Any Way I Can Print 300 Magic Words used at primary school on Photo Paper?

I found price of magic words are crazy.

Any cheap way to get flashcards in the right color?

Any printable exercise book or game please?

I have printed my 12 golden words for free from, which is no copyright and free. However I can not open their page anyone


    • +2

      Or 2 words per print (and then guillotine them) for $7.50 total and achieve a deck of cards closer to Playing Card size.

    • -1

      Any risk from kids putting photos
      in the mouth, from the chemicals?

  • +4

    300 magic words?
    I can only think of about five and they all come from Harry Potter.

    • Wingardium leviosa!

  • Abracadabra. Repeats 300x.

  • +1

    Blank flashcards from officeworks and some coloured sharpies

  • Beware that you are posting here on how to circumvent copyright - probably against terms of the forum.

    • +3

      Ah, my mistake - you want to create your own cards, not copy the originals, correct?

      • I have seen people made their own style and post them online free of charge for 12 golden words.
        Not sure if anyone got the rest?

    • Will it be against copy right if someone made it and happy to share?

  • How will you find out what the 300 magic words are to be able to print them?

    • We got them from school

  • lol someone reported this as illegal/inappropriate…

    • Could you please let that person know about free copy from ?

      They said there is no copyright.

      • Wel that person wasn't me….no idea who it was, not transparent enough….

        • How could I find that this post has been reported please?

          • @jiaqi518: Anyway I could then message anyone please?

            • @jiaqi518: Probably the power users, mods or admin….they would probably be able to see who reported what…and more…

      • Neither nor seem to work for me. Perhaps they've been closed down because of copyright infringement? :-)

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