Neighbour Left Note on Car

So context to this story is that my car was parked in a permit zone within the inner Melbourne suburbs. However I am in the process of receiving my permit for the car(due to covid can't go in person to get it and delays from Aus post as stated by the council), and have been told that it is fine to park the car within the permit zone until it arrives, and any fine received will be waved.

So last night I was going to my car and a note has been left saying "do not park your car in front of my house without a permit". Now normally this wouldnt be too bad apart from the fact this person has decided to glue the note to the windscreen. Took about 20 minutes of scrubbing to get it off.

Now the car was parked in front of 2 houses, is it worth knocking on their door and telling them they're in the wrong ? And to not touch my car again. Or something else ?.

Honestly not sure why this person feels they have the right to do what they have done.

Poll Options

  • 29
    Do Nothing, keep parking car there.
  • 669
    Knock on door and confront.


            • -1

              @[Deactivated]: My scenario is just as valid as yours. People who start with aggro have nowhere to go from there if they are called out. The odds are someone who glues a message to a windscreen might have just as many issues as you but be more willing to escalate. I would not be assuming they were a coward, but I would be assuming they are a tad unhinged. .

  • +7

    Next note once you have your permit: "do not park your car in front of my house". ๐Ÿ™„

    • this is the real issue at hand!

  • How do people find the time

    • +11

      I check my watch or phone mostly

      • +1

        "Hey Google…. What time is it?"

    • By looking at the dashboard.

  • +2

    Glue a reply on their front door.

    • Nah that's not annoying enough.

      I'm thinking cardboard and JBWeld so it's impossible to get off without sanding and repainting the door.

  • +8

    Next time call the police non emergency line to report vandalism. Nothing will come of it, but if they escalate, their problem with you is on record.

  • +3

    What to do is obvious…
    Get a piece if wood. Write "i do have a permit to park here thank you" etc.
    Completely cover the back of the wood in araldite and press it on their front door.

  • +4

    So you don't know which of the two houses glued the note? To figure out who it was I'd knock on each door and tell them you were really upset about unauthorized parking in the street and let them tell you it was them that glued the note on. It is not unlawful to covertly record any conversation you are a party to in Victoria.

    Take this recorded confession to the police and make a formal complaint of malicious damage and insist that the police take your report. You'd be surprised what police are prepared to action when they don't have to do any work. Nine times out of ten even the laziest police officer will take a walk up charge.

  • Clearly the OP need's OZB permission to knock on neighbour's doors with a baseball bat.


    Go to town on their doors.

  • Knock on their door and advise them of the time taken to remove the damage and that next time they should use the conventional note-under-windscreen for correspondence (if you don't want them to know where you live). Tell them you wanted to have an honest conversation with them because what they did may be considered vandalism…but you don't want to go down that path. Update them of your permit status and relevant delay.

    Then, depending on their response, and if they apologise say the following:

    1) Advise that you have taken photos and video recording of the effort required to remove the damage and will make enquiries with police if there is a similar occurance in the future

    2) Accept their apology (if genuine)

    Either way, mentioning vandalism should (hopefully) scare some sense into them ๐Ÿ˜‰ Don't forget to (try) be kind and genuine! You're already mentioning the possibility of a crime so appearing nice is important!

  • Glue a note to their house door of what the council has told you that you can park there without a permit until hours arrives

    I suggest using this stuff

    • Glue a note

      It's occurred to me that @OP should glue the permit to their door when it finally shows up.

  • +1

    Fair enough, glueing it was a bit overboard, but I would be pissed off that somebody is parking illegally without a permit and act as well.

    The simple solution to mitigate issues was to place a โ€œnoteโ€ on your Dashboard explaining the circumstances of waiting for a permit in the mail. Not hard.

    • Great idea, the people that glued the note had no right to do it but your seems the best solution.

  • +7

    I love people who think the road infront of their house is reserved exclusively for their car. Such entitled pricks.

    • Some people whinge to the council to get a "disabled parking only" zone outside their house, and then ring up and complain when another disabled motorist has the temerity to park in "their" spot.

      • That's next level lol

  • Use liquid nails and glue all their car doors.

  • Don't windscreens have some sort of plastic coating on the glass?
    If someone's glued something on it then that layer will have been damaged.
    I'd carefully inspect the area where the note was glued and if there are any marks I would get a quote from a repairer and give it to your neighbour.

    • Don't windscreens have some sort of plastic coating on the glass?

      No. It wouldn't last very long if it did.

  • I don't get why your neighbour would care, if your car gets towed or you get a fine, not their oroblem.?

  • +1

    Lay cement on their lawn and etch your explanation on it

    • +1

      Lay cement


  • How about leaving a note on the car saying you have a permit coming?

  • +2

    It's one of those things…

    It's your 1st time you've parked without a visible permit but with one on the way.

    It's his 100th time someone has parked there without a visible permit…

    I don't think what he did was right. I'm sure a simple explanation will yield a quick apology, if you could be bothered. If you want to keep parking there you should either knock on the door or leave a note.

    Other option is just to avoid for the 3-5 days your permit will probably take.

  • +4

    You don't know which neighbour did it. So write a note addressed to the person who glued the note to your windscreen, and put a copy of it in each of the likely neighbours' letterboxes.

    Their action shows they are a self-righteous git. People like that have a very high opinion of the own morality. So phrase the note carefully to make them feel as guilty and inconsiderate as you can. Point out that you had council permission. Phrase it carefully so that the reason you didn't have the permit was coronavirus. Imply that you couldn't collect it because of that, rather than letting on that you were actually too lazy to collect the permit. Demand that they come and apologise in person to you.

    • This type of minor yet day-to-day antisocial conduct—gluing notes on windscreens rather than leaving contact details and rationally allowing a chance to talk it out—it's a big reason that I've temporarily left the country to take up work elsewhere. I really don't know what it is, but this behaviour is NOT normal and I can confidently say that it is not as prevalent in other parts of the world at all. This sort of me-ism at all costs, and the incomplete people who parade it with their nasty actions must be put in their place. Whoever did this needs to feel regret and embarrassment, to allow for good (or quiet) relations into the future. The proposal above is a good one!

      … Best of luck to you oaks101! Do keep us updated.

    • Great idea, I would suggest to add one more thing - a line about having coranavirus! That will make the reader think twice.

  • liquidnail it

  • Screw being polite…Smash both of their doors open and yell WHO THE F*** DO YOU THINK YOU ARE….
    Actually nah don't do that

  • +1

    If you want to work out which neighbours did it put a bit of a4 paper in the bottom middle section of your windscreen With small writing explaining you have a permit coming and a dashcam on record. They will lean in to read it and youโ€™ll have their face.
    You know your likely culprit then.

    Or if you want to be more sneaky, hide the dash cam further back on the centre console etc.
    Power bank and USB connection would do the trick to power it.

    If they care that much about the car, they will be curious to read the note…

  • +7

    Who the hell glues a letter to a windshield? Even my batsht crazy neighbour put her note under my wiper like a normal person.

  • Bikies

  • I'd find out who did it - and tell them to keep doing it, but that I have a permit, so please don't do it to me.

    If there are permits to park there, it'll obviously be annoying the crap out of me, having people park there, before long.

    Sometimes, it's nice to have someone who is willing to go over the courtesy line and act on your side.

    That being said, one day, someone might take offence to that and start keying the closest car - so ahh.. yeah.

  • Knock on the door, introduce yourself politely and tell them your situation

  • Confront, it's not acceptable. He's not the police nor is he able to enforce.

  • Something that involves glue is a must in this situation. I would glue a note on his door or letter box.

  • The note in general I could understand (as someone who used to live in a busy area and basically minimal parking) but the glue?!

    Can't decide if it's deliberate or if they really are that dumb to not use the wiper, or even tiny strip of tape.

    If you ever find out who it is exactly be interested to know what "demographic" they are in (and respective intelligence level)

  • I recall once removing it from one car one late night and putting it on another car, so the other person knows is also confused as the first person.

    There's many forms of glue, even the one that comes out of your bleep ๐Ÿ˜‚

  • Happened to me long ago. The carpark was a inner city visitors space. I think I used it four times that month. I arrived back once and there was a few "don't park here" A4 signs glued over the windscreen. Didn't realise they had also let the air out of my front left tyre. I drove on it breaking the tyre and getting a $200 replacement fee. The glue stick is also a pain to remove.

  • spray paint a reply on their door.

  • This is why I'm now putting my email address on my car.

  • Comfort them and tell them to mind there own business

  • WD-40 from this deal and it takes only 2 minutes to peel the note off.

  • Glue a not over their door handle, with several layers just in case they didn't get the message.

  • Put on a full suit of armour and demand a duel. It's the only way.

  • Leaving a note is one thing, but gluing it is totally uncalled for.

  • Just check in with your neighbor and explain the situation. Having to say hi and smile at neighbours is already annoying sometimes, adding hate makes it worse. If they're still being a bitch you can post exploding confetti to them

  • even if you do confront them (which you wont), they wont admit to it.

  • the answer is obvious

    shit in a paper bag and set it on fire on their doorstep

    dont bother ringing their bell, that just gives them time to put out the fire

    works 60% of the time all the time

  • +1

    What a Karen

  • Middle of the night go and glue all the lock barrels on their house (and car if they have one).
    Make sure you use some kinda epoxy glue like araldite.

  • +1

    You are aware of a context your neighbour is not, namely you are allowed to park in the permit zone without a permit.

    That said, their behavior in gluing the note is highly questionable.

    I recommend politely discussing the issue with them. Right now, you have the moral high ground. Escalating may blur that line.

  • Print and glue a large SORRY onto the car which parks in that spot.

  • -4

    Why did you park there in the first place? Have you no respect for others or just cannot judge distances even at idlle speed?

  • -1

    Leave a note in several places inside your car stating that you have the right to do so.

    • -1

      I recommend the glove box, under the passenger seat and tucked in above the sun visor.

      • Pin one to the leopard as well?

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