +1

        Handwashing with soap and running water is FAR more effective. Hand sanitiser is a convenience only. I wouldn’t go so far as to put it in the “don’t” list, but if it becomes a habit, you’re probably foregoing a good proper hand wash for no good reason other than laziness.

      • Because hand sanitizer is no substitute for washing your hands with soap and water. Killing 99.9% of germs doesn't help. Within a minute your hands will be full of germs again anyway.

        Cardio part was when you have a cold, based on personal experience. It slows recovery.

    • I would suggest skipping the gym full stop as your body will fight an infection better if it doesn't have to divert energy towards muscle recovery too.

      • I guess everyone is different, that advice is based on my own anecdote.

  • I weep for the future

  • Doctors can be pretty useless. But at least in theory they can figure out exactly what’s wrong with you. Which is more than hiding in your room will do for you.

    • Mine isn't, he just does the best with what he has. He's nice though so I keep coming back to him.

  • exercise.

  • How Do You Deal with Disease and Sickness?

    You are complaining about respiratory infections, which are the major cause of suffering for children and younger adults in our society. Wait until you get old, your chance of getting a huge array of degenerative diseases goes through the roof: arthritis, cataracts, dementia, strokes, heart attacks, carcinomas, incontinence, tinnitus, hearing loss, osteoporosis, broken bones, psychotic depression… Other than taking a feel good analgesic like oxycontin, the best thing you can do is cultivate a hobby that distracts you from your disease induced misery.

    The fundamental nature of life is suffering, according to the Buddha's First Noble Truth.

  • +1

    Setting up a fort on the couch and binge watching all 6 seasons of the Sopranos and getting at least 9 hours sleep at night works for me.

  • A while back, at the start of almost every flu season I would get hit with whatever was going around and get taken out for a minimum 4-5 days. I was also getting the flu shot as per doctor recommendations. Started taking regular daily zinc supplements as I had read a few articles around the time about it being more effective than regular vitamin C. Fast forward a few years later and I haven't been hit with the flu since.

    Placebo effect? Dumb luck, psycho-babble bullshit? Who knows, but whatever the case the worst thing I've had in the last few years is a head cold that lasts a day or two. Recently I've noticed a few more articles regarding the efficacy of zinc supplementation from a few reputable sources (would have to go dig them up from the internets) so maybe there is something to it?

    • Good for boosting fertility supposedly so you'd be primed to repopulate the country if an asteroid struck.

  • Dr Google says drink lizard soup. Alternatively, drink lard and wrap dirty socks around your neck

  • -1

    garlic, zinc, vitamin C

  • +1

    Put on Down with the Sickness by Disturbed

  • Post updated with results.

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