Neighbour Lifting Weights at 4:30am

So I will keep this short.

Neighbour is lifting weights at around 4:30am in his garage which is closely located next to my bedroom.

We have told them before to maybe invest in a mat so when he drops it, its not directly onto the concrete floor.

They keep doing it, not every night but its bloody annoying. He has a home gym machine, and I reckon his deadlifting.

Next point of contact if he keeps doing it? Po-po?


      • +2

        Jeepers. 4.30am. Strange guy.

        • +5

          Does he go to bed early when you can legally be playing loud music?

        • don't most gym people go to the gym before work?

  • +26

    tell him do u lift br0, my grandma lifts those weights

    watch him lift too much and throw his.back

    • +6

      "Izzy Mandelbaum"

    • 'Course she's 6'3", 250 and runs a 4.5 40!

  • -6

    Won't you just wake to pee, even if he uses mats?
    Don't think the issue is the neighbor :/

  • +11

    It’s considered noise pollution so check out the EPA legislation for your state. You can call Police and Council and report it there. I too have had annoying noisey neighbours and can tell you from experience that the council and EPA will ask for noise recordings. So try to record the audio from inside (with windows closed) and outside.

  • +1

    Do you happen to have a tunnel boring machine?

    • Similar to the one El Chapo used?

      • +1

        I was thinking something like they use to build rail tunnels and the like, anything that you can get under his floor and thin it a bit so that next time he drops the weights….😣🤐😄

        • Ill just head down to the local train crossing removal and borrow it for the night haha

  • I suggest getting over the ear "ear muffs". Something that cuts the noise but is still comfortable. I usually cover my ears with my hands when someone does the vacuuming and I have adapted to sleep through that. They may be doing this to annoy you, so if you stop caring, they might stop. If it's any consolation, if he's clicking the plates on every rep, they aren't going to last long.

    • What kind of Beta shit is this? - The Internet.

  • +39

    Find out what time he sleeps and mow your lawn at that time each day…

  • +12

    Megaphone. Buy a megaphone, hookup to a microphone in your room and feed his clanging back to him as max volume. Bonus points for the feedback loop of ear destroying sound

    Ah also, get some heavy duty ear protection.

  • +2

    Do the same (or something similarly noisy) at 2:30am?
    If he complains just shake your hands in the air and shake your hand and slam the door.
    Hopefully he will get the message.


    Eleiko SVR foam, it's very good.

  • +4

    What does my head in, is that they have maybe 6 bedrooms and occupying 3 of them but he's put it in the garage.

  • -8

    dO yoU eVeN LIft BrO?

    • Haha good point:p

      Yeah nah hes part of a family so the elders have been told. Haha

      • +1

        If they are decent parents you'd think that'd be the end of it. Surely he's waking them up too

        • That's what I can't understand. What about the parents living in the neighbours house. If other people on the street can hear it, then the noise within the house would be waking them too. Makes no sense why the young neighbour hasn't been kicked out and disowned by his parents. Either way if other neighbours are being woke by it, get them to sign a letter saying it's a disturbance and he'll be sent to his room for a time out by the council.

    • -1

      Morning is technically between sunrise to 12:00 or 06:00 and 12:00 depending on where one lives.

      • +2

        Only for those who speak Latin. For the rest of us, 4.30 a.m is 4.30 in the morning.

      • It's 5 o clock somewhere!

    • 4.30am is not night. It's morning

      Actually 4:30 is dawn, morning is like 6 or 7 if you want to get technical…..

      Edit: Oh, whooah1979 beat me to it.

    • Ok so when does night end champ?

      • Night end at morn.

    • You got your fat ass dumped in the first place because you were fat.
      Revenge Bod? You're angry at your ex because YOU were unattractive?

      • +1

        You got your fat ass

        Never been fat in my life. I was around 52kg when we broke up. My "revenge bod" was lifting weights and I went up to 56kg. I loved feeling strong but I'm so not a morning person that the lack of sleep was making me grumpy. So it's back to running and yoga for me.

        You're angry at your ex

        I was 21 and he was an extremely controlling 30 year old. When he broke up with me, he said I would come crawling back to him. Guess what? I didn't :) In fact, I had to take out an AVO against him after he started harassing me, asking me to come back.

        So no, not angry. If anything, I'm grateful. That relationship shaped me into becoming who I am : fiercely independent, financially secure and engaged to someone who sees me as an equal.

  • +2

    Call the cops for noise disturbance, they'll tell him off and if he does it again will proceed further

    • +1

      I’d prefer police attend domestic violence incidents, break and enters, unlawful use of motor vehicles rather than some selfish fvck lifting weights for all of 10 mins of deadlifts.

      • Won't be the cops that show up, probably some council lackey

      • +2

        I called the cops once on a neighbour for playing loud music, I let it go after 10pm… Then it continued past midnight. I'm pretty sure it was an Airbnb rent out. Cops came within 15 minutes and problem was solved. I was new to the area, didn't know the neighbour and didn't feel comfortable going out at midnight knocking on their door.

        I guess it depends on where you are, but I think the police normally deal with these matters.

      • 2 hours is what the OP has stated.

  • +2

    Wake up at 4:30am and make hnnng hnnng and constipation sounds before he drops the weights

  • +13

    I'm a teacher and I bought a ~$15 decibel meter on ebay. Kids go over 85-90db, classroom is too loud.

    Could buy one of those and see what kind of levels he's hitting. Gives a bit more scientific accuracy to it rather than "it's loud".

    Completely agree he's being a dick though.

    • +9

      I love your methodical approach.

      Now OP can qualify and quantify how much of a dick the neighbour is.

  • +7

    This is seriously embarrassing … How long does it take for someone to suggest OP to get a set of drums (your new hobby OP) and practice at 3a.m?

  • -8

    Sets of deadlifts take what, 20 mins MAX. Police wont even consider doing anything over this trash, they seriously have more important incidents to attend.

    • +4

      At 4:30am they're likely bored out of their minds and would be happy to check it out.

    • Plot twist, FlopHunter is the dbag neighbour

      • Actually this guy could be his neighbour: but Im assuming from OP's reply his not in nsw…

  • +4

    Easiest and fastest solutions is earplugs. Fix your sleep first, then worry about fixing the problem.

    Like most people have said, this person will most likely go to sleep early. If you keep them up with TV, music ECT.. they won't get up early.. well unless they do meth….. Then your ducked.

    • +2

      Yep, a good couple of earplugs will work. Get the soft foam ones that are the shape of a bullet. Wet them slightly and place in your ear. These will block most noise.

  • +1

    Rally the neighbours (start a petition/group complaint addressed to the authorities?) and make a joint approach to muscle man showing the distress his actions are causing and THEN if no improvement then make a joint approach to noise control supported by your neighbours written complaint so that they will feel the 'weight' of your problem. Very unreasonable behaviour by your new neighbour, sounds like he needs a block in the country where he can please himself what he does.

    • In most cases you're right. Council want to see history of written proof and trying to work things out yourselves before escalating to anything more serious. You see this a lot with dog owners. Left alone and barking day and night. Complaints galore. Baffles me why people get dogs to just keep them outside or spend maybe an hour or so a day with them.

  • +1

    This would not be considered 'Normal Incidents of Living'.
    He is being very inconsiderate..

  • +1

    This would piss me off. I have a solution for noise around me that does that. Noise cancelling headphones. They are non confrontational and calm me down at the times when the noise is bloody annoying.

    As for your neighbour I suspect they are into their routine and it is very important to them so may well think you are the annoying one.

    You can go down the legal route of councils and police but you have to live there and neighbours from hell can soon escalate on all levels and you may not want to risk that for fear of what the next stage could be.

    If you really want to fix things the modern way is to mediate. So in a neighbour situation I suggest you get together with them, get to know them a bit better, maybe show some interest in their fitness regime (fake it even) and talk it through to the point where you can possibly come to an agreement. Show you are a reasonable person who respects a good exercise regime. Maybe he can change his routine to be more accommodating or as you say sound proof better. Talk to a gym to see what they do for noise reduction. Maybe he’s doing it wrong if it makes that much noise - just a guess obviously.

    Pause here for you to take a pee……

    Escalating things often makes us prisoners of our own stress and that can be far worse.

    Take some time to think about your solutions and you may find something that Works better for YOU.

  • +22

    Too many of these prats in gyms, too. They grunt and moan and throw their weights on the ground - look at me, look at me, I'm a hero. Just shut up. If you can't lower your weights, they are too heavy for you.

    Get his phone number and post it here. We'll ring him 11pm - 3 am. He'll be too tired to lift weights at 4.30.

    • +6

      Nail on head. If you can't put it down properly, you're not lifting it properly. Besides, sounds like the guy is doing 'bounce' deadlifts and not proper deadlifts anyway.

      • -1

        Sounds like the two of you have never seen a gym

        • +8

          Nah, we just know what proper technique looks like. Shocking I know.

    • Too many of these prats in gyms, too. They grunt and moan and throw their weights on the ground - look at me, look at me, I'm a hero. Just shut up. If you can't lower your weights, they are too heavy for you.

      Hahahahahaha Well they'll be getting that 8 pack sooner than you will be!

      • Not entirely sure deadlifting is the best way to go about getting an 8 pack, especially if they aren't utilising the weight by controlling it on the way down as well but sure

        • Perhaps you would like to be a trainer?

    • Brilliant!!!

      • Soooo… We're all just waiting for Old Mate's knees to explode, huh? 😂

  • +10

    According to actual legislation, you can complain to the police within 7 days and they can issue a noise abatement to the occupier/person that is creating the disturbance. This noise abatement is valid for 28 days so if he does it again within that timeframe, you can call the cops again and they can seize the equipment if a magistrate approves to do so.

    Common misconception is that you have to call the cops right away but that is not true, according to the Protection of the Environment Act 1997 No 156:

    276 Issue of noise abatement directions
    If it appears to an authorised person that offensivenoise is being, or has at any time within the past 7 days been, emitted from any premises, the authorised person may—
    (a) direct the person whom the authorised person believes to be the occupier of the premises to cause the emission of the offensivenoise to cease, or
    (b) direct any person whom the authorised person believes to be making or contributing to the making of the noise to cease making or contributing to the making of offensivenoise,
    or both.

    Extracted from

  • -2

    wear ear plugs problem solved.

  • -4


    You are hoping to address someone's "mental issue" that more qualified specialist have failed to do.
    This person will not see reason, and can not be reasoned with.
    They pump weights bc of insecurities.
    They do so bc they fear their environment.
    If you confront this individual, you are simply confirming in their mind that the world is against them.

    Your only recourse is to document the events, then write to your landlord, or governing body. If "they" fail to address the issue, then you take "them" (not the individual) to Tribunal… you are entitled to peace and quiet, and you seek compensation (rent reduction) till the matter is dealt with.

    • +1

      Wait, hold up.

      Are you talking about yourself in thirdperson or did you just hit the meth pipe?

  • +1

    Find out when he’s sleeping routine and start to play some loud music or boxing (against the mutual wall)

  • +1

    Mate happy for you to join and train with me rather than posting about it on ozb

    • +3

      Sure. Next time im in NSW ill pop over yours and train 🤣

  • +1

    Steroids have probably made him deaf!

  • +3

    Jackhammer concrete at 230am

  • +10

    Got 10 hours sleep last night.

    Was expecting the weights to come crashing early in the morning. I was thinking maybe he has an Ozbargain account, but i dont think he has the brain power to realise such a great website exists.

  • +1

    This should be handled by the council.

    Make a complaint to council - they'll probably want a couple of weeks of logbook showing times of the noise disturbance.

    If you're lucky, when faced with an 'official' asking them to cut it out, they will.

    If they're obstinate, expect a few months of back and forth, probably having to get official readings with a calibrated noise level meter (because they'll just lie/avoid the council/pretend they've already done something to cut the noise). My council has a couple of calibrated meters in tamper-proof boxes for the readings. Basically you had to press a button every time the noise happened, and it would log a couple of minutes of noise levels.

    There are 'official' levels of allowable noise. Because it comes in at 4:30am, it has to conform with the strictest levels. Unless you're being super-sensitive, if you can hear it inside your house, it's too loud.

    • I can hear it from inside my bedroom. Sometimes I can feel it!

      • "You can feel it". :p

  • I'm speculating he's already using some sort of padding and the noise is despite that. If he weren't using any and assuming the weights are over 60-80kg, not only would his concrete be cracked, the spot where these weights persistently fall would be powdering and disintegrated.

    It is just a matter of needing more padding if you are going to drop weights from waist height.

    • Definitely. The pads don’t do much to keep the noise down. They just stop concrete from being destroyed. You could also convince the neighbour to do controlled reps ;)

      As usual the best option is to have a friendly chat and see where it leads.

      • +2

        He's had a friendly chat and it lead to nothing. If someone thinks dropping weights at 430am isn't going to piss off the neighbours then they have rocks in their head. OP needs to go to cops.

        • 100% agree.
          If it was my father he would have turned up with a baseball bat.

  • why dont you start blasting some terrible music through the window in the hopes he gets the hint ?

    • +2

      Because I care about the other neighbours in the street haha

  • if a house, too bad - unless they're a tenant and you can contact the agent (google the address to find the last ad/agent contact details) - say they're creating a noise disturbance

    if a strata unit contact the strata management to advise they are disturbing the peace - you could possibly call the police - probably not too busy at 430am - say you are 'reporting a Disturbance of the Peace in [your suburb]' (legal term - use those words exactly) in your suburb and the police will roll out

    last time I called they came in 10 minutes - Fri/Sat nights it's more like 3 hours if at all - 430am I'd guess better chance

  • +3

    Letter box drop asking people to voice their concerns. The sad thing is most people are (profanity) pussies about noisy neighbours. They bitch and moan to each other but never do anything about, like most things in life I guess. Go to the cops and council or wait until he is sleeping and make some noise.

    • Yeah 100%. And they have gotten away with a lot more then what I have mentioned about him lifting weights.

  • +1

    Ask politley for him to stop.
    If its 4am, pull the fuses out of his power box and throw them across his lawn..and do a bolter…lol.

    • Hahaha could only imagine what that would do

  • +6

    Knock on his door. Look him up and down. Ask him, "Do you even lift?"

  • play some slayer at 3am or pornhub

  • Sure it’s not the bed head smashing the wall?

  • Ahh that's why culture is important and string family oriented values.

    What was described was western values that's very high type of behaviour.

  • Just buy him the mats. It only 10 bucks for 4 pieces from kmart. You might need two packs.…

    • +8

      Ok no worries. Ill print off the ad and put it in his letterbox.

  • +6

    If he starts at 4.30am then he goes to bed around 8-9pm. Perhaps it's time to test your new stereo around 10pm? Like 9:45 :)

  • +1

    Buy the weight lifting guy a mat , otherwise it will be , sure I will be quite , yes totally agree , I was not thinking ,, etc any thing he thinks will make you happy and go away.Till next time.

  • +1

    No more useful suggestions I can add, but I got some new neighbours recently too who will move in once they finish whatever renos are going on. Always hoping they don't turn out to be a'holes.

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