Budget Gaming PC/Laptop for The Sims 4

Hi all, looking to surprise my girlfriend with a new PC or gaming laptop for Christmas but I really need help!
Basically she just wants to be able to play The Sims 4 smoothly. She's currently on a Mac and she complains about it a lot.
Problem is my budget is pretty low, have only about $750 - is this going to be doable or should I forget about it? Any pointers would be much appreciated!


  • Custom gaming desktop?


    Doesn't take much horsepower to run Sims 4. Modern integrated GPU's like the Vega built into AMD Ryzen mobile CPU's can handle some casual games.

  • She'll appreciate a laptop more , i guess ?


  • -3

    I definitely understand why she would be frustrated having to use a mac lol, but I wouldn't bother with that budget. Plus that's a hell of a lot of money to spend on someone for christmas, let alone just a gf, I'd say it's a bad idea all around. You can always go with the console option, you can get a used Xbox One from EB Games for about $200 for example and another 50 for the game not including all the extra DLC's.

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