A Constant, Quiet "Tapping" Noise Is Driving Me Insane, Please Help!

Hi all, for the last week a noise has begun that is audible inside my office and the adjoining bedroom.
It is a quiet noise, but it has not stopped for over a week. Best way i can describe is it sounds like a distant tapping sound, almost like someone tapping a wooden table rapidly with one finger, but much quieter. It is a rapid sound that does not seem to vary in rhythm or sound level and is at a rate of about 5 "taps" per second.

It is driving me nuts, as while it is a quiet sound, it does not stop, and is just invasive enough to be audible even while watching a youtube video or listening to a podcast at a reasonably low level and is audible when i try to sleep at night.

I have been unable to locate the source of the sound, though my best guess is it must be in the wall that the office and bedroom share as they are the two places it is audible.

I have read lots about water pipes and such making noises, but no one ever describes them as consistent non stop sounds that last over a week.

Things i have tried:
- Shut water off at the main control - made no difference
- Shut power off at the mains switch board - made no difference
- Shut down both mains water and mains electricity at the same time and ran water at a tap till nothing came out - made no difference
- Disconnected my NBN HFC cable from the main board outside - made no difference
- Removed every device in my room that could possible be running on battery power and making any sort of noise (laptop, UPS, etc) - made no difference
- I even used a stethoscope on the wall where i thought the sound might be coming from but it's completely quiet

I am all out of ideas so if anyone has advice i would gladly welcome it!

Update: In response to all the whirlpool level, completely useless "funny" comments, a big, sarcastic thumbs up.
To the other almost relevant comments, i am not actually insane, so yes my partner can also hear it, and my hearing is excellent, had a hearing test in the past month.

Update #2: Thanks everyone for your responses, i have tried many of the suggestions over the past few days and had still not been able to locate the sound, but then i woke up this morning and it appears to have stopped! (at least for now).
I really appreciate those who left genuine helpful responses, as a friendless nobody it was actually a little heartwarming to have a bunch of relative strangers trying to help me out, even if i sounded a little frustrated at some of the joke comments :P


  • +9


    • +4

      At 5 bps, I'd guess either something that spins or something electrical.

      This is a reasonably fast rate so unlikely to be water dripping or similar.

      Only guesses though.

  • +6

    Striped Marsh Frog

  • +10

    If it has been constant 24hrs a day for multiple days I’ve got nothing useful to suggest, maybe a poltergeist or demonic presence?

    If it varied I’d suggest wildlife of some sort, an exhaust fan blowing in the wind, or a piece of flashing.

    • +1

      Negged by people who don’t believe in wildlife or exhaust fans…

  • +6


  • +15

    Maybe get someone else to verify the sound?

    Maybe you have Tinnitus

    • +14

      i can confirm the noise is real. im the wooden table that getting tapped on.

    • +8

      Can confirm it’s real, I’m the one doing the tapping

    • Can also confirm the noise, I'm the thin sheet of plaster between the rooms

  • Turn your mobile off vibrate.

    • Mate if your mobile vibrating sounds like a tapping sound i think you got problems of your own to attend to.

      • +13

        Someone tries to help and you snap at them. Nice /s

        Anyway, could it be a fridge or leak in the roof cavity?

  • +4

    You either have super human hearing or tinnitus, get your hearing checked out.

  • +3

    "Maybe you have Tinnitus" this crossed my mind almost immediately and may fit with this

    "- I even used a stethoscope on the wall where i thought the sound might be coming from but it's completely quiet" no mention of "so I then tried XXX location" which is puzzling, no mention of "sound stops when I leave the house/room" which is also puzzling.

    …..while I was typing the OP's update appeared so with a hearing test done assume Tinnitus is out and am also puzzled in the end….. I would add that the 2 points above need to be clarified IMO……..oh, and how many can also hear the noise, (power of suggestion and all that.)

    • +1

      I did say the noise is only audible in the office and bedroom, it is not audible anywhere else, even a metre outside of those rooms i cant hear it anymore.
      My partner can also hear it and agrees it is not audible even just outside of the two rooms.
      And yes i did try the stethoscope on a bunch of different spots on the wall, could not locate anything at all but i may just be listening to the wrong area, it's a really hard sound to pinpoint!

      • +10

        if something like a stethoscope isn't picking it up, you may be looking at the wrong area. Don't discount the idea that the noise may be some distance away and channelled to that location.
        The only other thing that springs to mind is water from a storage HWS pressure relief valve or just maybe water run off from an air con.

        The response you had about white ants is a point and pest services use sensitive mics to listen for them. if it's a while since you got an inspection you may be able to combine the 2.
        Good luck.

        • +7

          Have to agree. I was so certain the source of noise was inside a specific wall, we ripped it up just to find absolutely nothing. Turned out to be a pipe in the roof that just rested on the specific wall in a certain way that was not obvious from the start. All the best OP, it can be very frustrating!

      • Do you have a loft/attic above the mentioned rooms? Its not impossible for you to have, as but one example, Possums having taken up residence up there, as they are often inclined to do, having first found an external way in there.
        It might seem a bizarre suggestion, to anyone not ever having encountered the problem….and it very much can become a problem that can destroy the integrity of the ceiling, due to them using the loft as their toilet. It becomes a much larger issue than noise, if ignored.
        I've lived here in Australia since 1988, and have encountered such Possum issues 3 or 4 times at separate rental places, all over between Melbourne & the tropics, all of which needed the animal(s) trapping by an 'expert' & relocating them.
        Its a long shot, but then again, you do seem to have considered most other things it could be, & who can say?
        Wish you well with what must be a hugely annoying issue.

      • +2

        To be fair the suggestions of tinnitus weren't that out there, even if you could only hear the sound in the one room. But another person hearing it too rules it out, which is great news.

        I started hearing a soft, high pitched ringing in our bedroom - I was convinced it wasn't me (it was) because I couldn't ever hear it anywhere else, even when listening for it - and nearly went crazy trying to find the source until my fed-up husband finally convinced me there was no noise at all. We worked out that the reason I could only hear the noise in the bedroom was that it such a quiet room compared to everywhere else.

        • Had the exact same experience, could only hear it in certain parts of the house as they are extra quiet, then started hearing it in more areas and eventually outside at night too. Eventually (probably about a year after I started hearing it) figured out I have otoschlerosis and have lost most hearing in one ear and this was causing tinnitus. Didn't realise because it happened through lockdown.

  • +3

    Did you get a plumber to investigate? If not then may bee you should.

    • +1

      Could it still be plumbing if i have turned off mains water and power and it had no effect? (and it is an electric water system, not gas)

      • +9

        Agree with AndyC1. It could be a slight water leak possibly drip from a pipe joint. It may take a considerable amount of time for the line to clear completely of water when you have shut off the mains.
        Give it another go and wait for the max amount of time you can and then see if you can hear it.
        Another faster way is to cut into the plaster and see in. Good luck!

      • +2

        Sounds like the roof cowl

      • Shut off the water main again, but also let a hot and cold tap run until they stop. That way you should remove the pressure from the pipes that could be behind any slight leak. That said, if it's being going on as long as you say, even if it's a tiny leak then you'd likely have seen some sort of evidence for it, like damp patches on the wall or ceiling.

        • Not sure how indoor plumping is laid out, but it could still be a U shaped pipe which might hold water in it regardless of any pressure. And there might be a leak at the bottom of this pipe, so the theoretical dripping would continue for a while with no pressure

          • +1

            @DiscountForThee: The rate should at least drastically reduce. Mains pressure is far higher than the little bit of standing water in a U would create.

    • +3

      may bee you should.

      But it’s august.

      Surely they’d be killer bees, or rabid dogs, or dogs with killer bees in their mouths and when they bark they shoot bees at you.

  • +3

    Can you get a recording of it? Slowing it down might help identify it?

    More so, can you get a recording of it after you have left the room to determine if it's non stop or if it's related to your position in the house?

    • The sound definitely occurs regardless of me, i have had my partner listen to it while i am outside the room and they can hear it still.
      I have tried getting a recording but it is not picking the sound up (though i dont exactly have a high end mic/recording setup so im not surprised).

      • +4

        I don't know what you expect here. There's nothing we can do to help you with what you've provided so far. At best we can crack some jokes and give you a laff but it seems you don't like that.

  • +4

    Sounds can travel through structures a fair way. Keep testing with the stethoscope.

    Given you’ve remove most sources of the sound via plumbing and electrical it is really hard to be able to offer anything to assist. If it is as regular as you say, it’s unlikely to be weather related. Maybe pest control? Termites can sometimes be heard, but can’t imagine it would be a constant tapping.

    Aside from that, the more it annoys you, the more its going to annoy you. Try not to let it bother you and eventually your mind will completely block it out. Like people that live next to traintracks or busy roads.

  • +1

    Have you got any exhaust fans in the ceiling that could be making that noise?

    • +1

      There are exhaust fans in the two bathrooms but they were not in use and the noise was not affected by the power being switched off at the mains. And if they were making the noise, i would expect it would be audible near them too but they are quiet as a mouse.

      • +1

        It could be wind causing a pressure differential & spinning the fans. Take the grills off & see if they spin while the noise is present?

  • +2

    Renting or buying, Landlord or Tradesman been around recently, hidden camera? or Termites?

    • Termites or other insects

      Is the most likely explanation. Get a pest controller to do a thorough inspection and treatment.

  • +3

    My previous house had a similar noise too. I tracked the source to the water pipe in the ceiling space. It wasn't dripping, but it's something to do with running hot water during a shower, and it will start making that noise shortly after. I never got it fixed/ looked at. Just learned to ignore it after a few months.

    • +7

      Our hot water pipes will make a tapping/popping noise while they heat up or cool down. They don’t make any noise ‘normally’, just while the hot water warms them up or for up to 10min afterwards. There is no noise at other times.

      • Ditto, exactly the same here.

  • +12

    Termites? Bees in wall?

    • +10

      This. Years ago there was a distinct tick (I likened it to clicking the top of your index fingernail with your thumb nail) turned out there was a big ole termite nest in the wall cavity.

    • I second this as a strong possibility. Lots of examples of people hearing faint tapping noises and finding the cause is a termite infestation.

  • +25

    Neighbour with a pool and a Kreepy Krauly pool cleaner.
    The sound carries through the ground. Take a look over your fence and see where it's coming from.
    Not much you can do about it unfortunately, you just have to live with it. Though you might be able to get the neighbour to just run it during the day, not day and night. The important thing is not to let it annoy or disturb you.

    • Yeah I can remember the tick tick noise it makes

    • I have experienced this noise too. It is amazing how well it travels through the ground.
      My solution was to ask them not to run it at night.

    • +5

      Oh hell yes, we had this too when we lived in WA. Neighbours on both sides had pools and those types of pool cleaners, it was bad enough when one was running, but when it was both, it was a nightmare. What made it worse was that one neighbour's block was higher than ours, so the pool was partially raised above our block - he used to run it almost constantly (minimum of 18-20 hours/day, sometimes around the clock), and at times the reverberating rapid "tap tap tap" was similar to an engine constantly running. We talked to them about it, even brought him around so he could hear what the noise was like, his response was "we never know when we might want to go for a swim, so I like to have the pool clean all the time". We eventually had to get Council involved, and eventually got to him to agree to only run it during the day.

      • +2

        My rear neighbour does indeed have a pool and it is also on a raised block. They have been running their pool pump for about 3 years 24/7 non stop. I have been back and forth with the council about it for at least a year and half, dozens of phone calls, the council guys come out numerous times and somehow he has failed to get them to stop it. Now apparently the house is sold and there are new owners since a few months ago, but they are not doing anything about it either, council is completely bloody useless.
        I suppose it's possible they have also chucked in a barracuda pool cleaner thing, unfortunately i cannot see up the slope/fence/through the bushes into their pool to confirm this and they have been completely useless when i have tried fronting them about the pool pump noise.

        • +4

          It’s such a frustrating situation, isn’t it? It did take almost 3 years before we actually achieved anything through Council. It’s certainly quite possible that your new neighbours have now bought a pool cleaner - we weren’t able to see into our neighbour’s yard either, as there was a 6ft fence on top of a 3 ft retaining wall between our properties, but could hear the thudding of the pool cleaner if we stood next to the fence when it was operating. They said they couldn’t hear it inside their house and only very faintly when they stood at the age of the pool (lucky them) - they didn’t give a rat’s about the impact the noise had on us.

          You have my sympathies. It’s all very well for people to say “learn to live with it” or “just ignore it”, but when you experience a repetitive noise like that 24/7, it’s awful - in our case, we knew what was causing it, which was even more frustrating in a way because our neighbours refused to do anything about it. We could also hear it in EVERY room of the house, so there was no escape from it. Our neighbours on the other side didn’t run theirs anywhere near as often, but when they did, it would often get stuck by the pool steps, so was constantly “hammering” in the one spot, causing the reverberating tapping to increase in volume. It was extremely stressful, I became very noise-phobic whilst living there.

  • +2

    House I assume? Internal wall I assume? Age of the house? Slab or Stumps? Brick or weatherboard? Accessible roof space? Any gas appliances?

    • +2

      Single story house, on a concrete slab, assume the walls are brick or something like that, definitely not weatherboard. No gas anything. There is a hatch leading up into the roof though have never been up there and not sure if im game to go and meet whatever spiders/snakes/vermin/etc might be up there, might try to leave that as a last resort >_<

      • +8

        You've ticked off everything, time to jump in the roof. More likely coming from there than inside the wall from what you're describing.

        I predict it will be something to do with water. A lot of semi recent brick builds put the plumbing in the roof cavity. I realise you've tried turning off the mains but they may not stop whatever the noise is for some time.

      • +2

        Yep. OP, going in the roof is pretty easy, and very likely to show you the cause of the problem.

        Google or YouTube a "how to" first, but it's just a few basic things like "don't step on the ceiling plasterboard, you'll fall through" and "don't cut any electrical wires".

        (Few pests live in roof cavities unless you have holes in your roof. There's no food sources for them. Especially if your house is newish, it should have pest barriers, extreme temperatures, and other things that discourage pests).

  • +2

    Do you have ducted air conditioning? if yes, it may be the zone control device in the ceiling that make this noise.

    • I can confirm you get some ticking noises from such a setup. OP mentioned they've powered down the house so it seems unlikely aircon is the culprit.

  • +9

    Once upon a midnight dreary, while I pondered, weak and weary,
    Over many a quaint and curious volume of forgotten lore—
    While I nodded, nearly napping, suddenly there came a tapping,
    As of some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door.
    “’Tis some visitor,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door—
    Only this and nothing more.”

    This just reminded me of "The Raven" poem so much lol. But seriously it seems like you tried most of the main things, esp if both electricity and plumbing switching off, which would have been my main thoughts. Its not a neighbours plumbing or similar? Another possibility could be some animals hiding somewhere if its only been a short while since you've started hearing it.

    If it doesn't go in a few weeks though, I'd probably buy sound proofing just to stop hearing it.

  • +5

    If you have whirly birds in the roof when they spin they can make a tapping noise if the bearings are bad but unlikely to be constant and for so long.

    • No whirly birds on this house, just pigeons :P

      • +1

        Case closed. It's the birds!

  • +5

    It's most likely water dripping inside the downpipe from the gutter One common issue causing noisy gutters is that the angle at which the downspout leads away from the home is not gentle enough. When this happens, water will fall flatly down into the bottom of the downspout instead of gently flowing out.

    • +2

      I might have considered this also, but what drips at a rate of 5 drips a second for a solid week non stop? It has only sprinkled rain for a few hours the last week so there wouldn’t be any water up there to drip anyway.

      • There may well still be water in there if there are blockages in the guttering and/or downpipe. Is it a single story or two story house? If it's occurring beside an upstairs bedroom do you have one of those downpipes with a horizontal spreader at the bottom that drains onto an attached lower roof such as a garage?

        • +2

          It's just a single story freestanding house, nothing special with the guttering, just has downpipes coming straight down into the concrete block below (i have gone outside and listened to all the downpipes and they are all quiet.

  • +10

    Had the same problem years ago driving me insane. Took me more than 6 months to work it out and sounded like faint beat of music like a car playing loud music from far away when you can hear the bass only.
    Turns out the units I'm in neighbor had the aircon water pipe dipping onto a lower bit of hollow conduit that ran across near the bedroom.
    Go outside and you couldn't hear it and all looked normal.

    As it was hollow and fixed to the wall it would drum through the bricks softly enough to drive you insane when either trying to sleep or everything was quiet.
    Moved the drain pipe from off the wall and it all stopped

    • Had a similar issue with a water pipe as well….but was a drain from a gutter about 2 meters away on a garage, with a slow drip drip, that made similar sound to a soft bass from far away…

  • +2

    Wall clock?

    • +10

      I banned analog clocks from my life when i was a child, i absolutely hate the sound of them.

      • Echo Wall Clock is nice and quite.

  • Like others mentioned. Could be down pipe outside drippping. Or maybe the plumbing pipe inside the walls

    Only way to find out is to remove the gyprock and inspect and then replace them back on . While u are at it, maybe knock down the wall and turn office and bedroom into one big Bedfice.

  • NBN modem

    • +2

      Not sure if serious but as mentioned i did already turn the power off to the entire house at the mains, so that would have switched the modem off also.
      I am however using one of those HFC Hybrid Fibre Coaxial NBN modems that utilises the old cable tv cabling and i went outside and unplugged that from it's main incoming socket and it did not help either.

  • +2

    It's unlikely but possibly rats/vermin. If you've turned off the power, the water (and released the pressure by opening a tap) and the sound persists then the mystery is the origin of the energy source…
    Cause is now clearly one of the following :-
    Expanding material due to heat/cold… rats/vermin…other biological source… hidden nuclear reactors/neutron drives… residual shamanistic purple heat and/or alien spacecraft.

  • +1

    Is it a stand alone house, unit in a block with shared walls, multi-storey etc?

    • +1

      It's just a single storey stand alone house on a concrete block.

  • +1

    It could be a mechanical power point timer. I installed a few in my roofspacd to limit how much time my rollershutter batteries spend charging and they made that constant faint noise at around that frequency. I changed them to electrical timers as the sound was really annoying when trying to sleep

    • +1

      I have been here for 4 years, never setup any mechanical powerpoint timers for anything.

  • +1

    Although it has been lasting long I still think just the Pipes. A repetitive ticking or clicking sound coming from walls and ceilings can result from the expansion and contraction of metal HVAC ductwork that conducts ventilation through these voids. When metal heats up, it expands; when the furnace stops pushing warm air through the system, the metal cools and contracts. Give it another week and see if it stops when the weather settles….

  • +4

    Get a very sensitive microphone & recording device. 2. Record the sound. 3. Send it to a.
    CSIRO Building Division etc for investigation; & b. A local radio station for a new secret sound competition to see what the listeners come up with.

  • +1

    It sounds like the noise is in the roof. Have you gone up into the roof to check it out?

    • I havent gone up in the roof cavity and not sure if i am game too, though i have been on a stool around the two affected rooms using a stethoscope to try and pinpoint the sound with no luck so far.

      • Do it. Go up in there and let us know if it was a snake…

      • I'm not a roof cavity person either but it's worth knowing how to traverse the space especially if you have other issues in future. As mentioned by another user, there's unlikely anything up there as it's pretty uninhabitable.

        • +2

          unlikely anything up there as it's pretty uninhabitable

          You should tell that to all of the various animals I’ve had to deal with in roof spaces.

          • +1

            @mapax: I'd love to hear more of these stories. PS. I'm winding OP to just get up there. You're not helping! Haha.

            • @mafmouf: Well now that the sound has stopped OP should get in the roof and inspect it.

              I think I’ve posted about the time a possum fell through a ceiling and I had to rescue it from a rich persons bathroom, but most of my stories are pretty boring and are just possums, rats or birds with the occasional cat and once a fox. Most of my more interesting stories are non-roof based.

  • I couldn't even begin to guess at the source; you have had every good suggestion already in previous answers. But I would suggest that you don't just try to ignore it. Sound is made by some object moving the air, and, even if it one day just stops, that moving has been occurring over time and is unlikely to have made no change. Changes in something as complex as a house tend to come back to haunt you later. Do as Dslrfirst suggested, and make a GOOD recording of the sound, then take it to anyone in the industry who might be able to identify the cause. Someone will have heard this sound before and know what to do about it. Good luck!

  • Probably a fan or a pump with that consistency and duration. Maybe from a neighbour channeling through walls/structure to specific areas.

    • +1

      A nearby neighbour has a pool pump that has been running 24/7 for about 3 years. Have spent the last year and a half trying to get council to get them to switch it off, still no luck, absolutely absurd.
      But no that is it's own special noise i have to put up with, this new noise has only been the last week and a bit so far.

      • Why would you want them to turn off their pool pump?

        • +2

          Because i can hear it throughout half of my house for the last 3 years? Because it doesnt need to be running for 24 hours a day, 7 days a week? Because it's illegal for it to even be auidble at all between 10pm and 7am?

  • Wallclock, analouge watches in wardrobes,
    Multiplug connect to some ups or stuff..firealarm..

  • I would be using a stethoscope and sticking it on anything in,under and above your house, they only cost $30 ish dollars and can help narrow down a noise location. https://www.supercheapauto.com.au/p/toolpro-toolpro-stethosc…

    • Already mentioned i have a stethoscope, tried it on the walls and ceiling of both rooms, cant locate it still.

  • Get multiple people to help find the source. Your hearing may not be helping you with direction. Kids also have better hearing. Get some of them in.

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