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Nespresso Compatible Coffee Capsules Only $4.05 Per Box 10 + $6.90 Shipping


The capsules are packed in boxes of 10 capsules per box and come in the following options

Use the coupon code OZBD11 to receive the OZbargain discount of additional 10% so you are paying $4.05 per box 10 capsules.
Espresso Dark Roast 1:
This darkly roasted blend of premium Arabica beans from South America and Africa delivers a full-bodied, well-rounded bold taste. (Box of 10 Capsules).

Espresso Medium Roast 2:
A private blend of premium Arabica beans from South America, delicately blended with a touch
of Indian Robusta to create a slightly sweet, medium bodied espresso with a velvety smooth finish (Box of 10 Capsules).

Espresso Mild Roast 3:
A mild, easy drinking espresso consisting of the finest beans from Colombia, Costa Rica and India,
this blend has a fruity flavour with a softly rounded character(Box of 10 Capsules).

Lungo 4:

The Lungo is best enjoyed as a double espresso shot. Hand selected Arabica beans from South America and Africa, combined with choice quality Indian Robusta beans result in full-bodied intensity and a lasting rich flavour.

Decaffe 5:
This delicate roast preserves the full-body of these premium decaffeinated Colombian
Arabica beans, bringing out a subtle charred flavour with a hint of wine (Box of 10 Capsules)

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  • Add shipping to title, $6.90 per order

  • +1

    They are $4.50 a box.

    This doesn't seem like a deal to me. The legit Nespresso capsules aren't much more expensive, and probably taste a whole lot better than this. Shipping cost is also what brings it down.

  • After applying the ozbargain coupon you are paying $4.05 per box which is a 40% saving on buying genukne nespresso who also charge shipping

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