Coles offering Free $200 coles gift card with Telstra Samsung Galaxy S2 4G on the $59 plan for 24 months
Free $200 Coles Gift Card with Telstra Galaxy S II 4G $59 24 Months Plan

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Or… we can SAVE all 24 of those $59 piles of our hard-earned $$$… and buy twice as many S3's (OK, maybe it'd be S5 or S6 by then ;-)
Telstra's -not- cheap IMO.
Can get an Galaxy S3 for $740, and then $18 LC + $20 sim cost = $1192
which is less than $ 1416 - $200 = $1216..
I know live connected is a good deal but it is still not comparable to telstra coverage and speed
Thats true but you are comparing Telstra to Optus, some people would say thats worth the extra $24
comparing with Galaxy SII & Galaxy SIII
gs2 from kogan delivered (today) $439 delivered (
sim M15 from exetel (optus) $15/mth +$20 setup, approx same deal except not free txt, not telstra, not 4g, but for a lot of ppl no diff
439 + 15x24 + 20 = $719 (add 200 of coles = $919).
compared with 24 month lock in with telstra at $1416
Nicer network and free txt, but big diff in price. Not sure this is a deal.
GS2 4g is superior to the normal GS2
one comparison:…
Is it's 4g ability the only difference? With his 1.5G, 3g/4g is pretty irrelevant. Yes it will be quicker if you restranin yourself :-) That is 50 Mb/day - 1 mid sized youtube clip/day.
You are locked into this handset and this deal for 24 months.
My point is that you can get pretty much the same deal for $500 less, and for a lot of people it will be almost the same.
$500 extra /24mth = $21/mth for that, free txt and telstra over optus. For me, personally, it isn't worth it. If you need telstra's coverage and/or you do a lot of texting, and/or 4g speed is really important (but you average 50M/day), then it might be good. Otherwise, maybe not.
pretty much the same deal except the phone is not 4G, the screen is 4.3" not 4.5", has a 1.2GHz dual core processor instead of 1.5GHz, has different dimensions, runs on a network which has less coverage and slower data speeds, not unlimited sms.. and I'm guessing no one is giving us a $200 gift card?
According to gsmarena above, same screen size, same cpu speed, same dimensions. This may be incorrect, if so, please show a link.
Skip the $200 gift card and save $700 overall. That pays for a lot of txt. Main diff is network quality, which again may be important, or not.
Only people getting this deal is the people who want/need 4G speeds. Of course getting a non-4G phone with optus would be cheaper.
Skip the $200 gift card and save $700 overall.
Why skip it? you're like saying the gift card is worth nothing.
Granted, however, this being ____OzB____ how this (97-99) '02%-coverage-'lack' weigh against '40% monthly-saving', is open to assessment; also, not to poof-poof the advantage of flat-rate access — in contrast to
Still think this is better value.…
Savings $25 x 24 = $600
5 months 1/2 price on access = $72.50
(-$200 coles voucher)savings, sure.
You are still comparing apples with oranges though due to the different coverage and speed. Not to mentions they aren't even the same phone.
.coverage for a (99-97) 2%,
.speed for the 1.5GB Data.
/Fabulous stuff.
Meh..I'll keep a-$10 started kit with me in any event.
Optus 850,000km2
Telstra 2.1 million km2Yes it's only a 2% difference in population, but it's more than twice the land mass covered.
Just to put that into perspective, the difference is 1.25million km2.
Victoria is 227,000km2
New South Wales 309,000km2
South Australia 983,000km2Hence the claim 'works better in more places', I recall. Though unless one is frequenting along highway/ regions then I can't see many people being returned what they put in to the cost for mega infrastructure. Optus will be there for economical\(97%)-usage simply because it's where we exist when not touring (whilst always acknowledging that a %age live rural).
AFAIK, a started pack should provide >1/2 one month's credit, which seems a good fill-in as per time visiting places more scenic & peaceful.
The coles network is Telstra so really people should be comparing the cost of this to that of deals being offered by Telstra.
To compare with Optus or Vodafone. Isnt really a good comparison.
While I am with Optus, a cheaper Telstra like deal could be more appealing given the poor coverage by Optus in my area especially with Data.
Has someone yet compared to straight deals from Telstra?
Looks like a good deal to me, I'm currently paying $40 a month for a Telstra prepaid byo phone (outright bought sgs2) so paying extra 19*24=461 (-200=261] for the handset is pretty decent… Of course it depends how much you appreciate the Telstra coverage (which I happen to appreciate allot after 2.5 years with virgin Optus).
Well it's the same price with Telstra but no $200 gift card, so yeah… Good deal then.
Any bonus fly buys like with Telstra pre paid mobile?
Link to PDF deal:…
Total min cost $1416
over 24 months
Value included:
· $550 for calls and MMS
All to standard Australian numbers, excludes overseas3
· Unlimited text3
· 1.5GB Data