Scoot vs Jetstar Travel between Melbourne & Singapore?

Planning a 2-week trip from Melbourne to Singapore in January 2024 and seeking advice on choosing between Scoot and Jetstar. Please share your insights and reasons for your recommendation.

Factors to consider:

  • Possibility of flight delays, cancellations, and change flexibility
  • Seat comfort
  • Customer service and ease of communication
  • Overall experience
  • Any specific benefits or drawbacks

Note: Jetstar tickets seem slightly cheaper in January 2024. Are there specific days of the week to book for potentially cheaper fares?

Your advice is much appreciated. Thank you!

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Scoot Airlines
Scoot Airlines
Jetstar Airways
Jetstar Airways


  • They are just as bad as each other on most of those points but I still gladly fly them if the price is right. The main difference for me is that the food is much better on Scoot, especially the nasi lemak.

    • Scoot's 787-9 has wider seats and bigger seat pitch; Jetstar has seatback entertainment.

  • Weekday flights are typically cheaper than weekend flights.

    Scoot has no inflight entertainment, no included or bundled meals (must always pay) but their carry on luggage is 10 KG across 2 bags, so if you want to pack more stuff on your flight there Scoot is a little more advantageous. Jetstar is 7KG across 2 bags (the usual limit for economy carriers).

    Both airlines will charge a small fee for booking flexibility. I think Scoot charges you an extra $21 upfront for the ability to change dates once.

    Whereas with Jetstar, you'll purchase the Flex bundle for the ability to change dates, ability to pick seats, one meal and +7KG carry on luggage for an extra $100 or so.

  • +3

    Scoot does not allow passengers to bring their own food onboard, but Jetstar does.

    • +1

      And if you do, they open the door and throw you out?

      • +2

        Think they sometimes do a pre-boarding check. I think you have to be subtle about it, but they should never be allow to restrict basic refreshments on such a long flight.

      • +1

        Better check whether you can BYO parachute because you don't want to pay the expensive one onboard ;)

      • +1

        They take the food away and throw it in the bin

        • They ignored us.

  • +5

    Jetstar has free water, which I think should be a given for any flight over 3 hours.

    Jetstar doesn't also charge for inflight usb/charging, Scoot charges $5.

    Scoot openly has a policy of no outside food and drink, Jetstar only prohibits Hot drinks and Alcohol. Yes you may be able to sneek stuff onboard with Scoot, but apparently they do police it a bit and the fact that they don't even have an exception for water is a big minus since they don't provide free water.

    I'd like some government intervention here, think carriers who fly to Australia should not be able to prohibit outside water of a reasonable quantity being brought aboard if water is not provided free of charge.

  • +2

    None of the above if you can help it and a full service carrier is not too dissimilarly priced (which they often are once you get through the drip pricing of LCCs). Emirates or Singapore Airlines would be the way to go if you can. How much are the LCCs vs the full service carriers on the days you want to fly?

    At any rate, Jetstar has a horrendous reputation for cancellations, while Scoot's planes now look a bit grotty, and you're stuck with their overpriced BoB and paying to charge devices.

    • Nah mate, if you go Jetstar you have to set your benchmark, like $3-400 return including luggage. If it come closes to $600 for such flight you'll find that full service airline will be around $1200 for same timeframe.

      • -1

        While there are cheap days where promo fares can be as low as $200 one way on Jetstar, they're typically closer to $350 and by the time you add a Plus bundle, the fares run to over $450 one way, while Singapore Airlines' fares can be as low as $880 return (although more usually around $1.1k), so the difference can be as little as $100 each way.

        And unlike Jetstar, Singapore Airlines operates multiple flights each day and is therefore more likely to get you there.

        Hence, you need to compare fares on the days you want to travel rather than assuming the LCCs will be 'cheap'.

  • Jetstar is famous for perpetual delays anytime. When u call them they inaccessible!

  • +1

    "Possibility of flight delays, cancellations, and change flexibility"
    Both airlines have appalling OTP -

  • We use scoot quite abit. Although they have raised their prices the service stays the same. Still I’m complaining as that seems to be the case with most airlines and the last trip had no issues.

    Just be aware they are very strict on counter closing time so if you are late even by a few minutes then That’s it. there is no other option. We learn the hard way. However traveling with a budget airlines I guess that’s a given.

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