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[NSW] Free COVID-19 Rapid Antigen Test Kits from Service NSW Centres


Hi all,

From the NSW Health Facebook post:

Everyone in NSW can pick up a free COVID-19 rapid antigen test (RAT) at Service NSW service centres, mobile service centres and recovery centres.

Due to availability and demand, the number of RATs you can collect is at the discretion of each service and may vary between visits. Use the online map to see where you can get a free RAT near you (main link).

Note also,

You can get free tests at participating neighbourhood and community centres if you are:

  • living with disability or are immunocompromised
  • a carer of someone with disability or who is immunocompromised
  • a Commonwealth Concession Card holder.

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NSW Government

closed Comments

      • +3

        You went to emergency for a cold? 😂

        • With the excess you have to pay in medical centres I wouldn't judge them.

          • @BargainBuddy: Thanks mate, it wasn't so much the money our doctors have a 5 week wait. And if we could get in the doctors would of taken one look at her and called an ambulance.

        • +3

          @TheCunningLinguist Nope, I took my wife there who as mentioned has a compromised immune system. She's recently been hospitalised for whooping cough, followed by pnumemonia and is 5 weeks post op from a large surgery and still on lifting restrictions. She was struggling to breathe, felt tearing at the surgery site due to coughing and was doubled over in pain. Not that it's any of your business, but quite a bit more than "a cold".

        • |@TheCunningLinguist


          CovIdiots. 🥱🥱

    • +1

      They detect the common cold. They're a waste of tax payer money

      • They detect kiwi fruit. They're helpful to blind fruitos.

      • +4

        This is BS I’ve had rhinovirus (confirmed by PCR respiratory panel) and various other cold symptom producing viruses and they never showed up on the RAT. The only time I’ve had positive COVID tests is the one time I had COVID.

      • +3

        Anybody who has done even just 10 minutes of reading into immunology would understand that this statement is complete nonsense.

        Remember the kids toy with different shaped blocks? The square block doesn't fit in the triangle hole.

        • Anybody who has done even just 10 minutes of reading into immunology would understand

          Anybody who has done even just 10 minutes of reading into immunology would understand that the reliability of these tests is so low as to be useless.
          And for the government to spend so much taxpayer money on something so unreliable is negligent. But they must always be seen to be 'doing something' even if that something is garbage.

  • I just bin few packs of this useless kit.

    • +1

      Seems wasteful

    • +6

      Cool story bro

  • This has been the policy for a bit now, but is been on the down low.

  • In Fitzroy you can get free ones from the Library. The last ones we got will expire in August.

    • +1

      thats why you got them for freeee, expiry soon in August

    • +2

      Do you have to return them to the library

  • -8

    Geeee, let me think. Never tested, never sick, never muzzled so let the pollies test themselves for monkeypox. Hey, what did happen to monkeypox???

    • +7

      yeah, government purchased tens of thousands of monkey pox vaccines, treatments,
      maybe they were scared they get monkey pox on their private parts, bib big worry
      total waste of money

    • +1

      No need to test for monkey pox. They closed the parliament house prayer room.

  • +13

    ? ? why do you think they free ?
    most likely the DUMB ASS government bought to many expiry is approaching next few months ?
    like the purchased about 10 times the vaccines we needed, and they went to waste, or shipped to poor countries
    like scotty signed a 10 year contract for vaccines with the Americans pfizer, etc that we dont need
    like most dead brain decisions our government makes, and we pay for in tax
    whats your thoughts ?

    • +3

      No, first they didn't purchase enough vaccines, their orders didn't mean anything because supply from astrazeneca ended up causing side effects so no-one wanted them. Prioritzing local manufacturing was a good decision before that was apparent.

      Then they did the smart thing and purchased from multiple sources, and donated the excess once enough was secured.

      We were all around 2 years ago, the facts shouldn't be this hard to keep straight.

      How can anyone know if we need COVID vaccine 10 years into the future. The responsible thing to do is to assume some vaccines will be needed for a disease that will remain circulating in the environment for the foreseeable future. You act like these decisions were all made today.

      • I am glad if those vaccines get donated to poorer countries. For once money well spent

  • I actually know about this about 6 months now. They give a way a box of 10 test units per person.

  • +8

    I thought COVID is over as I don't see anyone wearing masks

    • +1

      its over until you get it (again)

      • Yeah it just did another round in our area. So much milder this time. Thank fk, was so bad the first time.

        • +1

          Still hanging in there, waiting for my first time

    • +8

      Plenty medical-related idiots are still wearing them like pathology businesses where people get blood tests, x-rays, etc. Then they exit the building at 5pm, take their mask off, go shopping, to nightclubs, and the Saturday footy game… then tell people again entering their work on Monday they must wear a mask to enter to keep everyone safe… everyone who also did all those things, and probably just walked inside from the local shopping mall the pathology is located in.

      • To be fair those people they are dealing with at work are more likely to be sick

  • +7

    RATS for rats

  • I went to RTA/RMS last month and they gave me 10 tests expiring in August this year. Not a lot of use.

  • tbh I think it's a great move to start distributing the soon expiring stock that the govt (aka. taxpayers' money) spent on ages ago.

    However the Service NSW is like closing super early all the time so it's convenient but not so.

  • +1

    You might want to set the expiry as 31 August 2023, as per https://www.service.nsw.gov.au/transaction/access-free-rapid…

    This is likely due to the expiry of the 2SAN Lyher kits they are giving out being end of August 2023.

    EDIT: looks like others have mentioned above too.

    • Thanks! I'll update.

  • +10

    this garbage still a thing?

    • +7

      Was it ever?

      • -4

        Yeah, 7 million people died, if we had done nothing it would have been much worse.

        Now it's just another one of the common diseases that we live with.

        • +11

          7 million died "of" covid, or with?

          • @Slunk78: If someone stabbed you with a knife and died, did you die from blood loss, die with a knife or what?

            • @Ughhh: According to the Americans you died from COVID

            • @Ughhh: Died from a stab wound due to excessive blood loss. But if they do a RAT and your positive, well you died from covid. And the person who stabbed you is not convicted.

              • @easternculture: Oh cool, source?

                • @Ughhh: Coroners report will have died from covid.

                  Magistrate will drop the case based on the report.
                  Section 10, no conviction

                  • @easternculture: Oh cool, source?

                    • @Ughhh: Common sense.
                      If covid killed the stabbed guy, not the knife, then the stabber is innocent cause technically the cause of death wasnt bleeding or organ damage as per coroners report

                      • @easternculture: I'm asking for source on such incident/report, rather than making assumptions and scenarios up in your head.
                        Is it really a difficult question?

                        • @Ughhh: Ask any coroner or magistrate. They will confirm the above and section 10, no conviction

        • +13

          People are still dying in spades because of the clot shot. Check out the elevated excess mortality across the world.

          • @ldq:

            People are still dying in spades because of the clot shot.

            Source? So I have something to show people?

          • @ldq: You mean the people dropping dead for no reason.

            Didnt a famous texas rapper just drop dead while performing the other day

        • +4

          Lets keep in the topic about rat here please, i lost my brother and uncle during delta

          • @countmein: Sorry for your loss, what happened?

            • @easternculture: Lots of people complaint about vaccine, mask mandate, effectiveness, gov, etc, while my young brother passed away when waiting for vaccine that only avaialble for aged people that time. He missed by couple of months.

              Yes vac may not be effective and virus still can spread, but for him is a literal life saver. I had covid twice after got 3 jabs, the symptoms were quite severe i just couldnt imagine what he feels without one.
              Yes he got delta and mine was omicron bla bla bla, i wouldnt take it for granted nor promoting anything here, just personal exp
              Perhaps those who complained alot havent affected their personal life or seen their loved ones dying

              • @countmein: I actually tried to get covid when they were giving out 6 month exemptions, never got it.

                Till this date, covid free and vaxx free.

  • And if you have school aged kids (in NSW), you probably can ask your child to get a box from school. (Front Office / Student Reception).

    • +2

      Can you explain the x7 difference between NSW and Vic? To me these numbers are meaningless.
      The only impartial and difficult to tamper with metric is the overall mortality. And here the facts are very simple - the "pandemic" is over yet the excess mortality is rampant. People are dying in inordinate numbers yet no one cares to worry or look into that. To deny the obvious correlation between the clot shot and the elevated mortality and refuse investigating the causation is either plain dumb or obviously criminal.

  • +3

    Wait, people are Still getting tested despite there being no govt benefit anymore? If you're sick you stay home regardless.

  • I would prefer free mask instead of rat

  • +3

    we still play pandemic?

    • +1

      We play scamdemic

      • PLandemic

        • you have freedomofspeech and this is what you use it for?

        • Agreed, to many blind sighted people on here, believing MSM
          call it what you like,
          scamdemic plandemic govdemic pharmdemic bsdemic lockdowndemic

          • +2

            @mickrb30: You forgot spikedemic, pfizerdemic, clotdemic

            • @easternculture: yeah, your correct, sorry cant remember them all, far to many to list
              but unfortunately many lost souls that need to be guided in the BS covid
              ok, first 6 months it was hard to find the truth, yes most people believed in the BS covid
              glad to see that some wise people are slowly waking up to all the covid + government + health pharma scams, etc

              • @mickrb30: People just wanted to leave home.

                Constant gov/workplace threats about staying locked in, losing job if not vaxed, and false stats in daily press conference etc pretty much brainwashed people

                I feel sorry for them, even pfizer admits the vaccine is still experimental in trial and is still under emergency use authorisation till this date. However they are pleased with the response of phase 3 trial because people bowed down to gov demands and took the vax.

                Other pharma companies are not interested in vax anymore as there is low margin for profits at the moment. They took their billions of profits and moved on to other R&D.

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