• out of stock

Sony WH-1000XM3 Noise Cancelling Headphones $274 C&C (Or + Delivery) @ The Good Guys Commercial (Membership Required)


Update 11/12: Stock of the black headphones is back again, and price is the same :)

Union Shopper partnership seems to be excluded unfortunately.

Greetings everyone, I just found this on TGG commercial website, I know it's niche and targeted to TGG Commercial users but it is too damn good to not post! This is a ridiculous price for a newly released product..

This is targeted at TGG Commercial users, from what I can tell, there are many different avenues to which you can get a login. For example, Union Shopper, Senior Shopper, Professionals Australia and many other shopper programs provide access to this website. So if you're part of those programs and haven't signed up yet, check out if you can get access!

I'm posting this to raise awareness, and maybe if anyone wants to help another Ozb'er out, to order for them if they feel generous :)

Including TRS, this is $246.60 ($300 min spend required for TRS), insanity. Just picked up my pair :)

Proof of Price

As always, enjoy :)

Mod: Do not comment asking for access or to purchase the item off another member, use the wanted section of the classifieds. Members who have access and are willing to assist other OzBargainers, please see that wanted section of the classifieds. Whilst we appreciate members offering to help in the comments, it is open to abuse and some members offering to help are actually attempting to resell for profit/a fee when contacted privately, we'll therefore remove all those comments as such.

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The Good Guys Commercial

closed Comments

                  • @Sonca: You could try and not getting swindled by their trickery into getting the extended warranty if someone uploads just the headphone purchase, it's still a great deal even for $319 with extra warranty (:

                • @ThePriceIsNotRight: damn, Browns Plains, my old stomping ground. wish i still lived there so i could get a pair :(

        • My mate and I got ours without warranty, paid $274 each. Need to show the receipt in-store thought, wouldn't do it over the phone.

    • Thanks got one at jb, paid with gc too

      • Glad I could help. Shows this will work. If you approach it right.

        As an FYI to others, probably better to go to a store and find a nice looking sales person, I find that calling usually doesn’t get you far. As opposed to talking to someone, and showing them the receipt.

        Good luck to everyone.

      • +1

        Which jbhifi?

    • My mate and I just got one each for $274 price matched at JB. Showed them the receipt in person, won't price matched via phone. Thanks OP :)

      • +1

        Which jbhifi?

        • Pitt street mate. I'll go today before they close if you can. Cheers

      • What receipt do you show please? the fbhifi above or the receipt from TGG????

        • The JB receipt above.

    • Please post your receipt my man so I can take advantage of this deal as well.

      • Check my comments above

    • +1

      Damn, got turned down by 3 jb stores, not my luck today ;(

      • +5

        Mate you're supposed to price match, not ask the checkout chicks for a date :P

    • anyone tried world square yet?

  • Are the list of goods same as on their public site?
    I am after a Surface Book 2 15" model but don't see it on their public site so wondering if it would be there on the commercial site or not.
    Can anyone with access please confirm?

    • +1

      Doesn't seem like 15" is on their commercial site, only 13.5" currently, prices are about $500-$700 cheaper than their own site for the 13.5

      • Thank you so much for checking it. Appreciated!

  • How do you get a login @ good guys? So if I am part of the program, there ia no option on good guy to sign up.

    • http://www.professionalsaustralia.org.au/about/member-fees/

      seems like you can get it via them depending on your profession.

      • +1

        Fees $748 a year! Would want to get many decent deals for that amount even after tax deduction.

        • If you are moving into a new home soon like me, I would get it for a month and buy everything I need at that point from them.

          Or get someone who is studying to do it for you as they get it for $5

          • +1

            @jedimaster: can you elaborate on how to get it? I'm studying and I don't know how to get it for 5

      • I'm with sunsuper.

  • +1

    If you are a member of the FSU you can register.

    • I'm a member of ASU nsw branch, but I can't register Union Shopper :(

      • bugger

  • Can anyone get their JB Hifi to price match??

    • Tried 2 stores, they just keep on saying that they cannot price match if it is from commercial. Even told them about the jb hifi receipt but no luck.

      • I'll try same store as that receipt tomorrow

  • -1

    Join Choice Consumer Magazine and you'll get access via Choice Shopper

    • +1

      thanks for the tip! so you could pay $26.95 for a quarter and then get access?


    • +4

      Any evidence this to be the case?

    • +2

      Can you please elaborate on this. I am a member of choice and can't seem to find how to get access or where it is mentioned anywhere.

      • +1

        I have used Choice Shopper many times ..the last time was to get a top of the line 65 inch Samsung 4K TV … I picked it up from Good Guys for $700 less than JB .. and was issued with a GGs Commercial Invoice.
        Is that proof?

        • +4

          Can you use choice shopper online or do you have to email or call them to get access on a specific product such as this one listed?

        • Is a Choice magazine-only membership enough? Or do you need the Choice online membership too?

    • +3

      I just signed up (online access) but didn't seem to find the magic.

      • Same here

    • is that instant?

  • +1

    How to make account with TGG Commercial.. anyone got the list of companies?

  • +3

    Oddly enough TGG and JB commercial have merged. I wonder why the prices are different?


  • +2

    How much markup are on these that they can still be sold at this price?

    • Yeah we really should all stop buying these headphones for more than $300 :)

    • +1

      Well I get Bose junk for 65% off from my friend's wife who works there. They also are not strictly audited like HP. I get 45% off HP stuff but their employee discount program is heavily audited to stop employees buying giant enterprise grade stuff at a discounted price.

      I think Sony gets too much flack. Their technology and products are excellent.
      Medical companies are the people who rip you off the most. The markup on medical devices is mental. COGS are a few dollars and the sell for hundreds.

      • What’s COGS?

        • Cost of good sold

        • cost of goods sold.

          Basically the cost to manufacture the product.

          • @smuggler: Ah cool.interesting. Guess R&D is factored in? But yeah, massive profits.

            • @Bellpop: R&D is budgeted prior to setting the retail price.

  • +6

    Thanks, got it using the Aussie Medical Officers Federation membership.

    pays to be a doctor lol

    • are you an organ smuggler? :P

  • +1

    Managed to get it at JBHIFI but I had to get the extended warranty with it $274+$45 so $319 with 3 years warranty…
    Still a good price IMO

    • So it was conditional for you to get the extended warranty? Hmm I don’t need the extended warranty.

      • +2

        Yes…. otherwise he wouldn't match it… I figured it will probably shit itself just under 3 years so might as well…. $320 is still a bargain I think

        I'm going to try to see if I can get a refund for the extended warranty from another JB in the next few days…. I'll try my luck :)

        • +1

          He probably gets a bonus commission on selling you the extended warranty. So he didn't mind bending rules on price match, because he gets his $$ and also kudos from management, for selling more extended warranties.
          2 years would almost certainly be covered under consumer law anyway, ie. A pair of headphones of this price should last 2 years or more, if not a defective product.

      • Had to get my Bose fixed after 3 years actually. NC stopped working

    • -4

      Sucker born everyday.

      • +7

        Even if he doesn’t use the extra 3 years warranty, $319 is still cheaper than just about any other deal here. Why the negativity?

        • +1

          JB warranty is superfluous with the ACL existing. Should have got a surge protected power board instead.

    • +1

      Just a heads up, if you happen to be traveling within the next 2 months, TRS refunds effectively (almost) get back what extra you paid for extended warranty.

  • Just a tip.
    If you work for defence you can also get this price.

    If you want to find out how,send me a PM. I'll explain.

    • Can you PM me the details; literally just created an account, so can't initiate PM.

      • PMd you mate

    • Same situation I'm afraid (new account). I'd like to know too please

    • New account in the same situation, can you please PM me?

    • +1

      can you PM me with the info? when I try to message you, it says unable due to overseas member. Family friend works for the defence, so I'm keen to check it out.

    • Hi Knuckle, can you please send me a PM with explanation, Cheers!

  • +2

    Seems you can sign up to professionals Australia as a full-time student for $5 - any downfalls from doing this? Don't have any experience and don't want it to affect anything going into the future

    • Become a professional student?

      • will access to good guys commercial be instant if I signed up to professionals australia?

        • +7

          No. I just tried, and it will take days to confirm your details.

    • I'm also a student and interested in how this could affect me in the future?

  • -4

    In Christmas this will be $200

    • Historically the cheapest these headphones have been for any of their series (from memory) was $269 for the second series from jbhifi which was about 6 months ago. So this price is pretty good considering that they are the newest version which has only been on the market for a couple months. Even with ebay sales you rarely will see them sub 350$ let alone sub 300$.

  • -5

    Is there any way to purchase this at this price???

  • You might able to buy one from Costco at $350 and wait the price drop.jk

  • Were black even available? I only saw silver. Their website now seems to be very, very down.

    Edit: used another web browser.. seems working.. black is available

  • +5

    JB Hi-Fi fountain gate price matching they have a few silver left $274

    • Inside fountain gate ??? Or the JB outside ?? Who should I ask for ??

      • Outside homemaker jb 1 pair black I also got 2 black from jb Knox

    • +1

      Can you please upload a receipt?

  • Jeez. Got them for $350 and this…..

  • OP is this Ozbargain headphone…;-)

  • +1

    Ive join choice shopper how can i access the good guys consumer? Please help ive paid 30 bucks for membership

    • +1

      You need to call them on working days.

    • +1

      Takes a few days

      • +4

        Ooh, this could end in heartbreak.

        • +1

          unlikely it's been up since 20th

  • +4

    I would impulse buy the crap put of this
    Good thing I don't have those stonecutter accounts

  • does it means, potentially there is a big deal in X-mas I guess :)

  • +5

    Harvey norman live chat guy Michael was a d*ck about it, offered only $385, please spam the chat service, wear them down

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