Swooping Magpie on Private Property

I'm in Queensland and my tenant says there is a swooping magpie in a tree on my property. I can't find much info for birds on private property.

Am I liable for it? Personally I don't care, let the bird do its thing for a few weeks. But tenant wants me to sort it out.



        • Flies sting you?

          • @tetra: Horse flies bite and can cause anaphylactic reactions.

  • +1

    Tell them to feed the magpie and they will stop swooping.

    And please get a pest controller for the wasp nest, can of wasp spray puts her at risk and you liable for injury.

  • +1

    What Happens When A Magpie Becomes Too Dangerous? The Cops Shoot It. With A Gun.


    Wear a bicycle or skateboard helmet. Any sort of hat, even a hat made from an ice cream container or cardboard box, will help protect you.

    Carry an open umbrella, or a stick or small branch, above your head but do not swing it at the magpie, as this will only provoke it to attack.


  • +1

    The government can employ deadly force.

    Magpies can harm humans badly so they can legally deploy snipers to nullify the imminent threat, like with Taliban insurgents and enemy combatants.

    Overkill in the name of the Queen

  • Sounds like the tenant will settle for nothing less than a turret gun with an AI that recognises magpies 😁

  • Dang people love to complain. Tell them to make a slingshot with a tree branch and a rubber glove.

  • +1

    wasp is a single nest not an infestation or inside house. just the common iceicle shape nest 2" long.

    The work issue chilli wasp killer works a treat but dont want to be relied on every time shes see a single spider/ant/cockroach.

    Her children are adults.

    Its a privite agreement am tempted to move it to a rela estate just so i dont need to sort stuff out, but then they will take more than there fair share.

    To her credit shes great with $$$$ and only time she missed a payment was in between 2 places of work as pay days fell on different days. Called up stressing about it as if i even noticed or cared.

    If i went to that much effort i think id just sell this place, ive already sold 1 property its simply just worth the stress for potitential gain.

    If i sold it id be debt free at my house, i own all cars/bikes outright while still in my mid 30's

    • A lot of people might be thinking it’s a large European wasp nest with hundreds if not thousands of wasps that attack as soon as you look at the nest let alone try to destroy it?
      Then again, this is OzBargain…

    • Go out after dark. Use a torch with a red light mode to see what you're doing. Blast 'em. That wasp spray they sell at Woolies works great.

  • Not your problem. give them an ice bucket for use in their yard put some eyes on the back of it.

  • +2

    Your tenant is a moron and if they are complaining about a magpie then expect countless unnecessary complaints and repair requests through their tenancy.

    As everyone already said just tell the tenant its not a problem and they need to call down. I'd makes sure to tell them that magpies are native protected birds and its illegal to harm them just in case they were thinking of doing something stupid.

  • I have found that they don't attack if you are looking at them. Sneaky. But that won't stop the first swoop.

  • +1

    I think you need to talk to an expert in bird law.

    • +1

      Harvey Birdman?

  • +1

    Tell them to feed it some mince meat and make friends with it, then it won't swoop them. They are smart birds with good memory.

  • wonder if putting an owl statue work in this case

  • Send in a drone to take out the magpie and the wasps. It's how the west do it.

  • Send them a bike helmet and 43 cable ties. Just add an inbuilt facemask and those earpod thingamajigamies and I'm sure it will catch on

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