How Reliable Are Google Reviews?

I used to rely on Google reviews for things like restaurants and cafes….but as of late I have noticed that many of these establishments have extremely good ratings and hardly any bad feedback.

Alarm bells started to ring when I saw the ratings differed on Zomato.
Example 4.2 on Google but a 2.1 on Zomato.

Obviously I've mentioned restaurants here but im starting to realise most places for any industry seem to be highly reviewed lately.

Which led me to the question, how reliable are those Google reviews and do you use Google reviews as an indicator of where to go for things?

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  • +6

    Don't rely on any online reviews. Bias, fakes and subjectivity/human idiocy skews them heavily. Use Fakespot and read both sides to make your own mind up.

    With things like food it's so subjective that other people's reviews mean nothing to me. I might like something they don't and vice versa, why do I care what they thought of it. Look at the menu and the pics and make a call on whether you want to try it or not.

    • I used to use Google a tonne for reviews.

      But as you have pointed out, its very subjective now.

      It's a habit I need to break.

      • +2

        Well we just drove past one of the most famous pie shops on the Canberra - Sydney route with thousands of positive reviews, been around for 50 years and what appears to be institution for the area. So we stopped by for lunch and honestly, it wasn't anything special or great. Pretty basic pies that were just adequate. No more than that. But I'm not going to trash their name on reviews just because I personally didn't enjoy it as much as clearly thousands others do. To each their own.

        Conversely, there's a small family-owned place in the west that I quite like but has generally poor reviews as people don't seem to enjoy their style & offerings. That doesn't diminish my enjoyment of the establishment or it's menu. Again, to each their own.

        Ratings and word of mouth mean nothing really beyond an indicator. For some products, like Amazon, it's worth looking at reviews of both extremes (1-star and 5-star) to get a general feel but again, a shaver that people rave about might not work for your skin. Speakers some people say is the best thing ever isn't quite what you were expecting. So many people love the PS5 but there's many out there that do not for various reasons.

        Don't rely on reviews that much that it influences you straight away. Make your own decisions.

        • I totally agree with you.
          Weirdly, If I have a bad experience I don't leave a bad review most of the time. But I have a tendency to always see what others say.
          Silly I know.

          I feel like as of late, some of these places are really catching onto what the review system means to there clientele.

  • I wouldn't have thought Google would review this thread but I were wrong. lol

  • +1

    lol half a star out of 5

    Google Reviews are not reliable at all

  • +5

    Hopefully Google take their reviews with them when they leave Australia!

  • +2

    Honestly I don't mind them but I do go in with a specific mind set I guess? Like I won't just take a 4.5 star average, I'd have to go in, read the recent reviews of the past 12 months. And I'd assess those reviews to see if they're legit or not. For example reviews that talk about specifics I like (like the water was nice and cold, waiter seemed a little annoyed we were there but happy with the food) or something I feel is good. But ones that are like "this place is great, waiter was awesome and I loved it so much" kind of means nothing to me. Same as when people say "I hate this place its shit" vs "they gave me the wrong order 3 times, makes sure to double check your order!".

    I also feel like zomato and others are placed people put in a review if they get bad service, so they're angry enough to search a review site online and review. While google kind of pings the user to review often the places they've been, so I think theres quite a big different between ratings between the sites.

    • This is my approach too, no idea what the star ratings mean, but reading the reviews can tell you something.

  • -1

    Google reviews are reliable, you just need to use the right scale.

    Anything less than 4.5 = probably meh
    4.5-4.7 = could be really good but usually just OK
    4.8+ = good/incredible

    This scale has served me very well all around the world using google reviews for food & drink. Does not apply to other businesses.

  • +7

    i usually sort by worst review. If it reads like the person is a nutter, then i know the place is fine.

  • About as reliable as some recommendation on OzB or Trip Advisor, etc. Why not just walk into the nearest pub and ask there?

  • +3

    A dodgy air conditioning "technician" tried to rip me off, so I wrote a negative Google review. I noticed that he and his mates (I identified them on his Facebook) had written bogus 5 star reviews because he had lots of negative reviews. I reported it to Google numerous times but to this day there has been no action taken.

    • +1

      Yeah it's very easy for individuals to create a fake email and use that email for the fake google review.


  • +2

    dont trust 1-review wonders

  • +1

    I only trust the aggressively negative reviews.

  • When you see restaurants that put a sign on the shop that give 5% discount for a 5 star google review in vietnam, and the waiters hassling you about 5 stars at the end of the meal, you learn that theres an element of bs involved.

  • +1

    Some businesses take Google reviews very seriously (a bit too seriously) - and offer discounts/freebies for 5-star reviews, so take it with a grain of salt.
    I've also seen businesses write their own fake 5 star reviews, a bit sad if you ask me.

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