Sharing My Tricks for The Toilet

Hey Everyone,

I wanted to share two tricks I find so handy in the toilet, that it boggles my mind nobody else does! With these methods I've been able to live without a toilet brush or plunger for the past couple of years, and my toilet is sparkling clean!

  1. When the toilet gets clogged from too much TP or other things, I squeeze in about a table spoon of dish soap. Then flush it a tiny bit just to mix the soap in. Let it sit for 15-20 minutes and then flush properly. Miraculously gets unclogged and flushes every time! Sometimes it does need to sit longer than 20 minutes though.

  2. When I get the poop stains on the toilet, I use the store brand bleach cleaner (The one in the tall blue bottle) around the rim and on the stain, again in about 15 minutes, if you flush the stain will be gone! Even really bad ones.

I hope my pooping tricks can bring you joy


      • +1

        I'm sure chillies are not either.

    • +1

      Wow, that someone has an amazingly fast digestive system!

    • +1

      A wipe check is always a good thing. And balance fibre in the diet (psyllium husk maybe?)

      Go and look up the Bristol Stool Chart and adjust diet accordingly.

    • +1

      Someone says the earth is flat too.

    • +1

      Water fasting will do that..

  • +7

    i guess with slavoz being banned, others have to take up the slack with the crazy crappy topics lolz

    • +7

      Banned indefinitely? Whatever for? 🤔😂

      • +4

        Pretty much for being himself.

      • +7

        I'd love to know what the comment was that caused it. There are so many possibilities

      • +3

        That has made me day

    • +1

      What?!?! Nooooooooo!!!! Banned or just sin binned?

  • +7

    just going to spend the day questioning why I clicked on this.

  • +3

    On this topic.

    Anyone used the this type of toilet 'brush'… ?

    Rather than use the thick bleach cleaners, I've started using dish washing detergent to clean the toilet bowl. Works well enough and the less chemicals we use the better.

    • -1

      Since some booger - I mean greenie - decided to photograph himself sticking a plastic straw up the nose of a turtle, which slightly inconveniences me now with awful McDonald's paper straws… I say KILL MORE TURTLES!:

  • +5

    I don't understand how anyone can block a toilet in Australia or would ever need a plunger. If that is the case, you are definitely doing something wrong.

    • +4

      Have you ever eaten 14 tacos and 8 beers?

      I haven't. Just curious to hear the results.

    • +1

      I believe early versions of the 'water saving' toilets with tiny bottom holes and low flow like 3 litres would dribble some water on the top with no real energy to dump-flush everything down - and they would be easily blocked by people who were terrified of touching 'anything down there' and reeled off 20 sheets at a time and … clogged the toilet

      probably the same people who would rather put bleach on the terrible scary stuff than actually use fresh clean water and a brush … ;-)

    • +1

      don't understand how anyone can block a toilet in Australia

      Flushable Wipes.

      It's like cutting a t-shirt up and flushing the pieces down toilet. (stolen analogy from old plumber bloke who had plenty to say about it).

      • yeah - I believe they're typically plastic - so won't break up - London has had bus-sized fat-bergs blocking their underground pipes thanks to flushable wipes catching every bit of fat and all sticking together

        • I probably should have said "wet wipes", I think the issue is people don't read the label. I'm not sure but "flushable wipes" you'd assume do break down, whereas wet wipes don't. Not the most exciting topic. I'm out!

  • +8
    1. When the toilet gets clogged from too much TP????

    Use less paper? Srsly, is that a thing?

    • +1

      Srsly, is that a thing?

      Wamen ☕️

    • +1

      What!!!???? What do you do when the toilet paper doesn't come out the same colour as before it went in through the swipe? Do you count x number of toilet papers and say that I am done? Or do you keep using the toilet paper until it comes out as white as it goes in?

  • +3

    General bleach will not work on calcification stains on the toilet bowl. There are two types of stain normal Poo stain and another one is a water-flowing stain which calcifies the bowl.

    I tried to clean calcification with bleach liquid but it fail, I have read but not tried to put about 1 litre of white vinegar and soda bicarbonate in 3 to 4 table spoon and let it remain there for almost 30 minutes. The alkaline in solution will help to remove the calcification stain.

    Can someone confirm that this is fact and not a myth?

    • +1

      That's how frugal women clean toilets. Clean the toilet like a MAN lol:

    • +4

      Sodium bicarbonate is alkaline, vinegar is acidic. Together they neutralise each other to make salty water. One or the other might help depending on the stain but if it is calcium based then CLR or similar will be more effective.

    • +1

      Dishwasher tablet … job done

    • here's a tip from organic chemistry 101 - something called 'the universal solvent' - chemical formula H2O - look it up … ;-)

  • +4

    My trick for the toilet is that I spread my cheeks with the bowl when I poop so as to reduce cheek-to-poop contact thus minimising the amount I need to wipe.

    • +2

      I hope you mean the seat

      • +2

        Of course, sorry my toilet terminology is lacking

  • +1

    that it boggles my mind nobody else does

    How do you know?

  • +1

    Easy way to clean the bowl with less effort;
    Do a half-flush and then coat the bowl with a couple of tablespoons of washing powder (we use the anti-bacterial kind).
    Leave with the lid down for 20 mins.
    Give it a full flush.
    Almost always, you will not need to brush the bottom of the bowl (well, it works on the ones we have, anyway).
    Also, be careful not to misspell 'bowl' as 'bowel', as I have just nearly done a few times…

  • +1

    I have a bidet sprayer. Not only do you go through significantly less toilet paper, but it can also be used to clean the crap off the bowl when applicable.

    I think I go through something like 1 toilet roll per 2 months.

  • +5

    It's best to just waffle stomp.

    No toilet brush, chemicals OR toilet required!

  • +2

    Get yourself a poop knife.

  • +2

    For the hard calcium stains, instead of the $$ Scalex @ Bunnings, use citric acid + boiling kettle water. Let it sit for as long as possible then brush and flush. Works very well

    • +3

      Boiling water can crack porcelain I think. Be very careful in colder climates trying this.

    • +1

      I found Scalex to be ineffective. Where do you find citric acid strong enough for the job?

      • +3

        Just the ones you buy from Colesworth,…

        For tough jobs then maybe use the whole thing, but the longer you leave it to sit, the better (like 1 - 2 days)

      • I just bought scalex based upon the forum comments - removed alot of the water and chucked the whole bottle in - AMAZING the old outside dunny is like new again, simple as

  • +2

    Reading these tips made me go the toilet in a hurry.

    • +4

      username no longer checks out.

      • +3

        And thus answers yours.

  • +4

    Life is like a packet of toilet paper. You’re either on a roll or taking someone’s crap.

    • +2

      I always think life is more like being a pubic hair.
      You spend your whole life cooped up in a dark, smelly place. At the moment you finally break free you get stuck in a toilet and end up getting pissed off

  • +1

    If your worried that your shit may stain the toilet bowl - throw in a piece or two of toilet paper before doing the deed. 99% of the time will leave no trace behind.

    • +3

      Pre-wetting the bowl can work too. Just depends what you consider the least wasteful.

      • +1

        Lick the bowl first? No thanks!

        • +1

          Get Biff to do it.

  • +1

    I'll just leave this here (for those who know the song Just the Two of Us)…
    (Which coincidentally is what the OP said.)

  • +1

    My gf wrote this down in our toilet "If you sprinkle while you tinkle, grab the sheet wipe the seat"

    • +1

      Who wants to sit on someone else's dry pee, lol. I have one of these sitting on the cistern:…. There's a few different contents. I wait til they're marked down to about half price then buy several.

      • +1

        Why in cistern

        • +2

          On not in. ;-) So it's easy-to-hand instead of under the hand basin where no-one will get it out to use it.

      • This only makes sense bc I removed and don't use a toilet seat.

        I would imagine he is tinkling with the seat up and not sprinkling on the seat down.

    • Where in the toilet she wrote that?..

  • +1

    I have a spray bottle used specifically for cleaning the bowl when stuff gets stuck to it. Works a treat.

    • +4

      Do you spray yourself in the face so you don’t do it again?

      • +2

        Yes. Works on other people as well

        • What's in the spray bottle specifically ??

  • +1

    Get a bidet toilet seat replacement.

    Cleans 100%, also dries, and can deodorize, plus you get to sit on a warm seat in the winter. :)

    Don't forget to change the water filter as per manual for your bidet model of choice.

    • +2

      I really want to get one of these. I'll have to go through old threads here first, to ensure I don't buy the wrong one. Already have a power point directly above the toilet too, ready to go.

    • How's it deodorise? Never heard that functiom

  • +4

    I wanted to share two tricks I find so handy in the toilet…

    So… Your trick is, you clean it, lol. It doesn't matter what you clean it with, you could use laundry powder if you wanted to, or lemon juice and/or bicarb soda - if it still requires scrubbing, it's not a "trick", isn't saving much of anything. ;-)

    And if a toilet gets "blocked" just from toilet paper, and can be "cleared" with a little dish soap… then either it's not really clogged, or there's something really weird going on with the sewer pipe.

    As for a real toilet cleaning trick… I buy 20L containers (cheapest per litre price that way) of hydrochloric acid from Bunnings. I don't clean the toilet. I wait until other people have been complaining for about a month, then pour a half a cup of acid into the toilet, open the window and shut the door - so fumes don't get into eyes. Come back 20 minutes later and use the toilet brush to wipe liquid up the sides. No scrubbing is necessary, just "wiping" to get liquid up the walls. Once the walls turn white (a few seconds) then flush, using that to rinse acid out of the brush.

    And before anyone thinks it (like I did because we're all told it in school)… no… pouring acid onto water does not "explode" - check youtube.

  • +1

    Boiling water from he kettle sorts out all problems. Not a fan of toilet brushes

    • +3

      Don't do that, it will melt the pipe overtime

  • +1

    If you keep getting poop stains, then you should eat more fibre to loosen it up

    • +2

      If you eat less fibre you won’t need to poop

      • +1

        you will eventually but it'll be harder and more painful

  • +1

    Has the OP got any “tricks” to stop tree routes from digging into my terracotta underground pipes? Don’t tell me to replace them with plastic or a liner. I want a trick that I can put down the toilet bowl (maybe roundup?)

  • +5

    Well, since you asked for tips, here's a couple:

    1. Sit (male) down to piss to avoid spraying over the toilet/walls/floor; more so in your own/domestic toilets - lifechanging habit that benefits your prostate as well
    2. Use water to clean your junk; no more piss stains/skid marks/BO and your arse will feel liberated in a "newborn" way
    • Vendors prostate good
      Benefits prostate how?

      • +1

        Apologies for the late reply; I've been queuing at the Scooby Doo rollercoaster since last Thursday..

        Sitting down to urinate has long term urodynamic benefits; just do it, else google for a detailed account.

    • The whole standing to piss thing only makes sense when you're at a bar and drunk

  • +5

    This is the dumbest shit along with the BMW lemon thread. Well done.

    • Thanks mate your opinion and approval really makes a difference to me

  • +1

    Bleach has its uses, but if your pouring it into your toilet every day to save 4 seconds of manual cleaning, then you are espousing whats wrong with humanity, for a little (tiny) comfort, sacrificing the world.

  • +3

    How much TP are you using that it blocks the toilet, far out

    • +1

      Folded 3 times, until butt is fully wiped

  • +2

    When i get poop stains on the bowl, i just aim my pee at it and squeeze my bladder so i can get a strong jet stream. No chemical required.

  • +2

    am I the only man who sits while doing a #1 (excluding public dunnies)

    id rather sit and relax

    • +1


  • +2

    The last time my toilet became clogged I used the baking soda and vinegar trick

    Instructions from elsewhere:
    Check and, if necessary, adjust the water level in the bowl. You’ll want the bowl to be about halfway full before you begin the unclogging process. If the water is too low, add hot or boiling water until the bowl is half, or a little more, full. If the water level is too high, then you’ll have to scoop some out to prevent spillage. Sorry! The next part of this experiment will be more fun.
    Pour one cup of baking soda into the bowl.
    Slowly pour one cup of vinegar into the bowl. If you pour too quickly, the reaction could make a mess on your bathroom floor. Use your instincts; if it looks like one cup is going to cause too much fizz, use less or pour more slowly.
    Allow the fizz to sit for at least 20 minutes.
    See if it worked.

  • +3

    Don't guys just pee on the poop stain until it eventually comes off?

  • +2

    I don't use a brush either. I get a cup of warm/hot water and rinse it off. If it's stubborn then I cover it with a wet toilet tissue and flush later.

  • +1

    Dump at work

  • +1

    OP what inspired you to suddenly think “yep, time to share my toilet wisdom with OzBargain”? Did you read a crap post?

  • +1

    Most public men’s toilet are clogged to the ears with yellow liquidy tp thanks op I now can bring many teaspoonfuls of soap to remedy it.

    Like to know any tips for disinfecting public toilet seats with urine stains or shit stains some already baked on before taking a seat on the throne when there’s not much choices where every stall already have Cadbury chocolate everywhere

  • +1

    Pour in hot water ( not boiling )

    Fixes ops 1 and 2.

  • The bum blaster does a great job keeping the bowl sparkling. And the Reject store has cheap enough brushes to keep them fresh too.

  • +1

    Quality shit post, buy a toilet brush & a decent clip on toilet block instead of pouring copious amounts of chemicals down your toilet.

  • +2

    Also, wiping while standing > Sitting and wiping

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