Chemist Warehouse Staff Handling Complaints


Not sure what should be the title topic…can’t choose

I am open for discussion. Moved on because my kid is alright, but should I went further up?

Sat 24/04/21 after 5pm (A) knocked over my 17 months old. My daughter fell 90°degree backwards and knocked her head HARD on ground. (A) expressed apologetic and left. But my daughter cried so long.

(B) brought me to their manager. I understand (A) had harmless intention but left without checking on my daughter.

Manager acknowledged. Then suddenly staff Jane butt in and talk over? Kept telling me to go get medical and police report and sued them. But…I only want (A) to follow up on my kid and apologise again.

JANE is also hinting I am blocking their customer and wasting their time. Why need the teenager to apologise when the manager had already apologised? We are in fault because our kid is not tied to baby carrier and running around?

I am guessing this complaint would not have gone any further but I still like to express dissatisfaction and disappointment.

In short.
1. Jane > Work as professional but with unprofessional attitude. One of a kind. RUDE. Not the manager. Regular staff.
2. (A) apologised but still left when my daughter is screaming in pain.
3. (B) handled well in my complaint.
4. Manager should get our contact.
5. My kid wasn’t running or walking. (A) turned and bumped into her because she was rushing to finish work.

What do you think? Should I name and shame? But I know you all could guess from my profile haha.

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Chemist Warehouse
Chemist Warehouse

closed Comments

  • +120


    • +12

      Ok, can see a pattern here.

      Like other similar OPs, is just seeking confirmation bias and when alternative opinions offered gets triggered when it doesn’t met OPs own bias.

      And only 1h25m into this post.

    • +9

      Karen is gonna Karen.

    • +3

      "Then suddenly staff Jane butt in and talk over? Kept telling me to go get medical and police report and sued them. "

      To be honest Jane needs to stfu.

      Any nuisance employee like that who encourages a customer to sue her own work place is _______ .

      • +2

        Assuming that's how it all went down

        Even in this post the OP has changed her story as she calmed down, let alone how she initially saw the situation

        • People could say anything to feel better, when they have a bruised ego. Usually everyone else is the problem besides themselves.

          Would say the OP felt more pain from a bruised ego than concern for their kid.

  • +122

    Apologies, but I found this post very hard to comprehend.

      • +7


        • +7

          I'm confused. Is it ok?

      • Which store is it? DM me if you want, I won't share..

    • +3

      That's the correct answer, whatever is the question…

    • +1

      You are not the only one.

    • -1

      After a real trauma, op or any human being will find it hard to put together sentences.… this story shows the perpetrator had a clear description on the event which make the police very suspicious of the perpetrator's version of event, which lead to her conviction. Op's description of event clearly shows he is a victim, hopefully when he is emotionally stable, he will be able to articulate his version of event.

      • This isn't really trauma, it's more of a complaint thread where one is seeking an echo chamber fuelled by confirmation bias.. And if they're going on OzBargain and posting about it, you'd think they're in the right headspace?

  • +60

    Look after your child (hope they're okay) and move on. Things happen.

    Absolutely awful writing by the way. Sorting things by chronological and having some semblance of coherent point would go a long way.

      • +9
      • +7

        Put things in order of what happened factually, then add your thoughts then your query. It's jumbled all over the place pretty incoherently. Even better would be to type it up somewhere, go do something else and proofread it again with fresh look.

        Also, I just re-read that, head injuries should be looked at by a proper Doctor especially if they are leading to other symptoms like vomiting. Not clear if that was what you implied or what you are saying they said (again post isn't clear) but yes, it should be looked at by competent person, not CW staff.

        • -2

          Better? I cut some short.

        • -6

          I understand, but not all head injuries to be looked by gp. She is not vomiting after the fall and we monitored her for at least 6 hours after.

          • +22

            @mickey888: I'm sorry, I have no right to judge your parenting, but if my 1.5 year old child "knocked her head HARD on ground" (your words), you better believe I'm going to get them checked out immediately.

            What on earth is more important than that?

            • -2

              @Hybroid: She is. We called our own family doctor after. But, as usual, monitoring after. If any symptoms, straight to emergency.

              • @mickey888: You seemed rather intent on complaining to the "perpetrator" and manager in this situation, based upon your recount of your thought process during the events.

                Also, you shouldn't write in a more detailed way because it would only end up worse. Please just think about what you're writing and be coherent, as if you were speaking. Saying what you wrote above to someone, word for word, would leave them very lost, as with most people here. It's impossible to fully understand what you're trying to convey.

      • +1

        In its current form, I would have prefixed "employee" to the characters you've denoted "A" and "B".

  • +21

    Anyone want to do a TLDR, even my head hurts reading this…

    • +52

      Young CW staff member bumped loose 1.5 year old kid. Apologised and left. OP not happy. CW manager says get kid looked at by professional due to head bump. OP not happy and wants formal apology from young staffer instead of focusing on caring about a possibly vomiting child from head hit. Some bits in between.

      • +26


        I think there are at least 2 Karens in the story.

        • Kid crying for a long time, worth a mention.

          Must've been stressful..

          • +3

            @capslock janitor: When men and children are hurt, somehow Karens are most affected :\

      • +7

        happened a few hours ago and rather make a topic and post than take care of kid….. awesome

      • +1

        Jane who works there is rude but suggests suing them.

      • +10

        vomiting child from head hit

        Would go straight to ER if I was a responsible parent. 🙄

          • +1

            @mickey888: with kids it's a lot better
            been a few times
            seen within the hour.

          • +4

            @mickey888: It’s your kid and not the GP’s kid. If something happened, you want an apology from your GP too? Will it help your kid? End of the day, it’s your kid and any pain and suffering is nobody else’s pain.

            • @SF3: Do you go emergency every time if your kid have bumps in childcare? Not the gp?

              • +4


                knocked her head HARD on ground
                But my daughter cried so long.

                This, you said it.

                If it was the knee or elbow, different story.

                People die from head injuries.

              • @mickey888: it kid did a 180, 180! landing on head, cried for a long time.

                could have bruising. then you go to childcare, prolly get reported to DOCS

            • -1

              @SF3: I believe OP just wants the incident acknowledged with sincerity and genuine concern for health, fair.

              Jane sounds horrible.

                • +1

                  @mickey888: Can I suggest we have two new sections added to each post moving forward.

                  A tldr section
                  A summary of the response you want

                  That way:

                  People know what the hell you are talking about straight up
                  People can give you what you want to save everyone time and effort. You clearly are here to be validated, not for others opinions.

          • +18

            @mickey888: A head injury to a 1.5yr old if taken to hospital would be in faster than it took to whinge on here
            So what if it was 6 hours, its your kids health…
            yes I'm a parent and yes have spent time in casualty waiting.

            • @pharkurnell: Gp is quicker and faster than the hosp.

            • @pharkurnell: Same. 👍

            • +1

              @pharkurnell: Had to read your answer before I understood the question.

              I hate it when people play hide and seek with their prepositions.

              And to answer the question.. No, I have never been an ER.

              Have been triaged in an ER before though. A few times.

              • +5

                @KSMLJ: We all know OP included the word “HARD” to try and razz people against the employee and their wanting of compensation, but has backfired hard and OP is now negligent parent.

                • +1

                  @Blitz001: OP thought people browsing OzB are all about compensation "bargains". Luckily we aren't an echo chamber here, in regards to most things. That includes unjustified complaints or hyperbolised accounts of events.

                  OP should've thought twice about posting, and should know better having been here a while and potentially having read the other unreasonable forum posts graciously provided for our entertainment.

      • thanks now I understand the post

    • +39

      kid got wacked
      person said sorry and left
      manager said sorry
      I want moreeeeee
      another person said piss off
      I'm angry
      what can I do

      • +1

        … continue'd
        go to ozb, type paragraph to let off steam for having sht day & hope for same bias
        instead.. get more sh
        :D :D

        guess Op's day aint gonna get better…
        let's hope for a better tomorrow

      • -2

        Let change scenarios

        In restaurant
        Waiter spill warm/hot drink on kid
        Person said sorry and left
        U calmed the kid
        U checked the injury
        U clean and wipe the mess
        Manager said sorry
        Another staff say try sue me
        U pay the food bill and get lost

        In short, waiter should have waited for the kid to calm down and offer ice pack or any assistance.

        • -1

          Waiter spill warm/hot drink on kid

          yes but the key factor in this is, that it wasn't someone at CW, it was just some average Joe leaving the store. That's a completely different story

        • Ok, maybe the manager's comment about suing the staff member was condescending from your perspective? That's likely exaggerated and you blew a simple short harmless comment out of proportion like so many people do (focusing on negatives only), compounding the bad situation, however you did not make that clear in the original post whatsoever. You really need to think about your writing style (or skills in general).

          Going to be honest, it wasn't even clear the "teenager" was a CW employee until I read the comments. That key fact was mistaken by someone above as well. Neither was it clear to me that your child was on the floor and knocked 90 degrees backwards, I was thinking the child was bumped out of your arms since that's the only reasonable place without a pram.

    • +25

      O.P. wasn't supervising their small child closely in a retail situation. Child was bumped, fell over. O.P. angry.

      • +8

        It’s CW I would not let anyone run around at all. It’s a small space and almost everything is keep out of reach from children 🙄.

      • +6

        We supervised. My kid was just standing next to me. The staff (A) was running around. Still, you are right, I should be carrying her.

        • +5

          If you're sure she hit her head, don't wait, go to hospital emergency and get her checked out. Better safe than sorry.

      • +2

        Yeah, I hate it when I see parents letting very young children around shopping isles just roam free as if it ******** playschool. It's the parents responsibility to supervise their kids. Accidents do and will happen, especially when a toddler who is barely able to walk is set free to do as they please in busy shopping malls.

        Just plain irresponsible and ignorant.

        • -1

          That’s why people chose pets over kids. Sad but true. Kids aren’t supposed to roam freely now with many dangers lurking everywhere everyday. Kidnapping is worst scenario ever.

          I am no superhero. I didn’t let her roam, all she did was standing. My reaction wasn’t quick enough to carry her when someone is approaching.

          Still, as parent, when accident happened under your watch, I am sole responsible and guilty.

          • +1

            @mickey888: If you think simple accidents like this are a risk to your child, get an infant carrier or something. They really need to be watched all of the time in these cramped spaces, as they have minds of their own! It's very annoying to have unnecessary obstacles in the aisles which can result in situations like what you encountered. It's hard enough not to bump into anyone, let alone an infant you can barely see behind you.

  • +13

    What do you want them to do exactly? An apology was made, if your not satisfied with that then make a complaint to head office. But tidy up your grammar first…. it is all over the place.

    • But tidy up your grammar first…. it is all over the place.

      Maybe caused by hyperventilation, given the event and expectations.

    • -8

      Just another apology is sufficient.

      • +39

        Hi Karen,

        We would like to apologise for bumping into your unsupervised toddler.

        Thank you for shopping at Chemist Warehouse.

        Chemist Warehouse Head Office

      • +2

        why stop at 2? There would be almost a dozen employees at the store, you should have demanded one from every single one including the security guard.

    • +8

      You may or may not be contradicting yourself.

      if your not satisfied
      But tidy up your grammar first

    • An apology…. x 2!

  • +35

    Staff member did the right thing bringing the issue to the attention of the manager. After that they're ok to leave the issue with management to resolve.

    Your 17 months old child should have been either strapped in, or be carried around the store, not let loose to explore. Chemist warehouse (and most stores) aren't toddler friendly/safe spaces.

    Grow up, take some responsibility for what happened and move on. Hope the little one is ok.

      • +13

        If you want to have your own parenting style, that's your prerogative, however you should be prepared for issues that may arise from it.

        Personally, I'd never let a toddler loose anywhere inside a space like CW, with narrow isles packed with all sorts of chemicals.

          • +25

            @mickey888: You're talking about a toddler with no spatial awareness in a cramped aisle, not a 10 year old. I guarantee every user here has been stuck behind parents with young kids buzzing underfoot or nearly hit one with a trolley, it's why they have child seats. I'm sorry, but this one's on you.

            • -8

              @SydStrand: There were no one else besides us in the aisle. So no trolley you mentioned and (A) wasn’t there. While looking up at snack, (A) came rushing to fill up 2-3 pack of mum mum rice crackers. She turned and knocked my kid. Yes true I have part responsibilities. Any staff is rushing to go home, I should have awareness and carried her.

              • +5

                @mickey888: You state you are part responsible, did you apologise to the CW staff member. They could have sustained an injury from tripping over your wandering child. You have multiple apologies, move on.

      • +8

        A 17 month is still a baby. Their walking and moving free skills are not yet developed. On top of this, they are not always easily visible, so the chances of this type of accident in a busy store are high.

        Clearly, you were irresponsible and negligent. You got a proper apology and good advice from the Manager. Why should you get multiple apologies when this is clearly your fault. Learn and be a better parent. I would never let a child as young as that roam around free in a busy shopping mall store.

        • -7

          Yes sole responsibility and guilty for it.

          And which proper apology are you referring?
          “She is a teenager. She shouldn’t left. She has no experience handling”


          “Get reports and come back sue us, if we are responsible at fault”

      • They need to grow up… But you're the one getting annoyed about the consequences and expecting others to pick up the slack by apologising for your obvious oversights? That's the fault of your own "parenting style", not anyone else's, especially in this situation where no harm was intended. It's something you have to expect and make provisions for. I don't think a potential head injury is expected as part of the process of growing up. An apology won't do anything for you, except give you another reason to believe it's not the fault of your own - which again is irresponsible. And the main motive was probably to confront the young store worker. An OzBargain thread most definitely is not relevant to this issue, nor helpful for what you want (besides seeking confirmation bias, obviously, which you won't find here).

    • Hope the little one is ok.

      hear, hear.

    • Sorry I reread your comment. Yes (B) did right. However when I talking to the manager, Jane cut in the conversation. Then, the manager left to attend another customer. So Jane and I continued…

      Jane: Go get medical next door, filed a police report and sued us.
      I: But I don’t want to sue anyone.
      Jane: We already had the manager to apologise. Why do you want to take a teenager’s apology? Manager is in high position than her.
      I: I…(been cut off)
      Jane: Go file report and if we are responsible at fault, we are here.
      I: Your name?

    • Why no incident report?

  • +7

    Accidents happen, they've apologised and your kid is okay.

    Move on.

  • Eye for an eye, you should've knocked the staffer down and said "oops, sorry"

    • +4

      "Didn't see you there"

      • I've actually done that. I think I'm an (profanity) sometimes, but that 3 year old kid in that instance definitely deserved it

    • Wow payback

  • Huh?

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