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Wei Lih Ichiban Noodle Roast Beef, Roast pork or Sichuan 150gm $2.65 (Free Delivery with Prime) @ Woolworths / Amazon

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  • Bought some to try out, thanks OP.

  • +14

    Last time the minimum purchase was 5 packs, and they had to send two packages because one standard box only fits 4.
    Guess they learnt their lesson

    • +2

      You sure they didn’t send them in an oversized box with heaps of airbags and brown paper?

      • +3

        Idk, I use their packaging to wrap products I sell, so I need to keep ordering more…

      • I bought 5 last time, thats how i know

  • Thanks OP - Bought 4 of each. Keen to try them!

  • -4

    I tried this in Woolies and hands down the worst noodles in my life. Tastes like dogs balls.

    That being said, everyone has preferences and one man's trash is another man's treasure.

    • +37

      Why do you know what dogs balls taste like?

      • +9

        Figure of speech not an actual engagement with said animal.

        • If not dogs' testicles, what would you say is the closest actual bad-tasting food it resembles?

          • +1

            @Urban Warrior Ninja: like rubbery steak that hasn't been cooked properly, and not seasoned at all. so you can taste the seasoning in the soup a bit, but you can't taste any seasoning in the beef.

            • +1

              @adrianhughes1998: Actually I agree with you. Censorship is a big thing. I like reddit but when I read it. There is usually no discussion and it is always slope to one opinion. Agree or be negged. This could be abused in so many ways that I think it's being manipulated in many instances.

              I found important to not get a bias when reading a discussion and not let it dictate your opinion to an extent because we do form an opinion if we see something with many positive votes or lots of negative votes.

              The problem I have is with the lifelong point system on reddit. People are even afraid to make a comment because they would lose a lot of points from the point system on reddit where with little points can instantly make you look like a troll when in fact it's not.

              I find ozbargain a lot different because there is no long term consequences and it's just all in good fun. The negs mean little and there is always some healthy discussion even when the topic/product comes up again. Once again because there is no lifelong consequences. Such as the vegens, brand haters etc

              • +1

                @aerona: These are all fair points. Sure, people are entitled to opinions, just looks suss when it's such a massive skew to one side of the argument over the other.

                • @adrianhughes1998: Marketing can be view as propaganda in a way.

                  A good marketing and huge upvote doesn’t make it true. It silence the opposition and frame the narrative in a way where it appears all the “important/educated” person are for it.

          • +1

            @Urban Warrior Ninja: People on this site really do act like it is man. The amount of times I have posted or seen a comment saying "product isn't great" get downvoted to oblivion is far too many.

            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: Just sad to see so many down votes simply because someone was voicing an honest opinion. If something reminds you of dogs' testicles, then testicles it is.

              I appreciate those comments. Thank you for sharing, good sir @adrianhughes1998 because without your comment, I might have eaten balls.

              • @Urban Warrior Ninja: It is mate thanks for the support. Some better noodle options in the shelf in Woolies that's for sure. There's a massman curry bowl in Woolies might be Fantastic noodle brand, much better version of this one

            • @[Deactivated]: pretty lame and just a sad sign of the times we live in now.

          • +2

            @Urban Warrior Ninja: What's wrong with down-voting?

            • +1

              @wesker: It's not particularly productive in this case. @adrianhughes1998 clearly stated his opinion as opinion, and for the purposes of a bargain forum, it's more useful to encourage feedback from genuine users. Given the hype, I was seriously considering buying some, but I might alter the number of packs or adjust my expectations.

              IMO the people downvoting are those who disagree but would rather anonymously devalue someone else's opinion without offering an argument to the contrary. They certainly are allowed to use the down-vote option but we don't have to like it.

          • @Urban Warrior Ninja: we are in the world we live in these days. people get butthurt about the slightest thing that doesn't agree with the narrative set by the author. lame.

          • +2

            @Urban Warrior Ninja: You have a right to voice your opinion, and anyone else has the right to downvote if they disagree and think you are wrong. Which is why I like ozbargain and reddit. If you dont want to get downvoted, voice your opinion on facebook or something.

            In fact, if this was China, talking shit about a Taiwanese product would probably get you a medal.

            • +1

              @vsquared: If this was any place outside China, talking shit about a made in China product would probably get you a lot of medals, especially in Taiwan.

          • @Urban Warrior Ninja: Mate, there is no such thing as a downvote in China. geez get with the times man. Upvote or Upvote or get re-educated.

          • @Urban Warrior Ninja: is your self esteem linked to upvotes?

            • +1

              @Freestyle: Looks like someone neg both our posts - I think we should rant now 😂

              But wait, the good citizens of OB +vote back, to bring back equilibrium.

              • +1

                @SF3: lol

                I dunno why upvotes is such a big deal

          • @Urban Warrior Ninja: Um… this is Australia, and yes, we also have huge censorship here too like everywhere else.

            If you/I are ignorant of the censorship, do you/I perceive it as such?

      • +8

        His dog lured him by spreading peanut butter on its balls

    • +5

      Funnily enough, that's the main meat in this. But you do get genuine dog oysters for this price!

  • Oh no, bought 10 yesterday at Wolli for $3.50 each.Not happy!

    • Return them if you still have the receipt.

      • +1

        probably ate them all already….

      • -1

        You can still buy 10 more at the cheaper price and return those with the old receipt.

    • buy another 10, cost average down bro :)

  • +1

    the Wei Lih Ichiban Noodle Roast Pork is the same price and actually pretty good. It has actual meat pieces.

    • Nice got 4.
      The op was on backorder

      • I think rain check is no longer available at Wooly.

    • Mystery meat? 🥩🤔

  • Actuall beef in it wow

    Throw in an egg

  • Brought four of each !! These are great as a quick noodle dish !

  • +2

    They are OK at this price and if you can't supply your own meat/topping.

    I think you are better off getting the same brand instant noodles in a pack (of 5 for $4.00) from the same brand (noodle texture the same IMO) and add your own meat/topping
    https://www.woolworths.com.au/shop/productdetails/498913/wei… also from WW.

  • I eat way too many of these. Partner loves the pork version the most and it isn't available in most stores, so bought 6 of each.

  • +4

    These are nice but the sodium content is crazy high

    • What's a good instant authentic noodle with reasonable sodium?

  • it says may arrive after Christmas

    • +6

      great, on time when Jobkeeper reduces rate again 🙂

  • +1

    BEWARE of the delivery times.

    • 8-23 December wow

  • How's the pork one? I liked the beef but wondering if it's worth trying pork this time.

    • +1

      I like the pork flavour much more than the beef, so ordered another 6 😁

  • Woah out of stock already

    • Pork still available as of 2 mins ago.

  • High calories in these, watch out

    • eating instant noodles isn't for heath benefits. 🙄

    • +2

      Who's looking at the health information on instant noodles? Really?

  • +6

    Ichiban - lipstick for men.

    • +1

      Never watched much friends in the 90s but of all the things, this episode stuck in my mind till this day

      • Sure Jim, if that who you really are!

    • LoL

  • Not bad flavour but the meat is generally 70% fat/gristle.

  • Anyone knows if Australia will start producing different flavour noodles? like kangaroo flavour noodles?

    • Gross!
      Also no, we don’t need to imitate these Asian delights.

  • Ractopamine

  • +2

    I had these once when I was high for the first time. It was delicious. I bought a 10 of them the next day and then ate one sober and never touched the rest again. :(

    • +1

      I had these once when I was high for the first time

      Any deals?

  • I'd buy 10 of each if I had cupboard space. Covid20 ready.

    • Best use some of that stockpiled toilet paper to make space 🤣

  • $2.60!!

    If i were to go all out, then i'd rather get the nissin Michelin star rated instant noodle from the grocer for $5!
    I found the secret to restaurant level noodles. Its to cook slow cook a particular meat youre after whether chicken/pork/beef. Use the broth to cook the instant noodle with

    • +2

      which nissin noodle is the Michelin star one?

      • +2

        More importantly, where can I get for $5!?

        That's the cheapest Michelin star you can buy :O

      • https://www.amazon.com.au/dp/B07C7LFG8R/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_f…

        There's a few lines that are michelin star rated now by nissin.

        I only know where to buy in Melbourne but unsure about NSW. Gotta hunt the grocer that has this and keep buying or go to Japan and buy it. I think it's 300yen a cup

        • +1

          Isn't it just an instant noodle version of a Michelin star rated dish? I'd find it really funny if instant noodle got served to someone (whoever awards Michelin stars…the Michelin man?) and they awarded it a Michelin star

          • +1

            @ChadHominem: That may be right actually. perhaps lost in translation with my japanese friends but it is damn good

  • I prefer their packet ones when they're on sale.

  • Finally got these today.
    Eating tomorrow and will review

    • +1

      Noodle quality is pretty bland.
      Meat is questionable.
      Stock is tasty so brings it all together.
      Chilli is a nice heat although very oily.
      7/10 overall

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