Cheap dumbells and weights?

Hi Ozbargainers,

I was looking at getting back in shape this summer and build some muscle tone.

As a true Ozbargainer, I don't really believe in gyms as I believe I can achieve similar results at home :P

Can anyone help me out with places I can get cheap weights? or any specials currently on? of if a fellow ozbargainer can offer to sell/provide a good deal?
I am also looking for a work bench, and would appreciate advice on this too.

What price per kg is good for plastic/cement/cast iron? And does the material really matter in the first place?

Thank you.


  • Saw some cheap dumbbells in the Sam's Warehouse catalogue a few weeks ago and though that sale's over, I don't think the normal price would be too expensive anyway :) Also, I bought my dumbbells from Kmart (the 1.5 kg ones) for I think $6 or $7 each - this was also during the non-sale period though

    • cool. There is a sam's warehouse close to me, so I will just walk in to check it out.
      The dumbells from Kmart sound expensive :O I am looking for about 30/40kg of total weight, so at $4 per/kg will be too expensive for me!

      • Unless you are already pretty strong you won't need that much just for dumbbells. If you have the space get a bench and a barbell, expands your possibilities GREATLY.

  • ebay is a good place to hunt if you have the time to wait and drive around to pick up

  • Check out Gumtree too.
    I recently purchased 45kg of weights, a barbell and two adjustable dumbbells for $50 - just need to be really lucky and fast.

  • Definitely gumtree for bargains.

  • You could always try your luck on ebay.
    3 years ago I came across an auction for a new bench with a pulldown and preacher attachment as well as a bit for leg extensions. And it came with 45kg cast iron weights and a barbell- I won it for just over 100 delivered. I just tried looking for the seller but it looks like they've stopped selling fitness gear and are selling hair products/cosmetics now…
    A few days later I won another auction for 90kg used weights for 150 pickup. But hey, they're weights, new or used doesn't matter I reckon. As long as they're not rusty :-)

    Tl;dr - try your luck on ebay :-)

  • There are some specials in this week's Big W catalogue. I cbf posting them but some include weight bench including 36kg weight set for $98 and 50kg weight set for $60. All endorsed by Guy Leech lol.

  • I know this doesnt speak to your original question and I hope this isnt bad etiquette:

    Kettlebells > Dumbells. Shorter workouts, promotes proper muscle movements (muscles are not designed to be worked in isolation) and as they work both cardio and core muscles so the fat loss/health improvements are greater.

    • any links on using kettleball workouts (for cardio and muscles). I wouldn't mind them if they are flexibile to be used in a variety of workouts?

      • +1

        I'd google it but most of the exercises I've seen would be better off having someone show you. They're good but I'd suggest the need to be done correctly.

  • Cast iron. Plastic will have cement or sand filling and will wear away or crack.
    I'd go Gumtree as it's local.

    • Thanks

  • There's this on the front page:

    Not really hard-core quality but better than nothing

  • BIG W……S.A. maybe other states too….will have a MASSIVE……GYM/EXERCISE equipment SALES STARTING TOMORROW 21ST FEB…(A.K.A. MY CHICK CUZINS BIRTHDAY)…..

    anyways…they have 50kg dumbbell set and barbell set for 60$…………..VERY DECENTLY PRICED.

    PS. with your question regarding….type of material…NO IT DOESN'T MATTER. as it is the weight of the object not the material that is doing the influence to your muscles….FURTHERMORE if you really wanna OZBARGAIN IT….then yeah large drinking containers filled with water or sand…will do the job…BUT THE GRIP IS APPAULLING….

    so yeah…

    p.s. i agree with home gym vs PUBLIC GYM…sure they have more tools and equip…but hte DRIVE and the time need to do all that….FORGET IT….stay home watch tv or whatever and DO IRON PUMPOING WHILE DOING SUCH homey activiies….LIKE BRUCE LEE…..he worked out EVERYWHERE MAN….even on plane trips to film shoots LOL………


    good 'luck'/going with everything…


    peace out

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