ING vs 28 Degrees vs Bankwest Zero Platinum

My main account is ING so I have the benefits that come with it.

Is there any reason I should look into the 28 degrees card or Bankwest Zero Platinum?

As I understand their only extras are about the conversion rates, does that make a big difference on a trip?

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  • +2

    have a read of the ozbargain page for Cards with No Overseas Transaction Fees


  • Estimate how much you'll spend on a trip, convert that using the 3 different conversion rates, and that's how much difference it will make on a trip. Whether there's a big enough difference to make up for the effort of opening up other accounts is up to you.

    I would prefer to get the ANZ Travel Rewards credit card on the latest offer with bonus 80k Velocity points, and use this card overseas since it has no foreign currency transaction fees and the biggest advantage is you can earn points while on holiday.

    • That could be a good idea indeed.

      • Hey what did you end up getting?

  • ING
    cash withdraws at overseas ATM for free.

  • +1

    Well obviously the other ones are credit cards….

    • Doesnt seem like it is obvious to some !

  • Don't underestimate the usefulness of an actual credit card vs debit card for travelling purposes. Eg. Hire car pre-authorisation (to the tune of $2-3k normally) or pre-auth for hotel rooms. Credit cards generally also have better protection in place should the card be stolen or their be fraudulent activity.

    As far as saving money between the options you've listed, it's negligible with the exception of cash out from ATMs with ING being a great perk.

    • So then the Orange one would be a good option?

  • Recently returned from an overseas trip, I find ING+Bankwest Zero to be the winning duo.

    Exchanged $100-$200 AUD into the currency where I'm going before leaving.
    Arrived to destination and withdrew 500 AUD worth of local cash through any ATM (choosing ING's credit facility).
    All hotels, tickets and transport paid via Bankwest Zero Platinum to cover insurances and convenience fees (hotel deposits, rental deposits).

  • A bit to replying, but for anyone else this might benefit, I would have both ING and Bankwest:

    ING for the ATM withdrawals + Bankwest for everything else.

    Benefits of Bankwest card/credit cards:
    * Free travel insurance
    * Pre-authorisations by hotels/car rental places don't eat into your cash
    * If there's fraudulent activity, it's the bank's money that's on hold - not yours
    * Some hotels and many car rental places require that your security hold is on a credit card and not a debit card

    Benefits of ING card:
    * Free ATM withdrawals
    * In addition, refund of ATM operator fees where they apply

    General note: Be sure never to accept dynamic currency conversion to AUD. There's often up to about a 10% premium for this and there's no benefit other than seeing the amount in AUD. If you're using a card that has international transaction fees, depending on your bank this will still likely apply even with the conversion to AUD, so you're not saving there either.

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