ALDI Mini Fire Fighter ($20)

Hey guys,

Just wanted to check to see if anyone has bought this Mini Fire Fighter special buy product (which went on sale on 21 May)…

and whether they would recommend it?

The cheapest Bunnings alternative I found was this:…

These days, I am somewhat skeptical of ALDI special buys as they are more of a miss than a hit. Yes, I am aware of their 60-day money back guarantee, but rather not use it if I can avoid it.

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  • +4

    These days, I am somewhat skeptical of ALDI special buys

    Then just pay the extra $2 and get the Bunnings option.

  • you might want to research fire extinguishers a bit first, i vaguely remember reading that some brands were not very's worth it to spend the extra money now and not need it than to not have spent it and need it.

  • I feel like you'd have to be way too close to the fire to use it, unlike a proper extinguisher

    Certainly wouldn't want to reach for a $20 extinguisher when I needed one

  • +1

    Just like cameras, the best one is the one you have with you.

  • +1

    It's foam but ok for electrical?

    Does this thing even come with Australian Standards approval (AS/NZS 1841) to be used as a fire extinguisher? What's its rating? How big a fire can you use it on?

    The last thing I care about when it comes to putting out fires is "how easy is it to clean up?". No, I want to know "how fast does it put out a fire" and "what size fire can it put out?" or "what type of fires can I use it on"


      Couldn’t see if it meets standards, could be hidden in there but I’ve been working since 04:00 and can’t be bothered reading that much.

      • Under the FAQ page:

        Where is it made?

        Spain – where they have one of the highest standards for fire suppressants. The aluminium can is pressure tested to the highest standards and manufactured in ISO9001 facilities.

        No mention of Australian Standards approval (AS/NZS 1841).

        • +1

          ISO 9001 is a quality control standard, not a manufacturing standard.

          And it appears as though they say it does A, B, E and F type fires.

          To me, if they were as good as they were making them out to be, then dedicated fire extinguisher shops would be selling these. The fact that they are not tells me that wouldn’t trust this over an actual AS approved extinguisher.

          • @pegaxs: But Harvey Norman were selling them. Surely that’s the only tick of approval any of us need?

  • I learned a few weeks ago that the white stripe one I keep in the kitchen is no good for Cooking Oils/Fat Fires, which is why I keep a fire extinguisher in the kitchen.

    I'm not going to buy another one for the kitchen so I guess I will just throw bi-carb soda on a Cooking Oils/Fat Fire. I have a vague memory of seeing somebody on tv saying bi-carb is good for that. Maybe it was a quiz show. Whatever. Don't tell me that's wrong too.

    • +1

      For kitchen fires, you will want a dry chemical (red with white band) or wet chemical (red with tan band) extinguishers.

      To be honest, for a small kitchen, you are probably better off with a fire blanket than you are with an extinguisher.

      Bi-carb is ok, but you are going to need a pretty big tub of it just laying around and it’s going to need to be airtight, because bi-carb soaks up moister like a sponge.

      • I think I will just ban any other cooks or maybe any other fry cooks from the kitchen, because there will most assuredly not be any cooking oil/fat fires on my watch.

    • Costco have big bags of Bicarb. :)

  • What is this? A fire extinguisher for ants??

    They had the bigger 1.5kg ones for $15 earlier this year as I recall. Better option overall

    • yep this is a joke

      1kg is the very bare minimum and even that is low

      either keep 2 x 1kg etc - not too expensive and two people can join in the fun festivities

  • Damn was hoping it was for one of these:

  • +3

    The way that thing works, I think you're better off with a fire blanket that you can just put over the fire.

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