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Aerpro Wireless Apple CarPlay / Android Auto Adapter AMWCPAA1 $139 Delivered / NSW C&C @ Frankies Auto Electrics


Saw this was almost half the price of other retailers who are all selling it for $249. Decent deal if you don't want to run around with crappy Chinese ones

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Frankies Auto Electrics
Frankies Auto Electrics

closed Comments

  • +1

    A good option here as well for $139.99 delivered for anyone with eBay vouchers

  • +15

    Idk about crappy but the Kuda one I got one from Ali express for $25 AUD working flawlessly for months now. And it’s like a small usb stick too.

    • +2

      I got one from Amazon for $40 and been flawless.

      • Send us a link please

        • +1

          Search OTTCAST on Amazon. Their products only do android or apple. I got two Apple ones for my and wife’s car and has been awesome. Looks like it’s at full price of $70 but I got both at half price about 8 month ago.

          • @expertreader: Thanks mate!

          • @expertreader: FYI, the brand is Ottocast and they also they have a unit that does both Android Auto and Carplay, just more expensive than their other devices.

            They go on special from time to time. They currently have the Carplay one for $59 on Amazon

    • I took a gamble on it too and it’s flawless.

  • +3

    I've been using the carlinkit from AliExpress, seems to work fine and around $45. The aerpro one has local support though.

    I see this converts carplay into android auto. this is much better than the carlinkit if your vehicle only has carplay, now i need to buy one for my work ute.

    • +1

      Does this product actually do that, or is it a typo in the specs/description?

      How on earth would a small compute unit like this, in real time, convert a phones android auto to Apple carplay on the cars infotainment system in real time? If it does do that, kudos, that programming seems well worth the money.

      • +1

        Yeah ive been told before that there is products that can do that, but didnt know aerpro made one.

        Edit : here is a video of a product that does the same thing https://youtu.be/a4RDU8OytFo?si=lJ1a3_DhbUM3e06M

        • That's pretty cool! Doesn't look like it convert android auto to Apple carplay, moreso just adds android auto functionality. Either way, impressive!

          If you don't need that functionality, a cheaper one is definitely adequate.

  • +8

    Seems very pricy, i've had the ekiy carplay adapter (https://ekiy.com.au/products/wireless-carplay-adapter) and it's been great for me and almost half the price. Works with Android Auto & Carplay.

  • +1

    It is a fact that every single car play adapter on the market is temperamental in working properly 100% of the time.

    • +1

      Incorrect. Mine has never had an issue

      • May I ask which model you have?

        • -4

          I have a quad lock

          • @spaceflight: Maybe you haven’t, but others certainly have had issues with that model. It averages 3/5 stars from 1300+ reviews, and goes to show how temperamental they are

            • +1


              Maybe you haven’t


              So it's not actually

              a fact that every single car play adapter on the market is temperamental in working properly 100% of the time.

      • +1

        Give it time. It’ll start playing up. Guaranteed.

  • +1

    Cost about $30. Works perfectly in my MG4, but you have to plug it in each time you start the car.

    • +8

      Yup, "crappy Chinese" ones from Aliexpress are a fraction of the price and work flawlessly, if anything the one linked is the crappy overpriced one, almost certainly sourced from China anyway.

      • +1

        Works until it doesn’t, and the Ali seller will laugh like a maniac in your face when you quote ACL.

        • Where do you think this is made?

          Or iPhones or Android phones?

          From Aerpro:

          Important Information:
          This module takes approximately 50 seconds to boot-up from when plugged straight in or after the radio has powered on.
          Only compatible with head units equipped with wired Apple CarPlay. Not compatible with all head units equipped with wired Apple CarPlay.
          The power output on some factory USB ports is not powerful enough for this module. If you encounter power issues or your module will not power up upon connecting to the factory head unit, the Aerpro AMUSBPC USB Power Booster Kit is recommended (sold separately).

          • @Big L:

            Where do you think this is made?

            It doesn't matter

            It's sold by an Australian store with Australian consumer protection

            • +1

              @spaceflight: For a premium of at least $80

              Sounds like a Harvey Norman excuse

    • I’ve got this one as well - there is a setting if you follow the manual to delay start on it which I read should make it work without needing to remove. I can’t get mine to work reliably with that though!

  • +2

    I’ve used a Carlinkit for about 4 years, do recommend and cheaper


    • Have the carlinkit myself. Cable is very delicate in that it only works in certain ways if you don't touch the box. Works about 80% of the time so happy with what I paid (about 90 from Amazon).

  • +2

    Yeah as others have commented, my crappy Chinese one I got for like $50 not on sale (two actually, one for each car) has been amazing, no issues at all. What's the benefit of this over sat, Carlinkit 2air or similar?

    • -4

      Those shitty little chinese ones with stolen software do not convert Carplay to AA.

      • Stolen software?! 🤣

      • Yeah fair but that's not what the title nor description of this deal pertain to.

  • +3

    I have a $30 Xuda one that works well from AliExpress

  • +3

    $249 rrp is insane, and half price is still poor value

  • +8

    Hate to break it to ya but Aerpro are just sticking their logo on a "crappy Chinese one" 😂

  • +4

    Carlinkt 5.0

    $52 on AliExpress

    Same thing if not better

  • Have a AliExpress. Works great for everything except incoming calls. Just doesn't put them through onto car system. Cost me $28. Guess I can try a few others.

  • +6

    Barely good value when paying $100+ for this kind of product to be honest.

  • Only compatible with head units equipped with wired Apple CarPlay.

    Not compatible with all head units equipped with wired Apple CarPlay.

    Intersection is zero head units.

  • It’s BS my top Honda model bought in 2016, doesn’t have CarPlay or android auto, and I can’t even switch out the head unit

    • Sounds justified to buy a new Honda now

    • +1

      it's nearly 10 years old!

  • I have a $25 one from AliExpress (android auto only) which has never had a dropout. The Motorola MA1 I had before dropped out constantly though. I believe it's because it used an 80Mhz channel width that is most more prone to interference.

    No need to pay $139.

  • We bought an MG ZS during the recent sales. The MGs only have Apple Carplay and we only have Android phones, so I bought a Carlinkit 4.0 to run Android Auto and it works really well. Just set a start up delay in the settings, or buy a USB cable with a switch for a few dollars from Aliexpress.

  • +1

    Most of these has a web interface where you can login to change some settings - the most important one being startup delay which is useful if your car's entertainment system takes a while to startup.

  • you can use a Raspberry Pi Zero W / 2 W


  • Any recommendations for CarPlay adapters that handle multiple devices well? I have the CarLinkIt 5.0 that supposedly does it when you enable manual connection on startup, but the device selection screen doesn’t appear (or device not recognised as CarPlay) until I’ve manually connected to it with my device of choice - defeating the purpose of doing it wirelessly if I have to get my phone out anyway.

    • You could try looking into reviews about this one:

      Ottocast U2-X Pro

      Why It’s Great:
      This variant from Ottocast supports both Apple CarPlay and Android Auto, and it excels at managing multiple device profiles. It remembers up to 10 devices, making it a strong choice for families or shared vehicles.
      Slightly pricier than single-platform adapters.

  • I've heard that the Ottocast U2-Air is pretty decent for the price.

    Anyone tried the Magic Link one?
    Because at $34 is sounds very cheap…

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