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Seagate Freeagent 1 TB USB 3.5" @ $168 & WD Essential Edition USB 750GB 3.5" @ $146


went there to check the stock of benq e2200hd and saw that they have on sale the Seagate Freeagent (the old brown model) 1TB for $169 and WD Essential Edition 750GB for $146. I think this is cheap….the best i could find on shopbot for the seagate is $219 (but it's the newer mode though)

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closed Comments

  • Better hope they have the new firmware! ;)

  • delivery is $29 Australia wide.
    so unless you are within ~10km zone from one of their shops, it is not as good deal.

  • Do these drives actually require firmware update?

    • that depends on how old the stock is. If it comes with the older firmware, you'd definitely want to update the firmware!

      • That's assuming the drive is one of the affected models - of which my relatively brief research indicates that it is not.

  • Just picked one up from Office Works (price matched with 5% off) for $160!

    • So, I assume you live somewhere in Melbourne? Because when I last time tried pricematching in my local Officeworks, they wanted to include the shipping to the price also, since the shop to be matched was not in the same city. I don't know if that's the way the policy should work or did I get dodged?

      • That's exactly how the OW price match policy works. Can't complain really when they'll match online-only traders, and don't charge % fee for Credit Card, and give FlyBuy points, and provide sales service, and provide after-sales service, et cetera…
        [ :- { )

  • Yes.. i do live in Melb..

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