Car Insurance - Identifying as Non-Binary for Lower Premium

I'm currently looking at car insurance and I see that some providers (e.g. Allianz and NRMA) allow people to identify as non-binary gender which gives a lower premium than identifying as male. In the case of NRMA it gives about a 10% discount.

My understanding of how this whole gender thing works is that anybody can identify as non-binary and not have to justify anything. You just have to say that you are and that's that. So why would anyone identify as male and voluntarily pay an extra 10%?

Does anyone have experience with what happens if a non-binary driver is involved in an insurance claim? Do they actually try to challenge it if they don't think you're non-binary enough to meet their standards?

Edit: Screenshot proof because some trolls are claiming that I'm lying:


  • Premiums usually go down when you add someone as your bringing more business to that insurer.

  • +1

    Love people are so butthurt by something that actually happened they called it a troll and dismissed it outright, nutjobs.

    • +1

      The person who said it didn't happen lives in a state where it doesn't show it as an option. That makes them a nutjob?

      • -2

        Since when is that logical for anything? Didn't happen to me so it didn't happen, let's see you try say that to rape victims.

        • JFC, with a reach like that you'd be the most popular guy in every gay bar in this country.

  • -3

    Lower testosterone males identifying as non binary, generally have lower intensity vehicle crashes.
    It would be priced on data of frequency and severity of crashes.

    • Wouldn't that be countered by high-testosterone females?

      • Women produce 1/10th or even 1/20th the amount of testosterone… so even a "high-testosterone female" would NOT equate to a man who's lower in testosterone. And its not even a close call.

  • I've identified as handicapped before to park closer to the shops. I even have a lame walk that i use.

    • I'm sure the actually physically handicapped love you!

  • +7

    Coming soon to OzBargain, "Identifying as indigenous to save money on yours HECS bill"

    • Wait we can do that..?!

  • +2

    Incredible life hack! Noted! Thanks! )))))

  • +2

    With any insurance you can provide or not provide any detail you want in your application.
    The issue comes when you need to make a claim.
    People here mentioning PR have never worked in insurance before. They can and usually do dig up the most obscure detail to decline or reduce claims.

  • With some (all?) Suncorp brands you can select that you don't identify as male or female and it will direct you to give them a call to get a quote.
    I assume they do a couple of quotes for male and female and then give you the cheaper option.

    Given that this is a sensitive subject, come claim time I doubt they will try and find out if you really are something else.

    • Just asking the question 'are you really non binary?' would be seen as offensive and insensitive, so I doubt insurance companies will ask. Even if the question is posed, how do they show you're not non binary? Are they going to trawl your online presence to see which pronouns you used?

  • +1

    I love how people on OzBargain are continually formulating new strategies to 'gayme' the system and save a little money. I too have started ticking the Aboriginal and Nonbinary boxes on paperwork in the hope that it will one day pay off in our identity political obsessed age. The best example so far of minority priviledge was the Indigenous home loan scheme at 1.4% interest with a minimum $2,5000 deposit (posted about 1 month ago on OzBargain).

    • There are gatekeeping procedures to stop someone truly identifying as ATSI when they're not. One of the existing recognized groups must accept you. It's not just a box ticking exercise.

      But damn, for 1.4% interest I'll tick any box they want.

      • +1

        There are some art events out there where if you identify as one, tickets are cheaper. And as far as I know they never ask for evidence.

  • I'm married with one child, is it too late to claim myself being non-binary?

    • Just declare yourself as gender fluid, in a constant flux that cannot be pinned down. For the purposes of insurance, you'll be anything the insurance company wants you to be.

  • +1

    It's content like this that reminds me why Ozbargain is truly the ultimate, thrifting web experience.

  • I saw the title and thought to myself "Ahhh seems like the American culture wars have finally landed on Aussie shores."

    This will totally be a well reasoned, nuanced discussion around a very complex and divisive topic (and that OP posted this in good faith because they were genuinely curious) /s

    /brings popcorn

  • -6

    What a terrific way to void your insurance by making a false declaration!

    If non-binary get insurance cheaper, then their stats estimate they are less risk for all sorts of reasons that your brain couldn't possibly compute.
    It has nothing to do with the 'non-binary' aspect, its the simple fact that they are clearly less risk (for whatever reason).

    If you're younger, its expensive. That's not ageist, its fact.
    You live in a high crime area, fact.

    Don't go making false claims on your insurance policy folks… all you're doing is giving the insurer a 'get out of paying you' reason when it comes time to claim.

    • -1

      Lol as if they would be able to prove you aren't non-binary.

      Get ahold of yourself.

      You only have a duty to take reasonable care not to make a misrepresentation. A person's gender and sexuality can be fleeting.

      An insurer wouldn't challenge that fact…ever.

      • You first.

        Assuming you're a male- mark yourself as female on your next insurance application, understanding that most insurance premiums are a tad cheaper with a female main driver. You then explain to them that your gender is "fleeting" on your next claim. Best of luck explaining that :).

        Edited: Actually, you know what….. you're 100% right. You do you- and thank you in advance for your donation to my insurance company :).

  • -2

    So why would anyone identify as male and voluntarily pay an extra 10%?

    Because I identify as male? Why would I lie about that? The same reason I don't lie about being female when there are deals targeted towards them or benefits identifying as such. It's dishonest and disrespectful. If you are not genuinely non-binary, do not identify as such. Regardless of your personal views of gender.

  • Gender is just a construct, just be whatever you wanna be. Only you can decide. Gender has nothing to do with biology. You can walk, talk, and act like a man, have a schlong and all the rest. But it’s what you know yourself to be, and no one else can ever know. If you want to identify as non binary, even just for the one specific context of car insurance, no one can question it.

  • +3

    Probably because most people who identify as non-binary spend more time blocking roads than actually driving on them.

  • Well, this is an interesting one - so many questions! Issues with mismatch with government IDs aside.

    • Who will be attracted to such a discount?
    • What impact will they have on the group overall?
    • Will this eventually lead to an increase in premiums for the category?
      • Once this happens, will they go back to being male, or potentially female, to keep a discounted premium?
    • If there is no requirement to match an ID, identifying as female would also be visable.
  • I quite assume they’re asking your legal sex, rather than your gender identity lol.

    • You assume wrong, it's even written as Gender on the application.

      Sex is categorised male, female or intersex

      Your gender is how you identify, which is what they are asking.

      • So is gender reassignment surgery a real thing?

        • Did I say it isn't a real thing?

          • -2

            @spaceflight: No, I'm asking a question. You said sex is categorized as male, female - but sex is different to gender, and gender is how you identify… So when someone goes in for gender reassignment surgery how many options are there?

            (The answer is TWO.) ;-D

            • @[Deactivated]: There are actually far more than two,and people do get unconventional "non-binary" ones, but I'm guessing that wont stop you from "destroying the libs".

            • @[Deactivated]:

              You said sex is categorized as male, female

              No I didn't

              but sex is different to gender, and gender is how you identify


              So when someone goes in for gender reassignment surgery how many options are there?
              (The answer is TWO.) ;-D

              The choice of surgical procedure outcomes has no correlation on the number of ways a person may choose to identify their gender.

              • @spaceflight:

                No I didn't

                Yes you did:

                The choice of surgical procedure outcomes has no correlation on the number of ways a person may choose to identify their gender.

                Lol. Love how they prove themselves wrong with their own words but still can't own it. Even so, at least you've admitted it's all in their head, i.e. a fantasy/delusion, because even the doctors who do GENDER reassignment surgery (not SEX reassignment surgery, since you insist on separating the two names for the same thing)… only recognise TWO are actually REAL.

                • @[Deactivated]:

                  Yes you did:

                  No I didn't.
                  You're cherry picking half of a sentence.

                  Love how they prove themselves wrong with their own words but still can't own it.

                  You're delusional

                  not SEX reassignment surgery, since you insist on separating the two names for the same thing

                  That's because sex and gender are two different things.

                  • -1

                    @spaceflight: Yes, the person who recognises there's only male and female is absolutely the one who's delusional… HAHAHA!

  • -2

    As it's no doubt been mentioned,you actually have gender markers for non-binary on your ID documents. Anything federal should allow you to change it to a "X" or "non-binary" with just a phone call (or maybe a doctor's letter) but states can vary quite a lot.

    In NSW you need to have had some sort of gender affirmation procedure (and it has to be "bottom" surgery) in order to change your gender marker at all,even if you want to id as non-binary.

    Put yourself in the shoes of a young person who actually has to face such a choice and it's not so funny.

    • Put yourself in the shoes of a young person who actually has to face such a choice and it's not so funny.

      No, just ridiculous.

      • -1

        Some people just have a lack of empathy I guess. It’s a very real situation.

  • I'm a disabled non-binary single aboriginal pensioner with dependants.

    • You must be bullet proof, and a billionaire then.

  • +3

    So it seems that many people here need a reminder that lying to your car insurance may result in that insurance being voided. If you are non-binary then by all means, but if you're not, then you're lying on the application.

    10 years into Ozbargain future…"I said I was non-binary to get cheaper insurance but the company found out I was living as a male - what should I do?".

    • +2

      Exactly this!

      Lot's of 'experts' telling you "she'll be right" making a false declaration, and lots of negs to people telling you "no you wont"!

      But you know what, all these experts will have their claims reduced or even denied- making it cheaper for the rest of us. I reckon leave them be!

  • If you state non binary while signing up, but change your mind and decide to be "vanilla" right afterwards, are you obliged to inform them about this change of mind?

    Since this "thought" seems to suddenly make you a higher risk customer… and you should now pay 10% more.

    Do we call them up and say "I changed my mind, and now I'm a less safe driver, please charge me more. I'll call you back tomorrow if I decide I'm a safer driver again, thanks."

    • +2

      They should be classed as less safe drivers. Because every single one I've seen can't leave their damn hair alone, always brushing it from their face with their hands.

      There's many proofs, but this behaviour alone proves they're faking, because no women on earth touches their hair that much. It's a trait they've observed real females do, so they manually imitate it to "prove" to the rest of the world that, "See, I'm a woman." But the fact they know they're still men, know they still need to deliver a performance to try to convince everyone, drives them to overact. Thus it's not natural behaviour, done many more times than a real woman does. Plus the little head shakes to fling hair back which most of the time they're unsuccessful at and their hair doesn't move. It's just like a student attending an all-boys private school being selected to play Juliet for their school play and overacting, exaggerating, feminine behaviours.

      I mentioned this to that ridiculous Blair White… and a week later he began trying to not do it so often. Now he keeps going to do it but stopping his hand moving, like it's become a nervous tick because he trained himself to do it so frequently. Yet another proof.

      I've also noted none of them did this before they put on a dress (and why do that since few women wear dresses now - yet another play-acting behaviour to try and convince others). i.e. If they really were women they'd dress like most women do, but instead all of them dress like a women from the 1950s. More unnatural, unwomenlike behaviour.

      • Where to start…? For one you’re conflating (binary) trans women with non binary people..

        • -2

          Just don't comment, if you believe that acting a character means you actually are that character, you have a lot of thinking to do.

          • @lew380: I haven’t made any comment on the validity of trans people,just that binary and non binary trans people are different. I have no idea what you’re replying to.

            Most non binary people,in my experience and probably statistically, are actually assigned female at birth.

  • Don't do this… If you're normal just say so.

  • So because my doctor erroneously assigned me male at birth, I now have to pay more premiums!??! Who wants to join my lawsuit against all doctors? /S

    • :-D It ain't the doctors… (for a change).

  • +1

    ive actually used this tactic before to get a discount on girl's clothing, i wont name the store but if you put other gender you secretly get a 20% discount voucher for the first 3 purchases.

  • Merged from Car Insurance Pricing - Male vs Female vs ‘Other’

    Came across this post on the r/CarsAustralia subreddit.

    Supposedly if you identify as something other than male 🍆 or female 🍑, the premium price is adjusted lower.

    What do fellow OzBargainers think? 🥸

    • +5

      It’s just words. Where’s the quote showing proof?

    • +5

      Reddit can get stuffed.

      Ozbargain is where it's at.

      What do fellow OzBargainers think?

      I think it's a dupe and you need to search ozbargain as part of your research.

    • +1

      When was the last time you saw a woman doing a doughie?*

      ᵀʰᵃᵗ'ˢ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵗᵒ ˢᵃʸ ʷᵒᵐᵉⁿ ᵈᵒⁿ'ᵗ ᵈᵒ ᵈᵒᵘᵍʰᶦᵉˢ, ᶦᵗ'ˢ ʲᵘˢᵗ ˡᵉˢˢ ᶜᵒᵐᵐᵒⁿ ᵗʰᵃⁿ ᵐᵉⁿ

      *Source: Me

      • Insurance: "When was the last time you saw a they/them doing a doughie?"

        Actuary: "Wouldn't have a clue, but to be honest i don't think i've ever seen a they/them drive."

        Insurance: "You haven't even seen one drive? Well that's all the justification i need, give they/them a discount!"

        • -1

          What's the logic behind this little skit of yours, I can't quite follow it?

          It feels like you're criticizing insurances companies for giving out discounts in the absence of any data supporting giving a discount.. which 1. Doesn't happen and 2. Wouldn't be a problem even if it did?

          I know grievance politics are low hanging fruit but I feel this one needs a bit more time on the drawing board

    • +1

      There's been an OzBargain thread about this before.

      • +1

        Yea found it here.

        Thanks for pointing it out GordonD.

        • +6

          Could have saved the effort because I pointed it out 45 minutes ago here but whatever. So you post stuff and don't even read the replies. Interesting.

    • +5

      Stop getting worked up about shit you read on the internet. You'll be much happier for it.

    • -2

      the world is cooked

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