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[PC, Steam] 91% off - Sid Meier’s Civilization VI: Platinum Edition $20.96 (Was $239.79) @ Steam


Sid Meier's Civilization VI - $13.49, 85% off
Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Platinum Edition - $20.96, 91% off
Sid Meier’s Civilization VI Anthology - $43.12, 86% off

The base game has previously been free from Epic Games but the Platinum Edition is a great price if you missed the Humble Bundle.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    amazing price, easy to sink many hours into this game if its your cup of tea

  • +3

    I bought this for full price, and… nah, c'mon, $240!!!

    • +1

      If you value this like a movie ticket (say ~$15 per hour of entertainment), then paying full price for this is equivalent to ~16 hours of entertainment.
      I dunno about you, but I've got waaay more than 16 hours worth out of Civ VI. My cost per hour played is ~$0.30

      • +8

        I accept it's not entirely rational, but paying $200+ for a game just feels wrong, no matter how much entertainment it provides

        • +2

          I agree with you we shouldn't be justifying poor practice of all these dlc's and stuff you make the game you set the price you buy it that's it all these extra costs and dlc's , season passes , premium this or that is silly

          This is exactly why a lot of people just pirate games why go spend $200 when you can go download it for free companies that do stuff like this don't deserve your money (I own the base game btw but i've never purchased any dlc's)

          • +1

            @User123321: Yep, no arguments from me! That's why I got the deluxe version for ~$30, instead of springing $200!

            I still use ITAD and wait for sales, but reframing the price to entertainment has meant I'm less worried about dropping $20-$30 occasionally.

      • +1

        Hundreds of hours but you’d never know.

  • +1

    So.. Civ VII incoming?

  • +2

    Don't buy, will consume all your free time.

  • +1

    I still cannot get into VI……just feels wrong to me - V all the way!

  • +1

    Mac too :-)

  • +1

    The game's cheaper off Eneba, even more so off Yuplay but haven't had any personal experience with the latter.

  • +1

    Love Civ, but it's basically like a mobile game riddled with microtransactions.
    got another copy for the switch in the beginning and constantly got spammed to buy every new published playable nation for extra cash.

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