Car Hit in Coles Carpark

No dashcam footage (should've added the hardwire kit).

Whatever hit the car left a brownish gray film that actually peels off and the damage isn't that bad. Underneath the bumper there are tiny traces of yellow paint that may or may not be related.

She said she had to pop the bumper back in to place

Not sure if it's worth contacting Coles, happened around lunch time today.

Edited: NB, I wasn't there when this incident occured, Mrs was shopping in Coles, I was at work many suburbs away.

Pictures of location (from Google maps), blue arrow shows where Mrs parked.

Mrs tells me, and I can confirm, her car was moved about 1m back somehow when she returned.

She did not hit anything, something definitely hit her car and moved it back 1m.

Pictures of parking spot before parking and after parking


    • More like OzBeginner

    • Who is she

      Seemingly the owner of that blue Mitsubishi, I reckon Op wasn’t there himself.

      not something hitting the car

      It’s definitely someone that scrapped past that stationary Mitsubishi and did a runner.

        • +11

          Another useless case and post

          You'd know, mate.

            • +5

              @Gervais fanboy: I was referring to the fact that this user frequently hijacks the top comment to post useless replies. Hardly hyperbolic if you check their comment history.

              • +1

                @johnno07: Ahh alright, I thought you were referring to their published posts and not their other comments.
                Apologies, I’ll delete my comment.

  • Were there any cameras there aimed at the spot where this happened?

    • I'm not sure, I just added pictures of her parking spot.

      • +3

        Well, if you get the opportunity to go back and check, do so.
        If there’s cameras there, report the incident to the police, I am sure they’ll be able to help.
        Something very similar happened to me back in 2016.

        • +2

          did you contact coles at all or just report to police?

          i'll check for cameras though, hopefully there's something there.

          • +25

            @TEER3X: A trucker sideswiped my parked vehicle at a public car park in Hallam, there were HJ cameras overlooking the incident scene.

            Visited the local police station with all the details, filed a report and took the details of the officer that was assigned to my case.
            I just made sure to keep contacting/emailing him after every 7 days atleast. He took a month and eventually was able to access the camera footage from the day, figure out the offender’s rego and locate the company that owned that truck. They gave me their insurer’s details, car got written off and I received a hefty payout.

            • +1

              @Gervais fanboy: wonder if the offender got the $65,000 fine and/or 2 years imprisonment that goes with a hit and run

              • +3

                @backpaqer: I remember hoping for the same on Day 1 but by the time everything got sorted out, I didn’t care for it much anymore.
                The copper asked me if I wanted to press charges, I said no and oddly he didn’t care for it either.
                Funnily the truck driver had claimed that he had no idea and was initially denying any claims of hit and run that were put against him.

                Earlier today, I looked up my emails from back then and actually found this

                Also Keynote - my car was proper dragged and displaced, there were no skid marks on the ground.

          • +1

            @TEER3X: better do both.
            If the coles staff is kind enough they might let you see footage and retain it for police investigation
            They probably won't send the footage to anyone unless police request.

            • +3

              @sneijder: Looking at the new pictures, I doubt there are any cameras overlooking op’s car.

  • +48

    woolworths used to be better for parking as it was the Safe way

  • +1

    Are you sure it's not car hit coles carpark? I can't see how you'd get yellow paint transfer underneath the bumper, unless the car hit a painted kerb and perhaps the bollard on it as well.

    • I'm not sure of anything, I can check dashcam footage as that will record when driving

      but cannot check footage during when the car is parked, which is what she's telling when the incident happened

      Edit, I'm certain a car or something hit my mrs car, with enough force it moved her car back about one metre

    • +4

      as your car was in their carpark when the injury was sustained that their insurance will cover the damages.

      Interested to know if that has ever worked.

      • -7

        yes, not at coles specifically, but at a supermarket in their carpark car was hit and damaged severely, went to store manager and the issue was resolved with supermarkets insurer footing the bill for the damage done. Delivery truck with stock for the store scraped the side of car with trailer while backing into the loading dock. I assume that coles will have similar insurance in place for their customers cars that are parked in their carpark. I guess it could be different scenario if parked in a shared shopping centre carpark, maybe centre management best to pursue in that case.

        • +14

          They only got involved because it was a delivery truck. If it was a customer theyd tell you to take it up with the at fault driver.

          • +1

            @Euphemistic: ok thanks, like i ssaid i'm nt an insurance expert, just thought it was worth a try as it is what i did in the past. good to know.

  • Near vertical scratching doesn't look a car collision. Something may have rolled off a ute or truck.
    Try for carpark camera footage.

    • her car got pushed back a metre though. no idea what could have caused that.

      • +1
      • +6

        If she had it in gear/park with the hand brake on, it would have done a lot more damage to push a car 1 meter back

        • Right? The damage would be extreme for a metre. Either it moved far less, or the car is a manual and was in neutral with the handbrake half on

  • -2

    Give the missus a few drinks to get her loosen up and then ask her what really happened

  • +3

    That really looks like damage from driving over something, that has bent and shifted as it has been driven over/into - it would explain the codensed location of the damage on the bottom and the spaced out marks further up, and if there is yellow paint, then could be some sort of pole/barrier/curb/etc as they are often yellow, while cars rarely are.
    Alternatively, what if something rigid and high sided and yellow (like a couriers please delivery van) drove into it on a glancing angle, explains why the damage is spread out as it pushed its way along the bumper and why it extends from the bottom to the top of the bumper due to the height and shape of the van.
    EDIT 2:
    Or maybe it was a trolley collector, they often use a bright yellow steel trailer for collection, again might exlain how the damage could both be so low to the ground and also the spaced out vertical scraping, as if from a steel cage hitting it, and the car was also parked quite close the trolley bay.

    • +3

      I gotta agree. That damage looks a lot like the car has mounted a curb, maybe with a sign or pole or something. Does not look like a hit and run to me. Check the dashcam footage.

      • I checked the dashcam footage, it shows the Mrs parking in the spot. Then an hour later she sends me a photo of the car moved back a whole metre with the damage.

        Something has definitely hit her car.

  • -2

    @pegaxs Thoughts?

  • +5

    Lol Campbellfield Coles. Wouldn't expect anything less.

    • +5

      OP should just be grateful the car still exists.

    • +4

      Campbellfield ? That explains everything !

  • +6

    something definitely hit her car and moved it back 1m.

    For a car to be shunted back 1m from an impact it would need great forces. The transmission is locking the front wheels and the handbrake is locking the back wheels.

    IMHO the car was not hit and shunted. The whole front corner and headlights would be all cracked and surrounding panels dented.

    Something else happened here.

    • I don’t know if this would matter but a lot of people leave their cark in Park and then don’t bother pulling the handbrakes.

      • +2

        Well if the CVT is in park the front wheels should be locked and I'm guessing minor skid marks from the shunt.

        • +3

          Skid marks always after a shunt, sometimes not on the road.

    • +1

      Something else happened here.


      The OP is going to have a lot of trouble convincing the insurance assessor that what they claim happened is what did.

      What we are seeing in the images is a car that hit something, pushed it under the car, then drove over it.

      The OP may as well tell the truth, because if they can't identify the other vehicle they're going to be paying the insurance excess anyway, so they may as well not have the suspicion of attempted insurance fraud on their record, which could be a lot more expensive.

      • +2

        We're not going through insurance, most of the stuff stuck on the car peels off. There's little damage.

        More interested in figuring out what happened and some justice if possible

        • +3

          You'd think for the car to be moved by a metre? That the damage would be greater , however , stranger things have happened .

  • +10

    There is no way that car was moved back 1m from the collision. It barely scratched the bumper, let alone overcame the friction between the tyres and road surface.

    • -5

      Would you believe half a metre?

      • +11

        I would believe 0 metres. Anything more than that is a complete fabrication.

        This is probably a similar situation to my wife's car on the weekend. She asked me to look as it was making a scraping noise on her way home. The guard liner had been smacked backward and split the under tray, causing the wind to grab it and scrape on the road. I said "you've hit something that has smashed these bits". "I didn't hit anything" she said.

        • +2

          So you choose to believe my Mrs hit something, drove and parked at Coles, then moved her car back 0.5m-1m, snapped a photo and claimed something hit her car, all while getting a trolley full groceries and orchestrating this entire masterpiece in the 35 degree weather?

          • +4

            @TEER3X: Show us the photos of the cars new position?

          • +2

            @TEER3X: I've got no idea what ahe has done. All I know is that that vehicle was not hit with enough force to move it 1m, or 0.5m. That much force does a lot more than scratch a bumper slightly.

          • @TEER3X:

            So you choose to believe my Mrs hit something, drove and parked at Coles, then moved her car back 0.5m-1m, snapped a photo and claimed something hit her car, all while getting a trolley full groceries and orchestrating this entire masterpiece in the 35 degree weather?


            And you choose to believe that a forceful collision that moved a parked car away by 1.5 meters resulted just in a few scuff marks, including some under the bonnet and left no skid marks from the tyre being dragged. Seems illogical.

            • @CocaKoala: See above, another person had a similar experience and there were no skid marks.

              Cars can be pushed with little/no damage if something is already well up against it.

              • @TEER3X: And the scuff under the bonnet is explained by magic?

                • @CocaKoala: Scuff under the bumper could be from something unrelated, I'm not sure at this point mate.

          • +1


            So you choose to believe my Mrs hit something, drove and parked at Coles, then moved her car back 0.5m-1m, snapped a photo and claimed something hit her car, all while getting a trolley full groceries and orchestrating this entire masterpiece in the 35 degree weather?

            As opposed to believing what? That this is the first time in recorded human history that a wife has lied to her husband and/or misremembered or forgotten something automotive-related?

          • @TEER3X: Literally none of those things are hard to do

        • +17

          Are all 3 of us married to the same woman?

      • +3

        How has the distance changed? To shunt a 1500kg vehicle with all 4 wheels lock any more than a few centimetres requires significant force resulting in much bigger damage.

        Do the photos your wife sent you show any skids or marks on the tarmac from where the tyres were dragged?

        • -2

          I can't see any marks.

          She's had a prang in the past and was completely honest about it, she has no reason to lie now. It's her car, it's not new.

          • +5

            @TEER3X: That car was not dragged, pushed or shunted. There would be rubber debris/marks on the tarmac especially since it was a friggin hot day today. If it was cold and really wet then possibly.

            Is the car an auto and does your wife typically use the handbrake?

            • -3

              @MS Paint: I have dashcam footage of all the driving

              As for the handbrake she often does not use it, I'll have to confirm with her tomorrow if she did in this instance. Car is an auto.

              • +6

                @TEER3X: Careful checking this, it is illegal to get out of the vehicle without the handbrake engaged. Auto would need to be in neutral for the car to roll. There should be 1m long drag marks infront of both front tyres, not seeing these in the pics. The damage in the pics does not match the damage expected from a force required to move a car 1m. Are there stills from the dash cam from the time to car was stationary to the time it was powered again but yet to move? Can these be compared to check for any movement? Suggest returning to the location to understand if there are any cameras covering the area, if not, unlikely to understand the cause.

                • +1


                  it is illegal to get out of the vehicle without the handbrake engaged

                  Road safety rule 213 to be specific.

              • +9

                @TEER3X: She often does not use the handbrake? How is that even a thing? Why would you not use the handbrake?

                Am I really naive or something? I’ve never heard of anyone doing this.

          • +3

            @TEER3X: It doesn't even mean it was a lie, a misremembering of where she actually parked has caused her to think the car has been pushed back.

            • -1

              @brendanm: I updated the main post with dashcam pictures of where she parked, I'm fairly certain she parked close to the line.

              • +2

                @TEER3X: That shows absolutely nothing.

                Back in the day, we used to buy cars from people for $100 or so and do demo derbys on a mates block. I've hit plenty of cars into other cars. Even on dirt you can not move a car that far without doing serious damage.

                I'm addition to that, I actually looked at the pictures you posted. That car has been hit multiple times, the yellow marks under the bumper are not from whatever has happened this time.

  • +8

    Surely this will make the random thread come Monday

    • -1

      @DashCam AKA Rolts - is this true?

  • +1

    I love the hot discussion topics in Ozbargains morning email, makes my day.

    No way that car was run into, it ran into and/or over something! The lack of damage to the far right hand side of the bumper is a key…….also the fact that that the underneath marks indicate it has run over at least 4 different curbs in a big way over time!

  • +2

    All that damage to the bumper and none to the number plate?
    That damage under the middle and the yellow paint transfer underneath are not something that happens then a car/truck/trailer/UFO back into your car at crawling speed.
    This looks like shes run over a tyre on the highway, explains the brown tranfer and easy peeling.

    $100 it's something that's been run over, you'll find more damage under the vehicle/evidence on the exhaust pipe.

    • Yeah you are right, it does look like she has ran over a tyre.

    • +1

      Just checked the under the vehicle, no other damage whatsover, including the exhaust

      • +1

        From your before and after pictures the damage didn't happen in that carpark. The same 2 vehicles are in front of the car in Before and After.
        And neither of them have black plastic bumpers which might leave the 'peelable brown transfer' you mention.

  • +2

    Under the bumper is most likely not related.

  • +1

    The under bumper damage indicates the car has run oversomething. Looks like a curb or one of them rubberised black and yellow parking stoppers that are screwed into the road surface of a car park.

    Sounds like most of it may polish out

  • +2

    based on the information in this thread, she is lying to you, if she is lying to you about this what else could be lies, kids, marriage, etc lol

    • +8

      That escalated.

    • Maybe it's not even her car…

  • +2

    Brother, why would you take a photo of UNDER the bumper? that's literally from scrapping the blocks that sit on the ground at all carparks etc.

    • +1

      Fair enough, just trying to get to the bottom of this.

  • +2

    Welcome to NatGeo's brand new series, Car Crash Investigations.

    The white marks look like paint transfer, presumably from another vehicle.

    OP, you will be able to remove the paint transfer if you apply nail polish remover. Try a small test area first, but most (probably all) of that will come off. Apply to an old rag and rub.

  • "If there were no cameras and/or no witnesses, it didn't happen."

    Heisenberg (1927)

  • +1

    Certainly not normal impact marks. Nearly like it was scrapping up. Speculation but i think your car was backed into with something really low that flicked up wards.

    Now i dont know in your area but ive seen trailers used to move shopping trolleys have a low ramp on them. The marks are very strange dont match normal impacts or glancing blows.

    To also move the vehicle without more damage is strange. Its nearly like the impact lifted as it moved the vehicle back.

    Let us know what happens.

  • -2

    What is the point of this post?

    What is the question?

    What do you expect Coles to do?

  • the bottom of the bumper looks like its been taken to with a belt sander

    imo the car has ran over a wire fence, the top has pushed it over but the rest of the fence has scraped the bottom of the bumper

    I cant see how this would have happened in a car park

  • Mrs tells me, and I can confirm, her car was moved about 1m back somehow when she returned.

    Where's that photo?

      • +2

        how exactly does that confirm it was moved as opposed to parked that way? where is the before photo.

        • It doesn't…. before photo I screenshotted from the dashcam

          The spots aren't big, if she parked like the after photo, the car would be sticking out quite a lot

  • +5

    You were hit by Broadmeadows Felafel Racer.

    Looks like something low that is a trailer (as per someone said above). The film is probably paint from said trailer. Commiserations. Worthwhile asking to see if there is CCTV footage. If they want a police report definitely get things rolling otherwise it might get scrubbed.

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