mataeka » user profile

Member Since | 13/07/2015 |
Last Seen | 26/09/2024 |
Badges | 1 |
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mataeka replied to
corky on $15 off Minimum $50 Coles Online Spend with Coles Mastercard Credit Card (Use Up to 3 Times) @ Coles

didn't get for me or my husband who have separate cards - I shop sporadically both online and instore, he doesn't at all.

I cycle between 1-2. Atm we have 3, Prime (standard for the shipping), Netflix (buying w/ gift cards - bought 5x$20 and got $15 credit on…

just a tip on the barcode scanner - from memory you can scan them at the seperate flybuys barcode scanner and that tends to work better,…

I'm in a rural area - we usually get these calendars given to us by the kids school even though there are PLENTY of family's without farms…

How does that work with barcodes/Images?

mataeka posted a forum topic Apps for Keeping Track of Digital Giftcards
Ok, OzB seems like you guys would have a solution - do you have an app or a way to keep track of digital gift cards on your phones? I've…

mataeka replied to
ibuy on [Unobtainable Deal] Free Brick Bag on World Play Day – 12 October (No Purchase Required) @ LEGO Stores

Yup, I've learnt this now - Nasty way to learn the lesson. It's all the minecraft sets now though, they seem to have even better resell on…

mataeka replied to
ibuy on [Unobtainable Deal] Free Brick Bag on World Play Day – 12 October (No Purchase Required) @ LEGO Stores

I ummed an ahhed a lego garbage truck for my at the time 2yo ... unbeknownst to me it was getting discontinued - would have cost me $25,…

tbh, at 2 and a half - way too young to get much from the app in my experience. I tried with my maybe 3, 3.5 year old with a free trial and…

Yup, Parent account - kids profiles. We, like many others have it through a school account - but they're connected to my main account…

I've not tried mathletics or mathseeds with my kids - but prodigy held my kids interest for a bit in a maths capacity. Further to that -…

mataeka replied to
ltwo on [Android] Free: Memorize Japanese Words with Flashcards $0 (Was $11.99) @ Google Play


My grandfather had to have one done at 13 and as a result all his kids were circumcised to avoid the pain he went through. We made the…

mataeka replied to
Gervais fanboy on Free: "What Is a Woman?" Documentary @ The Daily Wire via Twitter

Ok, so you've found a bunch of American and Overseas data - This is an Aussie site no? So lets talk about Australia - which is the…

mataeka replied to
Gervais fanboy on Free: "What Is a Woman?" Documentary @ The Daily Wire via Twitter

Do you have any evidence this is actually happening? All I could find is the surgeries are not usually done under 18 years. Anything where…

mataeka replied to
Dexdexter on Newdora Windproof Folding Umbrella Auto Open Close Button $17.99 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ Amazon AU

It has a button you press to shut it?

mataeka replied to
Andard on [iOS, Android] Download Ride On: Let’s Ride App for One Free Kids Amusement Ride @ iTunes & Google Play

Same happened to me and I didn't go into the camera

mataeka commented on Win a $1,000 FXD Wardrobe from WorkwearHub
Used cludos Mine

mataeka commented on Win 1 of 5 Sourdough Making Tool Kits Including Recipe eBook Valued at $70 Each from Nourishme Organics
Used skyblues Mine

Thanks OP

mataeka commented on Win a Linen House Sheet Set & Bosisto's Prize Pack Worth $300 or 1 of 5 Bosisto's Prize Packs Worth $100 from Bosisto's

mataeka commented on Financial Planning as a Single Woman
I'm thoroughly curious how your super is so low o.o I'm roughly the same age, only worked full time 6 years (part time 2) and I'm closer to…

I'm surprised so many liked this flavour - I bought a block cheap a few weeks ago (maybe 50¢) but didn't go back because the texture was…

I ate horse meat in Japan too, bit of a delicacy because of course its raw ;p

No obnoxious shirts is a weird and big call... Particularly when it comes to the engrish. I bought a shirt that said 'he gets excited' and…

Hmm, sorta can confirm. There is a big us vs them sorta mentality generally - mostly in things relating to how foreigners can't possibly…

Cantonese and mandarin are languages not dialects though?

Any idea if they have eftpos yet or if the atm still charge outside of business hours? I found those two quirks seriously quirky for such a…

Ive witnessed and photographed the train pushing - the look on one woman's face was epic - it seems Japanese trains have disabled the 'if…