Eggs Going to $15 Per Dozen ?

Will we see $15 per dozen eggs as drumming all over the news headlines, as a result of phasing out caged eggs ?

Some reporting New Zealand already been paying $12 for their eggs. Is that true ?


Edit: Some Ozb confirmed paying $1 per egg / average $9 per dozen in NZ


        • -2

          I mean right now

          • +1

            @Gdsamp: well I think the suffering of the chickens should not be in vain So I'm going to buy short dated cage eggs.

  • +4

    “Time in” the market generally beats “timing” the market.
    while I don't generally trade in egg futures, there are plenty of reasons why someone might choose to keep all their proverbials in the one basket.

  • +2

    panic buying.. people will clear teh shelves tonight…. 5000 dozen at home incase

  • +1

    I've noticed that farm eggs from the side of the road haven't increased that much in the past couple of years compared to store bought.

    • I get eggs from my local butcher. They’re free range and $4.50 per dozen, they haven’t increased in price for about 2 years now.

  • Does that ACMA draft bill cover potential harm to free range chickens. 🤔

  • +1

    Too many humans

    • +3

      Pretty sure this is the answer to most problems.

  • Myrlte Creek Barn laid 700g 12pk - $5
    Coles Free Range 700g 12pk - $5.25

    • +1
      • True

      • $7.2 Sunny Queen with 6x more outdoor space

      • -1

        Woolworths Select, Coles and Aldi's Lodge Farm free range eggs have stocking densities of 10,000 hens per hectare (thats one bird per square metre) – not considered true free-range.

  • +1

    Comparing unit price of caged vs cage free eggs now then say the headlines are sensationalised is a bit short sighted.

    You don’t compare unit vs house price per capita of a town, after demolish all apartments and replace them with houses, and say yup no problems all households living and parking cars there.

    Supply/demand will drive up the price of eggs. But how high will be and how long it stays high will yet to be seen. Remember the price of bananas in Australia after the queensland flood in 2011?

    • +1

      Are Chickens living in Houses or Apartments Caged or Free Range…

      Bananas…wasn't it Cyclone Yasi?

  • +2

    Do you mean real news headlines, or "news" headlines (as in Channel 7, Channel 9 etc)? Because to me your title sounds like something the commercial "news" have drummed up in order to sell advertising and generate fake internet outrage and clicks.

  • bill gates is an investor in 'beyond eggs'…

    ….im not saying thats anything to do with it….but it could be something to do with it!

    • Gates writes. (Note: The Gates Foundation is a funder of NPR's coverage of global health).

      He's also an investor in NPR 😂

  • in the not so distant future ….your chicken will be freshly printed too!…

    because…its better for the environment! and healthier too! lol

  • …no way could eggs reach $10+ a dozen because of these measures which are very similar to NZs……

    …oh wait. im off to stockpile frickin eggs!!!~

  • +2

    We were recently travelling in NZ and saw eggs at $1ea at Haast, although $9/dozen was probably average during our 5 weeks in NZ.

  • Think about it. Would you pay $15 for 12 eggs? If few people are prepared to pay that much, egg manufacturers would have to reduce the price to meet the market, otherwise they'd go bankrupt.

  • +3

    If you're a conspiracy nutjob who reads sensationalist headlines then yes, they will.

    But it's likely the vaccine controlled zombies will get to you first so it doesn't really matter.

    • +1


    • -1

      It's funny how the anti lockdown antivax,cookers are nowhere to be seen when it comes to keeping downtown Melb small businesses going.
      And with all the WFH masses depriving the trade as well, it would interesting to see the stats on how many cookers chose WFH.

      I wonder which is worse in the end, pseudo-zombies (as defined by the cohort who are not team players)
      or those cooker zombies who can't and won't walk the talk .

      I wonder who real people would want at their side in a real battle?

      • +5

        Not sure who wants who in battle, but I'll be on whatever side you're opposite of thanks.

  • -1

    US: $18 a dozen: how did America’s eggs get absurdly expensive?…

    NZ: Here's why egg prices are still climbing, according to the industry…

    AU: Egg producers blame shortage, high prices on industry uncertainty due to shift from cage to free range…

    …theres no way we'll be paying a dollar an egg in the lucky country! no way known….!

    • +2

      Scare-mongering. If you actually read the first article, $18 was the highest price they could find.

      Direct quote from the article: "Maria Tripodis, a home chef, perused cartons of one dozen eggs that ranged from $7.49 to $9.99. “These are nice eggs, but they’re a lot more expensive than usual,” she said."

      • +1

        $7.50 is still several times the usual price, so doesn't really change the point.

  • +1

    Murdoch scare mongering..

    Go to an asian butcher for your eggs.

  • Can't imagine why OS eggs could be SOOOooo expensive.…

    Perhaps the human race should be more concerned about what we are doing and how we do it, rather than the price of eggs. More importantly how many of us inhabit our overcrowded chook farm

  • What a load of rubbish ignore it

  • Expensive eggs! The audacity!

    How dare the farmers who produce food get paid more money!

    Only CEOs, executives and stock manipulators and politicians and bureaucrats should get big money.

    You don’t need food to survive - you need the high income earners for the world to function

    • +1

      All farmers aren't equal. ( Until it comes to the out-thrust hand.)

      No problem with farmers getting more $$ for their local produce, feeding the local population but given the major part of the ag sector (who claim to be in the same big pool) are gross exporters, of meat,grain,sugar,cotton etc, they should be treated as exporters, not struglling victims, and pay tax accordingly, get no fuel rebates, and stop demanding handouts for climatic impacts driven by the inaction of their political enabler. Farmers have always voted for the politi who have wasted 3 decades doing nothing about climate change and amplifying the impacts, by their policies.Equally farmers are a lifestyle choice, and Sir Tony Abbott was right only once in his existence. We should NOT support lifestyle choices.
      QLD (and some other pockets across Straya) farmers have obliterated our carbon safety net with impunity for all time (unfettered tree clearing)
      Farmers (the export cohort) should insure themselves, and their own industry (not taxpayers) should underwrite them.
      (maybe some ME country can underwrite them? > )

      Taxpayers should not be subsiding big yank tank shopping trolleys and allowing trust fund scams to avoid tax, and line pockets of mega asset-wealthy exporters, who determine our societies destiny at the polling booth.
      You don't think the same farming sector isn't investing or active in the 'stock manipulator' game?

      More power to egg farmers, a whole different area of food production.

    • We have huge corporate investor megafarms in Australia, largely owned by foreign interests. Don't kid yourself that this is hurting Mum and Dad farmers…

  • I certainly won't be paying $15 per dozen, if thats of any help.

  • +1

    Someone's bought into the sensationalist crap.

    They're not going up to $15 a carton…

  • +5

    Wow how eggciting! There has been a real eggsplosion of comments. I am eggerly awaiting more eggtertainment!

    • +1

      You're egging me on

    • Careful, you might end up with n*egg on your face

  • -1

    You are all talking about BROWN eggs!
    Ever tried to get the same WHITE eggs as in most of the rest of the world?

    Maybe its the cost of the brown makeup increasing that is used to enhance the girls' facial profile in their intimate cages?

    • Spray tanned as they whizz along the conveyors.

      Get a scourer and gently scrub off the colour -back to white- if you don't like the colour. You (not me) would be amazed at the taste difference.

  • +1

    Absolutely we will see $15/dozen eggs. Also, everyone alive will die. Soon? Highly unlikely.

  • +2

    We were in NZ in April. There were eggs on the shelf and the cartons contained only 10 or 18. The lowest price were usually around $10 to $11. That was Countdown. Some stores had little to no stock. Barn eggs were popular, but it really is just a bigger cage.

    I currently have someone locally selling free range $12 for 20. Be interesting to watch that space

    • +2

      I was there on the weekend and found that all groceries are a bit more expensive than Australia in general.

  • -1

    Hopefully more people go Vegan to offset this.

  • +1


  • Time to raise chickens in your backyard.

  • Whoa I've seen maybe 20 eggs for sale total across 3 Colesworth stores across south side of Brisbane over the last 5 days. Must be some kind of shortage going on at the moment. The fridges are always empty.

  • Strange flex but I'm enjoying this immensely - I'm severely intolerant to anything with egg in it and have noticed over the last couple of months a lot of "home brand" foods are no longer using egg as an ingredient

    • What happens when you eat something with egg as an ingredient?

    • -1

      Cookers be cooking. On the googie stash like bog rolls

  • +1

    Who cares, the phase out of caged eggs isn't until 2046. Talks they want it bought it to 2036. Rubbish news articles as usual.

  • Time to breed your own chickens? I wonder how much they cost to breed your own chicks?

    • -3

      Time to breed your own chickens?

      Are you saying they should become a pimp ?

      • Dammit, jv, I'm at the office today

  • I don't see why someone would pay $15 for a dozen of eggs. If prices were that high I'm confident people would stop buying them.. would they? I definitely wouldn't buy them.

  • Eggs Going to $15 Per Dozen ?

    No they're not.

  • The driver for free range eggs will be coles and woollies and maccas etc only buying free range eggs.

  • I buy eggs directly from a farm. The eggs are delivered fortnightly @ $4 per dozen. The farmer says that's better than he could hope for if he sold to the supermarkets. It being winter he is having trouble meeting demand.

    Same with honey. I buy direct from the apiarist @ $11/kg for the real stuff that tastes like honey, not Golden Syrup or molasses.

    This is the upside of a country life style.

    Now, the downside… Where to start?

    • +1

      As someone who dreams about a treechange, please continue

  • +1

    Go to Costco, they cost 2 full trays for $17.00. Cheap.

    • How many in a tray?

      • +1

        Standard 30 eggs in a tray. So 60 eggs for $17.00.

        • +1

          Costco Membership = $65.00
          Supermarket doz = ~$5.00
          Costco doz = $17 / (60 / 12) = $3.40

          So to make back the membership cost, i need to buy 65 / (5 - 3.4) = 40.625 doz eggs.

          That's actually not bad if you go through at least a doz eggs a week.

  • All meat / dairy products should cost more, vegetables / plant based less. We should all be eating less meat.

    • eggs are good & relatively cheap protein for those of us not into red or white meat.

  • $15 seems cheap compared to what I'm now paying! It's at least $18 for a tray here in Tauranga. It looks like we can still get caged eggs, but they're definitely on the way out. I hope we see supply increase so the prices don't keep climbing!

  • If it's been foreshadowed for a while then most likely industry wouldve had time to prepare. If not, then free range egg prices may rise for a year or two - before supply increases to the amount needed.

  • Will you see a dozen of eggs get to $15, sure

    in the 60's a dozen eggs would cost about 60c, now it costs $7
    Just knowing those two prices, going up to $15 seems definite.

    I think what's more important is WHEN will a dozen eggs cost $15, and when they do cost $15 how will that be as a proportion to the median salary, that will be a a better indicator of how tough times are getting.

  • +4

    Just going to say it, if you have the space, Chickens are great pets! we have 3. Very low maintenance (in comparison to a dog).

    • Feed them food scraps or buy pellets. We have neighbours that always give us their old bread or produce scraps and the chickens love it! We fill up their dry food & water container once a week.
    • If you have grass, they like to eat the weeds
    • If you have critters (like cockroaches, spiders, or mozzies), chickens love to hunt them down and eat them
    • So long as they have access to water, grass and dirt/soil you don't need to clean them, they self maintain.
    • No need to take them for walks
    • Cleaning out the coop is really easy task
    • Free fertiliser if you are a bit of a green thumb
    • Good with kids
    • Depending on how you train your other pets, they work well with them as well, we have a cat & dog as well and they all get along.
    • and of course FREE* eggs everyday
    • Its not recommended to feed chickens solely on food scraps - they need a proper balance diet.

      • I agree, and I don't feed them solely on food scraps…what is this Reddit?

        • I did'nt say you did. The reference is " Feed them food scraps or buy pellets."

          • @Dslrfirst: Yeah, that same dot point also says I top up their dry food and water once a week…

    • +1

      Your post has inspired me to get chickens!!

      • Really good idea! make sure that you either get all the same breed, or equal split of different breeds.

        don't get 2 isa browns and 1 Australorp (the 2 isabrowns will pick on the australorp)

        But you can go ahead and get 3 of 1 breed
        you can also go down the route of getting an even split, like 1 leghorn, 1 isa brown, 1 australorp

  • +3

    I guess we'll have to resort to eating vegans.

  • have u been ok phunky

  • +2

    Coles and Woolworths very happy to see click bait links. Now they have a reason to increase eggs to $15.

    • …isnt everything clickbait at this point in time?

      • Ha ha ha you might be correct. :-D

  • Nobody has yet to mention why the price of cage free and free range eggs would go up as a result of getting rid of caged eggs.

    That would imply that free range eggs are subsidised which is ridiculous.

  • +1

    Your mistake lies in listening to news headlines

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