Foxtel - One of Australia's Worst Companies? Rant Post

I have never really been a fan of Foxtel as a company, as it feels that they are taking advantage of their exisiting, often elderly, customer base by charging extremely high rates while offering much lower rates to new customers. But then again, it is very similar to what power companies and many other companies do, so maybe it isnt that bad.

A recent experience has left me feeling highly disgruntled and frustrated with Foxtel.
My elderly parents pay somewhere in the vicinity of $135 a month for the premium Foxtel package, which includes OnDemand and Foxtel go, they pay a little bit more for an extra set top box and they quite often use the Foxtel Go on their iPads whilst at various medical appointment (dialysis etc).

In the middle of December, Foxtel introduced ads into the middle of the stream for FoxtelGo and OnDemand services ontop of the ads at the start and end of each episode. Again, highly annoying especially as it was without notice, but that is Foxtel's rule to change and we do have the option of leaving.
What is infuriating is that when these ads play, they often break the stream, which after my testing either cuts the audio, takes you back to the start, or freezes the app. Out of over 20 tests on numerous devices, it only got past the ads and continued the stream twice. This app has never been good, it has always been sub par, but at least it did what it said, albeit very slowly.

How can a company have so much distain toward thier customers that they feel they can implement a revenue generating change with no notification or testing of the impact?
I think they are relying on the fact that the customers are often elderly, and won't complain, or won't know how to complain.
When I left a review and contacted them, they said this is part of their new ad strategy and they haven't seen any issue with the apps…

You may ask, why not change or cancel? We have invested quite a bit in getting my parents setup and trained on this system, we even bought Telstra TV boxes so they could use the voice commands. Teaching them how to use something else would be annoying to them, and a waste of a whole day for me.

TL:DR: Foxtel has always treated their customers like human garbage, and they are relying on the elderly and apathetic to continue to support thier outdated business model. I am not happy about it and wanted to complain on the internet.

Their other reviews support my experience, I hope anyone else who experiences this will also leave a negative review for them.

Am I being dramatic? Are they a good company? Would love your thoughts.

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  • +33

    Foxtel is not a life necessity, it's a luxury. They offer a product/service and you can decide whether it's suitable/of value to you or not. Hyperbole about how they treat their customers when they continue to pay is $135 a month for it is ironic.

    • +7

      I completely agree, and if I read this post I would think the exact same thing.
      What I underestimated is that to my parents, both in their 80s, they would spend at least 6 hours a day using the service, and that is why they are more than happy to pay the $135. They would probably pay $200 if it went up to that, which to me as an OzB'er is ridiculous. I remember they even included it in their financial planning when they retired as they knew they wouldnt be very mobile in old age.

      I guess I am frustrated that they pay so much money, and get treated like dirt by a company they have been using for 20+ years. If it were me, I ofcourse would have left years ago.

      • -1

        Let's hope they are not Telstra , TPG or Gerry customers, then.

        You can lead a horse to water, but the old ones are hard to re-educate.

        • Hmmm, that saying sounds a little different to how I remember it…

        • What is wrong with TPG? Have been using them for like 20 years.

          • -1

            @beefmaster: My experience has been one of feral inconsistency & unreliability (with one of their once 'better' sub companies). Which went backwards after they were consumed.

      • +3

        If your parents are happy to pay it then it means they are offering a service that your parents are willing to accept. If your parents aren't willing or unable to adapt to technological change then it is on them or on their children for not helping to trial alternative services to help then transition to change. They aren't victims, they are just dumb consumers.

      • It sucks to see your parents taken advantage of. While Foxtel is a private company and is acting in accordance with market practices, it doesn't stop it sucking.

        What do your parents watch? Could you look for an alternative such as or creating a Plex server for them?

      • Can we stop letting old immobile people watch Foxtel? Their brains are already boiled enough. Cut a wire or something and give them something else, I beg you.

    • They were the only legal way to get Game of Thrones weren't they? I pirated it, but a lot of people won't pirate and I don't know if it's fair to say that missing the premier of new episodes of GoT is not a necessity. It's like not watching the moon landing in 1969. At least it was until the last season.

  • +9

    You lay down with dogs, you get fleas

    • Leave their parents be!

  • +12

    Foxtel has always treated their customers like human garbage


  • +13

    Go through the steps to cancel online and they’ll score a monthly discount

    • Good idea, wish I could threaten to cancel and they would remove the ads, or make the ads work.

      • Not only threaten to cancel, but go through all the steps on the phone to end on next billing date. Before it actually happens they will call with much better offers.
        I pay $34 for everything except movies. I think the going rate is $54 for premium. List time i also upgraded the box to iq5 for free.

  • +6

    complain on the internet

    Internet: Just cancel

    OP: No, cause….reasons

    • +1

      Agree - seems so obivous, but as they use the service and have for 20+ years, they wouldnt consider that.
      I think I am just frustrated by the loyalty Foxtel is shown by many older Australians and they continue to degrade the service

      • -2

        Then just accept it if they want to keep handing wads cash to Fox$mell and their outdated business model, it can't be that much of an issue for them or they wouldn't continue to do so :)
        They won't be removing ads or lowering their price anytime soon, they don't need to, it's a luxury that many are still willing to pay for (for now) and your parents are a good example of that.
        Older people are less inclined to change their ways, unless it is impacting them financially (I assume it is not or that just wouldn't make any sense).

  • -2

    … and a waste of a whole day for me

    then dont complain. You have never read 190481094230's of pages of info on internet, word of mouth etc on their shit business model in the past?

    • +1

      Says a lot about peoples ideology, that they would wilfully want to reward such scum, IMHO.

  • …..and we do have the option of leaving.

    Are they holding you for ransom or something?? LOL

    • Sorry you cant leave….. as punishment for asking, heres the complete series of the brady bunch on all channels.

    • To me it feels like it, but totally true, they don't have a gun to anyones head!

    • +4

      Old folks struggle with basic stuff, its a fact, even my parents who are pretty good with tech prefer to stay with with foxtel and telstra because they couldnt be bothered hunting around or getting actual value

      Their main customers have to be elderly and those who live for sport, gotta be a pretty poor business model but they are still here

      Foxtel is a horror show, and their Kayo app which i sometimes subscribe to (as required) for sport is something straight out of 1994

      Nothing you can really do

      • Agree, the thought of changing to something else is genuinely worrying to them as they are worried they will get stuck and have to call me to fix it.

        Terrible business model.

  • +2

    Am I being dramatic?

    Yes, you are.

    • +1

      Haha thought someone might confirm this.

  • +3

    what shows do they watch on it?
    Does binge have the shows they watch? Its much cheaper and hasa alot of the same shows.

    I know you will have to retrain them but one day of effort for alot of savings is worth it plus im sure they helped you alot in your life.

  • +1

    My elderly parents pay somewhere in the vicinity of $135 a month for the premium Foxtel package, which includes OnDemand and Foxtel go

    Pretty much all packages included OnDemand and Foxtel Go. The difference in the packages is often movies and channel packs. I have Foxtel but without the movies because I don't see the value in that. So maybe they need to review what channel packages they have and see what they actually need. I even had the kids pack for my daughter, and that was about $10 and hardly used it. So canned that too.

  • +7

    I know people who are still on a top tier package from a decade+ ago, $120+/month who don't even watch it. And when these people die, their family are going to have hells own trying to get the subscription turned off.

    I have urged them to get it turned off because it's a massive waste of money and their excuse is "we have it on for the grandkids when they come over…" And the grandkids don't watch it because it's so shit. They just sit around with their heads in their phones and iPads watching Netflix and/or YouYube. Kids don't give a shit about FoxTel

    • -2

      This is called Karma

    • +1

      Couldnt agree more… the legacy customers, in my anecdotal experience, are treated the worst by Foxtel.

  • +2

    I agree. With their money per customer they could afford the best streaming service in the world, instead the services under the Foxtel umbrella are the worst. They don't care about their customers at all.

  • +7

    I've often wondered how Foxtel is able to survive. Now I know.

  • +1

    That's life, if you allow yourself to be ripped off, a company is going to rip you off, their job is to get as much money out of you as possible, your job is to be conscientious and not allow that to happen.

    • +1

      Appreciate the view, but not sure I agree, if I were a shareholder I dont think I would agree with this as it seems like a short term revenue boost while allowing your competition to easily have an edge on you. i.e. the service actually works.

      • -1

        They are basically a monopoly, they have no competition.

  • +4

    I've never had Foxtel as I've always thought it was a rip. Nothing in the 20-odd years they've been around has done anything but confirm that view.

  • Foxtel was 'ONLY' good back in the day because of live sports via Foxsports but they have caniblised their own business with Kayo and damaged what was a decent product with a real lack of content.

    they used to have Cricket, F1, tennis, EPL, Aleague, Socceroos, Championship, AFL, NRL, Golf etc

    they now have a handful of NRL and AFL matches and a few other smaller sports they you can access via other means ie NBA season pass etc

    anyone who had foxtel for the movies and shows deserves to get ripped off, Pirate Bay has been a thing for like almost 20 years

    • There are legitimate complaints about Foxtel, so it is disappointing to see people misrepresent the current status.

      I am primarily interested in sport, less so in movies, or kid's stuff, etc. So, I pay between $46 and $57 / month. The amount varies each year as one goes through a ridiculous charade of threatening to quit, getting the right consultant, etc, etc.

      For that $46 I get:

      • Every AFL game live (except grand final). No ads during quarters. Multiple games in 4K per week
      • NRL - see above
      • Most major cricket - worldwide. Tests, ODIs, T20s, BBL, IPL, European League on synthetic pitches in Spain (!!!)
      • Every F1 race weekend (again, 4K - er, mind you, with tech issues at times)
      • All Supercars
      • All Super Netball
      • All golf majors, all main Aus tournaments
      • Selected NBL games on ESPN
      • Masses of US sport on ESPN: NBA, NFL (many games each week), MLB, Hockey, College football, basketball
      • Many less-mainstream sports: darts, bowls, sailing (modern GP sailing is amazing)

      Honestly, for a fan of one sport (like AFL) $46 is a bargain. For a general sports fan, it is extraordinary, and I have not seen any similar packages world-wide.

      Yes, they lost EPL, A-League, and euro soccer leagues to Optus. (Who paid way over the odds for the rights as a loss-leader to attempt to erode Foxtel's sports dominance.) (Hmmm… BTW, how's our A-League going since it left Foxtel???)

      Of course if you want every NBA or MLB, or whatever league (wrestling?) game you can subscribe to their specific apps ($200/year or so). And yes, they are worth it if you are unemployed, or retired, or a student, and not interested in any other sport.

      That $46 gives me complete HD, plenty of 4K, access on my TV via their excellent PVR, Foxtel Go on phone/iPad, Foxtel Go on PCs at work and home. (And yes, Foxtel Go is far from perfect, but I have not encountered a lot of dropping out midstream that some folks seem to have with TV shows/movies. Perhaps live sport is different technically?)

      I am not a shill for Foxtel. I am very critical of the service when it is deserved. I think it should do better in many areas. Possibly for parents with multiple kids, or for people not interested in a wide range of sports it doesn't represent great value.

      But in true OzBargain style, for a general sports fan, I feel Foxtel offers amazing value.

      • do you work for the ABC or Sky news because you clearly mis-repersenting the full picture to suit an agenda.

        Every AFL game live (except grand final). No ads during quarters. Multiple games in 4K per week

        sure the picture is still better or as good on 7HD foxtel have 4 games im pretty sure a round exclusive rights too

        if you're an AFL fan why wouldnt you just signed up to Kayo for 6 months

        Masses of US sport on ESPN: NBA, NFL (many games each week), MLB, Hockey, College football, basketball

        it has less now then it did back in the day but it is still decent - so fair enough you can watch most if not all NBA games on Bet365 if you have 10 bucks in your account….. some with a few other of those yank sports

        Yes, they lost EPL, A-League, and euro soccer leagues to Optus. (Who paid way over the odds for the rights as a loss-leader to attempt to erode Foxtel's sports dominance.) (Hmmm… BTW, how's our A-League going since it left Foxtel???)

        i agree the AL has not done well but Optus sports have about 900k-1m subscribers it is way more successful then foxtel ever way considering most of the subs would be paying for other services it internet, mobile - Optus as a company is a junk company but it has nothing to do with optus sport

        Most major cricket

        see your comment about over paying for EPL for Optus and change that to Foxtel over paying for Cricket, NRL and even the AFL rights [4 games exlclusive is not worth 100s of millions a season in a 23 round season]

        like i said Optus has made month via other means leveraging off Optus sports

        Of course if you want every NBA or MLB, or whatever league (wrestling?) game you can subscribe to their specific apps ($200/year or so). And yes, they are worth it if you are unemployed, or retired, or a student, and not interested in any other sport.

        you can always use a VPN - however NBA live pass is around 155 pa, NFL is 140 pa etc non cost 200 pa

        now if you're happy with foxtel fair enough i got nothing against people who have the service but it is obsolete

        • +4

          do you work for the ABC or Sky news

          No. I am a sports fan. And, as I said, very happy with the huge range and depth of sports provided by Foxtel.

          you clearly mis-repersenting the full picture to suit an agenda.

          No. No agenda. And I do not think your counter-points justify saying I have an agenda.

          he picture is still better or as good on 7HD foxtel have 4 games im pretty sure a round exclusive rights too

          No. 7HD has 4 games per round. Foxtel has 9. There are no 'exclusive' games except the grand final. Plus… No Brian.. and no ads during play. Despite ongoing issues, 4K on Foxtel is still better than 1080p on 7HD. The PQ for 7HD may be slightly better than Foxtel HD. But I pay that small price for the other benefits.

          why wouldnt you just signed up to Kayo for 6 months

          If you only ever like one sport. Sure. Of course, Kayo is 720p - you worry about PQ.

          Plus…. and to me this is a biggie, that few people seem to mention… It is way more convenient watching TV on a TV (through a box), and through a streaming app.

          With an app it is very inconvenient and time-consuming to switch channels (streams) quickly. Maybe to briefly check in on another match or another code? As I said, I am a sports fan. While watching AFL I will often check the score in NRL games (or even other AFL games if they are simultaneous). Doing this from an app or from Kayo is a massive PITA, and can take 30 seconds or more.

          So, for convenience, there is no contest.

          watch most if not all NBA games on Bet365 if you have 10 bucks

          Sure. Lots of sport. On a phone. Not on my 75" OLED in my comfy lounge with surround sound, and compliant French maid.

          This may be fine for Gen Alpha who know nothing but streaming and tiny phone screens, and whose eyes have yet to deteriorate due to normal ageing.

          NBA live pass is around 155 pa, NFL is 140 pa etc non cost 200 pa

          Fair point. I was going on the last time I purchased MLB At Bat. (A simply astounding app, BTW; you can watch up to 8 games simultaneously, all previous season games for any team, amazing user interface, blah, blah. Foxtel should take a note for Kayo.)

          WatchAFL is $229 pa. Without Foxtel or Kayo your only chance to see more than a percentage of your team's matches, especially if your team is not one of the top/big ones. I guess NRL will be similar.

          you're happy with foxtel fair enough i got nothing against people who have the service but it is obsolete

          Indeed, you may be correct. I fear the day it becomes unviable to provide all that they currently do.

          'Older people' were mentioned in this thread a lot. I think my point about the convenience of traditional pay TV, being able to easily surf channets, or switch between them in ONE SECOND, rather than one minute (and then have to navigate back through menus to your original stream) may be overlooked.

          Streaming may be the future, but it does not mean the user experience is superior. Plus, see how many people are complaining about the need to subscribe to so many streaming services now.

          For the sports I regularly enjoy on Foxtel I would have to subscribe to so many separate services, all with their own apps (all with their own technical issues, and completely different interfaces.

          As I said orginally (not pushing any agenda), if you have an interest in more than one or two sports, then Foxtel is very good value. If you are only fanatical about one specific sport you may be better off using a streaming service.

          But I think I have explained clearly why some people still use this dinosaur technology, and are prepared to pay for it.

          (And I'm still slightly offended you think I'm a shill.)

          • @Roman Sandstorm: Fair enough i never meant to cause you 'any' offence

            if you're happy to pay for the service i got no issue with it and i do agree some people here like to moan a bit to much about certain businesses

          • @Roman Sandstorm: While I agree with a lot of what you're saying, I disagree with the "inconvenient to switch channels (streams) quickly" line about Kayo.

            I just tested then and it takes me a few seconds to switch to splitview and pull up a second stream without interrupting what you are watching. The audio can easily be toggled between each stream. This makes it easy to bring something else up, or even watch 2/3/4 streams at once to keep an eye on how other games are going.

      • Your comments about ESPN are definitely accurate, with less sport. However, ESPN+ which is available via Foxtel subscriptions (I don't believe via Kayo) enables you to watch every NHL game, plus more NBA and college sports.
        This can also be streamed on the ESPN mobile app.

        I used to subscribe to but Foxtel now has the rights to MLB postseason and you can no longer (since 2022) watch the MLB postseason even with

      • Honestly, for a fan of one sport (like AFL) $46 is a bargain.

        How you're paying for products you don't consume?

        • You've taken this slightly out of context.

          So, subscribing to WatchAFL is $229/year. And you have to watch through an app. And all the annoyances that streaming (as opposed to Pay-TV/conventional TV) brings. Flicking between the news, or another event and your streaming app is…. well… painful and very time-wasting. Further, via app you are limited to the resolution and quality of the device you are playing on. There is certainly no 4K.

          We also get a number of good AFL programs during season (much better than the commercial TV equivalents). (I don't know about the quality of the WatchAFL programs, but they have not won the awards that AFL360 has, for example.)

          Looking at replay highlights on I have noticed they use Channel 7 commentators. Plus there are ads. (Again, I don't know if WatchAFL has these 'features', but I suspect they do. And it is worth paying money to avoid having my ears and sanity assaulted by Brian Taylor twice a week.)

          True, my Foxtel costs about twice the WatchAFL per year. And we are ignoring all the other sport for the purpose of your comment. But then there are all of the other channels and programs on Foxtel; not all of which are worthless. Various news channels (er… Sky and Fox are… barely classed as 'news' to be fair), documentary channels (NatGeo, Discovery, etc), several music channels (80's MTV - yay!). Yeah, I don't think the drama, reality, etc is much chop.

          Then there is the issue of 'convenience' I have harped on about. Hard to put a price on what ease of instantly switching channels, as opposed to navigating in and out of differently-menued streaming services is. To me, it would be worth… $10/m ???

          But then, I get all the other sports I love too. So the value for me is huge.

          Sure, there are things I pay for that I don't consume, as you put it. Big deal.

          • @Roman Sandstorm: Fair enough, if it meets your needs so be it. For me and many others, it doesn't. There's better alternatives out there to consume media, whether it's TV shows, documentaries or movies.

  • +1

    Do they get the pensioner's discount?
    Have heard of some getting it below 100.

    • Never heard of that, and they certainly dont at the moment, I will check that out! Thanks :)

    • I've asked about pension discounts before and they always say they dont do that.

      • +1

        Guess my parents just snagged a great deal then. Got a premium down to around $75 a few years ago. They told me i was from some seniors discount.

        • I'll have to look more into this. Thanks.

  • +2

    Always hated Foxtel. Could never understand the concept of paying to see advertisements. Given streaming services I'm surprised they still exist.

    • It is because of streaming services that Foxtel still exist. Two thirds of their residential customer base use Kayo and Binge (about 1½ million each). That, and the massive subs they get from pubs and clubs.

    • Netflix and most other streaming services are all ad-infested as well now, unless you are willing to pay huge amounts for the premium packages each offers.

      You could pay for Disney, Netflix, Paramount+ and three other streaming services & you still wouldn't even be close to the massive media catalogue that Foxtel have.

      I personally choose not to pay for any of them at all, but I can definitely see why you'd chose Foxtel over anything else.

    • In the beginning when it was first available, we got Foxtel to avoid free to air ads…how things have changed.

  • +8

    Jfc there are some shitty replies here. This site really is a magnet for a certain type now.

    • I agree, but is it bad that I was expecting worse?

    • I don't see that. I see a whole bunch of people telling them they are a fool for sticking to an outdated service that only makes money off those who are too lazy to try something new. Its just reality. People stick with overpriced mortgages, insurance and all sorts because its all too hard. First thing a financial adviser will tell you is shop around for better priced products and services.

      • +1

        I see people with little to no ability to empathise and think a little deeper. It may be valid to say Foxtel is not a necessity, vote with your wallet and quit, it's just reality as you've stated - but no one is putting themselves in OPs shoes.

        The oldies know how to use foxtel and are assumedly happy with its content. Foxtel is collecting a load of money off them, and not giving a shit if the app is dodgy or if ads are causing issues. We shouldn't just say yep that's fine / that's reality and we accept this 🤷🏻

        Basically, it's sad to see we're roasting the old folks financial decisions, rather than the behaviours of a service provider. Why don't we do the same when complaints come up about Qantas…

    • You can't say that about cheapskates and this isn't a cesspit. This community downvotes or bans anyone who disagrees with them.

  • +5

    Two years ago, my 92yo father cancelled his Foxtel. He bought a smart tv & now has Binge, Paramount+, Britbox & Kayo. He picked up the new way of watching tv pretty quickly. Every so often he’ll FaceTime me (we’re on opposite sides of Oz) with a problem, that’s usually easily solved & he’s happy. He’s never regretted leaving Foxtel.

    • Wow, that is an amazing effort mate. Good on you for getting it all changed over.
      Did you set it all up on teh smart tv or use a smart box of some kind?

      • It was my first visit post Covid. We bought a smart tv, used the apps on it & added a couple of others. Apart from watching the news on the various F2A channels, everything else they watch is streamed. Dad’s still very sharp & I’m very proud of him.

  • Foxtel…. I thought i was reading about Auspost….. oh…. but same same quality service.

    • +1

      Can't be as bad a Aramex ex Fastway

      • +1

        Aramex are so bad I've stopped doing business with vendors who use them.

  • I made a vow to not pay a cent on streaming services and/or iptv/cable channels. The only outlet for me is youtube and free courses for self improvements.

    • Agreed! Where in the same boat.

  • Hubby and i have 2 Foxtel boxes & the internet package. We pay $236pm and every 2nd month it seems to increase. Its our only luxury and i hate paying it every month but enjoy having it available due to immobility. We're mid 60s but too young for pension or its discounts.
    Give me back the old Optus TV package we first signed for $19.95pm :-)

    • -3

      omg. you could have EVERY other subscription service and still pay less than what foxtel costs you. $236pm. thats too funny.

      what the f$%k are you doing on ozbargain when you are that wasteful with your money.

      • +12

        You might have made a salient point but you don't need to do it in such a derogatory manner to some lady in her mid 60s

        • -2

          The truth hurts sometimes

      • -1

        So ill-mannered, wish your type would depart Ozbargain, instead!

        • Boomer?

      • Foxtel's current most expensive plan is $98 a month - the rest of the money that person is paying for is Internet & other services.

        You could combine Netflix, Disney, Paramount & three other streaming services and you still wouldn't even come close to the absolute volume of movies, TV series, doco's & other comparable content Foxtel offers. Then on top of that, Foxtel has a MASSIVE library archive of doco's, kids shows, drama, international content, educational & sports stuff going all the way back to the 1970's - on top of current and live versions of all that you can't get on any of those other streaming services at all.

        I'm not someone who pays for this stuff, but If you are the type of person who makes luxury spending purchases like paying for multiple streaming services, then Foxtel is a dramatically better value offer than all of the rest combined.

        • $98 a month is the new customer price (for 12 months only). It's actually $140 a month for existing customers which includes standard Netflix.

          • @bigbadwolf21: Foxtel is allowing existing customers to move on to this 12 month plan. Many wont need to though, as they are already on grandfathered plans at a much lower price than $98 & Foxtel happily allows their customers to stay on those old cheaper plans.

    • +1

      Hooollly crappola, $236pm?! Genuinely interested to know what you watch for that kind of money. As above, you could get ALL the streaming services for that kind of money (prob a year paid of each with 2 months of what you pay foxtel.

      • Foxtel's current most expensive package possible is $98 a month, so the rest of that money would be paying for their internet and other goods/services.

        In comparison, Netflix is $23 a month, AppleTV is $25 a month, STAN is $21 a month, Disney is $14 a month, Paramount is $14 a month ………… the amount of content on these services combined wouldn't even be 10% of the content Foxtel offers.

  • wtf foxtel. You have heard there is netflix in australia now right?

    • Netflix have nothing worth watching and are struggling to stay in business, why would Foxtel care about them at all ?

      • +1

        I agree. I have Foxtel and I have Netflix (not paying for Netflix, family members account and they get it for free for some reason).

        Netflix is honestly rubbish, rarely is there any good new shows, the Netflix exclusive movies are rubbish, I rarely use it now.

        Foxtel on the other hand has dozens of different channels with different content, can always find something interesting.

  • +1

    Teaching them how to use something else would be annoying to them,

    More than the current situation?

    and a waste of a whole day for me.

    Consider it an investment.

    Knowing what you did about Foxtel, yet choosing to deal with them, then whinging when they screw you is just >chef's kiss<

  • +1

    So a whole day to teach:
    - press the netflix button on remote.
    - scroll to profile if not selected by default
    - scroll to a program that looks good
    - press go


    • +1
      • scroll to a program that looks good

      That's the part where it fails, unfortunately.

  • +2

    Welcome to basically every corporation on earth right now. Like every movie which shows the future as being a mindless bleak society pumped full of advertisting, its slowly becoming a reality.

  • Get them to log the channels they watch. Call up for them and amend their packages. I got my mum down to $56 a month doing this.

    Worse case is they need to turn channels back on.

  • Guess only good thing was all the cabling they left behind good for HFC NBN users

    Otherwise they suck

  • +1

    Yes, you are being dramatic. Its nothing to do with you, your elderly parents clearly enjoy the service, seem to use it on a number of devices and seem able to pay. Whats your problem?

    • Unfortunately this site is being flooded with these drama-llama types, who love getting hysterical over other people doing as they please and not caring at all what others think of them or their personal media preferences.

  • My parents were paying for foxtel all these years and I strong armed them to finally cancel, they bought a chromecast, signed up to Netflix and another subscription and haven’t complained.

    We used to pay $140 a month and my parents had no idea they were paying for services they weren’t aware of like foxtel go. Oh, and they were still paying for the HD channels package, which basically gave you HD access to a small amount of channels, in 2023…

    They tried hard to defer us from cancelling, they’re honestly snakes towards the end and throw every tactic to finally build up rapport, when they had the 20 years before that to do it. A goodwill gesture of suggesting better value plans at an earlier time would’ve kept them going probably

  • We had Foxtel since the start, took it with us to a new premises, had cable internet (better than NBN), added channels, it kept going up.
    It was $200 per month towards the end but it was hard to optimise the channels desired because they are part of packs.
    Moved a second time and didn't renew it, after 20 years they didn't even try to keep us in any form, just threatened me a fine if they didn't get their IQ box back!

  • +1

    I've never met anyone face to face who had an issue with paying for Foxtel if they wanted it. They were happy to pay for it as a personal luxury item and thought it served their own interests just fine as a package.

    A very common theme from many I've chatted to is that they went out and tried Netflix, Paramount+ and Disney to see if they were better alternate services. All of them were considered complete shite platforms and catalogues of content that they had no actual interest in watching within 4 days of testing them out, so they chose not to renew any of those services. Foxtel though, they were happy to keep subscribed to it, so they did.

    Do I have any interest in paying for any of these services or platforms… No. Do I think anyone paying for Foxtel is wrong for doing so though….. absolutely not. It's just a luxury purchase/service, it's not something anyone needs.

    For what it's worth, Foxtel is the only streaming or cable service to have gained a 10% increase in their subscriber base year after year since 2019 without fail. So their customers certainly seem happy with the service - unlike literally every other cable and streaming network service & company in the marketplace.

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