This was posted 7 months 19 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC, Steam] Command & Conquer Ultimate Collection $12.88, Remastered Collection $8.98, Mass Effect Legendary $8.99 @ Steam


Great prices for 3 cracking bundles… grab them for the pile of shame… or for the sake of nostalgia.

Command & Conquer™ The Ultimate Collection $12.88
* Command & Conquer™ The Ultimate Collection includes:
* Command & Conquer
* Command & Conquer: The Covert Operations
* Command & Conquer: Generals
* Command & Conquer: Generals: Zero Hour
* Command & Conquer: Red Alert
* Command & Conquer: Red Alert: Counterstrike
* Command & Conquer: Red Alert: The Aftermath
* Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2
* Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2: Yuri's Revenge
* Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3
* Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3: Uprising
* Command & Conquer: Renegade
* Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun
* Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun Firestorm
* Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars
* Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars: Kane's Wrath
* Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight

Command & Conquer™ Remastered Collection $8.98
Command & Conquer and Red Alert defined the RTS genre 25 years ago and are now both fully remastered in 4K by the former Westwood Studios team members at Petroglyph Games. Includes all 3 expansion packs, rebuilt multiplayer, a modernized UI, Map Editor, bonus gallery of unreleased FMV footage, and over 7 hours of legendary remastered music by Frank Klepacki. Welcome back, Commander.

Mass Effect Legendary Edition $8.99
Mass Effect Legendary Edition includes single-player base content for all 3 titles (Mass Effect, Mass Effect 2 and Mass Effect 3), your favorite single-player story DLC, promo weapons, armors and packs:

  • DLC: Bring Down the Sky, Genesis, Zaeed — The Price of Revenge, Kasumi — Stolen Memory, Lair of the Shadow Broker, Firewalker Pack, Overlord, Normandy Crash Site, Arrival, Genesis 2, From Ashes, Mass Effect 3: Extended Cut, Leviathan, Omega and Citadel.

  • Weapons and Armor: Cerberus Weapons and Armor, Arc Projector, Collector's Weapon and Armor, Terminus Weapon and Armor, M-21 Incisor, Blood Dragon Armor, Inferno Armor, Recon Hood, Sentry Interface, Umbra Visor, N7 Warfare Gear, AT-12 Raider, Chakram Launcher, M-55 Argus, M-90 Indra and Reckoner Knight Armor.

  • Packs: Equalizer Pack, Aegis Pack, Firepower Pack, Groundside Resistance Pack, Recon Operations Pack, Firefight Pack, ME2 Alternate Appearance Pack 1, ME2 Alternate Appearance Pack 2, ME3 Alternate Appearance Pack 1, and N7 Collector's Edition Pack.

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closed Comments

  • Did they fix Red Alert 2 or just re-release it? Was a nightmare to get working or current Windows last time I tried.

    • +3

      been playing it for past 6-7 years on cncnet works fine even at higher res - it's great - the only issue was the encoder or decoder selection in the boot loader but was a fix for ages ago either official or patch i think..

    • I could never get it working nice either.
      Have you tried any RA2 clones for the OpenRA engine? Not 1:1 but easy to setup and runs great.
      "Destination commander?"

  • Disappointing price for the Command & Conquer Remastered Collection which has been half this price on many occasions.

  • good times! except dial up modem …
    what's equilivant to Red Alert these days?

    • +1

      The best RTS currently is still Starcraft 2 … until further notice. There are other upcoming games including Zero Space and Stormgate by related developers, but so far SC2 remains the primary one.

      RA2 Yuri's Revenge is probably my all time favourite RTS, but did enjoy some Warcraft 3, Homeworld (which coincidentally has just had a new release), and some C&C 3 and Generals.

      • +2

        I think you spelt Brood War wrong

      • +2

        Nah, it's Rise of Nations. Still reigns supreme after all these years

  • +6

    Then need to remake Tiberium Sun (just putting it out there)

  • +1

    Brings back my childhood. Would these games run on those cheap refurb office computers that come up on Ozbargain from time to time. I've got a Macbook but would drop a couple of hundred on a cheap PC just to play some C&C.

    • Should run even the newer games alright.
      Very likely your MacBook could work too (Wine/DOSBox/VM).

  • +1


    Finally on sale! Thank you so much

    • +3

      That's a good choice.

      China will grow larger.

      • -1


        • Not angry, just sad for you bro.

  • Thanks! I was just looking at this the other day, perfect timing.

  • +2

    Kirov reporting

    • +1

      Battle control terminated

      • Don't get too close to combat.

  • EA app has the ultimate collection for $10.78. remastered is $8.08

    • +3

      remastered collection is also on gamepass for those that have it

  • I don't hv a windows PC to play it.
    any game in PS1/2/3/4/5/Wii/Switch/XBOX etc.. comparable to C&C?

    • +1

      If you're asking if there are any RTS games available on those devices there's Halo Wars, Halo War 2 and I think Age of Empires 2 can be played on XBOX also, though I'm sure it'll be pretty clunky with a controller.

      • You can use keyboard and mouse on AoE on XBOX, it's pretty cool.

  • +5

    A little C4 knocking at your door!

  • Mass effect trilogy I'd a steal at that price. Best sci fi action RPGs ever

  • -1

    Wo lo lo!

  • +2


  • So red alert2 is in the pack but not remastered is that right? When is this happening? Feel like this is asked for years.

    • What’s “remastered” even mean?

      Sorry for being a noob but if I get the main pack with all the games then what does “Command & Conquer™ Remastered Collection $8.98” give me?

      • +1

        They completely updated the graphics and modernised the game whilst ensuring the gameplay stayed the same. Have a look on YouTube, there's a good video showing the process.

        I'm just mad they didn't give Generals the same treatment.

        • Ah why don’t they just remaster the whole games instead then? Lol

      • +1

        The original C&C + C&C Red Alert "remastered" updated graphics etc. It's great, recently returned to it after a few months (inspired by when Steam discounted the series when the original titles were put on the platform). Still putting in a 4 hour per fortnight average according to my steam stats. Granted other than occasionally playing the campaigns, I'm mostly just doing skirmishes against 7 AI bots where the games can take anywhere from 1 - 3+ hours to finish.

        • Bahahahaha why does it take so long? Are the boys set on master level or something like that?

          I’m looking forward to buying this and putting it on my old PC and playing it when I get a chance (outside of family hood lol)

  • -1

    C&C Generals 2 coming soon.

  • I still play red alert 2 online most nights with my brother. Good fun.

  • +1

    C&C titles are free on

  • +1

    SO does ultimate contain the remastered collection?! Can't seem to find an answer anywhere.

  • Which version is actually in the remastered collection, Just C&C 1 and RA 1?

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