Do Not Purchase Covid19 Protective Equipment Made in China…

I hope our medical facilities are not equipped or stocked by these highly defective equipment.
To the general public be aware when you purchase medical items which made in china.

Not only happen in Australia but other parts of the countries:……

I guess lucky for the developed countries able to pick this up early. Imagine other third world countries or emerging markets that rely heavily on china supposedly 'Medical' equipment.


  • +10

    surprise level zero

  • That's what happens when you relax regulations and have inexperienced companies start making medical PPE and the chinese factories are too keen to make a profit they start cutting corners wherever they can.…

  • +2

    I hope our medical facilities are not equipped or stocked by these highly defective equipment.

    We've got pretty defined purchasing guidelines in Vic, all purchases are bulk through HPV, hospitals can't just buy random stuff. Not sure on smaller clinics and pharmacies etc.

    General public might fall for it, you already see plenty of people looking to group buy from china on OzB already.

  • +10

    The only genuine thing to come out of China is this damn COVID-19 virus!

    • Top export of 2020 so far!

  • +1

    if its all u can get your hands on.
    then buy protective equipment (masks) made in china. any protective equipment is better than nothing at all.
    never completely trust protective equipment to keep u safe cheaply made or not.

    • +3

      It looks like your shift key was made in China :-(

      • actually

        it was…

  • +3

    Nothing that has come from China has lasted as long as coronavirus.

    Maybe they are making things stronger now

  • +2

    but everything is made in china….

    • yep. the dodgy protective equipment is made in china and most of the quality protective equipment is made in china also. the people who order PE for our hospitals must be stressed AF right now.

  • -1

    The official stressed that not all Chinese products were considered faulty, and other imports of PPE from China were still passing Australian regulations.

    Do you guys read your own articles or is cabin fever starting set a new reality?

    • Cool that's great.
      Also, not ALL COVID patients are dying, so this whole thing is just a beat-up then

      • -3

        Cool story

        0% relevance to what im trying to say

        • +1

          Totally relevant. Just using your faulty logic

  • -1

    Governments, corporations and individuals worldwide need to come together after this and close off most Chinese trade (and travel), otherwise this will happen again in the next few years.

  • Nay frontliners that are seeing heaps of positive covid patients in ER and ICU don’t even gave proper PPE. They relying on public donation.,

    Trump even issued a statement asking them to BYO

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