Monkeypox, Coming to Australia, More Lockdowns?
Yesterday, @UKHSA reported four cases of monkeypox (MPX) in gay and bisexual men in England, making a total of 7 cases nationally.
So what's going on with monkeypox (MPX)?
JUST IN: A Massachusetts resident has tested positive for monkeypox, the state health department confirms.…
Eight suspected new cases of Monkeypox in Spain, all in gay or bisexual men. In the UK, gay or bisexual men make up over 50% of all cases (4/7). What’s going on?

Is 🙈 🙊 🙉pox something people should be worried about?

Can people expect more 🔑 down and will rekt the economy, again?


  • And in the sequel we will have…
    Sandy Pox
    Pigsy Pox
    And the killer…. Tripitaka Pox !
    Only magic will save us then !

  • +2

    Why would Dan Andrews do this again???


  • if you like conspiracy theories you will definitely like this white paper from Nov. 2021:…

    1) The second paragraph on Page 6;
    2) Figure 1 on Page 10
    3) and search for "Gates" in the document.

    • Population-control conspiracy theories have transitioned to conspiracy fact in the past 2 years.
      one of gates infamous ted talk about vaccines and depopulation
      WHO, and nation bureaucrats are meeting in Switzerland today, to sign a treaty, to give WHO power, to effectively override due-process and human-rights.
      german member of parliament talking about the treaty

        1. If the vaccines were population control, they've failed dismally.

        2. The treaty doesn't at all change the sovereignty of Australian (or any other country's) law. It doesn't override any law or declaration that a country makes for it's own borders.

        Come on buddy, try a little bit of critical thinking.

        • No it wasn't population control, it was researching possible solutions for population control, which accidentally (but inevitably) escaped the research facility.

          • @[Deactivated]: What… the vaccine escaped the research facility?

            Okay champ.

            • +1

              @DogGunn: Uh… Apart from the fact officials were acknowledging this two years ago, mainstream media also admitted this is the most likely scenario some weeks ago. (So by eye-rolling at me, you're mocking the sources you probably got all your other coNvid beliefs from.)


              Meanwhile "conspiracy theorists" (what anyone who does little to no due diligence of their own labels everyone who does), have been saying this (quite literally) from day one.

              • @[Deactivated]: You're not making any sense. In the context of what you've replied to, it's just bizarre.

                I have no doubt that you've attempted due diligence, but based on your post history, if doesn't say much for your critical thinking skills.

                • +1

                  @DogGunn: You said:

                  If the vaccines were population control, they've failed dismally.

                  I said I agree. That the vaccines were not for population control. That instead "they" (people not vaccines) were originally researching possible SOLUTIONS for population control when the "research" (virus) accidentally but inevitably escaped the research facility.

                  e.g. Apart from the laughable myth in recent years of "overpopulation" (…), Bill Gates, the one who let slip years ago he has wet dreams about vaccinating third world nations such as the continent of Africa to REDUCE world population (and who subsequently quickly backpedaled with some weak nonsense better health care equals lower population) happens to be the same person positively linked to both coNvid gain of function research AND coNvid vaccine research, and has close ties to multiple people and groups spreading all the same horseshit like Fauci. (Just a coincidence though, nothing to see here folks.)

                  Anyway, unproven and flawed "vaccines" (they do NOT meet the traditional definition of "vaccines" without first requiring modification of that definition) were rushed out, which, and this is FACT: maim or kill some people. It's FACT because ALL vaccines (real or those falsely-classified as vaccines) maim and kill some people - only we rarely hear about it due to payouts and their subsequent silencing agreements, laws, and new age quacks who but into "the needs of the many outweigh the lives of the few").

                  The problem this time however is the number of vaccine injuries and deaths from these unproven at best, dangerous at worst, chemical cocktails (the component lists read like household cleaning product ingredients) were greater. Add to that the fact more of us were paying attention due to all the hype over a virus which: a) doesn't kill children, b) mostly kills people in their 80s about to fall off the perch from the common cold, b) and c) occasionally kills people between those two aforementioned age groups (though in many cases often only after receiving unsuitable or incompetent early medical treatment and/or people already suffering multiple other parallel medical contraindication/s).

                  So they weren't deliberately designed to kill, they just manage to kill more as a sick kind of bonus - kind of like the Darwin Awards.

                  • -1

                    @[Deactivated]: Your post is essentially incoherent except for the second last paragraph, which isn't relevant to the topic.

                    It really wasn't worth your time typing up that crud. OzBargain isn't a place for you to demonstrate your limited critical analysis skills (which results in you going for a simple answer rather than a realistic one).

                    • +1

                      @DogGunn: Ironic. I thought similar about your previous reply yet decided to keep impolite thoughts to myself and explain regardless. Maybe you should think about that, consider some due diligence of your own regarding your health, and investing some time in remedial comprehension skills wouldn't go astray, since y'know, that's what all those "experts" people rely on to do their thinking for them possess.

        • +1

          Lol, why would they want a vaccine that kills everyone quickly? No one would take it. If serious illnesses would start appearing just like they did on the Swine Flu vaccine immediately then it would raise eyebrows. The people dropping on the floor now are not due to Covid, it's been proven in the Science.

          Myocarditis is a symptom from the vaccine and not covid.

          Health Insurance is mandatory in Israel. Clalit Health Services has gathered information from 196,992 adults sampled and is a robust study. The conclusions are: "We did not observe an increased incidence of neither pericarditis nor myocarditis in adult patients recovering from COVID-19 infection."

          The CDC has been lying to you. The same thing has happened with the pregnancy data where the people who got pregnant during the vaccine trials have been conveniently disappeared from the follow-up dataset. You can't be blindly trusting authority like a fool.

          It should be known that the WHO treaty does override the Commonwealth's Constitution. The treaty requires member countries to not impede the movement of health care workers and medical supplies. This means they can come in with WHO workers and start quarantining people randomly and not even the Crown can intervene.

          The WHO does not take control of your country by becoming the PM or taking over parliament. It bypasses it altogether.

          As usual, DogGunn from Whirlpool is conveniently ignoring the facts.

          Trust the science, but I doubt this guy is even a virologist. You do realise the methods which include using monkey kidney cells and then throwing a bunch of antibiotics at it; before finally analysing the end product is a really stupid idea as it could be the antibiotics doing it. No control studies are done. Everything is a variant because you can never repeat the experiment. Read the bloody science mate.

          Come on buddy, try a little bit of critical thinking - DogGunn
          • -1

            @ChemtrailCowgirl: You should delete your post. I would be embarrassment if I were you.

            Critical thinking involves understanding the topics of what you're referring to.

            Very clearly you don't understand how Australian law works, or whatever nonsense about vaccines.

  • +2

    This is the very definition of people that are sucked into any mundane news.

    • -1

      Yes and no.

      If you were told 3 years ago that in 1 year most of the world would be forced to wear masks ineffective against the spread of a virus, you'd not be permitted to drive across borders within Australia, unable to fly out or back home, would get fined for traveling 1km too many to sit alone on the beach while someone 1km closer could, that you'd only be able to nominate one person to visit indefinitely, you'd be arrested for pausing for breath on a park bench during your permitted 1 hour exercise period, your pregnant wife arrested for stating on Facebook she would be attending a protest then a certain Premier would try to make protests ILLEGAL, that you'd be locked inside your home except to shop for food, then when you did shop police would check your bag contents whether what you just bought was "a necessary item", your kids wouldn't be able to go to school, screaming toddlers or children with autism would be forced to wear a mask or the family kicked off the plane (when children don't die from it anyway), that in direct contradiction of Federal Law government would shrug and allow your employer to mandate you take an unproven "vaccine" with ingredients closer to drain cleaner than medication when we've seen dozens of athletes worldwide suddenly drop dead from heart failure or form blood clots in the lungs earning it the nickname "#clotshot" or else you lose your job…

      … all due to a gross overreaction to a virus that mainly kills people 80+, a few younger than that but moreso if they're obese or have other heath problems, and nearly never any children… which deaths are all still less than the common flu kills each year (after all the dishonestly recorded deaths are subtracted like motorcycle accidents being ascribed to coNvid)… then what seems mundane today may not be so mundane tomorrow if the same lying idiots like the WHO whose leader is a war criminal decides to make us the mouse, them the cat again.

  • Spread just isn't the same.

    I'm sure there are certain activities you'd be advised to either refrain from or use caution. No need to panic.

  • +1

    Waiting for when Howard Moon bummed Jack Cooper the fox to cause an outbreak.

    • That's just a rumour!

  • +1

    As long as it’s more deadly, bring it on. The quicker humans are eradicated the better.

    • +1

      There are whole religious groups that get super excited whenever a new war starts, or a pandemic spreads. The believers of course think they'll be one of the Chosen Ones to survive and prosper after all the heathens are killed off. I always found it a rather sick and twisted belief that there's a silver lining behind every mushroom cloud.

  • The compulsory masks have gone, get ready for the compulsory gloves….

    • It sounds like compulsory heterosexuality would solve this one.

  • As long as Randy and Mickey Mouse leave the bats alone we are all good.

  • Don’t go around rubbing monkeys and you’ll be fine

  • +1

    Title of thread reads like three subjects
    Do we have to pick one and discuss?

  • +1

    this one spreads from physical touch, and sex, or touching stuff that they touched, trolly at shopping? basket? door knob? public toilet tap? physical money?

    • Physical monkeys?

      • people who engaged with a monkey, than transferred it to you

  • Oh FFS seriously? The ignorance is strong in this thread.

  • +2

    Labor is now fully in power, so if we need any vaccines there will be no delay at all.

    Albanese will hopefully set up a separate new federal disease security department to oversee the control of monkeypox.

    We should be safe.

    • Because Labor state governments handled the last pandemic so well…

      • +1

        Yes? FYI, to be successful at what you think is biting sarcasm, you need to actually be aware of reality first.

        • Did they really though? Who was in charge of the state that had the most deaths, cases, interruptions, and controversy?

          Which government made the blunder of hiring incompetent security firms for hotel quarantine which led to unnecessary deaths?

          • +2

            @SlavOz: We've been through this.You need to step out of the alt-right bubble that you live in.

  • -4

    So apparently it spreads predominantly among homosexuals.

    Like I know choosing your own sexual partner is a basic right and everything, but come on guys, this is a pandemic. People don't always know what's good for them and can't be trusted to make safe choices. The only logical course of action seems to be to ban all gay sex and limit gay people at public places (what if they meet each other, start dating, have sex, and subsequently spread the virus around? It's too risky.)

    I know it sounds harsh, but don't be selfish. Think about the community. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices for the greater good and respect other people's right to feel safe. What if someone else can't get life saving treatment because you're clogging up the hospital with your reckless choices? It's just science.

    • +1

      It's in the meat.…
      Monkeypox in London: Meat eaters urged to be careful as cases numbers rise
      It may be possible to catch monkeypox by eating meat from an infected animal that has not been cooked thoroughly
      By Kieran Kelly
      12:52, 24 MAY 2022UPDATED14:47, 24 MAY 2022

      • +1

        So you're saying we should fire all meat-eaters and remove them from public life? Because I'd believe you.

        It's a pandemic. I'll believe anything that keeps me safe, no matter how irrational.

        • Bill Gates is heavily invested in fake meat.

          Guess who else is invested in fake meat?

          Demand for meat is expected to double between 2000 and 2050.

          . @WEF

          • @rektrading: Are you suggesting there are commercial interests behind some of our pandemics and health decisions?

            It makes sense but I won't believe it until it's laid out for me in plain writing by the ABC and Channel 9. They never steer me wrong.

            • @SlavOz: I'm not suggesting anything.

              All I do is provide links and let people make up their own minds.

              • @rektrading: So, you're asking me to think for myself?

                How dare you. Please add a disclaimer that I must always listen to what the experts tell me.

    • +1

      You think you're smart with your sarcasm, but all you've done is shown that still after 2 years, you dont understand anything.

      • What sarcasm?

        • I look forward to the day you grow up.

  • +1

    So many truths in just under 15 minutes:

  • +1

    Some of us here are virologists, and we know this whole thing is a scam. I can't believe they even killed a bunch of AIDS whistleblowers in the airplane crash. Yeah right, you didn't know what you were doing in the Ukraine.

    Conveniently destroying the real science… Blame it all on Russia, lol.

    • Nobody would ever think you're a virologist.

      There's no point in trying to role play something you're very obviously not.

      • Time to have another look at this one DogGunn, apply some of that critical thinking you abound with 8]
        Science is exposing what's happened and still happening, data and deaths becoming undeniable…
        Jump off the sinking ship mate.
        Enough damage done.

        • No idea what that has to do with the other user roleplaying a virologist but okay champ. Whatever you say.

          P.S. good job on not demonstrating that critical thinking you refer to

  • +1…

    Monkeypox is now airborne. The question is why are 99% of the infections in gay people, when it is claimed that it does not target homosexuals.

    The science is there but everyone is too morally bankrupt, politically correct, calling others homophobic, censored and what not, when the facts are right in front of them. This is just like what happened with covid-19.

    So, why am I worried? I would be, I'm in that target category… We need to talk about this. Now!

    • May be this has something to do with #PRIDE.

  • +2…

    "I'm concerned about sustained transmission because it would suggest that the virus establishing itself and it could move into high risk groups including children, the immunocompromised and pregnant women," said WHO chief Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

  • +1

    I'm suspecting rektrading might have caught monkeypox…

  • +1


    Why aren't we "slowing the spread" of Monkeypox?

    The WHO and many other counties have declared Monkeypox a public health emergency as cases continue to rise. We are already seeing places like California who are not taking the virus seriously record a massive surge in cases and hospitalisations, which would suggest their lax self-management approach isn't working. So why aren't we taking our COVID learnings and enacting public health orders?

    The WHO has recommended gay people limit the number of sexual partners they sleep with to slow the spread, however governments are still debating whether it would be appropriate to enact restrictions to enforce this. It would seem the prime source of transmission is gay "orgies" consisting of dozens of people.

    Personally I did not appreciate the "suck it up" mentality our government had when taking away people's rights during COVID, but I believe the precedent has been set and we should not backtrack on the learnings we've endured over the last 3 years.

    • Hm. 'What is a woman' these days, anyhow?

      Can you imagine the furor over an imposed restriction on sexual relations? Not only in regard to sexual relations between gay men, but between trans women and men of any sexual orientation, as well.

      • I'm sure there would be outrage, but people are too dumbfounded to realise that our covid measures did restrict sexual relations. How are you supposed to have sex with someone if you weren't allowed to meet up or even go outside in the first place?

        Even when everything opened up, you weren't allowed to date an unvaccinated person, at least in the public space. Gotta do in secret where the government can't see you.

        NSW even introduced a singles compassion bubble where you were allowed to nominate 1 person who you're allowed to screw spend time with, although only under close government scrutinty and registration.

        It is funny seeing all the people who supported the deep state suddenly saying we can't restrict people's rights. Guess they're not afraid of a deadly virus if it's gay people spreading it 🤔

  • -4

    My suggested measures

    • Temporarily ban gay weddings, unless the couple signs an affidavit swearing not to consecrate

    • Temporarily ban gay singles events (parties, speed dating etc).

    • Screening questions before entering aged care or hospitals, ie "have you have had homosexual intercourse in the last 7 days?"

    • Education campaign warning of the dangers of gay sex in this current climate, encouraging abstinence Temporarily

    These are very unintrusive measures that everyone can take and are nowhere near as restrictive or impactful as our COVID measures.

    It really annoys me the blatant double standard the media and government are taking here. Suddenly rights have meaning and are more important than the public's safety? We need to move past this nonsense and start protecting our vulnerable.

    • +1

      We need to move past this nonsense

      This would have to be up there as one of the most penalty bin worthy posts I've seen from you.

      • Why is it controversial? We had identical measures like this imposed onto the entire population - all 25 million Australians. What's the big fuss over imposing them on a tiny subset of society?

        It's just temporary mate. Don't be such a conspiracy theorist. We'll re-instigate gay rights as soon as the WHO confirms sex parties are no longer a threat to public health. Until then, we need to trust the science and epidemiologists to lead us out of this crisis.

        • +3

          You're just sad this didn't get the outrage and engagement you hoped for with your attempt at trolling.
          The mods merging this with an old post must just eat you up inside after you found such a great topic from some recent podcast or fox news article to rant about ;)

          No idea how its not classified as covering sections of both the trolling and hate speech tick boxes for posting guidelines though.

          • +1
            • @[Deactivated]: Works in marketing and think they have a a "concentrated skillset" making them 'in demand'

              The sandwich artist at subway also has a concentrated skillset

              Just last election they posted they were only getting by and even then wouldn't vote Labor. Perhaps some self focus might be a wiser use of their time.

          • -1

            @SBOB: So again just ignoring your urge to rant for a moment, how is it hate speech or ban-worthy to suggest people follow the expert advice during a public health emergency?

            The world's leading health officials have suggested gay men stop having sex. Isn't it extremely important to follow the science and keep the community safe? Or do those rules only apply to us regular folk who don't have political privilige?

            • @SlavOz:

              suggested gay men stop having sex.

              Did you hit your head? Or are you that delusional and so far gone that you've decided to reinvent the English language?
              Since when does "limit number of sexual partners" = stop having gay sex.

              No wonder you're angry about everything, you keep making shit up and trolling yourself.
              Have you been praying enough lately? God taken some of the cells away?

              • @Ughhh: Or maybe some of us read between the lines. It's pretty obvious what the experts want to say but are simply not allowed to.

                1 sexual encounter is enough to spread the monkeys to your genitals. You really think someone who sleeps with 10 men a month is following the health advice by limiting that number down to 5? If so, then that means the guy who sleeps with 4 men is already safe!

                There's no magical number here. The only sure way to stop the spread of a sexually transmitted disease is to stop having sex. Setting arbitrary or general advice to "limit" it means as much as "limiting" the number of unavccinated healthcare workers we're allowed to have. How many should we limit down to? 10? 5? 0??

                • @SlavOz:

                  Or maybe some of us read between the lines. It's pretty obvious what the experts want to say but are simply not allowed to.

                  Those voices in your head man, getting scary.

                  How about I read in between your lines, and maybe jump to the conclusion like you do and say that perhaps you admitted to planning covid?

                  There's no magical number here.

                  It's about reducing likelihood of exposure. Do you understand what that means? Does the word reduce exist in your vocabulary?

                  Go see a doctor to get those voices sorted out, if God isn't helping you.

                  • +1


                    It's about reducing likelihood of exposure

                    What exactly are we reducing from, and what is the ideal value we should reduce down to?

                    Simply telling a group that is renowned for having sex parties to "reduce" means nothing. Like I said, someone who attends 3 orgies a week could drop that down to 1 orgie a week. He's technically reduced, but his risk is still disproportionately very high.

                    Compare during covid, we told people to get 2 jabs, then another jab every 3 months. We were also told to stay 1.5m apart. Weddings were limited to 10 people. You weren't allowed to be out after 9pm.

                    See the difference there? Those are measurable and quantifiable goals that we can actually track and enforce.

                    There needs to be clear rules. How many sexual partners puts you over the risk threshold? How many is too many, and why are we suddenly trusting people to self-manage whereas we spent the last 2 years forcing rules onto them?

                    • @SlavOz: добро јутро, Ozzie Slav

                      What brings you true joy?

                      • +1

                        @[Deactivated]: I don't speak Cyrillic mate. It's too Serbianish for me.

                        • @SlavOz: Interesting ………the Macedonians use cyrillic too. As a 'Slav', you should know this.

                          Now the question was in relation to joy …….. have you ever experienced it?

                    • -1


                      Like I said, someone who attends 3 orgies a week could drop that down to 1 orgie a week. He's technically reduced, but his risk is still disproportionately very high.

                      That's why they suggest reducing number of sexual partners, not sexual orgies. Do you understand the difference?

                      Google 'risk management' and 'risk assessment' so you have an idea on what reducing means. Because you still have zero clue and this ignorance is clearly eating you up mentally.

                      • @Ughhh:

                        That's why they suggest reducing number of sexual partners, not sexual orgies. Do you understand the difference?

                        Reducing the number of orgies simultaneously reduces your number of sexual partners. Do you even know what orgies are?

                        There's about as much difference as reducing the number of guests at your birthday party and reducing the number of guests at your bar-Mitzvah.

                        In other words, no difference.

                        • @SlavOz: Is that why you're so salty ………. no guests turned up to your birthday party/Bar Mitzvah?

                        • -2


                          Reducing the number of orgies simultaneously reduces your number of sexual partners.

                          So an orgy with the same 5 people? Do you?
                          One is more specific, can you spot which one? You're still failing to understand the core purpose,until you do, nothing will make sense to you. It's as if you've learnt nothing from these 100s of threads you've made, despite asking the same question again and again like a broken record.

                          There's about as much difference as reducing the number of guests at your birthday party and reducing the number of guests at your bar-Mitzvah.

                          Yeh it's as much difference as eating with a spoon and going for a walk.

            • @SlavOz:

              So again just ignoring your urge to rant for a moment

              Hmm I thought I enrolled in Irony 201 - Irony and Sarcasm.
              I'm sure this is material from Irony 101 - Introduction to Irony

              I must be in the wrong class or this lecturer is just phoning it in

    • SlavOz, this is what first came to mind when I saw your username and comments:

  • -4

    Monkey pox is just the vaccinated getting shingles due to their compromised immune system.

    • -1

      And how do you explain your unvaccinated compromised immune system?

  • Confirmed case of dog catching monkeypox from owners.…

    Perhaps the only saving grace of covid is that cross-species transmission was impossible. We now have a deadly virus that spreads not only through humans, but everyday pets and other wildlife as well. It's unknown how much of a risk this poses to the most vulnerable members of our community - cats and dogs. Many may end up abandoned, put down, or isolated due to being potential vectors of disease, and they are not smart enough to socially distance so they may become superspreaders.

    Government needs to stop gay men from buying pets as soon as possible. This has gone on long enough.

    • Very funny.

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