1st-Amendment » user profile

Member Since 13/10/2019
Last Seen Online Now
Badges 6 1
Location Sydney

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> giving commuters a faster It takes 20 minutes, the same as the Manly Fast Ferry. > and more efficient way Less passenger capacity means…
19/02/2025 - 08:18
It's a commuter service. Commuters usually don't usually need to come back for another 8 hours.
19/02/2025 - 08:09
> In Sydney that could be walk if you normally take the train. Metro is pretty quick AND reliable. It's the public transport we should've…
19/02/2025 - 08:07
> What about all the ones that are primarily just a fashion statement, status symbol, penis substitute or high yield investment? Still used…
19/02/2025 - 08:05
> Why on earth would the CCP subsidise sales to such a small market? It's not an Australian specific subsidy, it's currency manipulation…
14/02/2025 - 17:10
> the reason Chinese cars are cheap is because... ... the CCP artificially manipulate markets and their currency to keep their labour…
14/02/2025 - 16:53
> Sounds like a smart move by the Chinese government. Unfortunately, the Americans think that’s unfair. You are free to move to China if…
14/02/2025 - 16:44
> so you are saying Chiniese gov is helping aussie to get more affordable vehicles Well that is a short term side effect. But what the goal…
14/02/2025 - 16:41
> the trip to the train station hasn’t increased in the 8 years I’ve lived here Well 8 years is not 10 years it? Give it time, every…
14/02/2025 - 16:32
> He still lost ~$15k on the hybrid Toyota Assuming your numbers are correct, that's less than $1000/year. > i'd say in 13 years this'll be…
14/02/2025 - 16:27
> F1 cars are 1.6L And have been shit since they made the switch. If you ever went to F1 prior to 2014 you would know what I mean.
14/02/2025 - 16:21
> that a Hybrid 1.5L can produce ridiculous power. And what's important for day to day driving is having the torque to get off the line up…
14/02/2025 - 16:18
> If you can't dial on rotary phone, you can't make calls. Fun fact: even on a rotary dialler you don't need to use the rotary dial to make…
14/02/2025 - 16:07
> Hey, don't knock the Excel. It was an excellent car. My first car. I wanted a Commodore, but my old man didn't let me I had both. The…
14/02/2025 - 16:01
> I'm 70 next month. Am I going to die?? I can guarantee that you will indeed die, no question about it.
14/02/2025 - 15:56
> if you're using it as a mode of transport, which is 90%+ of the target market I'd argue that 99.99% of all vehicles are used as a mode of…
14/02/2025 - 15:54
> and they can get there in under 10 minutes in a car Then in 10 years time: they can get there in under 15 minutes in a car Then in…
14/02/2025 - 15:01
> So Wealth Advisers typically are looking at your liquid assets they can control and charge their commission on Yep, I learned that lesson…
14/02/2025 - 14:55
> but are clearly not interested in a proper discussion. You're the only one running away from it with excuses. Tell me who you think is…
14/02/2025 - 14:51
> Then set an example by supporting your case I'm not the one making the claim. > you have provided exactly 0 evidence to support any of…
14/02/2025 - 09:29
> Even if what you say about public servants competency is true, it's public servants that write contracts and select consultants, so…
13/02/2025 - 12:07
> If you think... I don't think that. But this is a useful insight into how your brain works. > but you can't blame them for the rise So…
13/02/2025 - 11:51
> Couldn't have put it better myself. Out of arguments I see. You and Rick Sanchez will make good company.
12/02/2025 - 18:27
> Anyone who has spent 5 minutes in government can tell you I've spent longer than that and can tell you that public servants are much…
12/02/2025 - 18:25
> Notice how he doesn't reply to this I replied. But thanks for you concern...
12/02/2025 - 14:10
> So yes, a lot more than what was spent on the referendum. You forgot to answer the question about value. The silence is deafening.
12/02/2025 - 14:08
> It is laughable that you think the referendum was inflicted by one person You might want to Google that before you make a fool of…
12/02/2025 - 14:07
> Lol, really? You know the 'lol really' is not a valid counter argument... > keeping almost all its promises Making stupid policy…
11/02/2025 - 16:40
> Huge amounts of money have been saved How much exactly? Please proved details so we can evaluate. Was it more or less than the hundreds…
11/02/2025 - 16:29
> Its the medical costs you would incur if you were to have an accident and require medical treatment. Did you not read the part about…
11/02/2025 - 16:17