Are You Proud of Being an OzBargainer?

Please share how you feel (in your society) being as an OzBargainer browsing the site every couple of hours? Do you feel proud of it or wanna hide it?

I personally feel pretty smart when sharing (I) how I get cheap YouTube premium via India (ii) cheap 7 eleven fuel through locking in different state (iii) Xiaomi home automation at low cost etc.


  • +17

    browsing the site every couple of hours?

    I browse ozbargain every couple of seconds. Am I doing something wrong?

    • +4

      Yes, you should be browsing all of the time.

    • +1

      If you don't have a dedicated monitor just displaying the live feed page then you're doing it wrong.

    • You need a bot to do your browsing, maybe even another bot to make sure the first has no toilet breaks.

  • +6

    I have an OzBargain tattoo mate.

  • +10

    I’m rich and poor at the same time thanks to OzBargain

  • +9

    I am very proud of being an Ozbargainer but publicly I am in the closet.

    Never found any interest or gratitude from friends/family/acquaintances/random people at the bus stop.

    Let the fool-pricers pay fool-price and leave the bargains for us.

    • I feel I get more teasing from family than gratitude - despite their quality of life being SUBSTANTIALLY improved with all the great gear they have as a result of ozb

      • +1

        Well, they have the best of both worlds. YOU do the work and find the deals and jump through hoops to get them and THEY get to enjoy all the stuff.
        They are the really smart Ozbargainers. No work and get to enjoy the stuff you give them at cost price or free. ;-)

    • This!

  • +7

    Not exactly proud, but I do feel sorry for the commoners and how much they pay for things.

    • +1

      Heh commoners.. plebs.. muggles.. there should be an ozbargain term coined for these people

      • +1

        I like "fool-pricers" as per Cheap Steve above. The unenlightened, great unwashed and heathen fool-pricers.

  • Please share how you feel (in your society)

    After joining OzBargain, pretty much like this.

  • It's a love hate relationship. I do SEO and recently found out OzBargain overtook one of my killer posts.

    At the same time… I save money and get cashback… so… grrr love hate

    • OzBargain overtook one of my killer posts

      What do you mean? In search rankings?

      • Yeah, I was #1, now I'm #2. I found out when my client was telling me… So thanks OzBargain

  • +2

    I don't hide it, I tell people about the website and they should check it out. It's up to the person to decide how far they are willing to go for a bargain

    • +1

      I dont hide it but also dont promote to strangers as I dont want everything good to be ozbargained all the time ;)

  • +2

    I wouldn't mention it to anyone in person. And if you guys stopped trying to be so funny I'd probably move on to another site.

  • +1

    I feel I learn a lot of new life information and skills via ozbargain - I'm quickly connected to people with knowledge in areas that I have never had the time to explore. For me that's invaluable

  • I'm very proud of it. I want the best for my family and loved ones which means I want them to enjoy savings and bargains too. I have an email list for family members and email them the direct links to OzBargain.

    Its fun to compare bargains with other bargain hunting friends who don't OzBargain. I have a good friend who finds better deals than me and doesn't use OzBargain (they are a shopaholic accountant with fantastic memory and attuned to social media websites and public advertisements). They're blown away by the SIM only mobile plans (+cash backs).

    I'm shy when it comes to strangers and sharing about OzBargain. Its not like you will want to take a date to a restaurant and when the bill comes out to ask for advertised discounts or buy 1 get 1 free deals.

    For casual friends I'm not up front about OzBargain. I'll suggest a dining special I know of (from OzBargain) and if they ask "WOW how do you find out about these fantastic deals?", I just tell them the truth.

  • +4

    I am proud, but my enthusiasm lessens when I see posts like this

    • That's probably the funniest thing that will be posted all week.

    • +1

      I feel the same when I see posts about "I want a new Mercedes Benz but I don't want to spend the money". When I see too many of these posts it makes me question the purpose of OzBargain.

  • +3

    I am proud.

    However, my caucasian friends / colleagues like to give friendly jibes about being a tight @ss, especially the ladies, some even refuse to date guys that use coupons etc. What cows.

    Asian friends tend to already have an Ozbargain membership upon getting their birth certificate.

    • Coupons are the best, Dimmi 50% off too, especially on first dates.

      "Thank you for paying for my dinner"

      "Nah I just payed for my dinner, yours was free, but you're welcome… Have you seen this site called ozbargain?"

      The rest is history. Ancient history.

  • +2

    Great community and the comments often help make my mind up with purchases.

    I'm not proud of the distraction it is in my work day, even though I know more interesting work would fix that…

  • Got to be in it, to OzBargain (buy) it!

  • I like the deals but am not that fond of the majority of the community. Too many sheeple and I just don't get the love of camrys and corollas, 2 cars I would rate as worst on the road. Also lots of pariahs on following rules when they don't align with common sense.

    • +1

      I found the same that OzBargain isn't a very diverse community. Is very much an echo chamber.

      I don't mind people putting out different points of view but I'm surprised that people will down vote me (into the double figures) when I post basic facts + statistics + physics. eg. relationship stats like 1/3 marriages will fail. It's like the echo chamber don't want to hear truths or have their illusion shattered.

  • I'm a loud and proud OzBargainer, often joking with colleagues about some of the things I've done in pursuit of a bargain. I'm actually not that much of a cheapskate though and could probably have better money habits but I come from a very shrewd family so I think I share the same humour/values as a lot of the people here.

  • +1

    Mostly here for the forums and comments. I'm trying to be more sustainable so not purchasing much and either have most of it already or will get second hand for nominal amount/free.

  • +1

    Sort of. Great to find bargains but not proud to be associated with some of the posters on forums. Such smart a comments, putting people down, treating someone’s serious matter (to them) as trivial, etc,

  • I am very proud of a disciplined approach and I I recommend OzB to a large number of people. The primary use case I offer is around buying tech that you don't need immediately e.g. good headphones. I suggest they set up an alert and wait for it to become available.

    All that said, I'd not recommend OzB to someone who is a compulsive spender.

  • Yes. I’m also proud of being a crackhead.

  • I try to not let people know I am.

  • -1

    I find that people in general are stupid and oblivious to finding a good bargain. They seriously don't understand OzBargain or the basics of marketing in general.

  • Ozbargain is a great place to pick up

  • +1

    I introduce all potential romantic partners to ozbargain at some point.

    I am currently single.

    Clearly they had character flaws.

    Hence, ozbargain not only makes me happy, it preserves my future happiness.

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