Am I at Risk Getting Fined for Driving A Few Hours Away to Hiking Spot with Girlfriend?

There's a popular thread on here about how a person has been fined for driving unnecessarily (L-plater). I was planning on driving a few hours away to a relatively secluded hiking spot with my girlfriend over the weekend. Full disclosure, she does not live with me.

These laws are targeting people who are of no risk of spreading the virus (slight risk between just the two of us if you want to nitpick), and I can't just not see her for 90 days anyway, it's absurd.

Am I risking getting fined here? (2 people, going to exercise).

I live in NSW.

And for the record, other than this, I am social distancing.


    • Is it essential to buy your kid a present…

      Absolutely not. Especially not at 21 either, should have grown out of kids birthday presents by now. He'll live.

      • Where you the grinch in a previous life, or is your skin still green?

        • +3

          Bitter more like it that he didn't have a father like you.

    • +2

      If you've got a spare $1700 lying around then go for it…

      Don't know how the message can be any clearer, if it's not essential then dont do it

      • +2

        The message isn’t clear, that’s the issue. They are open to interpretation. What one person considers essential, someone else may not. Hence my question.

        • +2

          They’ve defined essential in the rules. Groceries, medical, compassionate or exercise only. Buying a gift fits none of them.

          • +6

            @Euphemistic: What if it’s a jigsaw puzzle for your children?

          • +3

            @Euphemistic: Can you link to that exact wording. The wording I’m reading is different to what you have. And then it differs per state too. The wording for my state is: “to obtain food or other essential goods or services“. Why are retail stores continuing to trade if they are non- essential? How could somewhere like David Jones or Ikea be considered essential places to wander around on the weekend, yet learner drivers can only be on the road if they are going to some place like the shops. God forbid you sit on a park bench for a few minutes by yourself in the sun and fresh air this weekend.

            These restrictions are contradictory, inconsistent and not very well thought out. If we need to be locked down, then do it. We can’t be half pregnant.

            BTW I’m not planning to go out. Thought I needed to add that.

            • +1

              @Amour: It’s not that difficult. Stay home unless essential. Yes, it is a bit contradictory that retail is still open other than foods but at some point essential might include a new fridge or jumper or sheets etc.

              Personally I’m only going out in the car (other than work) for groceries, medical and possibly hardware. Hardware becomes essential when my exercise is home maintenance. Exercise will be leaving from home on foot or bicycle.

            • @Amour: The way I see it the govt needs to be seen to be doing something, and whatever they do wouldn't be seen as enough by some.

              It's not unprecedented for govt to require the public to take action so the public feel they're helping. In some cases that would really help but in others it seems more about people thinking they're fighting the good fight by not watering their front lawn, despite domestic water usage only being a relatively small percentage of overall water usage. They feel better about themselves when they're recycling, even though they may unknowingly be doing it wrong enough to contaminate a load of recyclables and it's possible there's no buyer for the recyclables anyway. It makes people feel good and righteous to be doing something, to be complying with the rules that authority says will fix things.

              All that being said, I still think it's worthwhile trying to follow these rules, even if in my opinion a specific rule may be silly. Me going for a drive, sitting in my car at a lookout for five minutes then driving home isn't going to have any impact on COVID-19, but would relax me. Scotty from marketing says I shouldn't go for that drive, ok. I won't waste my time on freaking jigsaw puzzles though.

        • No its quite clear and has been for quite some time, look around the world, most people seem to get it so far (how clear it is to stay at home).

          • +1

            @91rs: I didn’t realise retail stores and shopping centres were still open all around the world like they are here?

  • +5

    A guy got fined for driving 15 minutes to a park for exercise. You have no chance.

    • Vic have different restrictions to NSW.

  • +1

    Is it necessary travel? No

    Could you be a possible vector for carrying and spreading the virus?

    So should you do it? I personally think you should find something else to do that will entertain you.

  • I just hope the cops doesn't gives too many fine during the Easter break. Just use some common sense not like the melbourne guy got fined for driving 45km just to buy a bottle of water.

    • -4

      The NSW police have more common sense than those in VIC. We just finished the day and dropped by an inner city LAC to ask about exercising during the Easter long weekend. We asked them specifically about travelling a reasonable distance for hiking and sports fishing. They said that it is technically not unlawful and that it was the decision of the LAC to move people along. The guys rushed home to ready their gear.

      • i agree nsw police will fine you if repeat offender or become agro unlike victorian police book regardless

  • +1

    Just stay home, quite simple really. I don't go to my parents place or see my friends, I don't understand why you need to see your girlfriend. This is going to sound rude but people like you are the reason virus has spread so much.

  • +2

    Agree with the many, it's not essential and it doesn't help the situation. Other people had it worst by missing weddings and funerals due to limits. If they get rejected then a hike would too.

  • +2

    Sounds like OP is just looking for someone to type in this forum that it's OK and his reasons are valid. You don't need to go hiking - go for a walk locally. Or better yet, stay home!

  • +1

    So I've boarded myself for two weeks now, I realise I need to stock up for goods. Now my shops isn't too far away about ,half an hour to walk to it, however I'm planning to buy a big load so that I don't have to go out again.

    Unfortunately, not having to use my car for awhile, the battery went flat, luckily I have a instant boost charger for it. After about 1 minute I was able to get it running again.

    The nearest petrol station is only about 5 mins away, however it's best to drive longer for the battery to recharge. I drive to a further petrol station which took 10 minutes. When I went to restart the car it almost choked and failed.

    So my question is, is it okay to do a 30 minute drive just to recharge my car battery, even though the trip itself wasn't necessary.

    • is it okay to do a 30 minute drive just to recharge my car battery, even though the trip itself wasn't necessary.

      It up to the cops to determine that but if you were in Melbourne that is a different story.

  • Give the young bloke a break people, he just need to get l***…

  • Yes


  • +6

    This is what a lot of people in my generation think. Oh, I can go out for a hike, go to the beach, have an inside party.

    Just for once, stop thinking so selfishly and stay home.

    You will have your freedom later on.

  • +2

    Yes, you can.

    If the police stop you just show them this comment and they will let you off

  • +2

    You are supposed to do exercise locally, not drive hundreds of kms to go for a walk.

  • +2

    "Because I don't understand the rules it means I can break them". What a dumb mentality some people have.

  • +4

    Sadly as many don’t have common sense the rules get tighter. Walk on the beach is ok, then 2000 people turn up.. ok… no beaches, inside gatherings should be under 100, then people squeeze 100 people into a small space… ok 4 metre rule… don’t socialise in groups in public.. 80 people turn up in their own small groups.. ok close parks… 2 person rule. Soon enough exercise will be banned if it’s too confusing for people to understand stay at home. If you have to ask if it’s ok, it probably isn’t.

    • +1

      This is why I say that if the outbreak started in the West things would be so much worse. The government wouldn't be able to control people who aren't used to much restrictions.

  • -6

    OP, your first mistake is this post. You know hiking is not essential, and you know a lot of people now are obsessed with the word essential.
    The fact is:
    1. Low chance you will get pulled over by cops on your way there.
    2. If the hiking spot is really secluded, no cops will be there as well.
    3. In an unfortunate event you get pulled over, try to argue that you are self isolating yourself in the mountain, making sure that you are far away from other people. Or, you are going to work there. Make sure to think about good reason that can be verified.
    4. If #3 fails, just pay the fine. It is now the cost of being able to seclude your self in nature.

    • +5
      1. Apologise to the people you infected by your callous stupidity
      • +2
        1. Apologise to the trees in your yard for being a waste of oxygen they worked so hard to produce
  • +4

    mate the whole point is to get people to stay home. going hiking is not necessary and this isn't a normal Easter weekend.
    We're in Stage 3.
    You can still visit your GF in her home, or vice versa.
    You need to understand and get over it.

  • +2

    Just tell the cops your on your way to your local trampoline venue to pick up a jigsaw puzzle. I'm pretty sure that's essential travel, according to scomo. He couldn't have been any more clear.

  • Numbers doesn’t lie. Some people may call this natural selection or a correction to the world’s ageing population.

  • +2

    I swear people have never cared more about exercise then now.

    • -7

      The state forcing their citizens to stay inside for 90 days is no different to being incarcerated for 90 days. They are allowing us to go outside to exercise is a form of furlough.

      • +2

        If I an incarcerated, I get to use toilet paper that government paid for. Not use my own. There is a difference.

        • Toilet paper is cheap. $1 a roll from the local corner store.

  • +2

    If we look at the situation as what rules are being enforced rather than why the rules are being enforced:

    “we are allowed X but not allowed y which is no better than X. This doesn’t make sense!”

    If they said, “Hey guys, this is difficult times. Let’s just all use our common sense, instead of a arbitrary list of regulations.”
    Imagine what will happen.

    So they have to try to use rules, which are always going to have loopholes and sometimes does not always make sense in the big picture.

    Let us just try to do our part and weather this. There is a strategy to achieve an objective. It might not be the best strategy, or even a good strategy. However if we all follow the plan. We can get to the objective.

  • +3

    Honestly it's OPs attitude that breeds complacency and will keep us in Lockdown for longer because of it.

    • +1


      The more people who follow the rules the quicker we can get back to normal

      These people don't even think how the lock down has caused a lot of people to lose their jobs or are not getting any hours at their place of emplyment

      But hey who cares as long as he can go for a hike with his girlfriend

    • +3

      How many people are you and your fellow neighbours going to pass the virus to when you go shopping before you show symptoms, or when you come back from shopping and inadvertently pass it to your neighbours' kids? Can you live with being the cause of someone else's death because you didn't care?

      • -1

        I don’t know? Want us to count?

        Though I should add that I’m not actually joining them - it’s not my job to call the police to rat them out…nothing destroys a neighbourhood faster and destroys trust more than having a rat wowser in the mix

        People are already writing articles about it…

        • +7

          This guys attitude is the same attitude that has doomed America.

          Ignorant, uneducated, and arrogant!

          Your so called "rights" means jack the moment it has potential impact on other peoples lives!

          People like you only realise the truth when it has hit you in the face e.g. if one of your own family or people you care about dies!

          • -5

            @neosin: Mate, I was all over the potential impacts of the virus back in January where I bought thousands in put options for the American market to tank and made an absolute bucketload.

            The ‘truth’ is only hitting you in the face now and I bet your superannuation account already took that massive shit.

            Typical Australians, love authority. Buncha puritanical wowsers pretending to be laid-back, easy going cool dudes…that are quick to dog someone out.

            That’s what the rest of the world really think of y’all and why most don’t trust you

          • +1

            @neosin: remember he has only enough blood to service his brain or his male appendage. so with his girlfriend you what the answer that going be……

    • What Street?

  • On a separate note, I’m doing a laundry renovation at the moment and need supplies (e.g. new cabinets, tiles, bench top, sink etc). Is going to bunnings and Ikea and finding what I like and seeing it in person allowed?? Plus I will be going with my partner as heaven forbid I bring something home that they don’t agree with (and then driving all the way back for a return lol).

    Is this technically classed as non essential travel as I could just leave the laundry as is and use the washing machine connected to the drain?

    I’m in QLD.

    • -1

      Just go to Bunnings and stop being so scared nothing will happen

  • -1

    What are you 2 planning on doing during said hike ;)

  • Many other stupids also thinking the same Am I at Risk Getting Fined for Driving A Few Hours Away to Hiking Spot with Girlfriend?

  • -1

    Hiking is allowed in NSW, ignore the people who think you're going to leave coronavirus on a rock for somebody to pick up or whatever.

    • +1

      Travelling a few hours away for 'exercise' is not

  • +1

    We are in this sht hole because people like you OP. You can always do this after the madness is over and don't tell me you are driving hours away with your girlfriend for a hike to help with your mental health

    • +3

      We are in this sht hole because people like you OP.

      Now let's give credit where credit is due. We're in this mess because all the carriers came from overseas and the majority of them were the silent gen and boomers.

      • Yes true but also people who didn't give a crap about it. Look at those who were at the beach

    • +2

      Actually we’re in this shithole because our own gov was too slow in closing our borders way back in December when they knew exactly what was going on…and they would have had a real good idea.

      It’s the same people that were calling it just a flu that are now all about isolation because the narrative finally changed and all the normies and boomers are now on board and experts.

      Human nature; always doing something after shit hits the fan than having measures to prevent it.

  • +2

    The NSW Arts Minister resigned because he got busted being at his beachside holiday home. If he was done, you will be if you get caught.

    • What the MP did was not considered essential travel or exercise.

    • Real reason is he should have been working . Most states its fine to go to your holiday home .

  • -4

    It's funny how you can cram 100 in a
    supermarket and that's ok, but having two people walk in the middle of nowhere is a (profanity) crime.

    Ffs people.

    All the best OP, hopefully this episode of the Twilight zone will be over soon.

    • Food is essential. They have also limited it to just 50 at one time. People just don’t get it and should stay in the episode of the twighlight zone since they can’t follow basic instructions.

      Just on a side note. There are some smart people. Look at iq distribution. There are lots of people between 80-100 that’s a scary place to be. I believe that’s where most of the internet posters with these sorts of statements come from.

      • Food IS essential but I find what you say contradicting. You say "people just don't get it", yet you seem perfectly fine with 100 people buying their groceries together.

        There seems to be no other place in the country right now, where a large amount of people can congregate in a single area. And that's ok??

        I work at one of the major supermarkets and spent 5hrs counting and getting abused by people. It's still 100. At my particular store, I can tell you there was an average of 60 people in that store at one time. That's excluding staff.

        • -1

          Never seen anyone be anything but nice. One is we have to do buy food or we die. The other is to get excercise. It’s not contracting at all. I think ur just milking ur abuse a chance to claim fame or have some relevance.

          • +1

            @T1OOO: You're obviously missing the point in what I'm saying.

            • -1

              @pufffdragon: And you’re obviously missing the point of all of these rules.

              • +1

                @jackary: I'm missing no point and I'm well aware of the rules.

                The only reason you lot aren't outraged and triggered like you are, about supermarkets having so many people in one area, is because Kochie and the rest of the media hasn't told you to be yet.

                Move along sheep!

  • +1

    I always wondered who is stupid enough to. It get the message that they need a $1000 fine to understand the words of the pm to stay at home ….. I don’t believe the exemptions said “it’s ok to drive 200km to go for a walk. Everyone get back out side”

    But there u have it. It’s cause if people like the op.

  • +4

    I bet the Asian couple from western syd yesterday (2hrs) didnt think they were going to end up in a sth coast ambo either after after getting in to trouble in multiple coastal villages, exposing god knows who before needing local good Samaritan / EM services. The local's would have eaten them alive had they known this was going on…from a distance with a large stick of course.

    Pull your f'ing head in and do your bit. Can't make it much clearer.

  • +1

    Why do you think you and your girlfriend are immune to the virus or spreading it? Anyone can get it, anyone can spread it. Don't be a self entitled moron and do the right thing!

    • +1

      We go to work 5 day (some more than others) a week. Are we immune? No, but we're allowed to leave our homes under the current NSW restrictions.

      OP and his gf is allowed to leave their homes under current NSW restrictions.

  • had a comment from a cop friend of the family. if its over an hour away, expect a fine if caught

    • Unless you belong to the rich super entitled set who go to Aspen every year. First the arrogant idiots in Mornington and now Kerry Stokes has somehow received an exemption from the WA rules that state all international travellers need to be quarantined in hotels. He and his wife get to self isolate at home; like the Mornington lot who promptly broke their self isolation to go golfing. Guess going to Aspen gets you a special passport stamp or something.

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