Strange Letter in Mail Box about Neighbours past. What Should I Do?

Found a letter typed up with no signature as to who it was from. Simply stating a neighbours past. Like a warning. I don't know the neighbour well, but do say hello and he seems pleasant enough. I can't think why someone would do this. Like even if its true. Just weird. Should I say something to the neighbour. Its poor form to just letter drop into peoples mail boxes bold claims on someones past. Don't want to go into to much detail about the neighbour so as to protect identity.


  • +7

    does your neighbour tick the boxes on the following:
    ☐ plays loud/bassy music
    ☐ have simpleton friends talking very loudly at night on yet another backyard party
    ☐ drive a loud car or bike
    ☐ have uncontrolled screaming little spawns ruining everyone's quiet enjoyment - ie fails hard at parenting
    ☐ rev his/her bike very loudly before taking off?
    ☐ does not understand that no one else wants to hear their cheap shit wind chimes?
    ☐ doing any of the above at night multiplies the offence
    ☐ a compulsive lawn mower with disregard for others

    If not, the neighbour probably unfairly pissed someone off and the other party took action.

    • +2

      You missed a few:
      ☐ Are you troubled by strange noises in the middle of the night?
      ☐ Do you experience feelings of dread in your basement or attic?
      ☐ Have you or your family ever seen a spook, spectre or ghost?

    • Non of above or@thrift ideas. He keeps to himself. It must be someone he knows you would think as its a personal thing. Tried looking if there is a record on net, but hard to find anything. See my further comment below.

  • +3

    If you don't have any problems with the neighbour, then just ignore the letter and move on.

    • Yeah the guy seems to be an ok guy. He's older sort of retired, so all doesn't make sense, but we dont't truely know our neighbours.

  • +2

    Don’t say anything.

  • Its about having a previous crime he's been convicted of. Not for murder or theft.

    • If the nature of the crime doesn't concern you then all good. If it's the kind of crime that could be of a concern then personally I'd look into it.

      Is the crime the kind of crime that if true would keep you up at night and completely changes your opinion of the person?

      • For safety of my family it does change view of him

  • +13

    What if he wrote if he wrote it himself. Would be a diabolical way to get everyone to leave him alone lol.

    • +2

      plot twist

      • He generally keeps to himself.

  • +8

    so your neighbour is a convicted pedophile

    • If that were the case what would you do? The note is just a statement of past crime.If it was me and I was slandered I'd like I know who is spreading these rumours.There' nothing I can find about this so called crime.

      • +2

        There' nothing I can find about this so called crime.

        A lot of child sex crime convictions have court suppression orders attached to them, which has the aim (and effect) of making the facts hard to ascertain or find through normal searches. Ironically it also has the effect of making slander easier and more effective.

      • +1

        I happen to know of a case where a man targeted the children of his neighbours. His method was to make friends with the parents. He invited the parents over for drinks, helped the parents out with work around the house, mowed their grass etc. He groomed the parents first.

        Once he had the trust of the parents, he started making friends with the kids. Telling them jokes, bringing them lollies when he visited etc.

        Once the parents and kids both trusted him, the parents would ask him to watch their kids for a few minutes while they went to the local shops etc. It grew from there.

        Eventually he was babysitting the kids more often and the kids would even voluntarily go to his house. Once the kids became young teenagers he would also ask the parents if the kids could come over and help him mow his lawn or move some furniture etc.

        The whole time the kids were being abused by him, but said nothing until they reached the age of about 15.

        By the time the police started investigating and it went to court, lots of boys came forward all with similar stories.

        Long story short, I have no idea if the letter is true or not, but in the above case it was the parents who voluntarily let the neighbour have access to their children.

        • Yup, I know of a few, one got away with it for 25 years(suspended sentence), another for 9 years before he was found out(suspended sentence), and then got away with it for another 5 years! So I would most certainly make someone who lived near these people aware. They don't deserve to live a comfy life imo.

          Whoever left the letter most certainly has a personal connection.

    • +1

      Exactly what I was thinking. There's not always gonna be evidence littered around the internet. Sometimes victims or victims family will chase these people to make everyone around them aware.

      How long ago was said crime, approximately

      • I'm thinking of leaving it. Will see if others received the note',but not mention content

    • -4

      Hate to be that guy, but in the interest of accuracy. Pedophillia is not a crime and you can't be convicted for it. What is a crime is sexually abusing and molesting children. The difference between them is the same as someone being attracted to overweight women or raping overweight women, in one case they're a chubby chaser, in the other they're a rapist. Doesn't make much sense to confuse the two does it? According to the research I've seen there are far more people with those attractions than you would ever know, the vast majority simply ignore and would never attempt to act on them.

      • It's legal to have consensual sex with overweight women. The same does not exist for children.

        I appreciate the difference, but in everyday conversation, no one will ever know someone's a pedophile unless they've done something illegal so the distinction - while true - is largely academic.

  • +3


    Is he on the sex offenders register (or whatever its called)?

    • I don't want to spread runours as nothing to me confirms what is in the note. I believe the register is onky for Police access. Suppose just need to be cautious. If its true that he has done a crime then its advice from someone that is concerned. Mind you this neighbour has been living in street for over a year or 2. Also the crime could be when he was young.

  • +2

    I had a similar note in my letterbox a couple of years ago. I didn't know the neighbour at all, but did ring the local police about it, just in case there were further problems with anyone taking it upon themselves to get him to move. Obviously the police couldn't tell me anything about the person, but I thought it best that there were notes made about the address in case of trouble.

    Also - you never know if it is true, or someone else just stirring up trouble because they are idiots.

    • Obviously the police couldn't tell me anything about the person

      I do wonder though. If the person DOESN'T have that criminal record, there can't possibly be a suppression order relating to the person, and the police are absolutely allowed to say "This person does not have a conviction for this crime" seeing as that's just confirming the non-existence of a fact, not giving out information about a person (since the relevant point is that there's NO such information about that person).

      The only situation where the police are legally barred from commenting on a person would be if they do have a conviction (in which case they can't say they don't have one, and they're also not allowed to confirm that they do for privacy reasons), and/or if there is a court suppression order out relating to that person.

      • True, but if they then can't say anything it is just confirming it. A fine line to tread.

        • Yeah - but that's reality for you, despite what powers the courts think they have.

  • +3

    I once had a similar thing, rural community, new neighbour moved in, some old bitty letter dropped every house in the town. (about 20) to let us know of the heinous crimes this man had committed. Ranting on about how he was illegally selling firearms, used terms like "smuggling" and "instruments of death and destruction" and in the end paragraph she informed us she had booked the town hall for a community discussion on how we would "deal with the unwanted person".

    I did a little of research, nothing indepth, simple stuff, and found it boiled down to the fella owned a firearms shop, he had gone into receivership, was unable to pay his bills and what not. When he didn't pay his firearm dealership licence, vicpol confiscated all of the firearms. As he didn't surrender them before the licence expired, there was some kind of charge tacked on there for unlawful possession of restricted firearms, so he did have something on his record, but certainly nothing heinous, no sales, no illegal importation.

    Drove past the town hall the evening of her little town meeting and there was only 2 cars there, so I assumed the rest of the locals saw through the BS as well. Known the fella for about 4 years now, nice bloke, he doesn't have his firearm licence back, but he has picked himself up and is doing well for himself, volunteers in the local CFA, always willing to lend a hand around the farm if other locals need. Genuine good bloke in my book.

    Some people just like to bring others down. Without knowing the contents of your letter, I wouldn't jump to conclusions too quick.

  • +2

    I think you should be grateful that someone has warned you, and I gather that you have children, which is why its been put in your letter box!
    I assume that it would be from another woman, and its a warning.
    Speak to your children, and remind them no one as "bad" written on their foreheads, and include that neighbours can be bad as well.
    These types of people NEVER change, if it was me, I would be extremely thankful that someone had warned me, and don't forget these types of people have their "friends" visiting them as well. "Birds of a feather flock together. "

    • +5

      "I assume that it would be from another woman"

      Sexism is not a good look.

      • Plenty in here.

      • -1

        Is it really sexism (that anyone needs to be up in arms about) when the comment is that it's a good deed and not criticism?

  • +2

    I guess it s a good reminder for parents to teach their kids about how dangerous can be an adult ( no matter who he/she is : neighbours, family friend or family). When i was young, my mum used to tell me to not accept any lift from anyone from school to home. Even if it was a family friend. I never forgot it. And would rather walk the 15 min on my own than following my friends in their car.

  • I thought O.P neighbour died (passed) and wanted OP to attend funeral and maybe they left something in the will?

    "Simply stating a neighbours past"
    "Simply stating one neighbours historical achievements" sounds more accurate and positive.

    Yes I would approach the neighbour with the note, no point guessing if it's true or not get it straight from the horses mouth.

    • Neighbour alive,but elderly

    • "Simply stating a neighbours past"

      "Passed" would mean being deceased. "Past" is a noun. (in usual usage at least?)

  • Is that your real profile picture? Maybe ur pedo neighbor is an avid Ozbargainer?

    • That is your assumptions.

  • +1

    Could be a good time to talk to your kids about good and bad touching and remind them they can come to you at any time if they have an issue. You don’t need to mention the neighbour, specifically.

    This sort of thing could go either way, a neighbour with a past or a neighbour with a grudge. To use a cliche, I would be alert but not alarmed.

  • Is it slander, or not? You have a concern so take it to the police who can handle it.

    If not the police then maybe local church he may go to , priest or Minister but you may then be spreading miss truth.

    You were not concerned before note. There is a old saying _ give a dog a bad name always…..

    How do you know if the neighborhood have not received unsigned letters about you.

    • That is what's annoying about this whole note. If your going to make statements in a note at least sign it.

      • +1

        Because the writer is worried about the consequences or her letters

      • Not really - it seems obvious why someone warning people about a person's criminal past might want to stay anonymous.

  • Developer trying to buy your house on the cheap maybe?

    • Thats going a bit far for a developer. Could back fire if potential buyers heard a similar story before buying units.

  • And what did you finally do?

    • +2

      Taking in what OZber's have commented on. We decided to just not do anything other than just be cautious. The guy hasn't done anything to us. Ill still talk to him like I did before, and still be friendly. My kids don't really interact with him anyway. Told the young one to be aware of strangers. Another neighbour who received the same note asked us. We just said he's fine. Our neighbours are pretty good. With info on the so called crime difficult to find out if true or what he actually did or when. No point in having any grudge about him.

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