This was posted 4 years 4 months 15 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

YouFoodz 8 Meals for: $40 (Clean Meals) $48 (Others)

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Doubt I've ever seen these meals for $5 each, great deal..

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Referee gets up to $200 off split between the first 5 boxes. Referrer get $40 credit.

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closed Comments

    • Exactly. I don't care if a company is racist or whatever to be honest. If the product is what I want and the deal is good that's all I'm looking for.

      • +1

        It’s not even the case that the company is racist. I’m
        Sure they have Asians working in the business. Unless their actual charter said no asians can work here and we won’t serve Asians, then it’s hard to say a company is racist itself. How many racists would work for the NBN co? Must be heaps. I would bet my house that hundreds of Telstra employees’s wives have said far far worse privately. I don’t think that makes Telstra a racist company as a whole, to the point where we need to boycott it so they all lose their jobs.

        • I guess the question is 'how accountable should the whole company be, if some CEO's bimbohead wife said something degrading to a group of people'?
          This can be applied to any company. Any, just choose your pick. But this one just hits harder for some people rather than others.
          People are boycotting certain food products because of the way they treat animals. These brands have employees too, so should people not protest? It's a personal decision i guess..

          Where to draw the line?

  • +3

    I guarantee if youfoodz was offering 5 meals for 'free'. These same people who downvoted this deal would upvote and take advantage….

    • -3

      Not everyone is like you. I don't need their free meals. I can choose what I eat.

      • +1

        @mmcs lol okay….. right….

      • +8

        You wouldn't accept free meals?
        You'd better hand in your OzBargain membership card immediately.

  • +1

    Most people are racist in private, this guy's girlfriend and him by association were stupid/arrogant enough to upload it to social media. Now that the truth is out, they deserve to be boycotted. With great power…..

    • -1

      not Trump though, he's openly racist. It's scary, because all of the closet-racists are coming out… of the closet.

      • +4

        I don't know about you, but I'd prefer politicians who are upfront like Trump rather than the typical politician.

        BTW for someone you call racist, actually has a lot of support from African Americans - "That’s why he signed a $360 million grant to support Historically Black Colleges and Universities last year — by far the most that any president has ever appropriated for HBCUs. Even America’s first black president, Barack Obama, never allocated that much money to HBCUs"

        • +3

          Generally those that call trump racist do it without any actual reason how or why they believe him racist other than selective out of context reports from some left leaning media. Apparently wanting only legal immigration, border protection, good trade deals, and continuing long running policies is “racist”

          • +4

            @Japius: Totally agree with you, it's the globalist vs nationalist agenda. Most sheeple just repeat what they hear on a biased media. Is it too much to expect news outlets to report the news as opposed to mold opinions? I guess everyone is bought and paid for…

            BTW in case anyone is wondering, I'm not a 50 year old white guy wearing a MAGA hat. I'm actually Asian, I do have MAGA hat for the novelty factor, but haven't worn it.

            • @Tuukmaak: Guessing you own Xiaomi products? Maybe that focus needs to be in the mirror before casting it on others?

              Shades of Alex Jones being heard in the wind. It's fascinating.

              • @FlatulentFrank: "Guessing you own Xiaomi products? Maybe that focus needs to be in the mirror before casting it on others?"

                In the eternal words of the famous redhead "please explain"…

            • +1

              @Tuukmaak: Here are some more pearlers. Yeah, a little leftist but that's what label you get when exposing the truth and are pushing for racial equality.


              • +1

                @TEER3X: LOL so it's racist to criticize your political opponent, or question where someone was born? Good Lord how long have I been asleep for?

                Seems like only a short time ago that the word 'racist' was used to label instances involving gas chambers and body pits. Now it's basically anything that a Black person or parroting leftie doesn't like. Quite the slip.

                • +1

                  @SlavOz: Cringing replying to you based on your post history, but you must have missed the part where he did not condemn white supremicists and said there were fine people on both sides.

                  He is single handedly responsible for an increase in hate crimes.

                  He is a racist and biggot, there's absolutely no arguing that.

                  • @TEER3X: He's condemned White supremacy multiple times. The "fine people" comment was after the incident in Charlotsville, a rally that took place legally. 1 guy there rammed a car into a group trying to intimidate him. The rest of those at the rally, on both sides, were following the law and engaging in civil protest. They were within their rights. You may not like their message or political viewpoint, but they still have a right to say it.

                    Unless you can prove that every single person at the rally broke the law, then there is nothing wrong assuming that there are fine, law-abiding citizens on both sides. The Presidents job is not to condemn people for practicing free speech or right of assembly. In fact he's supposed to encourage it. It's a Constitutional right.

        • +1

          Sorry for continuing the off-topic, I think Trump's arrogant attitude and low IQ are the main causes of all the hatred towards him. The guy is pretty straight forward (which I admire), he talks what comes to his mind, unlike conventional politicians. Then again one has to be careful and politically correct, especially if you are holding such a higher-up position where people watch every step you make and listen to every word you speak. He doesn't seem to care about what others think (due to arrogance) and doesn't seem to understand the consequences (due to low IQ). Still, we got to give him credits for what he's achieved so far given his own limitations.

          • +3

            @npnp: A person who was given their wealth from their father, and one that ran most of his businesses to the ground at the same time conning and extorting many.

            Yep, much to admire.

            • @TEER3X: Yet against all odds wins the presidential election. Absolutely massive achievement. Especially considering he's a bonehead. That's what makes it amazing. Admirable probably the wrong word here

              • @belongsinforums: Bush beat Gore. Nixon beat Hubert Humphrey. Just shows how dumb the voting public can be, and how stupid the electoral college system is.

                That doesn't mean anything, like I said plenty of racist gun loving old farts in the US that support him, and the die hard Republicans.

                He didn't win, Hillary lost. She was shit. Bernie would've won if he was the Democratic representative.

                • @TEER3X: Trump didn't beat one person. He beat everyone who ran. Hillary also had unlimited money, friends in politics, is female, and still couldn't win enough states.

                  Democracy might be dumb but it's the best working system we have

                  • @belongsinforums: Trump lost the popular vote. He won because of the Russian's influence. End of story.

                    • @TEER3X: Lol it's not number of total voters, but number of won states. Same rules for everyone.

                • @TEER3X: The Dems had weak candidates. Bernie Sanders lost the primary by a good margin. There was no way he would’ve been able to win the presidency.

        • So let's discuss the contradiction here

        • More than 8 in 10 black Americans believe he's racist.

          • @TEER3X: latest polls put support among African American voters in the mid 30%’s

          • +3

            @TEER3X: I've seen polls to the contrary…I guess it all depends on who's doing the polling, who's being polled etc.

            I guess the only poll that is closest to being a true representation is the polling booth

    • So it's still okay to be racist in private right?

      Just as long as no whiteys read my lips with their massive round eyes.


      • +1

        That's why I say it in a different language silly!

        All I'm saying is that if we are honest with ourselves, we all have racist attitudes to some extent. The first step to changing attitudes is to first realise that we have these biases in the first place, and to be willing to be challenged on them, hopefully by those around us.

      • Love the round eyes comment BTW. It's reminiscent of a Van Damme movie from the 80s… anyone remember which one?

  • +5

    Nope, still no. Still terrible food from a terrible company

    • +5

      Then perhaps this is something you can bring up on the forums and we can vote on it as a community?

    • +16

      I look forward to your ethics lessons on the next 7/11, Apple, amazon, nestle, etc deals but I’m guessing if I bothered to go look at those previous deals the ethical condemnation would be absent

    • +13

      This website wouldn't exist if people were truly following ethics, it's flawed and unrealistic tripe. Half the top voted deals for the past 5 years wouldn't exist due to brands and business activities that could be classified as unethical.

      Incredibly detached standpoint

      • +1

        Exactly if we're going off of ethics I hope you're ready to pay 10 grand for the next iPhone made in USA.

      • +1

        I honestly am sick of this nonsense.

        I've actually boycotted companies for ethical issues like under paying workers (7-11) and huge environmental and ethics violations (majority of Unilever brands) these flops are pathetic.

        Off hand racist comments from some Queensland bimbo are enough to trigger hundreds of downvotes but they'll still support FoxConn installing suicide-nets to get the latest iPhone deal.

        Or rush to get a free coffee from 7-11.

        Or trample each other for fast fashion brands that dump dye into rivers in Bangladesh that cause tetragenic mutations.

        Goddamn bigots

      • I guess the question is, how far should we draw the line?
        Almost every company would have something that someone would have an issue with. It just happens that this one frustrates people more than others.
        It's human behaviour….. we are irrational.

        • I would phrase it illogical, as OZB loved companies commit crimes leading to human deaths and destruction of the environment yet you've gone after the ones that were caught being verbally abusive?

          One is death and destruction…the other is verbally offensive behaviour. It's just fascinating

          • @FlatulentFrank: As i said, where should you draw the line?
            People can be more emotional to this than something else. If people are going to neg a different deal for another company for their own reason, should i tell them that they shouldn't, because so many other companies have done terrible things you believe is more worthy of outrage?

            If people feel more strongly about racism (the fact that you've pointed out that it's just verbally offensive proves how little you know about it. It's extremely degrading and please don't debate with me if every single degrading thing should affect everyone), than something else…. you're going to sit there thinking it's fascinating that they're not pissed about every other single thing? Really…

            Legitimate question, seriously where DO you draw the line?
            Should people not protest at all?

            • @Fliedlice:

              If people feel more strongly about racism (the fact that you've pointed out that it's just verbally offensive proves how little you know about it. It's extremely degrading and please don't debate with me if every single degrading thing should affect everyone), than something else…. you're going to sit there thinking it's fascinating that they're not pissed about every other single thing? Really…

              Lol think you've jumped the gun there my friend, my life experiences with that very topic is something most will not experience nor understand. But articulating myself to the 'correct' language you feel is reasonable while jumping to conclusions is illogical and shows your inability to have a constructive conversation. There's a difference between ending lives & life long conditions in comparison to verbal abuse. I shouldn't have to spell that out.

              It's nice to feel righteous and assume things to suit your narrative but it falls extremely short this time. I can see it's not worth having a conversation with you as you are coming across extremely unpleasant. Muted, best of luck.

              • @FlatulentFrank: I’m sorry I made an unpleasant discussion as I was upset. I guess you won’t see this though.

    • +2

      Lol. I think you're confusing this sight with

  • +2

    Fried rice definatley not on the menu !!!

    • +14

      Neither is spell check.

  • +5

    thank you! Awesome deal!

  • +6

    Good price. Cheers OP!

  • +13

    Can we expect the same ethics applied to Apple deals? Seen we're all negging for unethical practices/poor treatment of others? Apple and Nestle are the kings of that yet escape ridicule.

    • +3

      No, that would make sense.

    • +2

      Seems like it, we apparently can neg anything now.

  • +6

    Quality has definitely taken a hit in recent months. No longer recommend even at $5 a pop

    • +3

      The new roast pork is delicious, I noticed a decline in quality of the lasagne when they changed the recipe but everything else I regularly order has been consistent, plus they’re so easy to deal with if there is an actual issue

      • What other meals do you suggest?

        • +1

          Well it’s very subjective but off the top of my head I enjoy the roast turkey, roast lamb, brekkie wrap, protein cookies, cashew curry, yellow curry pork, Thai fish…..I also enjoy the Cajun fish but I heat that in the oven so it’s not as convenient. My wife really likes the clean chicken and the salmon one but personally I’m not a fan of the chicken ones

  • +1


    • You got my upvote. This is the comment of the day. Logout everyone, there's nothing else to see here :)

  • +4

    I don't rate the meals and I don't rate the company.

    Loud, proud racist pricks.

  • +5

    Portions are too small, not worth it even with $5 each.

  • +6

    Portion keep shrinking and food quality becoming poorer. Not a bargain at $5 anymore.

  • +1

    The company is racist, but the price is a bargain.

  • +4

    Used to be good meals.. Now quality is terrible

  • +1

    Racist trash.

  • +6

    Great bargain, don't care if the owner and his wife are assholes…

  • +3

    Putting 'STRAYA' in their coupon code seems especially tone-deaf given their current reputation.

    • Yes very silly especially under the circumstances.

  • +7

    Youfoodz is the old friend OzBargain no longer cares about. Meal quality took a dive off a cliff.

    It could also be the curse of Shii-Shiing though..

  • Shit company, shit food. HelloFresh has always been better.

    Their bull shit delivery fee in WA sucks too.

    I'll admit I'm bias, I don't like racist pricks.

    Doesn't deserve a neg as far as ozbargain is concerned however.

    • +2

      It makes sense with wa being so far away

      • Agreed. We need a waexit. Our economy would be ridiculously strong, not so much the rest of Australia though, so won't happen.

        We'd probably be in the top 30 countries based off our GDP if we were our own country.

  • +2

    just nope. why would u give that guy your money?…

    • +7

      Most people understand Youfoodz is not just the two people who were recorded being racist. It's made up of meat and produce providers, accountants, pick/packers, customer service staff and so many more people. It's a bargain and the negs seem to be an interchangeable metric that's being applied inconsistently.

      It's a shame the neg bandwagon cant discern the difference between two individuals and an entire company of employees. I understand the focus was justified for their actions but can you apply the same ethical pressure thats often missed towards the much loved brands & businesses we see posted here? That would be consistent

      • +7

        those 2 individuals own the entire company…

        i do understand, belle Gibson was called out for faking her cancer and scamming cancer patients and NOT ONE PERSON thought of her employees, the people working on her apps and publishers. like, yeah shes a evil piece of sh#+. but just giver her a break, you know, leave her alone. its not just her we are hurting……

        • +3

          Racist comment =/= fraud

          • +1

            @geoffs87: its an example. i couldnt think of another scummy racist guy who gloats about it on social media and runs a major recognisable company to use as an example.

            u think belle gibson was just fraud?? geez it was a bit more than fraud….

            • @ego22: don't know enough about it sorry, but based on your comment:

              belle Gibson was called out for faking her cancer and scamming cancer patients

              … that is the definition of fraud, forgetting about any ethical considerations. Beyond that, sure - i'm sure there was alot of bad, but based on your statement alone, i'll sit with fraud.

              • @geoffs87: im sorry i didnt type belle gibsons entire rap sheet out for you. but if u knew anything about it. u would know it not just fraud.
                based on my statement alone lol,
                im glad your just learning of current affairs off ozb posts, then arguing them.

                • @ego22: I’m sorry I don’t watch a current affair every night?

                  • @geoffs87: ……its been a major news story for almost 5 years straight now.

      • +2

        Just because they have a lot of employees that rely on them, doesn't mean we shouldn't hold them accountable.. If they were Nazis would you still use the same excuse? Where do you draw the line?

        • +3

          You could easily draw the line at the long bow you've drawn there! You've embellished your point by drawing a comparison towards a Nazi government regime. How disappointing to dilute the atrocities that occured by something that was completely different to a business to prove a point. :( Anyway I get where you're coming from but disagree with the tact :)

        • How about we draw the line at the company leading their employees to suicide with such poor conditions and treatment. You know, actual tangible harm being committed. That sound fair?

  • I couldn't care less about the people in the company. People are idiots no matter where you go.
    All I'm concerned about is price and product quality.

    So considering a vast majority of their foods have MSG in them (ironic, considering the previously posted link re: the founder and racist comments -…) that in itself prevents me from getting too hyped about the saving money side of things.

    • I saw on the show Adam Ruins Everything, that MSG is hyped up as this bad thing but the evidence doesn’t actually support it being so bad for you.

      • I think all he's saying is sprinkle msg on crap so that it doesn't tastes so bad.

    • MSG is naturally in many cheeses, broccoli, pasta sauces, and nuts.

      Healthcare triage also found that in double-blind trials that 'MSG-Sensitive' people could not tell which foods did or did not have MSG based on their reactions.

      The correlation between heart disease and MSG has also been largely discredited due to dubious funding sources for 2 major studies which included foods that were not only sources of MSG but also high in fat and sugar… Both of which share causal links to heart disease if consumed frequently…

      Not only that, the prolific spread of anti-msg science is actually based in racism against Chinese restaurants.

  • +4

    I'd say for most normal people when it comes to choosing someone to be your partner, they being a blatant racist would be an instant deal breaker. So if the owner's girlfriend is racist, I'd pretty much guarantee the owner is too. I don't think anyone should be given a guilt trip for boycotting a company based on the owners, regardless of the number of people that work for them.

    • +1

      Otherwise using that lame excuse, the owner of any large company could basically do whatever they want without fear of repercussion..

      Boy, do I have some bad news for you!

      • +1

        And that's exactly why we should be encouraging people to hold these bastards to account and not giving people a bloody guilt trip about it!

        (By the way I deleted that part of my comment as I knew it'd probably get a smartass reply like yours.. :P)

    • -1

      So if a female CEO had an abusive male husband, she must be abusive too? And of course she must be abusing her staff horribly. It couldn’t just be that some people don’t choose the best partners and that can’t be a separate aspect of their life.

      • +1

        Nah racism and spousal abuse are not the same thing. Skinheads, Neo Nazis, KKK, One Nation party.. Racists like to stick with their own kind. You don't see the same thing with abusers. They usually choose to weak and vulnerable as a partner, not someone like them.

  • +1

    Great deal. Thanks

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