Shang-Chi and The Legend of The Ten Rings Is So Good!

Just came out of the cinema tonight seeing this and I have to say it is probably my favourite MCU origin movie now! Unlike other MCU movies this one had so much heart and emotion. At first I thought it’d be cliched kung fu stuff but wow was I wrong!

Who else has seen it and what did you think? I definitely feel like this movie has breathed new life into the MCU!


  • +3

    Story and acting was only ok, VFX was surprisingly mediocre and there was a part of the movie where the car windows were smashed and then in the next scene, it's repaired.

    I felt like I was watching some random Netflix movie, not one from Marvel.


    • that's what happens in Work from Home

  • +6

    Are there any other non-marvel fans here? They just seem all generic to me.

    • +7

      Marvel, DC etc, all soulless "cinema" designed to sell merch to manchildren.

    • I''m in the same boat as you, however I'm aware that if one were to know more of the overall marvel backstories, external references and how the stories and characters link to each other, one would enjoy these movies a lot more.

      We're just not as invested, and treat them as individual movies.

    • +1

      I don't rate Marvel movies on the same scale as I rate regular moves, otherwise they are basically 3-5/10's. Exceptions to Infinity War, Homecoming and the first Iron Man.

    • +3

      Agree, I think they're all trash within recent memory to be honest. With the exception of Enter the Spider Verse. That was genuinely visually interesting and novel animation style, sound design was very good, and story wasn't distractingly bad.

      Post Watchmen, Logan, SinCity, early X-Men there's just no risk taken to tell a good story. It cates to the safe 14yo crowd dulling it down to an unnaturally low rating level to maximise potential audience at the expense of what the story could have been. There's some genuinely compelling source material there if they could see beyond profits. These are not cinema nor movies, they're something else.

      Comic book adaptations (sequels and prequels in general, yes I'm talking about Starwars, Ghostbusters etc) of the last 10 years have all been shameless cash grabs to overuse and burn out existing IP. Fast food of the video world, and there's always going to be people who are too lazy or disinterested in food to go explore anything else and this is how they stay in business.

      Go pick a random weekend in 1999 and see what was playing in cinemas, no reboots, no prequels, unique standalone movies which put integrity of producing something of value over if it turns a buck. Now get off my lawn.

  • Until lockdown, i had only seen the odd marvel film over the years. So I sat back with my disney+ and watched the entire back catalogue. I have to say, its a real mixed bag. Some movies, like the avengers, CA, IM1, Guardians, Dr strange were good imo. But there was a ton of pretty average stuff too. The universe is definitely more about quantity than quality. And Quantity = big bucks. I just watched black widow and I thought it was easily forgettable too.

    I'll put Shang-Chi on the list to watch. Im not expecting much tbh.

  • +2

    do you resonate with main character culturally and linguistically? That may be the reason why you like it soo much lol

  • +2

    How does the faceless creature eat?

    • +9

      you mean the footstool with wings?

  • +5

    I really enjoyed it overall. Nice getting some Asian representation.

    I've been pretty disappointed by other recently released MCU movies. Looking at you Black Widow and The Eternals.

    • +1

      Not to mention the dreadful Marvel tv series like Falcon & Winter Soldier and Loki. Wandavision and What If were decent though.

      • +3

        Not to mention the dreadful Marvel tv series like Falcon & Winter Soldier and Loki.

        Really? I thought they were decent, Loki was my favourite.

        Loki > WandaVision > Falcon & The Winter Soldier imo

        • I think I disliked Loki because I had too high hopes for it. Then when Owen Wilson was in it as well my expectations went up even further. Then it just went nowhere and did the worst thing a marvel show can do - become boring. Even the finale was extremely boring. Just a massive letdown the whole way.

          The What If series on the other hand is pretty awesome. Some of the best Marvel I have ever seen with the most powerful bad guy as well. It also has zombies!

          • @dogboy: Owen Wilson basically killed Loki for me… I can't see his character as anyone other than Hansel.

      • I've found all the series so far to be at most the equivalent of the old one shots with an added 95% padding of boring nothingness and recaps.
        And the amount of 'content' we are getting that is recycled old footage in the form of specials etc is straight up embarrassing. Even the animated stuff is way under the average entertainment value of the many years of Marvel/DC cartoons available.

    • found black widow a good movie… better than shangchi imo.
      was like a female bond movie…

  • +4

    its overrated. Nothing old chinese movies havent done, and the CGI of the third act is atrocious, maybe they were trying to go with the mythical aspect of dragon, so it looks unreal. lol

  • +2

    I really liked it! Worth the $2 Disney+ sub. My expectations for most Marvel movies are low but this was a bit different.

  • Thx, will watch on hotstar tonight

  • -4

    I thought people disliked Asians?

    Suppose this fanfare for Shang is a good thing……

    • If you dislike asian population over unrelated issues, you should look at all the bigger issues of your own race.

      Also the ozbargain owner is asian

  • What you all think about the Razer Fist (RZRFST) Electric car?

    • +2

      Product placements were almost as obvious as Space Jam's

      • +1

        Nowhere near as bad (eg. cartoon LeBron smashes through the ground, Nike swoosh silhouette/outline appears), but you could tell BMW really wanted their car badging shown.

      • The BMW product placement was way over the top. Never felt like this in the MCU when Audi was the main car being used. This movie sometimes felt like just a long ad for BMW. Pretty pathetic and ruined the immersiveness quite a bit.

    • +2

      Way too obvious. There was the i8 in the bus scene too.

      Nothing as bad as the beer product placement in the Marky Mark Transformer movie.

      • Wait till you watch Red Notice…

        • +1

          That movie sucked ballz. Anything with the Rock in it just plain sucks these days.

      • +1

        What about the beer product placement in F&F series? The latest one actually removed saying its name, and covering it's logo, because of Covid. And they even had John Cena apologize in Mandarin.

        But they broke records in sales (mostly from China), so these people know what they're doing and are far more intelligent than we give them credit for.

        • +1

          Yeah advertising is nuts. I know about Hollywood accounting but still find it ridiculous that advertising budgets for big movies and games are often more than the product budgets.

    • +1

      that whole scene just seemed like they decided to slap an ad in the middle of the movie. Really really lame, building to the crescendo of him getting out of the car with the full badge and model on display.

      that and the red M8 (I think) and the street full of i8 they ran over during the bus scene from memory.

      So blatant and ham-fisted.

      At least go the path of I,Robot and use a concept car or something…

      Just had a thought - if they had done exactly the same stuff with a Chinese brand to promote it to the world, I wouldn't have had an issue with it. Hmm.

      • Funny that you should choose I, Robot of all movies to talk about product placement

        • i was referring specifically to the movie's use of audi car concept, and you know it!

  • +2

    It wasn't bad, but definitely nothing to write home about. maybe 6 or 7 out of 10. very cliched, CGI was a bit meh as were a lot of the fights, especially towards the end.

  • +5

    only watched it because of Kim's convenience store

    • +2

      ok see you!

      • +1

        u do sneak attack

    • Yobo!

  • -1

    I tend to only agree with part of your last sentence - the MCU is dead.

    • -1

      Go woke, go broke. , but I think the issue is they are aim more to fan boy level knowledge of Marvel then casual level. Loki TV is lost on 90% of people. It's getting too complicated.

  • I loved it too OP. It was a great movie

    • +4

      Your level of great is very low.

  • +2

    I enjoyed it as well

  • +2

    The IMAX on disney+ was quite immersive too!

  • +1

    it had strong points but generally I just found it to be above average at best.

    (Potential Spoilers)
    The CG world at the end looks terrible and the story trys to keep doing things and keep it hype after it's already climaxed. The Kaiju CG fight at the end was a let down after the emotional climax that is the fight before.

  • +4

    6/10. Entertaining, but not enough to watch it more than once.

    • Agree. But way better than Black Widow and The Eternals.

      As for the OP saying it has heart and emotion, unlike other MCU films, that's the key to the other MCU films. The cinema audiences reaction in End Game when Cap picked up Mjolnir was the most surreal thing I've ever experienced in a cinema. Great movie moment, crowd went crazy.

  • +1

    Yeah we were really surprised and all of us, 2 adults and 3 kids 7 and under, loved the hell out of it. All big Marvel fans but this is now our family favourite Marvel movie.

  • +2

    Felt like black panther. 6/10. Don't care about racial representations - if it's a good movie it's a good movie regardless of what race plays the leads. Speaking as an Asian.

  • I'd give it a 7/10… it was actually fun and actually liked the characters… I still think the best MCU movies had the best villains sadly the bad guy here is very forgettable.

  • Bill Pope, the cinematographer for The Matrix, was behind the camera for all the fight scenes in this – I knew the action felt familiar, excellent film.

  • +3

    Made in Sydney! And a few ozbargainer's worked on it.

    Check out the BTS on Disney+ and you can see the Sydney locations that was made into other countries. Mainly a lot of impressive builds though because of Covid.

    • Made in Sydney! And a few ozbargainer's worked on it.

      I thought I saw HelloPam/screensaver in the bus 🤔

      • I hope in the BTS

  • The ending is pretty bad but overall I give 7/10.

  • -2

    It was a solid 3 out of 10 for me and that's being generous. I would not recommend people waste their time on it.

    It's the sort of movie that's so bad, you'd be annoyed at wasting your bandwidth downloading a pirated version of it.

  • Considering this was made during Covid, it's pretty impressive. More heart than most of the other MCU flicks although the CGI could be better. Nothing as bad as the Black Panther fight tho lol.

    7.5/10 worth watching, Katy kinda brings it down a little.

  • I got the $2 disney sub mainly to watch Hamilton, which I quite enjoyed.

    I tried watching Avengers and couldnt make it past eight minutes. The dialogue between the actions scenes is goddawful, just scaffolding/construction material to set up the next action scene, when Matt Damon compared action movies to porn he wasnt far off the mark.

    I was really disappointed with the Iron man cinematic treatment. The Iron man comic book character was a halfway interesting antihero, struggles with alcoholism and all that. They had to make him a lot more bland for the movie I guess.

    Lets face it, Joker left every single other franchise movie in the shade, they all look crap compared to that.

    • I like the Guardians of the Galaxy film. The use of humour and music was quite good. I, also, liked Thor Ragnorok.

  • +4

    havent seen it, reviews seems to be decent but you never get 'negative' press on movies focusing on 'diversity' these days due to fear of being anti minorities. - I mean everyone was too scared to call out how shit the live action Mulan movie was but facts are it was terrible.

    I highly doubt it would be the 'best MCU movie' as i reckon the MCU in general has been on a massive decline for a few years but End Game (part 1 and to a lesser extent part 2)

    I hated black panther thought it was one of the most over rated movies i have ever seen and the plot was just 'dumb' so if it hits the same beats as that im not confident….

    However i like the old Kung Fu movies so who knows….im not paying cinema money to go see it though…

    • Eternals got really bad reviews and they're diverse?

      As you said Mulan took a hit and no one really batted an eye on that

      • I havent seen Eternals but from what ive heard it isnt bad?

        I dont have anything against diverse characters as long as it fits the plot. In modern PC society this rarely happens and rubbish is shoe horned in.

        Seems like every show/movie Needs to have a black person, gay person, strong female character, now even an asian person etc
        But there is usually no points to at least 1-2 of these characters as they have only been written in to pander to PC lunatics opposed to good story writing.

  • -1

    It was just made to pander to the Chinese market.

    I'm guessing OP is Chinese.

    • +2

      The movie isn't released in China and may potentially never get released due to a soft ban

      • -1

        Doesn't mean it wasn't Marvel's intention when they made it

    • +1

      Not Chinese no, nice try though. I know plenty of Asians who do like the MCU though.

    • +1

      China banned the movie because two of the main actors are pro- Hong Kong and use social media to try and shame China for it's treatment of the LGBT mob.

  • I agree, best MCU movie to date. Loved it!

  • +1

    It wasn't that good in my opinion. I'd give it a 6. Just felt like one of those live action adaptation of some anime where the hero gets overpowered when convenient. I find the MCU movies quite repetitive and bland off late, this one felt different but somehow turned out to be worse and more cliched.

    The acting, the plot, the CGI were all pretty average or less than.

  • +1

    Being an Asian I appreciated their effort in bringing the culture to the MCU. For example, family values, scenes of taking shoes off before entering house, parents expectation, the lions. It made me understand how the African American community might have felt with the Black Panther, which was an ordinary movie but was very well received. Similarly, I think Shang Chi is a typical MCU flick (enjoyable, not spectacular) but for me I find it really good and like you it became my fave origin MCU movie. But again, I think its mainly because of my cultural background.

    I also appreciated how they cast Tony Leung in the movie. His acting was amazing!

    The only illogical thing is scenes when they were catching up with friends a couple times and only had cocktails on the table? The real asians would have table full of rice, roast, noodles, or atleast something to eat :P

  • Simu's acting was terrible compared to Tony. They weren't even close.
    Storyline is mediocre to say the least.
    And Awkwafina? Some random cameo onset was more eye catching than her. How did she get picked?????!!!! WTF. Although you can certainly say the same about Simu.

  • +4

    4.5/10 for me, typical Hollywood cliche tick boxing

    Ages thrown away made it more silly,

    Shang Chi ran away at 16, this is set 10 years later… making him 26 and his sister early 20s

    They look their age despite the make up, should have bumped the ages 5 years at least, give some more credibility to Shang Chi skill as fighter

  • Simu Liu and Akwafina DELIVERED! And the rest of the cast were amazing, incredibly well made film. Yes there were plot holes, but doesn’t every movie have convenient stories lol

  • +2

    with all its faults its still better than the Eternals……..though the Eternals has the gold medal for Diversity locked up tight

  • -1


    A Marvel film set in the land of Communism

    How come Chairman Xi doesn’t appear in the film as a god?

    • Communist China banned the movie, probably why you won't see any Chinese officials in it.

  • +1

    And Eternals was sooo boring.

  • To be honest it felt more like a Disney movie than an MCU one, and that's not an indictment.

  • It felt like Asian Black Panther with a much lower budget. A lot less hype and seemingly reduced marketing compared with most MCU movies.
    Still killed it at the box office though.

    I enjoyed the story. The cast was great (Tony Leung did a fantastic job), with the only question I had being what was the point of (Sir) Ben Kingsley's character? Comic relief to a certain extent but it seemed much more like typical Disney forced diversity.

    If this movie had been allowed a China release it would have absolutely broken box office records.

    • Maybe it was to make amends for Kingsley playing an asian all them years ago.

  • +2

    It's a fairly poor homage to Chinese culture. They went way over the top with the Chinese mythologies and kung fu that makes it abundantly clear you're watching a Western movie with Chinese/Asian characters. It's something Kung Fu Panda did also, but at least that had a certain charm about it. Disney/Marvel was not able to recreate the same magic Dreamworks was able to pull off. Shang Chi tries way too hard to appease a Chinese/Asian audience and I suspect it wouldn't be received well even if it was released in China.

    • Hollywood is known for stereotyping and not being accurate with culture. Twisting, altering, glorifying, accurate or inaccurate representation of culture is what they do best. As long it stereotypes and is aesthetically pleasing to the western audiences.

      There are already reports from China it didn't sit well culturally there. Let's face it, American isn't the best at getting anything culturally correct, mind you the Director for shang chi is half Asian BUT…… was born in America, grew up in America and to my knowledge not Chinese. Thing is, he will put his western spin on Asian/Chinese culture within the movie.

      At least they got the cast right with people from different Chinese backgrounds

      Simu is Canadian but with Chinese background
      Awkwafina is quarter chinese
      The dad is Chinese
      The sister is Chinese

      But, it's Hollywood where stereotypes bring in the cash. Shang Chi's audience isn't China, Crazy Rich Asians audience isn't Singapore……. while it's great to see Asians emerging in these films, it's paving it's own path of Asian movies to be more stereotypical Asian rather than a movie with Asians acting in them, if that makes sense.

  • Bus driver's number is the best part.

  • +3

    As an Asian, please stop with the OMG FIRST ASAIN SUPER HERO stuff…

    • -1

      Why? Don’t you think it’s a good thing for more Asian representation in Hollywood or in Western media in general especially when the main kind of representation Asian men get are as effeminate nerdy guys?

      • Asian representation in Hollywood would be great. The representation Asian's want though is for them to be able to make their movies and then have Hollywood distribute and play them. Not for Hollywood to butcher, bastardize and give them the woke equality casting of death treatment in relentless shitty remake after remake of what Hollywood want's people to see.

    • Same as you. Apart from ticking a diversity box it just feels like cultural appropriation.
      I’d rather watch any of the IP Man movies etc. I don’t need to be represented in Hollywood. My identity and ancestry is far stronger than that.
      I do understand that there are people who aren’t confident with who and what they are. If having a Hollywood super hero makes them feel good. Then I support that too I guess.

  • Typical of much of the MCU franchise. Sterile characters, sterile plot, reasonable action scenes but let down by completely unrealistic chance outcomes to drag the plot along and what the (profanity) is with putting big scenes in the middle and end of the credits?

  • +1

    Probably one of my least favourite movies in MCU. Glad someone loves it though.

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