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                    • @[Deactivated]: Even if she was rejected I still don't see how that makes the Amati case a hate crime. It certainly wasn't categorised as one by the prosecution, defence or judge during her case. Were here victims specifically targeted because they were CIS gendered? Again, that doesn't seem to have been raised during the case.

                      You will need to provide evidence to support your claims regarding the Chris Watts case. The only substantiated affair he was having at the time of the murders is the one with his co-worker Nichol Kessinger.

                      What does HIV and AIDS have to do with the topic? I simply think the examples you provided for being killed for being heterosexual are grasping at straws whereas, by contrast, there many examples of people specifically being killed for being LGBT.

                      • @twjr: haha…when a crime is committed on a LBG-TIQ+ person it is biggoted. When it's committed by an LGB-TIQ+ person it isn't. Right. Glad you sorted them rules out.

                        The Evie case was a messed up person that took to projecting onto straight people. If you want to dismiss this just as mental disorder + alcohol + drugs..then the same could be said for most other serious 'hate' crimes. Because mentally stable people generally don't go out to mass murder people. They generally are disturbed.

                        So you either accept it was a crime on 'cis' people…or you accept that most people that engage in 'hate' crimes are mentally disturbed and it their mentality shouldn't speak to the rest of the group(s) they are part of in representing them

                        • +1

                          @Lv80: Where did I mention bigotry? What rules are you on about?

                          I do actually think that people categorise many crimes as hate crimes when they are not. That doesn't mean that minorities aren't over-represented in a our legal system, some as victims, others as perpetrators and others still as both victims and perpetrators.

                          I don't however have to accept your either or scenario. I prefer to deal with things on a case-by-case basis assessing the evidence, as do our courts. In the Amati case I don't see a hate crime and neither did the court.

                      • +1

                        @twjr: From ABC:

                        "Ms Amati said that earlier on the night in question she had been out drinking and taking what she thought was ecstasy with a girl she met on dating app Tinder, as well as the girl's friends.

                        She said she went home after a few hours because she felt judged as a transgender woman and on the walk home, she started to hear voices"

                        "After that, the voice told her "to kill and maim and inflict pain on people and start to raise hell on earth," she said."

                        You can form your own opinion, but just as women might feel insecure walking at night, it's the potential victim's prerogative to feel insecure, so I choose that. You can only feel safe about your own situation, you can't feel safe about mine.

                        • @[Deactivated]: Yup.

                          Soon it will be a crime to say no to a person's advances based purely on them being trans. I mean seriously…dating is all about discrimination. And that's the fundamental blocks of humanity. People are judged on height, weight, beauty, colour, culture, religion, sex, sexual preference,

                          At what point do we accept that people have a right to be privately discriminatory. In the workplace no sure.
                          Israel F shouldn't ever not take a picture with a fan based on any discrimination he has to a group…but in his own time, and space, every right to post his comments without his employer discriminating against this right.

                          Similarly no corporation should get into political virtue signalling because it will always discriminate against another group. Where's the feminist - pro women power theme. The muslim theme. Why don't you have one for the disabled…where do you stop?

                          Games and sports are not primary advocates for anything. Play your game…leave the political stuff up to other groups that can do it right and well and are created just for this

                        • +1

                          @[Deactivated]: I'm not disputing that evidence. She clearly felt rejected during the date, either actual or perceived rejection. She clearly sent people messages that she was going to hurt people. She had allegedly been hearing voices for some months before the attack.

                          I still cannot see how this makes it a hate crime under the law. Did she specifically target her victims because of their race, ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender identity, HIV/AIDS status or sexual orientation?

                          • @twjr: Do you think a murder victim with untouched money in their not stolen wallet suggests robbery wasn't the motive?

                            • @[Deactivated]: How's that specifically related to the Amati case, and hate crime more broadly?

                              • @twjr: You are taking the defensive, plausible deniability stance. Alcohol as mitigating factor? Try that as a defence for domestic violence. You are just working backwards from finding people not guilty. It's your ability and right, but is it biased and your conclusion pre-written? Heck yeah! Teleology 101. ;)

                                What's your view on the Jussie Smollett case?

                                • +1

                                  @[Deactivated]: I'm not taking any particular stance. You were the one that raised the Amati case as an example of a hate crime targeting heterosexuals and therefore I am asking you to provide evidence to support your hypothesis; noting that it is a hypothesis that is unsupported in the courts and media. It is not my job to disprove your hypothesis. However, until provided evidence other than personal opinion to support your hypothesis I will reject it.

                                  If you take my initial statement that it "sounds like a pretty vanilla case of alcohol, drugs and mental disorder" to mean that I think she is somehow not guilty, then you are mistaken. She clearly sought to severely wound or kill her victims and was rightly convicted and sentenced for her crimes, although in my opinion given a relatively light sentence given the severity of her assaults.


                                  I certainly don't think that alcohol or drugs should be mitigating factors concerning criminality. That does not not (sorry for the double negative) make them common factors in crime, hence the statement that they are vanilla (common). Mental disorder, while a common denominator for crime, is more complex whether it should be mitigating or not.

                                  I am not familiar the Smollett case beyond it being in the media. I will need to read the evidence and get back to you.

                                  Edit 2:

                                  Noting that I only read the Wiki article on the Smollett case it sounds like a bit of a (profanity) from all and sundry. If his motivation was more pay for his role on Empire it is a bizarre way to go about it. I wonder why the police dropped the charges against him as it seems like they has a pretty clear cut case against him. I guess being famous and connected doesn't count for nothing.

                                • +1

                                  @[Deactivated]: The most recent crimes statistics from Victoria show that about 80 per cent of all crimes, including so called non-violent crimes like theft and drug trafficking, are committed by men. Again, these statistics are repeated almost everywhere in the western world. You can visit the website for yourself here: https://www.crimestatistics.vic.gov.au/crime-statistics/late…

                                  If we take the statistical average that 10 percent of the population are gay, that still makes it a whopping 70 percent of crazed men out there committing those crimes.

                                  • @Skyceratop: I refer you AGAIN to the question that was originally asked. Please read it. For once.

                                    • @[Deactivated]: ¯_(ツ)_/¯

                                    • @[Deactivated]: OK I'll bite. Referring to the original question, currently, what rights are currently unequal for heterosexual persons?

                                • +1

                                  @[Deactivated]: 49 people were killed, and 53 injured, in a shooting at an Orlando gay nightclub on June 12, 2016.

                                  This is a list of hundreds of LGBT victims, many transgender, who were beaten, raped, or murdered over the years.

                                  • @Skyceratop: How about womb snatching and munchausen by proxy?

                                    • @[Deactivated]: Not my thing but you do you.

                                      • -1

                                        @Skyceratop: Is that millenial speak for rubber and glue? Genius.

                                        • @[Deactivated]: Actually it goes back 200 years, 1818 Frankenstein (Mary Shelly) Chapter 19 excerpt…

                                          "Do you,’ said I, ‘enjoy yourself, and let this be our rendezvous. I may be absent a month or two; but do not interfere with my motions, I entreat you; leave me to peace and solitude."

                                          • @Skyceratop: How exceptionally well read you are. Did you mean Mary Shelley?

                                            • @[Deactivated]: Shhh nobody tell them, they have to work it out for themselves.

                                            • @[Deactivated]: Oh a grammatical error, thank you so much. I hate it when that happens, you're a good person for pointing that out. I knew you had some good in you!

                                              • @Skyceratop: It helps when you are name-dropping to get the name right, or is that not your thing, also?

                                                • @[Deactivated]: You're absolutely right! Thank you very much, how silly of me to drop the 'e'. Honestly you're a good person for pointing that out.

                                                  Just wonderful.

                                                  • @Skyceratop: As you are clearly a veritable fountain of crime statistics, kindly remind me of the womb raiding statistics by gender? Didn't like your google search, huh? Trying a Lady MacBeth impression? What steps have you taken to prevent yourself from, well, following your gender based predisposition to commit foetal abduction?

                                                    • @[Deactivated]: Oh absolutely horrific that is, just deplorable that people could do such a thing. Over 300 recorded cases since the 80s!

                                                      The most recent case I found was a straight white couple: https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.whimn.com.au/talk/news/what…

                                                      Just horrid. Why can't they adopt or do IVF like the LGBT people?

                                                      • @Skyceratop: It is horrible and frightening, but it's also a clear case where women distance themselves from the actions of other women.

                                                        • @[Deactivated]: Just horrible, thank you for pointing it out. I hope they are all charged to the full extent of the law and are not reintroduced into our fine society.

                                                    • @[Deactivated]: I gave birth to my son, wanted the full experience you see. We had a donor, the whole thing was wonderful. My girlfriend and I are very happy.

                                                      • @Skyceratop: About your crime statistics, what proportion are committed by brunettes? As the answer is approximately 90%, should they just be sent to prison from birth?

                                                        • @[Deactivated]: Well they aren't my statistics they are the Governments, you'd have to ask them that question I guess.

                                                          • @Skyceratop: If it were to be shown that there was a stronger correlation between being brunette and committing crimes than by gender, how would that affect your behaviour?

                                                            • @[Deactivated]: That's a little silly, it hasn't been shown. My girlfriend is a brunette and she's the sweetest woman I've ever met.

                                                              Probably better to stick to the real statistics instead of made up ones though.

                                                              • @Skyceratop: What proportion of the prison population is brunette (naturally), by your estimation?

                                                                • @[Deactivated]: What prison, and where? Australia, Eastern Europe, Africa?

                                                                  • @Skyceratop: Earth will do. All of them. Australia, if you like. USA, if you like.

                                                                    • @[Deactivated]: Well Brunettes are estimated to be the dominant hair colour across earth, at around 90 percent. So you'll find many more outside of prison than in prison just by going off that statistic.

                                                                      So there will always be more good kind hearted brunette members of society than the criminal kind.

                                                                      Yay! So many lovely brunettes!

                                                                      • @Skyceratop: But prisons are overwhelmingly full of brunettes. Your attacker is much, much more likely to be brunette. Brunettes commit more crimes than men. Based on convictions, a brunette woman is more likely to commit a crime than a blonde man. Your response is oh, there are more of them, globally. Tell that to your attacker or fraudster.

                                                                        • @[Deactivated]: You understand men can be brunettes right? So according to the incarceration rates, men more than triple women, so what you're actually saying is "there are many more brunette men in prison vs brunette women".

                                                                          You'll see here: https://www.prisonpolicy.org/graphs/genderinc.html

                                                                          By the way, these are government statistics, I love men! My son is amazing.

                                                                          • @Skyceratop: Do you think there are more brunettes (men or women) in prison or men total?

                                                                            • @[Deactivated]: Statistics are really easy to understand, the math and hard work has already been done for you.

                                                                              Work it out, I believe in you.

                                                                        • @[Deactivated]: My response would be, well considering there are many more good brunettes in the world vs criminal let's not use hair colour as our guide on that one, and instead just go by who commits crimes; which is overwhelmingly men.

                                                                          • @Skyceratop: Admit it. Brunettes commit more crimes than men. You are running. Overwhelmingly more brunettes commit crimes than men.

                                                                            • @[Deactivated]: Male brunettes commit the most crimes, there I said it!

                                                                              • @Skyceratop: Yep. Female brunettes second. Together, brunettes commit more crimes than men. People with brown eyes, too.

                                                                                • @[Deactivated]: Considering the statistics that men commit 80 percent of crime from the Victorian Government website, you are absolutely correct.

                                                                                  Crimes committed by men: 80 percent.

                                                                                  Crimes committed by women: 20 percent.

                                                                                  Yeah we came second, men win by a huge margin. Congratulations.

                                                                                  • @Skyceratop: No, the massive differentiator is hair colour. Yes, more than gender. Much more. Again, female brunettes commit more crimes than male blondes.

                                                                                    • @[Deactivated]: I think you'd like it to be the major differentiator so you can twist and gaslight the discussion to something that suits your misguided views.

                                                                                      Unfortunately for you, the major differentiator the bureau of statistics uses is gender.

                                                                                      That's just the way it's always been done because a humans sex hormones have far greater effect on one's emotional state than hair colour.

                                                                                      • @Skyceratop: You say you are nice but you've insulted all trans. The stats were collected under the old definition of gender! It's 2019, lady!

                                                                                        Which toilets, changerooms and jails do you think a born male trans should use and do you agree with Vic legislation to require just self-identification to determine gender? If so, how are your statistics reliable if that is based on identified gender, and should criminals go incognito by identifying as the other gender to fudge statistics and policing strategy?

                                                                                        • @[Deactivated]: I believe trans women are women, so I include them under the female gender.

                                                                                          In Victoria transgender people may use the restroom of choice, and new legislation is being passed to also change gender on birth certificates without surgery.

                                                                                          They will be treated as women by law, as they should be.

                                                                                          On that though, I was in the restroom once and a transgender woman was being yelled at by another cis woman for just going about her business.

                                                                                          I found a male police officer and told him what was happening, he promptly intervened and told the cis woman to stop abusing her verbally and allow her to do her business and leave like everyone else.

                                                                                          Good on him, what a fine man! I know I wasn't threatened by her.

                                                                                          • @Skyceratop: What about with the new legislation to self identify with no physical procedures, no hormones? Changerooms, prisons?

                                                                                            • @[Deactivated]: That's fantastic! How progressive.

                                                                                              • -1

                                                                                                @Skyceratop: Should I self identify as female and scoop engineering scholarships in university and affirmatve action positions in industry? I might get some looks on the women in science open days.

                                                                                                • @[Deactivated]: I think you should get some help for all that hate you have in within yourself.

                                                                                                  Creepy men and rapists aren't going to the trouble of changing genders to rape and oogle us women, a rapist is going to rape despite any of this.

                                                                                                  They don't need legislation because they don't care about that, just as they don't have the emotional depth to understand the gender spectrum or respect women - let alone themselves.

                                                                                                  They are too worried about their own fragile masculinity to even think about wearing womens clothes, or take hormones whilst they rape or creep out on us.

                                                                                                  You are in fact being very untoward for simply suggesting it from the depths of your mind, and have singled yourself out as a man women should avoid. We call men like you 'incels' go look it up and you'll probably find people that agree with you.

                                                                                                  • -1

                                                                                                    @Skyceratop: You are proof that people who publicly identify as 'nice' are just judgy, nasty pieces of work and hypocritical to the core, and the creepiest parts are your victim fantacist delusions. Inside every preachy SJW is an angry person waiting to get out. Whereabouts do you go about calling people 'incels'? Sounds like quite a riveting conversation. What's your environmental context. A birthday party, perhaps? Restaurants? No, you just volunteered it's calling names online when you lose feminist arguments.

                                                                                                    "you have in within yourself."

                                                                                                    My word for someone who wrote this is 'imbecile'. Someone who doesn't know the word 'ogle' but gets giddy at their own wokeness, for example.

                                                        • @[Deactivated]: And so we start down the rabbit hole of statistical abuse.

                                                          Adjusted for population, are brunettes statistically more likely than other hair colours to commit crimes? If so, what are the causal factors?

                                                          Raw numbers are essentially meaningless without adjusting for population size at a minimum. Within Australia most crimes are committed by Australians. Should all Australians be sent to prison at birth as a precaution?

                                                          I am also pretty sure that Skyceratop wasn't arguing for all men to be sent to prison just that they commit more crimes than women. Also, because the populations of men and women are roughly equal within Australia men are statistically more likely to commit crimes than women.

                                                          • @twjr: Surely you would twig that high ___ incarceration levels in Australia and ___ and ___ in the USA (itself with the highest incarceration rate in the world) is enough to push the balance statistically significantly towards the brunette gene(s) being, even per capita, the predominant criminal gene(s).

                                                            Do you believe there is a link between lower socio-economic status and crime?

                                                            Why don't raw total numbers matter? If you are held up at gunpoint in a dark alley, do you really think to yourself 'What a statistical anomaly this is. This the tenth time this year and the law of averages suggests you'd be a blonde attacker by now. What are the chances!'. The undeniable fact is the gunman waiting down a dark alley is overwhelmingly likely to be brunette. Rates matter little for one off events like getting fatally shot. Maybe after the fact when people say 'that was a surprise, wasn't expecting that'.

                                                            Admit it, if all brunettes were incarcerated, the world would be a safer place for blondes, who commit fewer crimes. Throw in people under 6'4, too, for good measure. Those reprobates commit more than 96% of all crimes. Australians? Good idea. Not upstanding half-cast Scando-Australians, though. Very few crimes from them. Find one. No taskforce there. :p

                                                            • @[Deactivated]: Rates matter because the world would only be a safer place for blondes if they commit crimes at a lower rate or are victims of crime at a higher rate than brunettes. Once you incarcerate all the brunettes not only will you remove your largest cohort of criminals you remove you largest cohort of victims. So, while the total number of crimes will be reduced the number of crimes committed against blondes will still be the same.

                                                              I'm sick of you shifting the goalposts. How are heterosexual rights unequal? And, what evidence is there that the Watts and Amati cases are hate crimes?

                                                              • @twjr: What is your theory of the Chris Watts case? That the two separate gay men who claimed to be his lover gave hours of false evidence to police. Quite possible. To clarify, is it your assertion that multiple gay men deliberately perverted the course of justice and frustrated a murder investigation with false evidence and fake, unsubstantiated claims?

                                                                • @[Deactivated]: I don't have a "theory", that's for the police, prosecutors and courts. My personal opinion is that it is another tragic case of a man killing his family. Simple. It's not the first and it won't be the last. The reasons why are as varied as the lives they have taken. As I said previously, there were three cases in Western Australia just last year that were equally as horrendous. Tragic as cases of familicide are, they are not uncommon.

                                                                  Unless you can provide evidence otherwise there appears to only be one man, Trent Bolte. Watts denies the relationship and, despite what appears to be a significant investigation into the allegations, I can't see any statements from law enforcement that confirm the relationship. In this day and age I wouldn't put past someone to hang off the coattails of a murderer like Watts just to get their 15 minutes of fame.

                                                                  At the time he killed his family both Watts and his girlfriend, Nicole Kessinger, admit to being in an affair. Watts told investigators that was his motivation for the killings. Why do you put so much stock in a hypothesis about him being in a gay tryst when both parties to an affair admit being in one at the time of the killings?

                                                                  Despite that, and assuming the allegations of his sexuality are true, how do they amount to, A) hate crimes and, B) perverting the course of justice. The crimes were committed on 13/8/18. Watts was arrested on 15/8/18 and confessed to the crimes. He was charged on 21/8/18. Watts pleaded guilty to the murders on on 6/11/20018 and was sentenced to life without parole on 19/11/18, after the victims family did not push for the death penalty. Seems like appropriate and swift justice has been meted out.

                                                                  • @twjr: Do you have coroner's report that states drugs and alcohol could not have been present in the WA cases? You think that's relevant. It might not be domestic violence because alcohol might have been involved, right? No finding on all as alcohol cannot be explicitly excluded.

                                                                    • @[Deactivated]: Ah them goalposts. You did read where I stated that I don't think drugs and alcohol should be mitigating factors in criminality right?

                                                                      • @twjr: If LGBTs like rainbows so much, what was so homophobic about 80s games like Rainbow Islands?


                                                                        • @[Deactivated]: Relevance?

                                                                          • @twjr: Demonstration of prior art and/or the LGBT symbol is cultural appropriation.

                                                                            • @[Deactivated]: Right, just more goalposts. Take that up with someone who cares. It's not my symbol.

                                                                              • @twjr: It's offensive to Sega Master System fanboys, I mean fanchildren.

                                                                                I have to keep asking different questions because you don't answer inconvenient questions that don't fit your narrative. As you like rates so much, which sexual preference/gender has the highest rate of prostitution and do you think there is a link between prostitution and violence?

                                                                                • @[Deactivated]: What narrative do you think I have? Given you are the one that has been skirting around my questions ever since you floated your hate crime hypotheses that accusation is a bit rich.

                                                                                  As sex work is not illegal in any states or territories in Australia that makes the premise of your question flawed. Unfortunately sex work is still not regulated outside QLD, NSW, ACT and VIC which means workers in the remaining states are inadequately protected by the law and more at risk from violence.


                                                                                  Fanchildren aye…? They'll grow up.

                                                                                  • @twjr: Quote the flawed premise please.

                                                                                    • @[Deactivated]: Nice stealth edit removing "illegal" prostitution.

                                                                                      • @twjr: If you have reliable figures for illegal street prostitution by gender/pref quote those, please.

                                                                                        • @[Deactivated]: You state, "As you like rates so much, which sexual preference/gender has the highest rate of "illegal" (sic) prostitution and do you think there is a link between prostitution and violence?" It's your hypothesis so you provide the data. Not my job to disprove your hypothesis.

                                                                                          Further, this is related to unequal rights of heterosexuals and hate crimes how?

                                                                                          • @twjr: Again, you don't answer questions that don't fit your agenda. Street prostitution and various solicitation is illegal in many jurisdictions. You really ought to know that. You split hairs over whether I'm asking you for illegal prostitution or all forms, then say you won't provide any, either way. What is your estimate, then?

                                                                                            • @[Deactivated]: Who was the first not to answer questions that didn't fit their agenda? I am still waiting to know about unequal rights of heterosexuals and evidence that the Watts and Amati cases are hate crimes?


                                                                                              Not my job to prove your hypothesis. If you are going to propose a link between sexual preference/gender and prostitution then you provide the evidence. What is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

                                                                                              • @twjr: Haha, I mentioned three. You just acknowledged the third, Brazilian case was a hate crime.

                                                                                                • @[Deactivated]: And I am still waiting for EVIDENCE of a hate crime in the Watts and Amati cases. I only acknowledged that the Brazilian case COULD be a hate crime. It is best not to talk in the definitive without strong evidence.

                                                                                                  • @twjr: What part of women who claim they live in fear walking at night is definitive? You are speculation averse. Are they just hypothesizing?

    • you can download any theme you want, no one is stopping you.

  • +7

    This isn’t a bargain

    • -6

      Such a Cis white male thing to say.

      • +1

        Cry me a river

        • +1

          After hearing ** literally ** the 500th CIS white male disagree with the classification of bargains because that is apparently what characterises them:


  • +7

    Agree this is not really a bargain. There are lots of free themes, if we posted them every time they popped up we would be flooded with free theme posts.
    Furthermore free games themes are simply advertising/promotion for games.
    And this theme is simply Sony advertising its wokeness hoping it will lead to more support and money for themselves as a company.

    • Did you also neg those posts about free PS4 themes or you just happen to neg this one?

      • +1

        I have not seen or voted on any others.
        But I did a quick search for free ps4 theme and only 14 were posted since the start of this year including this one also one for International Women's Day 2019 which only garnered 27 up votes.

        • +1

          So that that is enough to get a few downvotes like this one is getting, I wonder what nakes this one so different?

  • +1

    Post should be on forums.

  • +7

    LGB - Sexual preference…who cares

    T - Body dysmorphia. Allowing and pressuring vulnerable adults..and more importantly kids…to believe their biological state isn't what it is and their right to transition to another sex via surgical abuse…sorry…surgery, is fine and completely acceptable.

    I - Legit issue of a very small minority that fall between the very binary species of Male and Female that allows life to continue. This of all of them is probably the one that needs the most attention and acceptance. People that are naturally born between sexes.

    Q+ - who cares. express yourself how you want. But difference people to the norm will always feel different. If you don't like that mostly everyone else fits nicely in with others and has the same aligned beliefs then go somewhere else that will accept you. What the heck does queer mean in the modern world where self expression is so prolific.

    No-ones saying you can't be who you want…but be damned if I'm going to consider you a helicopter because you think you are.

    I feel sorry for LGB people who have now been lumped in with biological disbelieves and compelled to support the vitriolic nonsense and virtue signalling in society by corporate entities.

    No-one is saying you don't deserve to be respected as a PERSON and HUMAN,,,,but there are two very important issues to address….Homosexuals do not allow the human race to survive and exist. If your perspective on something is at odds with 99% of the population…you're probably wrong - Ie: you're lived delusion is not everyone elses.

    Good luck world.

    Oh by the way…I am god. I created you all…and what I say is the truth. Disregard my delusion? Well then you are just discriminatory, oppressive, intolerant bigots!

    • Except your delusion is a delusion. You have no interest in removing your ignorance, and happy to express your ignorant views, unfortunately for many others.

      • +1

        Except he isn’t deluded. A differing opinion to you isn’t delusion.

        • So he is God?

          He brought up Homosexuals and reproduction which is a typical idiotic comment, as it is irrelevant to someone being treated with respect or kindness. The leading theory on why women become infertile with age is that older women can assist the community in raising other peoples young. We are community based children raisers, you don't need everyone to add their DNA, but everyone can be involved in the raising of children. Also many hetrosexuals cannot procreate due to various reasons, and many people regardless of their sexual preference are awful human beings and shouldn't be raising kids. Plus modern technologies allow for sperm donors and IVF or surrogate mothers.

          Bringing reproduction and homosexuality up on a bargain hunting website designed to help everyone is a piece of shit thing to do. It is great example as to why PlayStation has this campaign. The platform is to ALL players.

          • @FabMan: No-one said 'people' aren't useless if they can't procreate. I'm saying without child birthing couples…humanity ceases to exist. And you'll forgive me for thinking that there is nothing good about a society that may rely on IVF to maintain their population.

            Suggesting surrogate mothers kinda of supports my argument. If you NEED someone else to have your child…you are less NEEDED to the continuation of humanity.

            And there is nothing irrelevant about bringing anything I've said into the discussion. LGBTIQ++++ is about ones sexuality -> who you have sex with -> biological ability to have sex and procreate. What bit about interconnectivity don't you understand.

            A trans woman is not a biological woman. There are very different things that a biological woman is capable of. Not to mention I'm certainly not at all interested in going out and chatting to someone that I believe to be a REAL female…only to be told somewhere down the track that they are not. And this is the issue with supporting someone's delusion that they are a woman when they were born a man. If they believe they are, and are told they are and are allowed to have all the rights of a woman…perhaps they won't feel they have to or should divulge this information up front.

            Especially if I wish to be with someone with the intent to have a family. And yes..yes yes…sure..there are biological women that are unable to have children…but this is something that comes up down the track..as opposed from starting from a biological place of not at all being able to.

            Typical leftie trying to shut down the conversation! You understand what a forum is don't you? It's not a place that only discusses issues that support your ideology. If you don't like that I'm RESPONDING to a post…then report the post itself…but don't you dare suggest I have no right to reply to it.

            I don't care if you are gay. You're sexual preference is your own. And I'd argue gay people are hardly marginised or a 'minority' in the sense of how you are treated these days. Most people and society have accepted that who you like and love is up to you.

            But then you'd probably be someone that would argue against the right for a straight pride march and month of festivities right? You'd be someone that would argue against companies covering their logo in the straight flag…right? Of course you would..because it's not ok to be straight right?

            Trans is another kettle of fish though. Trans is demanding I accept that someone that is a specific sex is not. Intersex aside, as that is a grey area and a miniscule percentage.

            That a child can say they are a boy when they are obviously a girl, and have parents and society 1. take them seriously 2. put them on puberty blockers 3. undergo psych treatment 4. consider surgical ops as soon as legally possible is damn well scary. Asking me to accept that you are what you obviously are not is scary. You wouldn't ever accept that I am a 16yo man (when I am 39) would you? If I came into your home as your 15yo's boyfriend as a 39yo but told you I AM 15yo…you'd ring up the police and have me charged with pedophilia. And probably then for some sort of psychological disorder.

            If you want to truely blur the lines between men and women, then you start talking about people, and removing categories. No more females and males sports…just peoples sports. No more workplace ratios and quotas. No more segregated toilets…which I think are actually a good thing…just peoples toilets. Let's remove the paralympic games too..because we shouldn't seperate disability as a different class of people.

            The notion that someone that is a different sexed person in a different body is no different to someone that thinks they are beautiful in an ugly body.

            Guess what….we ALL deal with how we THINK we are vs how we ACTUALLY are! It's called acceptance. Accepting yourself for who you are.

            I already think people that get plastic surgery just because they want to look a certain way have mild forms of delusion. But to change how you look to be a different sex…when even at the doctors you have to announce you were born a different way…because….

            ….males and females are BIOLOGICALLY different…generally speaking.

            We suffer from different things. Our bodies work different ways.

            But sure…I'm wrong for suggesting that we accept people for who they really are…not who they really think they are.

            If a platform is for ALL peoples…and players…then ALL people are allowed to share their views…that's what something for everyone is. Not something for everyone so long as it supports a specific agenda!

            • @Lv80: Why would I read the rant of an awful person, I wouldn't spend my time listening to racists, I won't spend my time reading your awful opinions.

              PlayStation is for ALL gamers. Regardless of your hatred.

            • +1

              @Lv80: "That a child can say they are a boy when they are obviously a girl, and have parents and society 1. take them seriously 2. put them on puberty blockers 3. undergo psych treatment 4. consider surgical ops as soon as legally possible is damn well scary. Asking me to accept that you are what you obviously are not is scary. You wouldn't ever accept that I am a 16yo man (when I am 39) would you? If I came into your home as your 15yo's boyfriend as a 39yo but told you I AM 15yo…you'd ring up the police and have me charged with pedophilia. And probably then for some sort of psychological disorder."

              I think you are missing a point with your analogy. With trans people, the premise is that there is a difference between mental gender and physical gender and people do not like having that difference. In order to help these people, we could in theory either alter mental gender to align with physical gender, or alter physical gender to align with mental gender. But alas the former is impossible given our current understanding of how brains work, so the only option is to do the latter.

              To apply that to your analogy, what you would have is someone who is mentally 15/16yo and physically 39yo. Unfortunately in this case, we have neither the capability to align their mental age to their physical age (i.e. help them develop mentally), nor do we have the capability to align their physical age to their mental age (i.e. give them a body that is appropriate for their mental age).

              People who have stunted mental development do exist - they end up looking like adults but do not have the mental capacity to live a normal adult life and we do have the ability to help them either live as a normal adult or live as a normal child.

            • +1

              @Lv80: And I thought I was verbose. Love your essays but try and get your point across more concisely.

  • +4

    More political garbage. Would honestly prefer if they kept this sort of thing away from entertainment and let it be as it should.

    • It was released last year, it is just a theme you can download or not, like many other free themes. Yet you have issue with this one.

      • +4

        I have an issue with anything political in games. Always have. Entertainment shouldn't be controversial. I play games to get away from stuff like this, not as another avenue for political exposition, by entitled corporations.

        • +1

          So it bothered you while you were searching for themes in the store? You were looking for free themes, saw this and got outraged at the idea of this theme? A bit pathetic.

  • Why are people getting so upset about this?

    • PlayStation released it a year ago.
    • It is a free, optional to install PlayStaion theme.
    • There are numerous other free themes that were not downvoted.
    • PlayStaion team offered a theme during pride month, like they offered International Women's Day theme too.
    • Why can't they offer non-game related themes to those who might be interested?

    I'm a straight white male and I don't feel threatened by a colourful theme that I don't have to install. I can see why there is a pride month.

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