DOTAKE » posts

Need a Deal for Light and Portable Laptop under $800

Seems like almost all the deal about laptop is 15.6", it is too big and too heavy, i want something like 12 to 14" I need a light and portable laptop under $800. there were a good Toshiba …

Just Jeans 30% OFF, Including Already on Sale Items, with Free Delivery

expired Just Jeans 30% OFF, Including Already on Sale Items, with Free Delivery

just jeans store wide 30% off! with free delivery. looks like some pretty good deals there.

TDK Noise Cancellation NC350 in-Ear Headphones $19.95 Inc Postage @ Dick Smith

expired TDK Noise Cancellation NC350 in-Ear Headphones $19.95 Inc Postage @ Dick Smith

Good Value, and seems the noise cancellation effect is nice, maybe as good as the SONY one the other day! If you bought four, or with other items, you may able to apply the $15 discount! Model #: …

MSY $119 D-Link DSL-2880AL Wireless AC1200 Dual Band Modem with 4 Port Gigabit Switch

expired MSY $119 D-Link DSL-2880AL Wireless AC1200 Dual Band Modem with 4 Port Gigabit Switch

Saw on MSY's website, seems like a good deal, not sure about the value. ANYone has BETTER DEAL for wireless router? Connectivity Fast 802.11ac wireless for reliable long-range wireless …

Any recent deal for CREE?

Looking for to buy a CREE with good bargain price. Anyone know? Thanks!

Grand Theft Auto V (Xbox 360/PS3) $64.56 Free Delivery +Others

expired Grand Theft Auto V (Xbox 360/PS3) $64.56 Free Delivery +Others

Grand Theft Auto V (Xbox 360 or PS3) $64.56 with free delivery. There are also many other titles with a low price, all free delivery. They accept Paypal.