MrScavenge » user profile

Member Since 18/06/2018
Last Seen 9 hours 11 min
Location Cairns

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If your just after movie transcoding look into intel quick sync.
19/08/2021 - 12:39
Need a replacement dishwasher, anyone know if this is good.
11/03/2021 - 10:57
Hmm, I have tried this but does not get extra discount in cart for me. Still shows $296.59
02/12/2020 - 17:04
Looks like price has gone back up cheapest is 93 + shipping.
27/11/2020 - 15:22
is this worth $100 more then the realme 6?
03/11/2020 - 15:33
I have had issues with shipping times when ordering from Umart previously. Pretty sure item was marked "in stock" when it was not so took…
21/10/2020 - 17:20
Anyone got an opinion of this vs xiaomi mi 10 lite 5g
13/10/2020 - 18:17
Don't primarily feed your cats dry food, buy wet stuff. edit: they are also carnivores and shouldn't be eating fruit and veg…
12/08/2020 - 10:39
About $20 difference not including cashback…
07/08/2020 - 11:42
The viewsonic model in this range has really good reviews, not sure about how it compares for video editing as I think it is more tailored…
21/07/2020 - 21:58
Oh right, I'm blind haha. I am on mobile completely missed that.
19/07/2020 - 21:31
Hmm my price for those components is $1202, how did you get that price?
19/07/2020 - 21:25
Ah I see it falls under electronics, cool beans. thanks bud
15/07/2020 - 18:27
does this qualify for any of the cashback options? couldnt see anything for computers or data storage
15/07/2020 - 18:08
I haven't got a monitor bigger then 24" but I have read a few things saying 32" is to big for a gaming monitor even if it's curved. How has…
01/07/2020 - 15:33
Wonder how it compares to the viewsonic vx2758 you can get it for around 500 with shipping and the reviews I have seen are really good…
01/07/2020 - 15:26
Wanted to get a premium beard oil gift box but the discount only shows 60 to 49.99. I thought the 30% was on everything?
26/06/2020 - 15:20
I am in the same boat and have been leaning pretty hard towards getting both 1440 and 144hz, even if my rig cant get 144fps now I dont need…
25/06/2020 - 07:52
Chromebooks seem to have decent specs for their price, if I'm just going to wipe whatever the original OS is installed I want best specs…
08/04/2020 - 22:37
Would this be decent to just wipe and install Ubuntu or another Linux version on this?
05/04/2020 - 19:07
it is a lot easier than people make it out to be but whatever makes you comfortable.
27/08/2019 - 13:30
That doesnt seem like a good deal, its 530 for the 3600 (seen for 270ish) with 8Gb (maybe $80) of ram and a 120 dollar Mobo.
25/08/2019 - 19:18
Have you got one of these? Thinking about getting one but it doesnt give many specs on that site, do you know how thick it is or how it…
18/06/2018 - 13:40