TV Screen Cleaner

Hi Guys

Just wondering what do you use for streak free cleaninng of LED screens of your TV?

I am conscious of using any chemicals so want to know what other people are doing without damaging the screen.


  • I use Lens Bright lens cleaner from Specsavers to clean the screen.

    1 quick spray and a wipe over with a microfibre cloth and sparkling like new.

  • +2

    3 parts windex, 1 part bbq sauce.

    • +5

      Are you sure that’s correct? I’ve heard it’s mustard and not bbq sauce. The higher levels of vinegar are a mild acid that cuts through grease marks and the mustard seeds act as a soft “exfoliant” to remove built up grime. I’m a car guy though so maybe I’m confused and that’s for car windows and not TVs?

  • +2

    2parts vinegar, 1 part water and a squeegee..

    But seriously, I read that tvs are using different coatings these days and the instructions for many newer tvs is a soft microfibre cloth (dry) to remove dust and only some water on a microfibre cloth for any stubborn marks.

  • +3

    I got 10 year old plasma and I use good old windex :)

    • Same here, been using it for years on TVs and computers screens without issue

      • Things you shouldn't do is not directly spraying at the screen apparently, as it could damage the circuits at the bottom on some tvs.

  • +5

    I clean screens daily as part of my job. Do not put anything with chemicals on it, even 'screen cleaners'.

    Get a bottle of demineralised water and a soft cloth and clean with that. Cleans well and evaporates without leaving marks, it's even easier to get a streak-free finish than when using chemical cleaners and you won't risk wearing away any protective coatings.

  • Jif

  • +2

    Depends on the TV to be fair I would think. All my TV’s are old so I just use a drop of detergent, with warm water, and two fluffy microfibre towels (ones from Costco are good). Wipe down the TV with damp cloth, and then buff with dry cloth. Never had any dramas.

  • I'd probably just use iso alcohol.

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