Queenie Tan Finfluencer Investwithqueenie

I see all these news articles popping up on how she was on minimum wage and has now turned her combined net worth to 500k.
She probably started with 20k and found a guy worth $480k. Profit???

Am I missing something with her?

Why are they making news article on her combined net worth?


  • +10

    paid advertisements, it's a load of crap. i'm guessing you saw her on the daily mail?

  • +11

    Influencers should get the gallows.

    • +17

      people who need (or listen to) an Influencer should get the gallows.

      • +7



        That's not what I would call shilling garbage and attempting to make people feel bad about themselves, in the hope they buy said garbage products to make themselves feel better.

        • -2

          I literally said those that don’t just advertise everything for money.

          The immediate thought of influencers is the assumption that every post / video / story is going to sell something, and usually whatever they’re selling is so awful that the person has absolutely no interest in it anyway.

          But this isn’t all influencers.

          There are many influencers out there who have built up a following through just showing a part of their life, with absolutely no sales/advertising at all. Their content has nothing to do with selling anything - people just genuinely want to see what they’re up to.

          If they have a large enough follower base and want to make money, (and really, why shouldn’t they want to make some money when making content is actually insanely time consuming?), they can easily make only one post a month to earn them enough money for the whole month. 1 post in every 30 is nothing.

          Or some will only have affiliate links in their bio, with many not even pushing these links on their audience unless the audience asks.

          It’s all about how they direct their audience to the ads/links. If it’s every single post / story it’s absolutely annoying - it’s like watching shopping tv.

          But content creators that are able to earn a living by sharing a link or ad to a product that they genuinely believe in (and usually already owned and loved before being able to make money off it) once a month are doing bloody well.

          Not everyone is out to hurt others by selling awful products to vulnerable people.

          • +4

            @jjjaar: Influencers ≠ content creators.

            By definition, influencers are trying to influence people to buy products. I have no issue with content creators.

    • I think you're taking the wrong approach here. We know where they are at all times (because they tell us, whether we want to know or not), so they are humanity's natural protection against the zombie apocalypse. You just run and take cover behind the nearest affliction (that's the collective noun, I promise, I just made looked it up) of influencers and you've bought yourself some time!

  • +2

    She probably started with 20k and found a guy worth $480k. Profit???

    What does this even mean?

    • +21

      Obviously it means women can’t be rich without a man in front of them.

      OP certainly has an axe to grind with such a misogynistic comment…

  • +8

    I've watched some of her vids, she mentions ozbargain fairly regularly and cashrewards etc.

    Some of the advice in the beginning was OK but then it became more of unbelievable influencer trash so don't really watch anymore.

    Keen to know if she is a member on here or just a silent user.

    Edited to add I've seen her on youtube, I don't want people to think I watch tiktok haha

    • +2

      Tic Toc adds a lot of weight to a subject. I guess if you can dance whilst selling something that should be considered as a skill!

  • +16

    She probably started with 20k and found a guy worth $480k. Profit???

    What a misogynistic comment.

    She's an OzBargainer. DM:

    Before we buy something, we sleep on it always. We also put a price on items that we know we do want to ensure we are buying them at a good price, which I do via OzBargains. Recently, we saved $400 off a new vacuum,' she said.

    Tiktok on OzBargain #1
    Tiktok on OzBargain #2
    Tiktok on OzBargain #3


  • +8

    Same old. If you are not paying for it then you are the product.

  • +12

    ITT: OP is a misogynist.

  • +18

    Spruiker and definitely does that thing where they are ambiguous about where money came from.

    She also blurs the line about achieving those figures and ownership of assets but has a partner to help contribute (also blurs the figures further).

    19, working minimum wage but starts renting an apartment. Probably not fully self sustained.

    Somehow saves up for a deposit for an apartment $100k with her new job but then it mentions the deposit was contributed to my her partner etc.

    Honestly, like many of the self confessed gurus and whatnot and property investment pros, they blur how they actually got the to the starting point.

      • +13

        How so?

        I'm not hating on the person but rather highlighting the tactics used to blur the lines of "success".

        It's like saying people are jelly of those MLM gurus.

        Also, I'm not saying her success is attributed to the partner, I'm saying that it's easy to headline and say one person got to that position when in reality there's more to it.

        I read the article -

        • min. wage job to salary marketer doubling her income. So let's say maybe $55k - 60k whilst still paying rent on her apartment and lifestyle. No mention of when or whether the partner moved in or contributed.
        • $5k co investment in ETFs by the duo became $100k in 3 years? Probably a high contribution of capital vs gains, and it seems they are at least de facto at this point. Is it possible to get $100k over 3 years as a single earner? Of course, but it's definitely a lot easier with a partner. Also the article makes it seem like the initial contribution was the main driver for the gains to $100k. Hence blurred line.
        • Cashed out the EFTs for the deposit, interesting strategy… probably not the best thing to do given the timeline unless they have low cash on hand etc.
        • Comments about micro investing and crypto, blurred lines again as they could have had major windfalls from crypto etc. Also I see a lot of referral links for micro investing and crypto on her socials…so the minor comment on this is likely a plug.

        End of the day, no one knows her full story, I'm not judging but you need to understand that everyone has their own journey and people aren't going to share everything. Finfluencers love to sell the lowest point of their lives as the starting point..

        Also, I did not neg your comment but I hope this reply clarifies my stance.

    • +1

      If it's like any typical young adult in a first world country, their parents probably assisted with rent etc

      • Umm, what's your source for this bs statement. Seems like you are falling for the same DM bank of mum & dad type rubbish

    • +1

      Honestly, like many of the self confessed gurus and whatnot and property investment pros, they blur how they actually got the to the starting point.

      It is just a façade, and the article is simply more publicity for her.
      "Always need an emergency fund." No sh*t, Queenie!

      • -8

        It's so funny that you & your mates are so triggered by this.

  • +2

    she was on minimum wage and has now turned her combined net worth to 500k.

    She used to work for 9-5 , now she works 12hrs a day going through bargain websites for content tips.
    Good on her but not for everyone.

  • +4

    Funnily enough, I saw an article a year ago about a guy that built up a very healthy property portfolio. Meanwhile, the article really diminished the contributions from his engineer partner on six figures that I used to work with.

  • -5

    Lol at the comments saying it's misogynistic. As if it's not possible for someone to marry/partner with a rich person. Or someone with 480k…

    • +5

      Not saying it's not possible. OP is implying that the influencer wouldn't have gotten where they are now without a man's financial support i.e. women can't make it on their own

      • -2

        Not saying it's not possible.

        But the OP thinking that's what probably happened makes it misogynistic… 🙄

        She could have increased her net worth from lotto, crypto, inheritance, shares or other investments(or as you admit that its possible) partner up.

        • +1

          Because that's what OP said, in case you didn't read.

          She probably started with 20k and found a guy worth $480k. Profit???

          There was no need for OP to say that, hence the calling out of the misogynistic comment.

  • +1

    Do an English course at TAFE before you read any more crap.

  • Sounds like clear. Or tightass.

    Wonder how much they make.

  • +4

    Never have I read a title to a post and wanted to vomit as much as I just felt.

    • +2

      I had a mini stroke 2/3rds through

      • +1

        "Ozbargains" … total cringe!

  • +7
    1. You need to stop reading trash. The Daily Mail article is just… atrocious garbage. You are stupider for reading it.

    2. Says over 5 years her and her partner saved up basically $500k. That's not super realistic for most people, and largely will be based on their income (i.e., if they both earn $50k, they're not going to be putting away $500k, but if they both earn $200k, then sure).

    3. It's sensationalist - so I wouldn't actually trust it in the first place.

    4. Some of the reporting is just illogical/makes no sense:
      "The couple have hugely cut down their home expenses recently, with Queenie admitting they have gone from an average of $600 per month to $0." - Not possible to have $0 average home expenses unless someone else is literally just buying it for you.

    5. All in all, this is just trash - stop wasting your time on this crap.

  • +2

    I see all these news articles popping up …Am I missing something with her?

    Your problem starts … at the start.

    You want to know what articles pop up on mine - Warren Buffett, and multi-bn fund managers with long strong track records. Because my investment strategies and performance and interest is in that direction. I don't know who tf you're talking about and you've probably got no idea about my people.

    As an aside, a family member has all this get rich quick people with secrets no one tells you appearing in their feeds. And they've struggled financially for 30+ years despite guidance on the slow and steady approaches.

    • +1

      Google algorithm is working as intended. Read trash, get more trash articles.

      • -1

        confirmation bias as a service….

  • +1

    Not a fan of Queenie at all but she doesn't warrant her own hate post here on OzBargain. Far more annoying and harmful influencers out there than her.

    • -2

      Seems I triggered a simp?

  • +21

    This is the first time I've heard of her so I thought I'd sort through the financial fluff and fluff pieces and isolate the actual interesting and informative parts of her history.

    Current age: 25. Boyfriend's age: 30.

    Is described by mainstream media as a money expert, a money guru, a finance expert, a marketing manager, a financial influencer

    Has a "6 figure income" from "six sources of income" which she invests up to $5k a month on a diversified investment portfolio (but mainly ETF). Her only liability is the home loan debt.

    "no formal qualifications in finance" but she does "have a lot of experience working and saving and earning money"

    Lives in Sydney.

    It seems to be true that she's an ozbargainer: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/user/253726

    She used to sell cosmetic products but the URL is not active anymore. Last login early this year.

    Past history: daughter of a single Chinese father (assumed chinese, she bought him a trip to China). Both parents divorced when she was a baby. Her father lives an "extremely frugal" life which inspired her to "spend all her money before she dies." Information about mother unknown.

    2011-12: at the age of 14, gets a job at McDonald's.

    2016-17: at the age of 19, moves out of family home. Earned $400 a week for 6 months. Then she found a full time marketing job for $800 a week. Dropped out of her marketing degree as well as university.

    2017 (age 19 to 20): decided to learn investing and with boyfriend, they put $5k into etf, and 3 years later, it becomes $100k (including unspecified contributions).

    Invested an unspecified amount in crypto, and lost 90% of it in 2018.

    2019 (age 21 to 22): with boyfriend, with that $100k deposit, purchases first property for $500k. It is a 2 bedroom apartment. They have a hired cleaner. They haved rented out the apartment on airbnb before.

    It is this combined net worth of $500k that is quoted by every news media.

    2020 (age 22 to 23): starts youtube and tiktok.

    In march, somebody makes a queenietan parody video. She removes it with a copyright claim.

    In august, she asks for home loan advice on reddit and she was at 2.72% with citibank at the time. At the same time, she says she plans to install solar panels on her building with it being paid off in 7 years.

    2021 (age 23 to 24): quits marketing job to focus on full time social media job. Makes $3k to $5k a month.

    2022 (age 25): hopes to buy second sydney property.

    Noticeable lack of information about:
    - when she met her boyfriend
    - what her boyfriend does, his personal and financial history. Clearly she doesnt have a net worth of $500k. THEY do.
    - financial matters between her and her father, did he pay for her bills when she moved out etc

    All of the information above was from news articles, i havent looked at her youtube channel yet.

    Conclusion: Until more information surfaces, my opinion is that while she can find good bargains to save money like the rest of us, she is extremely overhyped by the non-critical mainstream media who presents her as some sort of strong independent woman who managed to buy her own house at 25 while ignoring the contributions of her boyfriend Pablo. It's a parasitic symbiotic relationship between the media and Queenietan/Pablo and Queenietan/Pablo are more than happy to play along with this "financial expert independent queen yaaaaasss" fantasy and this fantasy will quickly unravel if we find out that the boyfriend is making disproportionately high financial contributions to the relationship or if we find out he is the brains behind the queenietan operation and he's writing her scripts (not the first time this kind of thing happened)

    Use your brains ozbargainers. Think critically.

    • -1

      Thank you for this excellent comment instead of seeking upvotes with a generic 'ThiS Post IS SO MisoGynistIC!'.

      • YiKeS, YoUr PoSt Is bIGoTeT, RaCiSt aNd SeXiSt. I aM rEpOrTiNg YoU tO tHe MoDs AfTeR mY wIfE ANd HeR bOyFrIeNd iS FinIsHeD

    • +2

      My only further question is whether they actually have a net worth of $500k - I assume if that's the value of the property, most of it is still debt to a bank.

      • Who cares. $500k is not that much money these days.

        • It's close to the median household net worth in Australia, so it's not nothing.

      • +1

        Homeowners be like “look at this house I own!”

        In reality it’s just a bunch of debt.

        Investors be like “if I buy that house I will automatically have $500 in my pocket each week!”

        In reality they’re paying off a 30 year mortgage and losing money (negative gearing) to avoid paying tax.

    • +1

      Late to the show, but just saw proof that the 500k is theirs combined, not hers alone - https://honey.nine.com.au/you/australian-financial-influence…

      • So much for marrying up.

  • +1

    Is someone giving financial advice on social media without qualifications? ASIC entered the chat

  • +2

    when I hear influencer I stop listening.

  • Articles posted by the DM from Queenie aren’t remarkable. Not even ingenious. Why and how she gets media print time is beyond me, but anything from DM, well, say no more……

    Waiting for her right to reply.

  • I'm actually unimpressed that the rubbish DM posts shows up on ozb. I though ozb people are much more sensible when it comes to $$$.

  • Her latest video is good for a laugh.
    She is comparing the running costs of a Toyota Camry to a Tesla but she uses a Corolla in the video instead of a Camry 🤦

    • Link?

        • +1

          Also the Toyota in the visuals is a Corolla and the Tesla is a model Y - just for illustrative purposes only!


          • @DoctorCalculon: She deleted all the comments that pointed out it was a Corolla in the video not a Camry. Now she acting like she knew all along it was a Corolla 😆

            • @Thinker: At the start of the video, she is like I am going to reveal some mind blowing facts.
              Then at the end, she quickly mentions you can get all of this info from the running costs calculator on the government website.

  • Similar to the David Quan guy from Youtube.

    I tried following him for a while but then he started to lose a lot of money. Got to hand it to him for being transparent though.

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