• long running

National Bowel Cancer Screening Program: Free Bowel Test Kits for Ages 50 ~ 74


First time watching commercial TV in ages and noticed this ad. Didn’t realise that these kits are available, it’s a shame they are not offered to under 50s for free, but I digress.

From the website

This program aims to reduce deaths from bowel cancer by detecting early signs of the disease. If found early, more than 90% of cases can be successfully treated. Eligible Australians aged 50 to 74 are mailed a free test done at home every 2 years. Learn about the program and how to do the test.

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Department of Health, Australian Government
Department of Health, Australian Government


        • Oh very affordable, thank you

    • a fellow Crohnie!

    • I though the test was for bowel cancer only?

      • +1

        Tests can show more than just cancer.

        • Thanks I'll check it out with my own money

  • -1

    classic ageism

  • Is there a way to hide these blast from the past deals?

  • Or get a Blood test.

  • +1

    Why don't over 74 qualify?

    • +3

      Cancer is slow growing. It can take 10-15years for a polyp to turn into a clinically relevant cancer.

      If we autopsied lots of 80 year-olds, we would find lots of bowel, prostate, breast cancer. But they never knew about it, it didn't contribute to their deaths.

      If you got told you had 5 years to live but you could get six years if you spent 2 years in hospital submitting to colonscopies, chemo, infections, pain, surgeries…

      As population lives older, the upper limits of testing may change. Lots of 75yr olds have clear other pathology that will cause their death first.

      As you get older, the risk of the next step (colonoscopies or rather, the sedation side of it in people with heart and lung issues) become more risky.

    • +3

      You can get one at any age from your GP if they think it's appropriate for you. If they don't have the kits on site, you can ask for a pathology form and take it to a pathology collection centre to pick up the kit. I'd suggest a pathology centre run by Sonic because their kits come with the sheet to put in the toilet (they're also the ones who run the government program). Some pathology companies won't provide the sheets and except you to poo in a bucket. The test cost itself is funded by Medicare and the pathology company absorbs the cost of the actual kit.

      (Source - I'm a GP who has handed out dozens of these)

  • -2

    Well you can stick that up your arse

  • +6

    Close friend of mine died last week of bowel cancer. He was 36, diagnosed 6 years ago, at the time of diagnosis told his life expectancy was 5 years. Misdiagnosed for a while as he was “too young” to have bowel cancer, even though he often found blood in his stool. Fittest, healthiest guy I knew, big into hiking and mountain biking, non-smoker, only the occasional drink. It really can strike anyone at anytime. His wife and two young kids now have to live their lives without their husband, their father. To think if it had been caught sooner he might have had a chance. Years of chemotherapy and other extremely painful and invasive procedures. He lived in the UK where the NHS health system only starts sending kits out to 60 year olds. Australia is ahead of other countries in terms of screening age but it really should be brought down to 40 at a minimum in light of the increased risks inherent in modern diets. There definitely needs to be more awareness in the community about the risks. I purchased a kit for myself. I turn 37 next month and have no obvious symptoms except from IBS.

    • +1

      Misdiagnosed for a while as he was “too young” to have bowel cancer,

      Heard that too many times with my own cancer diagnosis. Or "it's slow growing and shouldn't be an issue" when I had an aggressive type.

  • +2

    It's the only time you're allowed to shit in a bag and send it via post.

  • Non evasive and non penetrative if you follow the directions correctly.

  • -2

    What percentage of tests end up in the bin? 90%?
    How much money is wasted on advertising per year for this? $50m?
    How much money is wasted in government admin for this per year? $50m?
    How much margin is channeled to crony test kit manufacturers and pathology labs rorting a non-competitive system per year? $50m?
    How much additional health care costs per year will there be by keeping older/costlier/non-working people alive? $200m?
    What are the false positive and false negative rates? 20%?
    How good is return DALYS/$ vs bigger/non-ageist issues like mental health? 1/50th?

    The figures government will not reveal. Not a bargain for tax-payers. I guess the industry had this down pat even before the after years of scamdemic oppression, garbage RATS\PCR, ineffective vaccines and treatments (ineffective for health not revenue), billions forcefully channeled to private companies, net negative health benefits, inflation, recession etc.

  • +1 but sadly can’t upvote the post.

    Australia has one of the best preventative health initiatives in the world. Glad to live here.

    Happy NY everyone!

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