Ashfield » posts

What is/was the best pair running/walking shoes you have ever owned?

Name your best pair of walking/running shoes ever owned. Understand best is subjective for everyone but let’s just say comfort tops the list followed by aesthetics/looks and then the price.

Buying a New Car, Need Advice and Suggestions

I'm in my early thirties and have never driven before since I never felt the need to own a car or for that matter drive. But after covid and social distancing in place now I feel like it's …

VICTA 82v Mower for $569 @ BW Machinery

expired VICTA 82v Mower for $569 @ BW Machinery

Get Victa 82v 18 inch battery powered mower for $512 when you price match at Bunnings. Comes with a 2Ah battery with a fast charger. Takes 30 mins to fully charge the battery. Bunnings have listed …