A bargain just in time for the Inauguration! Use it based on your political inclination. Use it as a talking point with visitors or to break the ice at home or start an argument. Use it as a mic or add it to your Beavis and Butthead collection. It's all up to you! 👍
The President (Trump) Cleaning Sponge $4.50 (RRP $9) + Delivery ($0 OnePass / C&C from Limited Stores) @ Kmart

Last edited 16/01/2025 - 18:44 by 1 other user
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Looking for a new toilet brush, just in time.
InB4 the landfill police come.
How do we feel about these digital landfill ozB comments that will exist in data centres, archived for eternity long after humans are gone?
@watchnerd Make landfill great again!
I heard they're bringing out a broom also - would be a good pickup if you're needing one of those.
I have an actual trump toilet brush. It’s all orange.
I think the gifter thought I might be offended, but I have it on display on the shelf.Here it is on Amazon, although mine is more orange. https://www.amazon.com.au/Donald-Toilet-Novelty-Political-To…
nah, hussain obongo, hunter and his dad had that market cornered years ago.
'Donald Orange' tint?
Can I take it to work and scrub all the wasteful time / money DEI initiatives away?
Look, folks, I’ve seen a lot of sponges, okay? A lot. Some are good, some are really bad—believe me. But this one, let me tell you, it’s the best. People are talking about it, they’re saying, 'Donald, this sponge is amazing, it's the best sponge, nobody cleans like this sponge!' And they’re right, folks, they’re 100% right. It gets the job done, bigly. It’s strong, it’s tough, it doesn’t back down—just like me. You need a sponge that knows how to get in there and make cleaning great again. This one does it. Everybody’s talking about it. It’s absolutely incredible, folks, just incredible
Far too coherent for Trump. You need to wonder off more.
I met a guy just yesterday, smart man, hard working too. Knows sponges, he really does, truely, what a guy, a sponge guy. It’s a family thing, family business. He said Donald, this sponge, it’s a great sponge. I don’t know. People are saying, they’re saying it’s the best sponge and they would know. It’s truly great. I said Elon you could clean rockets with these. Elon what a guy, great guy, really knows rockets and sponges too. He’ll use them. I know he will. Great sponge.
I see what you did there, starting to go off topic, but you still came back to sponges. Trump would have been talking about the Haitians by now
@PhilToinby: It’s true. I should have pivoted hard into illegals don’t wash so they don't need them and ended on renaming Europe to Eastern America after I invade Greenland.
Elon and Musk, sponges
foron humanityLove it. Spot on!
you gotta do the weave
Were you holding your shiny puce coloured lips like the shuddering sphincter of a chilli eating novice the morning of day after the big competition, when you uttered these words??
And doing the little waist high, 2 hand shuffle?They're made in Chyna. Chyyna.
Gonna slap 100% tariff on em.rofl nailed it!
It doesn't look like it would work well as a sponge.
You've missed the obvious metaphor.
Or they're building on the metaphor
Go MAGA!!!
Make Australia Great Again.
yes too late now after the first fleet came :(
@MaxHashrate: There's still places in the outback where you can rub sticks together like the good old days.
@Lets Go Brandon: Sadly there is only soy drinkers rubbing things together nowadays with depression haha
@Lets Go Brandon: How embarrassing to have let’s go Brandon as your username being in Australia. Head to Texas you seppo flog.
@Snagsandonions: Australia's system with free* healthcare and social payments would be akin to communism to Americans lmao. Not sure why he is even staying in Australia if he hated such a system.
You're welcome to leave…
no one’s forcing you to stay, go away
What period in Australia’s history is the great that we should strive to return to?
What makes it less than great now?
@huju: Yeah not quality of life or housing affordably, something that in no way affects me is #1 issue.
@Kommodore: They'll probably think they're being downvoted by the "left"
But reality is they're being downvoted as people caught up in culture wars are pathetic and annoying.Literally no-one cares, let people do what they want. There's bigger problems in the world.
@huju: How many times in your life have you been affected by this? Who cares what people want their gender to be.
The only time the topic crosses my mind is when I read comments by snowflakes whinging about it.
@huju: You've literally been programmed by fox news to hate on trans people when it's the rich who are having the biggest negative impact on your life.
@huju: Greetings,
I appreciate everyone sharing their perspectives.
The US recently passed a bill to ban men competing in women's sports. https://youtube.com/watch?v=Q8fhhpX019M&t=15s
The world is changing and rejecting far left ideas.
Trump 2025 is just the beginning, other western countries like Australia will likely shift rightward in the coming years and return towards the centre.
The silent majority does not agree with being able to change your gender on a birth certificate. It goes against biology, reality, and damages our youth and society. People are just afraid to speak up due to the "tolerant" left.
Allowing changes to gender on birth certificates sets a precedent that will lead to further distortions of factual documents, undermining their reliability.
Supporting someone's delusions may seem kind or compassionate, but in reality, it can be harmful and have serious consequences.
I'm not saying this to be mean or hurtful. I genuinely just don't want people to suffer from delusions, because unfortunately I've personally seen too much damage done from it.
Take care.
NCAA president Charlie Baker has said that there are fewer than 10 transgender athletes out of about 510,000 competing in the NCAA.
Real big issue.
@Gehirn: Right, so the number of cases somehow determine whether an absolutely deranged policy is indeed a deranged policy.
Also, to your logic - probably less than .1% abortions happen because the baby was conceived due to rape.
And yet this .1% statistic is the primary argument to justifying abortions,
They are making appeals to allowing abortion until the full term btw.
@huju: This right here is the MAGA playbook.
Ignore issues that impact majority of Americans (universal healthcare, how to deal with inflation, the climate crisis, education reform, common sense gun laws so people can live their lives in less fear and kids can go to school without getting their heads blown off, and letting a man off who attempted to turn the country on its head by cheating an election and praising the rioters who sided with him).
Ignore all that and shift your focus and anger towards child transgender surgeries, because you have no answers for the real problems.
Its called distraction, and sadly too many Americans are flat out too dumb to see through the pathetic strategy and vote for their interests.
70s and 80s. Elite era!!
@Duece1995: Housing was certainly more affordable and a household could run off a single income.
Would we be allowed to smoke in restaurants and at our desks again?
We’d also lose universal healthcare and compulsory superannuation.
@OzzyBrak: Healthcare was available free for all. Compulsory super didn't exist but you could pay off a house in under 5 years with a single income. Growing up playing on the streets with your mates and riding your bike until dusk. Local manufacturing was rampant everywhere including overtime work. No devices to pre occupy you.
Best era ever!!
@Duece1995: The old memory might be going on you mate.
Why we needed Medicare
By the early 1980s, instead of covering all Australians, the Australian Government provided health cover only to pensioners and low-income households.
Before Medicare we had a very ramshackle system. There was private insurance, but it was very inefficient …
– Bill Bowtell, chief of staff for health minister Neal Blewett, 1984.
Forty years ago, it was hard to get affordable health care in Australia. Many Australians were left without healthcare cover after Medibank was abolished. Three out of 5 families didn’t have private health insurance because they couldn’t afford it. There was no bulk billing, and people had to pay for a visit to the doctor in full at the time.
Hundreds of thousands of Australians were not covered for medical treatment or hospital care. Hundreds of thousands of others could ill afford the rising cost of private health insurance.
– The Age, 1 February 1984.
… [The] new Medicare program … will mean that nine out of ten Australians will pay less for the health needs of themselves and their families …
– Opposition leader Bob Hawke, February 1983.
https://www.health.gov.au/medicare-turns-40/history@OzzyBrak: Not sure what doctor you were using. We would get a home doctor visit and it was all bulk billed.
@Duece1995: Makes sense that Bob Hawk, The Age, Bill Bowtell and the federal health website would be wrong and ol' Duece1995 remembers the truth. Typical fake news man.
@OzzyBrak: Over the last 40 years, the national GP bulk billing rate has increased over time. At the start of Medicare in 1984, the annual GP bulk billing rate was 51% before increasing to a 40-year high of 89% in 2020
@Duece1995: Cooked
https://www.abc.net.au/news/2025-01-13/visits-to-gp-postpone…"A new report shows the cost of GP visits is rising and the number of practices offering bulk-billing is declining.
The average out-of-pocket cost for a GP visit has risen by 4.1 per cent nationally over the past year."
@Duece1995: 70 - 80s is 20 years. You only have universal healthcare for 6 of them and the early years were still low at 51% for bulk billing. Roughly 3 or 4 decent years until we hit the 90s.
@OzzyBrak: What's the bulk billing rate now? Also factor in the average cost of of housing in the 80s and basic costs of everyday living.
No comparison im afraid.
@OzzyBrak: The thing about Australian Healthcare ( a mix of public and private) is it is a better system than just about anywhere else.
For example the American private system is much more expensive, while the UK NHS is much more sclerotic and slowThese outcomes are inevitable because
Private health service demand is managed by price;
Public health service demand is managed by queues and waiting lists.As an aside, the private system is more effective at driving innovations and improvements in healthcare, the public system at making them more accessible..
Anyway, it is best to have a mix of both.
@entropysbane: According to CEOWORLD Magazine's Health Care Index 2024 Australia's health care system is the 3rd best in the world.
Taiwan was ranked as the best healthcare system in the world. Also Taiwan is one of the few countries where citizens enjoy universal health care.However according to the Legatum Prosperity Index 2023, Australia sits at 21, with Singapore at 1 (and Taiwan at 4).
@Duece1995: There is literally no way to go back to the 80s. That was based on being a young, rapidly growing country in a vastly different global setting.
Aside from healthcare and changes to super, there is no politician that would be able to turn the clock back like that.
In the US, all maga can achieve is to bring back discrimination, and a new wave of extreme blatant corruption.In the US, all maga can achieve is to bring back discrimination, and a new wave of extreme blatant corruption.
Wow, so much for integrity aye
@Gervais fanboy: What do you mean? The Trump administration was extremely corrupt in the first term. And they already walked back on lowering grocery prices (which was impossible anyway).
All they got left is deporting Mexicans and making a scene with tariffs, which historically have resulted in a recession 3-4 years down the line.And they already walked back on lowering grocery prices
- Man’s not even in the office yet
- love to see you caring about the American grocery prices, economy etc
Where was this same energy and concerns the past 4 years. 4 years of record inflation and price hikes.
I am sure you would have complained about it somewhere here. Please link me to it.
All they got left is deporting Mexicans
Now that’s your inner racist speaking by assigning race to illegals who have crossed the border illegally. Illegals have no race or gender, they are just criminals that need to be prosecuted by law.
I am dark skinned too so I should be able to break through your door and sleep on your bed or otherwise you would be racist, right?I'm referring to him being asked about it recently and said it would be "very hard". Also
I did
Ah yes because Trump's never mentioned "mexicans". Not sure if you're just trolling or genuinely called me racist because you didn't like me quoting him. Snowflake behaviour.
Anyway, my point was that he wasn't going to deliver on any of his promises which could actually benefit people.
@Rick Sanchez: in a recession now, thanks to the last 4 years of the senile zombie bribe taking hussain obama meat puppet fake potus. extremely corrupt? how about some examples? deporting mexicans? how about the rest of the 134 other nationalities that invaded over the biden's open border? just the threat of tariffs on mexico has got them shutting off the illegals already and trump has not even taken office yet.
70's to early 2000
@m0tyrider: I could get right behind watching Beyond 2000 again. Let’s make it happen.
I’d say it’s worth giving up Google, YouTube, Facebook, instagram and TikTok for. 56.6k modems baby, make jpeg slow again.
@m0tyrider: Early 70s with conscription and off to fight in Vietnam for 18yo males until Whitlam won government in 1972.
@DashCam AKA Rolts: McMahon formally ended our involvement in Vietnam. The last of the troops got back home under Whitlam. Whitlam ended conscription though.
A week before SAfrican Apartheid ended.
Australia is no longer the lucky country. Pretty obvious I would've thought.
Our alleged multiculturalism
Before the dismissal of Gough Whitlam who introduced many positive Social Values :(destroyed by J. Howard et. al ;)
@taki: That is a superb idea, we could even keep the acronym.
Make Australia Gough Again.We'd just need to remember to never ever talk about, or threaten the existence of any American run facilities in the outback and we'd be golden.
@taki: getting rid of comrade witless was the best move we ever made. and it was confirmed in the landslide election a few months later.
1983 to about 2008.
The 1970s sucked, only less suckage than the stuffed UK at the time.
The start of peak Oz was the America’s cup win, or maybe when Men at Work released “Down under” (1981), the end probably around our response to the GFC.It has only deteriorated since.
@entropysbane: This has been a global thing, not dealing with the GFC correctly and not letting things unwind is the root cause imo.
We learnt nothing and did it all over again with the COVID slowdown and resulting GFC style stimulus. People are still reeling from that and I'd be surprised if we're out of the woods yet.@OzzyBrak: Keynesian theory when it all boils down to it is that government spending rise in a downturn and falls in the upswing. Countercyclical.
Unfortunately that is not the way politics works and it is actually a ratchet on government spending. Excess government spending delays and lessens any recovery. And gives us inflation. Like our current malaise.
The time with whites only.
Maybe Maca. -
Make Australia clean againWhat do you like about MAGA?
The racism and sexism mostly
Qantas has really dropped the ball on this one…
Should've been a toilet brush.
Can’t wait…
Why’s that? You American?
The wit on this one….
Anyone who thinks Biden has done a good job is the very reason Australia is where we are now.
I don’t think anyone anywhere’s genuinely pro Biden/Kamala, they just fictitiously say it coz they would never be pro Trump, people feel like they are being forced to pick a side against Trump.
And maybe they have a good point in their stance, who knows.
Might use it to apply my fake tan for the weekend….