Australian Consumer Law - Website to Name and Shame Retailers

I had a Samsung S24U just die on me within a week. Samsung store refused a replacement and pushed me to do a repair and I folded (under ACL I was entitled to a refund or replacement, at my discretion).
This got me thinking about a recent Choice article that says MANY stores do NOT adhere to consumer law and consumer guarantees.

Can someone who makes websites consider making a website that allows you to share their experiences negative and positive with returns/refunds etc under consumer law? That would create a leaderboard and incentivise these companies to follow the law! It could also provide guidance to help people arguing with big corporations.

What do you think? Better yet, can someone do this!!?

Poll Options

  • 43
    Yes, I want a leaderboard of adherence to the ACL!
  • 16
    Meh, why did I open this forum page.
  • 2
    No, this is a dumb idea


  • +9

    It already exists:

    They still don't seem to care.

    Samsung Electronics has been ranked the number one most complained about business in the State so far in 2023, according to NSW Fair Trading’s complaints register.
    NSW Fair Trading received 416 complaints against the technology company this year with consumers unhappy about the quality of goods, difficulties with refunds and warranty claims.…

    • +2

      only 416 complaints, there's a lot of soft customers out there

      • This is the bissgest problem by far. Weak people who won't stand up for their rights.

        Just the other day some clown was talking about how they had 5 Samsung devices with premature failure, and how they were planning to reward Samsung with 5 more purchases??? 🤡 Humanity has no hope with people like this

    • +1

      most complained about business in the State
      NSW Fair Trading received 416 complaints against the technology company

      LOL 416 complaints? How many sales has Samsung had to compare that to? Hint Samsung sell 500k units a quarter in Australia.

    • It already exists:

      IMHO ProductReview is an absolutely useless site to judge any company by. According to them, Apple has terrible service.

      I don't think there's any point in creating a site that relies on user reviews. People who are totally satisfied with their product will not bother looking for a website to post a comment simply saying "My phone works fine" or "Samsung repaired my phone fine".

      They will only attract people with bad experiences. The more popular a brand is, there more bad experiences there will naturally be, so big companies will always have more complaints.

      If there were to be a list, I think it makes a lot more sense for the Fair Trading equivalents in every state to publish that list, but also include sales figures which would tell a clearer story. There would be a big difference between Company A that sold 500,000 phones receiving 1,000 complaints and Company B that sold 100,000 phones also receiving 1,000 complaints.

  • Sorry but people have abused the system, i see so many people at highpoint store looking for a free swap just because they don’t like their phone or minor wear and tear.

    Also Apple and Samsung are now looking to bank on it with care plans, which allows you 2 swaps per year. Under ACL you basically are allowed to repair the handset, which they are offering.

    • +1

      It died within a week so replacement is a fair option in this case. IMO.

    • Also Apple and Samsung are now looking to bank on it with care plans, which allows you 2 swaps per year

      You're gonna lump in an Apple's customers excellent customer service with Samsung customers diametrically-opposite experience?

      • -1

        You're gonna lump in an Apple's customers excellent customer service with Samsung customers diametrically-opposite experience?

        You're not hearing from people who have had good experiences with Samsung's customer service because those people don't bother looking for an online forum to post about having no issues.

        • -3

          We're not hearing from Samsung customers who've had a good experience because, simply put, they are outnumbered 10 to 1 by Apple customers great experiences.

          But you do you with whatever copium you can manage

          • @ThithLord:

            they are outnumbered 10 to 1 by Apple customers great experiences.

            Apple sales are probably outnumbered by Samsung sales 10 to 1 too. Don't forget they make a lot more than phones. :)

            • @eug:

              Apple sales are probably outnumbered by Samsung sales 10 to 1 too. Don't forget they make a lot more than phones. :)

              lol OK, I will pay that.

      • Apple's customers excellent customer service

        What are you talking about? How are you so deep in the reality distortion field?

        Apple's customer service is horrendous. They charge ridiculous amounts for repairs. They are never able to admit fault. They are actively monopolising the repair industry by making it impossible for independent repairers to operate.

        For an example, see:

        • -2

          The reality of having dealt with them constantly in my role within I.T., and personally. And my experiences are often echoed on OzBargain when the Androne babies aren't out in force.

          In previous roles we had deployed upwards of 10,000 Apple devices so, you can imagine, supporting 10,000 devices there would be some instances of failure. Almost every time we had a failed device, Apple would replace it either on the spot (if I went to the Apple store), or would send an advanced replacement unit.

          In my own personal experience, Apple replaced my iPhone even though it was half a year outside of the 2-year ACL.

          I've owned a grand total of TWO iPhones over the last 8 years, before anyone tries to jump in and suggest I'm some massive fanboy.

          For an example, see:

          Wow this confirmation bias negates Apple's track record of customer service.

          • @ThithLord:

            Almost every time we had a failed device, Apple would replace it either on the spot (if I went to the Apple store), or would send an advanced replacement unit.

            I'm not saying Apple has bad customer service, but If I sold someone 10,000 devices I would definitely want to keep them happy. :)

            • -1

              @eug: The items bought were consumer-grade, so they were not tied to the business.

              To Apple, every device was just another consumer device - they would have zero mind to check Hey, is this customer a large customer of ours? because the devices were purchased through Telstra.

              • @ThithLord:

                To Apple, every device was just another consumer device - they would have zero mind to check Hey, is this customer a large customer of ours? because the devices were purchased through Telstra.

                Ahh right, I would have thought the presence of an MDM would have tipped them off.

                • @eug: That is a valid conclusion, though I cannot verify it

          • +1

            @ThithLord: There is no set 2 year ACL. Your phone was actually still covered so they are following what they legally have to do

            • -1


              There is no set 2 year ACL. Your phone was actually still covered so they are following what they legally have to do

              You're commenting this (in response to my comment that Apple's vs Samsung's differs greatly) on a thread relating to someone who has a DOA phone within a week who can't get their phone replaced by Samsung.

              You really thought you had some gotcha response?

              • @ThithLord: What is a 'gotcha response'? I am merely stating the fact that Apple covered your phone because they were legally required to do so. They did not from the bottom of their heat repair your phone after their own warranty expired like you were saying.

        • -1

          Is Apple customer service good?
          I investigated Apple's tech support like a spy

          Here you go:

          Despite a few hiccups, Apple's tech support is solid. At first, I was hesitant about allowing a tech agent to remotely access my MacBook Air, but this shared-screen service ended up being my favorite part of the process. With a few tweaks, Apple could reach the pinnacle of tech-support perfection.

          Granted it's from 2020, but your cherry-picking is older

  • +1

    I remember my S9 had the "Sudden Death" manufacturing defect. Took it in to repair and they said it was water damage.

    • Devices have markers internally that will show if water has made contact.

      • +5

        and if it's an apple product normal humidity can trigger them

      • They do, but the fact that they never did a product recall means they're covering up the defect. The recall would have cost them many millions.
        Cheaper to steam the phones and blame the customer. Not saying they did, but it's not beyond a company that is already covering up a defect.

        • Cheaper to steam the phones and blame the customer.

          Samsung contracts out repairs to external service centres. It is not in the service centre's financial interests to intentionally damage a customer's phone and refuse a repair as they wouldn't be able to bill Samsung for a repair. They also wouldn't make a cent if the customer had to go buy another phone.

          • @eug: That was the S3, not the S9. The S3 still works since replacing the defective "Sudden Death Syndrome" board, but of course I never use it. Not my breath nor hands nor the humidity of outback WA has damaged it since replacing the board with a non-defective one.
            They charged me $300 for a replacement board, thankfully one which wasn't part of the faulty batch. They got their money when it should have been replaced for free….because of the defect and because it was within warranty. Water damage should not occur in a dry country with no more humidity than my my own breath. I was extremely careful with it, never took it into the bathroom or laundry and never handled it with sweaty hands. Never held a cup of tea under it.
            I think the water damage thing is an excuse or the phones are very poorly built. If they are that fragile to the point you can't breathe on them then they should have a nano-coat.
            If breath causes water damage, then someone opening it up and examining it closely can also cause water damage. If masks stop this then that means I cannot use a phone without a mask.
            I HAVE put an old Motorola flip-phone through a complete washing-machine cycle and it still worked after being rinsed and left to dry. Been paranoid and deliberate in handling my phones ever since.

  • Never had an issue with HN furniture
    Never had an issue with HN electrical household goods
    Only ever got one working out of around 50 from their computer division, Nobody ever heard of the ACL let alone offered a warranty!
    There are also car $tealerships where are they listed?

  • +1

    There's already websites where you can find out this information. Trouble is people either don't check them or think it won't happen to them.

  • +1

    Samsung store refused a replacement and pushed me to do a repair

    Pretty standard for mobile phones. You'll be ok.

    • -1

      Probably breathed on it and triggered the water damage sensor.

  • If it's water damage they are claiming you might be able push for a fix. My son dropped my s10+ in the bathtub when I was filling it, just a second and it was unusable. I pushed and they agreed to fix it, about 4 years after purchase. This was during the whole lawsuit of 'water resistance' claims so that might have helped.

    They did mess up my phone after 'repairing' it but that's a whole other story 🙄

    • 20 years ago I left a Motorola flip in my jeans while washing them. I gave it a full rinse under warm water, left it to dry out naturally and it worked perfectly. Pretty sure it didn't have nano-coating.

  • Who will be funding this website?

  • +2

    Main issue is that mostly only people with bad experiences will post, and bigger companies with more sales with the same complaint rate will seem to have more complaints on the website, making it quite misleading.

  • What was the fault with the S24 U?

  • Turns out the main board was fried and they are doing a replacement - 3 days without phone so far…

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