Whirlpool forum is out of control

The whirlpool forum is out of control. Its full of bullies and trollers with mods who protect the bullies.

I've been a member of that forum since 2002.

Has anyone else experience this?

Is the ozbargin forum a lot better?

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  • yep, mods are heavy over there. I've had 5 accounts.

  • +4
    • +4

      andee10 then got a 1 month ban for bad grammar

  • I use it without issue.

    Check someone's aura, I find it to be accurate of a person's helpfulness

    • only if user does not post in in the news.

      then its all about whether they have the correct viewpoint.

      even the dictator says he is a left wing rabid anti trumper but considers himself a centrist. shows exactly what is considered normality.

  • +1

    NEVER release some inconvinient truth that clashes with a moderator's personal "left" vision!
    Else read productrieview which itself is of course biased! Now I am ready for jail again take my undies please!

    • +5

      "If I'm moderated it can't be because I'm a bad person. It MUST be because of the GLOBAL LEFTIST COSNPRIACY! Everyone is BIASED except me!"

      • +2

        All the comments attacking lefties just shows how right wing OzBargain is lol.

        The woke lefties are concerned about climate change, so the right must clearly not think it’s a thing. Isn’t this a stupid thing to say?

        • I don't think Ozbargain is right wing, the few right wingers get rightly clobbered when they open their mouths. Just we don't delete their comments for the crime of being right wing.

  • +3

    Are you going to write a stat dec asking the AFP to close down WP as well

    Or take them down personally with your mad hacking skills

  • +3

    All this self serving bullshit really - they think they are better than everyone else (the mods).



  • +1

    Simon Wright may well be jv here.

  • Lol

  • +2

    I posted once asking about why me and my girlfriend were getting dizzy in a new car and 99% of the posts were all trolls calling me a bad driver. One of the posters then started trolling about his cruise control in a 3 generation old model car and saying the newest model was the exact same.

    There was 1 post that mentioned the smell so we tested by sitting in the car without moving and we started getting sick which helped us figure out we needed to air out the car a bit more.

    Honestly not worth sifting through the trolls for that one single answer.

    The people who are on there don't have anything better to do but make posts to make themselves feel better whether that be trolling or by pretending to be above everyone else because they can't do it in real life.

    • +1

      I wonder how many smart-arse comments you would get if you had posted that here…

      • probably a fair few, but at least the helpful reply wouldn't be deleted for being off topic here.

    • hey, I remember that thread.

  • As the saying goes: if can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen

    Plenty of free open spaces to freely stroll around … and maybe express your opinions, or maybe not.

  • +1

    Going by the calibre of typical questions posed, the majority are either 8yo, or 8y educated.

  • +1

    As someone who has used wp since the 00's, there are large swathes of it that are best left alone.
    In the days of the SSM survey, I posted a fair bit to combat homophobic misinformation. I tried to be respectful, and factual, and I never commented on other posters - just specific arguments.
    My posts were frequently deleted and I felt the mods really didn't appreciate what I was doing. At the same time I received personal messages of support from other wp posters, and my wp 'aura' ended up as bright, which told me that the community largely valued my contributions.
    After that, I gave up on inthenews, and some other parts of the site - there are large pockets where I feel many of the posters really hate women, for instance. I don't need that kind of drama and negativity in my life.
    I mainly just dip in to give advice where it is genuinely sought these days.

  • +4

    It’s horrible. The amount of censorship is crazy. Especially on anything medical.

    It’s only getting worse but the good news is you don’t have to go there anymore. It’s shrinking and dying. The australia subreddits have more people are varied opinions.

    Whirlpool is just for whirlpool regulars. New posters get turned off within a few weeks.

    • The amount of censorship is crazy. Especially on anything medical.

      I don't spend enough time on WP to know what kind of medical advice people were seeking/giving that lead to censorship. But given how it's a topic that can lead to death and serious harm to someone, I can understand why censorship may be necessary. At least poor financial and legal advice won't kill someone.

      • +3

        It's a just bunch of people posting statistics from Public Health Scotland's recent data that shows vaccinated are more likely to get infected. There is also the Danish study which is banned as well….

        It's good because most of us can find this data and make our own decisions about why without the booster there is negative efficacy in the current vaccine.

        TLDR: Basically vaccine efficacy is dropping and therefore you should get the booster. However, if you delve into the statistics you will find those who are unvaccinated do not suffer this negative vaccine efficacy. Who knows what the reason is behind this at the moment…

        More research is needed. Not more censorship.

        • I don’t know.. kind of sounds like misinformation…

      • -1

        No it’s not about covid.

        Try saying panadol is a placebo and see what happens.

        Or anything medical really. It’s really odd what gets deleted in health threads.

        • I actually wasn't thinking about Covid specifically, but more like Jilly Juice and the like.

          • @Ughhh: Look I don’t want to get bogged down here. It was a throwaway point for me, I don’t give a shit about anything medical per se. I’ve also seen a lot of censorship in threads about building work especially around comparisons to America or Europe.

            It just seems like a grab bag of weird opinions that mods suppress.

  • I got out a few years ago (been a memeber since early 2000s), since only pro-China/anti-US/hates Australia comments are tolerated over there (at least for the "In The News" section).

    in other areas of the forum, you better not dare to disagree with the feminists/cyclists/greenies, or the ban hammer awaits you.

    and the jobs/finance section are supposedly populated by the top 1% of income earners of this country, sure…………

    anyway, looks like there are a lot of ex-WP people here (judging by the usernames, I can definitely see a few familiar faces)

    • LOL

    • -5

      Greenies a fraud. Thumburgs' family are associated with the Club Of Rome. Net zero emmisions just means a tax on the people.

    • Absolutely!

  • +2

    Like all good things, people who should not be let anywhere near any position of power/trust move in & take over the administration duties nobody could be bothered doing.

    They then proceed to ruin it until everyone that built it leaves.

  • +4

    Toxic platform

    Quit years ago, not surprised it's worse. Has some useful info now just toxicity.

    I'll just google info required

  • Didn't happen unless you give the Bigpond lusers backstory to Whirlpool first.

    Check yuor settings Daniel Matthews.

  • +6

    Loved WP when I first joined up 20 odd years back.
    Brilliant placed to get tech advice, fixing stuff, ADSL plans, router reviews.
    Lots of helpful people, willing to go the extra mile to help out.
    Now the tech stuff has fallen by the wayside. You’re treated like a fool far asking basic questions, or looking for advice.

    I gave up being active on there about 8 years ago. Still use it sometimes as it comes up on Google searches for tech queries a lot.
    But wading through the treacle, the trolls, the absolute idiots and the snobbery means it’s not fun anymore

    Unfortunately I can see a similar trait in OzB these days too. I hope it doesn’t descend to the depths of WP

    • +3

      Its a downward slide over here, I think. Too many people think they are comedians over here all the time. Look at what happened lately with anything tennis-related, everyone piping up about Novak (i have no opinion on him at all, btw)… it got a bit stupid when you are actually looking for tennis deals.

      And wayyyyyyy too many injokes.

      but i stay for the bargains

    • +1

      I can also see similar traits on Ozbargins forum. Thanks for your comment.

    • +2

      Unfortunately I can see a similar trait in OzB these days too. I hope it doesn’t descend to the depths of WP

      The forums are much more toxic than the deals section.

      I think as a nation (although this is probably the case globally) we’re just becoming unhappier as time goes on. Wage growth is stagnant, housing costs have gone nuts and COL is going crazy right now too. When rates rise and climate change takes more of a hold people will be unhappier than ever and no doubt will blame the Labor party for everything despite the Liberals having been in power the majority of the past 20 years lol. COVID probably hasn’t helped either.

      • +2

        If anything, COVID has divided people even more and brought the nastiness out of people.

  • -1

    It looks like offgrid has been proven correct about whirlpool mods: https://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum/91

    Ozbargain forums are out of control… « Pointless deleted

    So on ozbargain forums, we are allowed to talk about whirlpool, but on whirlpool, you're not allowed to talk about ozbargains.

    I imagine whirlpool mods look and act like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3yUMIFYBMnc

  • +2

    The comments here are exactly why humanity is doomed.

    • Agreed…, however I have enough dirt of a lot to crumble thrm

      • Well you should write a juicy book then.

  • It seem OZ mods are no better than whirlpool.

    I not pushed in another threat to disclose my identity. When I gave it up and other for proof it quickly got deleted.

    • Protecting you from doxxing yourself

  • +4

    Whirlpool has been slowly deteriorating over the last decade.

    20+ years ago it used to be a great place to get assistance with anything internet related. Now it is borderline irrelevant and has been usurped by places such as Reddit.

    I occasionally check in and post but its certainly lost its sparkle, there isn't as much traffic or up to date content compared to 5-10 years ago.

    There's also a smarmy self-important feel that the place gives off with the way certain users and mods engage and behave. The ItN and AFL forums are so toxic. People don't have time to deal with that arrogant, internet superiorty low quality BS which is evident there, so many have moved on. People think they're more important than they really are.

    Still some good tech content around, but you've generally got to dig to find it. The forum is also toxic by design:

    • The interface is muddy and outdated
    • The moderation process is generally too touchy and by being overly heavy handed with deleting posts it can mess with the context of the thread
    • You don't get notifications if someone responds to your post, which can be difficult to follow the discussion

    OzB is decent for the most part. Too many resident comedians who rehash the same old tired schtick though, but I guess you'll find that in most places. I'd rather that friendly vibe with a bit of banter then the stuffy structure of Whirlpool though.

    • +1

      I'd rather that friendly vibe with a bit of banter then the stuffy structure of Whirlpool though.

      Ironic that this is most prevalent at reddit despite it being labeled as lefty.

      I guess the people who say such things are the type to comment on news.com.au articles.

  • Can't be a Gen X and younger and say to others that it takes hard and smart work to buy a property in Australia, or else you'll get blasted.

    Occupy smashed avocado! /s

  • I got shat upon by idiot Apple haters. Anyway, a forum without email notifications is nonsense.

  • +1

    lol, I lost a lot of aura (big deal) and got binned quite a few times calling out the Solar panel installer mafia in the Green Tech forum, they had a happy little clique for a long while talking each other up and recommending each other as the best in the trade for anyone looking to get solar panels installed.

    Whirlpool for them was nothing but a sales platform, the problem is a casual poster wasn't there long enough to see that they were actually virally marketed to and the mods didn't seem to give a damn.

  • I bet you asked a question that's super vague or has been answered many times, and copped flack for it

  • The Mods are a bunch of ‘Nazi’s’.You are not entitled to an ‘opinion’,& I will not use it anymore.At least you can have a bit of banter around here,without to much trouble from the admins & mods.

  • +1

    Whirlpool has some good threads every now and then, much like here. Trolls exist on both platforms so I just use both

  • the moderators are keeping it the cesspool that it is. you can get a comment removed for being off topic, but it isn't off topic, so you start one of those talk with a mod chats and you get the mod who removed your comment in the first place, like they will reread the post and think "hmm, maybe i was wrong". it's a ridiculous system.

    simon isn't any better, he seems a bit unhinged and won't believe that any of his mods are in the wrong.

    • What's Simon's problem?

      • no idea

  • +1

    i dont know what you expect from a forum

    take what useful info it has, contribute if you like, or dont, who cares

    my experience with the mods over there is no better or worse than other places

    there's pockets of expertise anywhere and thats increasingly rare and i'm truly grateful when i'm linked to a WP thread and there's people who really know WTF is going on

    there's also some right wing assholes and lonely incels who pine for the 1950s etc. - when they were born in 1995

  • +1

    psycho mods and in general a shit hole…stopped using it many years ago

  • +1

    The post in this thread moderated as 'trolling' stated that aura was essentially a poll and asked the question why it wasn't treated in the same regard.


    I was watching with interest how the mods would handle the post, guess I got my answer. lol

    Typical heavy handed moderation again.

  • +1

    I posted on a forum there a couple weeks ago, followed what the OP asked for, then got a message from a Mod ripping me a new one for "Breaking The Rules" and told me I was a toffee nosed Newbie HAHA.
    Have not gone back there.

    • Mind sharing which Moderator that was? might help see a pattern form.

      Some of them in particular forums I find are just power tripping (profanity).

      • cebelia (?) was a total nutcase who had it in for me…

      • It was El Sledgo

    • What were your posts about?

      • The thread was asking you to post a ink to a host you recommend or a host you own. So I posted my own link.

  • +1

    Just interested to know, how many people around here on OZ have been booted off Whirlpool?

    • +2

      I grew up in from Hackney, now that secret is out i am probably banned for being too lower class as well as telling a mod to stfu

      • I don’t come from Hackney,but certainly know the area.I am from Hampshirite county.But obviously live here now.:):)

        • +1

          Hampshire? WP welcomes you with open arms upon proof of income :-)

  • +1

    Whirlpool mods are rude biased concacending prigs and last night I told one so. They act like they are your form tutor at school whilst mutually tossing off with their posting mates who hijack so many threads it's not funny.

    Is this place better…well I saved $2 on a micro sd card last week because of this place so YES

    Probably lying in the penalty box or banned this morning…not even going to bother to look tbh, so I can't access in the news or comment on elitist leftist tools posts.

    Oh,the humanity

    See my cry a river….

    • +1

      bang on the money…its a cesspool echo-chamber latrine

      • @ Franco cozzo,Ford forums Franco?

        • +1

          nope…someone must have pinched my nic. bastard!

    • @ Goonerash,you read my mind!

  • Going to rehash this thread(again).Set up a new ID on WP,brand new email address,with Outlook.Registered etc…Started posting on a thread, that day after about 5 posts I am banned again!Reason:Ghost.How an earth can they tell?I have gone to task with these ‘Nazi’ mods, & said bring forward the proof that I am not the same person.Think I will lose out eventually, because they are ‘god’ anyway.

    • Same way the mods can tell here: your IP address.

      • But,that could be a family member,could it not?

        • But they know it’s not a family member, it’s you.

    • theres a bunch of information in your browser about your other account, and about your PC. You have to delete all user information in your browser about whirlpool also some browser extensions that block the javascripts they use.

      having 4G based home internet also helps, you share a similar IP with tens of thousends of other optus users as optus is using a CGNAT, basically a giant proxy.

  • +2

    Well im a new whirlpool refugee now to

    I think the mods over at whirlpool just want to kill the site, i have had run ins with hstroyer/www1/thor and all of them are so damn high on theyre own supply its insane

    they have this arrogant style of just typing closed after they reply to you in TWAM and closing the thread as if they have the God's last word and how dare you could ever think to reply.

    • No better than reddit moderators: no life losers who have no power over their own life, only have power on internet forums.

  • -3

    Is it worse than a forum that seems to have a huge percentage of whiny thin skinned snow flakes? The type that go into hysterics and downvote because they can't step out of their comfort zone or accept that they are wrong about something?
    - asking for a friend.

  • Adios Whirlpool. Sin binned and banned for zero reason by moderators at home in a Nazi regime. It’s a very ill forum indeed.

  • +2

    I posted there about a week ago, I was asking about pass through ethernet crimping pliers and if if the different brands of pliers were proprietary and required specific modular connections.

    Came back the next day and my post has been deleted, no staff pm or reason given?

    • WP is anti diy cabling in all regards, it does all the cablers who shill on the forum out of business.lol

  • -1

    I was permanently placed in the penalty box earlier this year, after being given a final warning in 2020. Ironically, the banning came because I opened 2 twams for 2 moderated posts which I edited & asked for reinstatement. The actioning moderator reinstated my posts, but then a couple of hours later I was permanently put in the penalty box by another moderator. It had been a long time coming & I was surprised it hadn’t occured earlier.

    Some thoughts & experiences of being on Whirlpool for about 10 years.

    It was my first experience of joining any online discussion forum. This was around 2010. Initially it was because I wanted help & advice on building a desktop pc. I browsed a lot on the site, soaking up information for a couple of years before starting to actively post. After this initial period I branched out into some other lounges, particularly Lifestyle, as well as the Movie, Home Theatre (Audio) & Music groups.

    During these first few years I had accumulated a decent Aura, to the point where I was given access to an invite only forum hidden from the majority of Whirlpool users. I only lasted a few months in that forum, because soon after I became involved in a long discussion thread in Lifestyle on the subject of vaccination. This was around 2013-14 & it was the trigger for a long slow decline in my aura & a realisation Whirlpool is a highly biased site when it comes to anything that isn’t considered mainstream. I had a couple of personal epiphanies during those years that kind of opened up new ways of thinking. I remember one very brief post by a new user with a link to a spiritual article, which I managed to view before the moderators banned that user which I suppose had a major influence on me at that time.

    Participating in the Lifestyle vaccination thread that eventually was split into 2 parts because it was so big, opened my eyes to a lot of things. I entered it in the spirit of curiosity & neutrality, but eventually came out of it after doing some in depth reading on the subject which these days is derisively called “doing your own research” with a different point of view. It was also the first time I came across the term “trolling”. At first I considered it fair play to react to others who got aggressive in the same way. A kind of tit for tat I thought was reasonable. I soon realised it was not. I definitely did react badly in those years, but I soon saw the difference in how people were treated based on what they thought on the subject being discussed. If they agreed with the mainstream they were given a great deal of leniency to denigrate, attack, ridicule others who didn’t agree. If they didn’t agree with the mainstream, they were very closely scrutinized, & moderated for the slightest of reasons, or often for no real reason at all.

    From that time on, I got involved in most discussions related to health backing up the alternative to the mainstream. Some memorable threads included one discussing the harms from glyphosate, various homeopathy & naturopathy threads, threads discussing cancer & other illnesses, some about fluoride/water filtration, spiritual/consciousness/aliens threads, food threads, & various others including a major one about harms from 5G which eventually led to my final warning in 2020. The moderation of these types of threads are highly biased towards the mainstream view.

    As I continued to see the way others were treated in various threads & the way the moderators responded to my twams, I decided to reach out to the site owner Simon Wright to gauge if he would be willing to enter into a dialogue about what I felt was bias. To his credit, he responded to my message, but he wasn’t interested in the slightest, unless I had brought up an issue with the moderators first, I presume in order to have something on which he could simply adjudicate on there & then. I simply thanked him in response, but what happened next gave me great insight into Simon Wrights worldview.

    At the time of my reaching out to Simon, I was also involved in another vaccination related thread, & after my brief messaging with Simon, I noticed that he went back to my old posts in that thread & moderated them with reasons I had never seen before, or since. Typically most moderated posts have a standard reason given. Off-topic, trolling, inappropriate, personal attack, are among a few of the standard responses moderators can choose from. But Simon choose to either create or simply add other reasons for my old posts from weeks or months prior in that vaccination thread. Reasons like “garbage” or “dangerously false”. In retrospect I must thank him for this because it made clear to me what his worldview was in relation to the subject. I then realised that the moderators by & large aligned perfectly with Simon’s worldview, they were on the same page. This made the moderation make perfect sense to me.

    But, still, determined as I was, I tried to introduce measures that would prevent such hostility as I witnessed when two opposing views on a polarising subject like vaccination went head to head. I created a feedback thread at one point, asking for the subject to be banned or treated like a religious debate. This was the second big wake up call for me. I had some hope that the moderators would actually engage in a discussion on this subject. What I noted from that thread was that it took about 3 days for any moderator to respond, which is unusual in the feedback forum, most threads are answered on the day the thread is created. When a moderator actually responded it was from one I had had dealings with in various twams, & probably the only moderator on Whirlpool I would say shouldn’t be a moderator because of their vindictiveness & nasty nature. And even then, the comment this moderator made was a trolling comment, & later on in the thread, another one that was probably off-topic. But that was it, 2 poor comments from one moderator, no other discussion except between other general Whirlpool posters (it was a decent split, some agreed with my view, some didn’t) until the thread was closed abruptly by another moderator. What this told me was that the moderators didn’t know what to do, & that I was right, but couldn’t be seen to be right, so they just carried on as if everything was normal.

    Moving on to the 5G thread that resulted in my final 30 day suspension & final warning, I will only say this: moderators have various methods of stitching a user up. It is generally known if a user has too many posts moderated over a given period of time, say one day, 3 days, a week or a month, they automatically qualify for the penalty box. For this thread, I had one particular moderator again go back to my earlier posts in the thread, as well as other posts in other non-related threads & moderated them, I suspect in order to boost up my number of moderated posts which would give them official justification for suspending me.

    After this, I was generally reticent to get involved as much as I had been in controversial threads, but over time I became lax & got more involved, always aware that I would be an easy target for any moderation. Over the years I got to know other users who had opposing views & who quite openly posted that I should be banned from Whirlpool because I held “dangerous” views. These days it would be called misinformation, conspiracy theories & the like. I also had at least one user stalk me from thread to thread, making comments that had nothing to do with the thread, but just because I was in it.

    Eventually I got involved in various so called vaccine threads post 2021in the In The News section of Whirlpool & this is where I experienced a personal attack by Simon Wright. One other user had the decency to ask why this attack was allowed, to which Simon replied; “Yeah, but I’m special.” True he is the Benevolent Dictator of Whirlpool. I had also witnessed Simon making fun of another whirlpool user by joking about his appendage size. Not exactly classy behaviour for a Benevolent Dictator, but we all have bad days.

    The other main In The News thread I got involved in was the Capital Cities Protest thread, which was the one that led to my effective banning. It is quite amazing how much in denial some posters are about certain situations, even when it is in their face how obvious the truth is, they still find some way to deny it. It is most curious, but not unexplainable, given how the media corporations & governments now operate.

    Over the years I conversed with a small number of users privately who also shared some experiences of bias on whirlpool. Most of them understood they were better off keeping a low profile, or that it just wasn’t worth engaging on controversial topics because you will end up a target over the long run. There were some brilliant & smart & wise posters who dropped off over the years, especially some of the older generation who had so much knowledge to impart, but were more or less harrassed into silence.

    Despite all of the above, & much more I could relate, I feel Whirlpool is a great site overall. A lot of people love it for its aesthetic, & I am one of those. It is superb on that front. I still check the site daily as a public user, as I follow with interest certain threads. But if you have alternative views to the mainstream, or question the prevailing consensus, or want an honest open discussion on controversial subjects, either be quiet, be subtle about it, or just don’t bother.

    Here endeth the rant/

    • +1

      Its a technology forum. If you have spent so much time and effort on this why haven't you just created your own site?

    • +3

      Sounds like you're a bit too invested in forums like whirlpool. Consider your ban a blessing in disguise. Use this opportunity to get out of your house and actually do something.

      And always remember that that the 10000+ post count whirlpool mods/jannies and their temporarily embarrased moderator underlings are misshapen losers in real life who are probably on the disability pension. They have absolutely no power over their own lives and they have all the time in the world to spend on worthless internet forums and internet points and they relish whatever little power that being a forum mod brings to silence whoever they don't like.

      We normal people need to remind internet forum mods that they are losers.

  • -1

    I could say the same about ozbargain and their mods. They warn you, but you see other posts with similar material or even worse material which stays up permanently. GAFC

    I see others that just get away with writing one liners that are clearly trolling, but they don't get punished. What a shit show, but we already know it but most of us don't care about the censorship anyway.

    Then there is the fact they tried to move everything to a covid specific forum is pathetic just so that it is not picked up by the web crawlers, but people come anyway because the participants are creative as hell on this forum. I believe in the future they will push us all away.

    • -2

      The only way we fix this is just to leave on mass. I'm sure there are better alternatives than ozbargain. They don't deserve our input anymore.

      Signing off Permanently.

      • +4

        Not an airport, don't need to announce your departure…

      • +2

        Signing off Permanently.

        Yet you just couldn't resist lol

  • I have experienced the exact same behavior from moderators on Whirlpool.

    I have been on there for a long time and just now have been made inactive.

    the moderators on whirlpool gang up on you and bully you. and don't bother challenging their actions because they will just argue and in their own words "whether you like it or not is irrelevant"

    they think they are gods. i have seen a number of them taking on the name of gods so that really shows how egotistical they are.

    they discourage discourse so for the most part i have not even logged in this year. Today i logged in to post something regarding my experience ordering an iphone 14 pro max and apples payment options. that was deleted for being "blog" like.

    Ironically i actually found the answer to my own question so should they have left it up then i would have posted the answer so other members can benefit. they made that impossible.

  • +2

    Don't whirlpool loser mods have anything better to do? They're constantly deleting posts for being off topic on the finance subforum. The userbase just wants to talk about stuff that may not be strictly on topic but is still related.

    Just effing let people chat you government welfare mod parasite leeches.

  • How ridiculous are whirlpool mods.


    stormcat Moderator
    herring urlposted Today at 8:28 am
    Please use the existing thread.

    Except the existing thread…


    closed 2 months ago.

    • Maybe because the existing thread was by the same poster?

    • +1

      Both you and that OP are from Victoria


      • Conspiracy theories are bad

  • The mods are on whirlie are not even on the left. They do censor whatever they like which is frankly ludicrous because everything else is this world is unfiltered and they are ignoring reality. We have unstructured data all around us, so people know what is good and what is bad. The mods also ban you if you push people that are being evasive, but I guess these guys have never been inside a court room because frankly they would be massively funny to see when that happens. It is very difficult to have a discussion with most whirlies because they are pretty much one sided and even though you are grilling them on a topic that the thread is related to, you will get banned.

    Topics censored on the left include discussion on racism, transgenderism aka wokism, corruption in government, reasons why Jan 6 was bad for democracy, election fraud (which obviously always existed).

    Topics censored on the right are similar I guess, but I do not have a good grasp on what they are other than vaccines but this is actually a topic of the left because we call it the "Trump Vaccine" that was warp speeded by him.

    Topics they do allow seem to puzzle me though, a lot of it involving illegal activities, discussion on hacking and technicals are allowed. This material likewise is not allowed on Youtube, so they have that pro going for them. I put up some cybersecurity tutorials but they have mostly been taken down and there really is a fine line on those for some odd reason.

    If you are creating a throwaway account, top tip would be not to be lazy and choose the default setting of Victoria… lol. Get your message through because slowly we have changed the discourse on there. You should remember that a the result of a message being deleted means it connected personally to at least one person who read it.

    I've created thousands of accounts on Whirlpool, all the way from the start when Optus@Home took off. You learn over time what they think is acceptable but sometimes this is really up in the air too. My actual main account remains unbanned but I like to create new accounts every now and then when I talk about controversial topics. It helps to be one in the cybersecurity field too, not many people know how to get around their systems.

    So when I actually grill people on whirlie, I know what I'm doing. Those people that cannot answer are clearly lying on the topic and it really sucks because I'm the one that gets banned, not them. (Yes I do point out they are being evasive! That seems to trigger them hard.)

    Note: To fellow friends on the Right, we can meme too, just check out what our peers did to Twitter. lol. We can be friends though. Seriously though, Elon Musk really screwed up.

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