Justinism » posts

What Is The Optimum OzBargain Credit Card Line up?

So…. Westpac has decided to take away their Amex offering next April. I like the Amex for its 3X reward points and for the Shop small and Amex connect deals so i find it essential to my Wallet …

At-fault vehicle owner uncoorperative after an accident

TL:DR - Need to know the process one would take against an owner, whose driver is at-fault, and is refusing to provide details for me to claim against his insurance. I have no insurance on my damaged …


Witnessed a very interesting heist on Woolies

Aboriginal transgender Female, rocking a pink mini skirt, a black arm cast, a pink hibiscus flower hair clip, black handbag, and a white crop top. if you can image that, you have the main character …