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[NSW] 50% off Property Reports, 1 Month $29.50, 6 Months $49.95 @ Liveable (Sydney)


Property reports cover details such as:
Property History (including price changes in campaign listing if available)
Nearby Comparable Sold Properties
Nearby Comparable Sales/Rental Listings
Nearby Amenities
Local School catchments
Public Transport options
Census (demographics)

Some of this data is available online, so why use our reports? Because we've collated all the information and placed it all in one handy property report, saving you hours of research time.

For recent listings we also have the full campaign history which is not readily available.

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closed Comments

  • How does this compare with the free property reports provided by ANZ?

    • +1

      Bank reports are all from CoreLogic. These reports only contain sales history of the property (not campaign history), limit of 3 nearby properties for sale, recently sold and for rent.

      Basically gist is, we’re more detailed. More power in your hands as a consumer. The banks and brokers just give you enough info to push you to buy since that’s how they make money
      We give you all the info for you to make an informed decision.

      • +1

        in the past 7 years i have been using the free service from banks and brokers and so far i have all the information i need in my properties portfolio.

        why dont you give us a test, free a sample to begin with, as an investor I would be happy to pay something if it is going to help me to pull the right trigger.

        • Send us an email to [email protected] with the address of a property you are interested in and we will send you a free report

  • +1

    few banks gave this service for free, i use westpac, ing,BOQ and if you have a broker they also happy to extract this info for free.

  • Is there the reverse? Can you search for homes by public transportation options etc?

    • The closest feature we have to that is via our Explore tool https://explore.liveable.co/map.html?city=sydney

      This allows you to put in a commute destination and the maximum time you are willing to commute via public transport and it will give you a ranked list of suburbs

      • Thanks mate this is great

  • Hi OP

    I'm interested in this. Can I confirm, does this only cover sydney area (assuming that's why Sydney is in parenthesis) and reports not available outside sydney?

    Secondly, I used to have an rpdata subscription many years ago. Are the reports similar to those or are they more or less comprehensive?

    Thank u

    • Yes, thats correct we only cover Sydney at the moment. We do have other capital cities but the data is not as comprehensive.

      Send us an email to [email protected] with and we can send you a sample report for you to compare to reports you have used in the past.

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