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[eBay Plus, Switch] Super Mario 3D All Stars $55, Mario Kart Live Home Circuit Mario Set $129 Delivered @ eBay


Just saw this deal on Press Start. Deal available from tomorrow at 10am.

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  • $20 off the Circuit Mario Set and 3D All Stars game.

  • +11

    If you buy Super Mario 3D All-Starsusing 10% at BigW and Pay using 5% off shopback BIG W giftcard it will cost you $58.99 (69x0.9x0.95).
    Similarly you pay $127.39 (149x0.9x0.95) Mario Kart Live Home Circuit Mario Set at BigW

    • +12

      Which, funnily enough, is less hassle than dealing with ebay.

      • It's now $55 on ebay.

  • +1

    I’m tempted by the Mario Kart but you’ll need two sets, so at $260 it’s a pretty big ask. Anyone here own them and have some input? Thanks.

    • +1
    • +1

      I've got two here that I can't wait for Christmas so that 'the kids' can play with them. They all wonder why the garage has been organised and cleaned up so much…

      • +2

        Do you have 2 Switches as well? I'm under the impression that this is a requirement for multiplayer which is a deal breaker for me :(

        Friends and family can also get together and enjoy multiplayer races for up to four players, so long as each player has their own Kart, Nintendo Switch console and a copy of the software.

        • +1

          Yes, you need two Switches to play this game two-player. Four Switches to play four-player. It gets expensive fast. I hope they update it so you can do split screen and release additional karts like Toad and Peach.

        • +1

          I do now!

          I bought the animal crossing limited edition during prime day, but when it arrived my wife tried it and immediately got sucked into animal crossing.

          So I just got my second one (same edition) on the weekend for myself. Amazon had run out but a local on eBay was selling them new for “only” $50 extra markup so I took it rather than wait.

          I was really sick recently and so have been splurging a bit because life is short.

          They’re quite fun! I never thought I’d like the Switch but the library of games has really grown in a lot of directions. Hotline Miami Collection from the US store was a huge incentive too, love that game!

        • Embarrassed to say that we have 4 (3 and 1 Lite)

    • There is a single player mode with AR AI which isn’t horrible. Otherwise been chasing my cat around which has been highly enjoyable

    • I have two sets (Mario and Luigi) but have not tried them yet (kids Christmas presents).

  • I am just letting the kart live pass for now. I am sure I could get it below $100 around Christmas

  • Desperation mode increases.

  • +2

    Nothing special here

  • Come on Amazon do your thing and price match it

  • so… where the deal at? lol

  • +1

    Mario Kart Live from Gamesmen, Code: PBSP70

    Edit: still 241 available, not going as quick as expected (maybe this will be the new price coming into Christmas?)

  • What about Luigi?

  • Where's the all stars deal?

    • Just ordered mine. Thanks op.

  • Grabbed Mario All Stars, thanks!

    • +1

      Same. Making a little stockpile for Xmas for me…. I mean the kids

  • Luigi didn’t have a reduced price. Also, you only seem to be able to buy one Mario per eBay plus account.

  • Any chance of 3D All Stars being cheaper during the black friday sales?

  • Thanks, just grabbed All Stars. Still some left I suppose.

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